Top Shenhao

Chapter 994: Qin Shi comes to the door

"Mr. Smit, is there anything else?" Lin Yun sat on the sofa, looking at him who came back with his legs folded.

"55 points, this is the maximum I can accept." Smit's face was gloomy.

"Liu Bo, see me off." Lin Yun said while drinking tea.

"Six... Sixty-four points! You six!" Smith gritted his teeth.

"One to nine, and we are only responsible for supplying products, and we don't care about everything else. I will decide the ratio and have no discussion." Lin Yun put down the tea cup and stood up.


Smidt's face was hard to see the extreme, how could there be such a negotiation.

At first he thought that Lin Yun was a hairy boy and he was better to deal with. He didn't expect Lin Yun to be so determined.

And he found that Lin Yun didn't care about it at all.

But he cares.

"3 to 7, we are 3!" Smidt gritted his teeth and said this sentence.

"Liu Bo, see off the guests." Lin Yun said calmly.


"You don't need to send it, I will leave now! I am Schmidt put my words here, you Yunyao Group products, never want to enter the M country market!"

After Smit dropped this sentence, he turned and left angrily.

Inside the villa.

"Brother Yun, he seems to have really left this time," Liu Bo said.

"Even if it is 1 to 9 points, the profits they can make a year are tens of billions. If he is not satisfied, then there is no way. I will not let my product and help others earn a lot of money." Lin Yun said calmly.

How terrible the profit of Shenxianshui Oral Liquid is, no need to repeat it, let alone a 10% point, even a 0.5% point, it is also big enough to make a special profit.

They want to swallow too much, is it possible?

"Then, about expanding overseas markets?" Liu Bo looked at Lin Yun.

"Let's take care of it, I will leave it to you to handle it at all. The ratio is 9 to 1 as I said. If there is anything undecided, just contact me." Lin Yun said.

"Good Brother Yun." Liu Bo nodded in response.

"By the way, Brother Yun, I have collected the medicinal materials you asked me to collect last time. I will send someone to you later." Liu Bo said.

"Okay, go ahead." Lin Yun nodded.

As soon as Liu Bo walked out the door, a beautiful figure walked in from outside the door.

Lin Yun looked up and saw that it was Qin Shi that came into view.

She wore exquisite makeup, wearing a white gauze shirt and a short black skirt to support her beautiful legs.

"Lin Yun, I am willing to return to the imperial capital."

While Qin Shi was speaking, she also lifted up her permed hair, supporting her delicate features and petite face.

"Qin Shi, how do you know I'm back?" Lin Yun asked in surprise.

"Want to know if you come back, it is not difficult for me." Qin Shi smiled.

Qin Shi said, walking light and cheerful steps, walked to Lin Yun's side, and got to the next sofa.

"In a blink of an eye, we haven't seen each other for more than two months? Time flies so fast." Qin Shi looked out the window with a pair of deep spiritual eyes, with a complex expression.

"Miss Qin Shi, what are you doing lately?" Lin Yun looked at her.

"Everyday is very boring, life is just like black and white TV, without color, in order not to be boring, I recently enrolled in a taekwondo class to learn taekwondo." Qin Shi said.

"A girl, why do you learn taekwondo? Besides, you also have bodyguards. Even if you are in danger, you don't need to act." Lin Yun smiled and shook his head.

"I like it, no." Qin Shi pouted and stared at Lin Yun.

"Uh, of course!" Lin Yun smiled bitterly.

"Lin Yun, you are a very busy person. It's rare to come back once. Let me go out for a stroll." Qin Shi said.

"This..., all right." Lin Yun stood up.

Lin Yun's plan is to retreat and improve his strength during this period.

But there is no shortage of time. Qin Shi has helped Lin Yun a lot, and Lin Yun also regarded her as a friend.

Of course, the relationship between the two has always been more subtle, above friends but not lovers.

After going out.

Lin Yun got into Qin Shi's car.

"Qin Shi, where are we going." Lin Yun asked.

"When you arrive, you will know." Qin Shi showed a slight smile.

About an hour later, Qin Shi took Lin Yun to a taekwondo gym.

"This is where I learn Taekwondo." Qin Shi pointed to this taekwondo gym.

"Oh? Why did you bring me here?" Lin Yun was a little surprised.

"Aren't you good at your skills? Help me teach someone, and let me see if your martial arts are strong, or taekwondo is strong." Qin Shi said with a smile.

Lin Yun rolled his eyes helplessly, feeling is here to do this.

"Since you made such a request, well, I will satisfy you." Lin Yun said.

"Okay, let's go."

Qin Shi happily led Lin Yun into the Taekwondo Gym.

In the Taekwondo Hall, many students in white Taekwondo uniforms are standing in place.

Right in front, a real battle is going on.

"Isn't that Zhang Zhiyuan?" Lin Yun's eyes fell on a young figure right in front of him.

This person is Zhang Zhiyuan. Lin Yun gave Qin Shijia monster meat. Zhang Zhiyuan and his father were in Qin's house.

At that time, Zhang Zhiyuan saw Lin Yun giving out souvenirs, and he also mocked Lin Yun as a hillbilly.

After the three people went to the movies, Zhang Zhiyuan was still very angry.

Lin Yun remembered him still fresh.

"Yes, he learned that I came to this taekwondo gym to study, he also ran to sign up, it was annoying." Qin Shi pouted.

"He, is he trying to chase you?" Lin Yun looked at Zhang Zhiyuan's figure.

When Lin Yun left, he also reminded Qin Shi that he asked Qin Shi to ditch this person. This person must have been unkind to Qin Shi.

"He grew up in a foreign country. He has studied taekwondo for several years before. He is a black belt second-tier. He always shows off in front of me and always wants to teach me. It is annoying." Qin Shi said unhappy.

"So that's it." Lin Yun nodded suddenly.


Zhang Zhiyuan played against three Taekwondo practitioners at a time, and the competition had already begun.

His opponents are three red belt students, and the red belt means that they have begun to attack.

This Zhiyuan hit three times five times two, and quickly beat the three red belt taekwondo students to the ground.

"Three elementary school brothers, let them go!" Zhang Zhiyuan smiled and said to the three defeated generals.


The Taekwondo practitioners who stood by and watched suddenly burst into applause.

"Wow, Brother Zhiyuan is so handsome!"

Many young female students screamed directly, revealing an idiot.

In front of this group of rookie students, Zhang Zhiyuan, a second-tier black belt, was enough to look down upon the crowd.

Zhang Zhiyuan glanced away and just happened to see Lin Yun and Qin Shi.

"Sister Qin Shi, you are here!" Zhang Zhiyuan walked over with a smile.

When Zhang Zhiyuan saw Lin Yun, his face sank.

He looked at Lin Yun quite unhappy.

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