Top: Spicy Tiansai, Let The World Feel The Pain

Chapter 50 Shirahoshi Caused A Sensation, Luo Xiu Meets Celestial Dragons Again!

Luo Xiu's eyes stared at Van der Daken suddenly, and black flames appeared instantly, enveloping Van der Daken!


"Hot hot!!!"


"Forgive me! Forgive me!!"

The scorching heat made Van der Dyken let out a series of screams, begging for mercy, and a scorching smell from his body.

Luo Xiu grabbed Van der Daken's neck and threw it suddenly, and the powerful arm threw Van der Daken directly into the sea.

Even if he fell into the sea, the Amaterasu flame on Van der Dyken's body still didn't go out, and it would keep burning until it burned him out!

"Let's go, Shirahoshi!"

"From now on, you will no longer be harassed!"

Luo Xiu clapped his palms, as if he had done an insignificant thing.


"Master Luo Xiu is really amazing!"

"Thank you so much!"

When Shirahoshi saw that Luo Xiu had easily dealt with the villains who had attacked him for more than ten years, he yelled excitedly and walked around Luo Xiu, very excited and happy!

Looking at Shirahoshi's cheering appearance, Luo Xiu also showed a smile on his face.

Such an innocent girl has been hiding in the closed hard-shell tower because of scum like Van der Daken, it is simply a great sin!

After solving Van der Daken, Luo Xiu accompanied Shirahoshi to the cemetery of Princess Umemori Otohime, watching the little girl confide to her mother what happened over the years.

"Lord Luo Xiu, I've been waiting for a long time!"

"Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to mourn my mother!"

Shirahoshi rubbed his red eyes, came to Luo Xiu's side, hugged Luo Xiu with both hands and stuck to her cheeks, full of deep gratitude to Luo Xiu in his heart!

"Don't worry anymore, you can wander freely in the sea from now on, and I will always protect you!"

Luo Xiu reached out and touched her head and comforted her softly. For such an innocent and pure girl, Luo Xiu liked her from the bottom of his heart.


Shirahoshi hugged Luo Xiu tightly, although his body was small, it brought him an unparalleled sense of security.

"Shirahoshi, didn't you say you wanted to see the sun?"

"I'll take you there!"

Luo Xiu looked at the extremely insecure little girl in front of her with pity in her eyes.

"is it okay?!"

Shirahoshi immediately showed surprise on his face!

She has never seen the sun since she was born, and she has always heard about the sun from other people's descriptions.

Shirahoshi was eager to see the world above the sea and feel the warmth of the sun.

"Of course!"

"Close your eyes, count to three, and we're at the surface!"


For Luo Xiu's words, Shirahoshi didn't have any doubts, and immediately closed her eyes and started counting. In her impression, Luo Xiu was an omnipotent hero!


"Flying Thunder God!"


Almost in the blink of an eye, Luo Xiu brought Shirahoshi to Sabaody Archipelago from the seabed of 10,000 meters.

Luo Xiu has left Flying Thunder God spells in every place he has visited, and Sabaody Archipelago is naturally no exception.


After counting, Shirahoshi immediately opened his eyes, and immediately covered them with his hands!

Staying on the bottom of the sea for a long time, Shirahoshi has been exposed to the cold light sources of various marine organisms, and Genichi feels a little uncomfortable when he is suddenly exposed to the sun's geothermal light.


"It's so warm!"

"Is this what sunlight feels like?"

After getting used to it, Shirahoshi slowly moved his hands away, feeling the warmth of the sun shining on his body.

"Look! It's a mermaid! A big mermaid!"

"so beautiful!!"

"I feel that her appearance is not weaker than the Pirate Queen Boa Hancock!"

"So beautiful!!"

"Mom, I'm in love!!"

The appearance of Shirahoshi immediately attracted the attention of countless people on Sabaody Archipelago.

Many men see Shirahoshi's beautiful and lovely appearance, their hearts are pounding, their eyes are full of love, and they feel that they are in love!

"Luo... Master Luo Xiu~"

Shirahoshi felt the eyes of everyone in Sabaody Archipelago who wanted to eat her like a wolf, a timid expression appeared on his face, and he curled up and hid behind Luo Xiu.

But how could her huge body escape?

This timid, soft look immediately caused another howl of wolves!

"Ahh! My little heart!"

"Kawaii! Kawaii!!"

"It can't be done! It can't be done! I can't take it anymore!!"

In this regard, Luo Xiu is not surprised. Shirahoshi's appearance is not weaker than Hancock's. In addition to the status of a mermaid, no LSP can be indifferent to Shirahoshi.

"Hey! You guys!"

"Scared my little princess Shirahoshi!"

Luo Xiu's expression became serious, his eyes suddenly became Haki, fierce, a trace of Conqueror's Haki spread from him!


All the noise stopped abruptly, and everyone felt a heavy pressure on their bodies, as if their throats were being strangled by a pair of invisible hands, almost suffocating!

At this moment, everyone turned their attention to Luo Xiu.

When they saw Luo Xiu's familiar face, their pupils shrank suddenly, their faces were full of fear, their foreheads were sweating profusely, and their bodies were shaking like chaff sieves!


Countless people's Adam's apples surged, and they swallowed with difficulty!

Some people even slumped on the ground when their legs went limp!

"That... that... that man, yes... yes..."

"It's God Slayer Luo Xiu!!!"

"Did he kidnap the mermaid?!"

"Very...very likely!!"

"After all, he is the criminal with the highest reward in this sea, a villain who is more terrifying than the New World Four Emperors!!!"

Luo Xiu's reputation can be said to be known to everyone in this sea!

After the destruction of Enies Lobby, Luo Xiu has become the world's most heinous criminal and villain under the propaganda of the World government, and even reached the point of crying at night in many places!


"Master Luo Xiu is not a bad person!"

"He is a good man! He is the hero who saved me! I will not allow you to speak ill of him!"

Under Luo Xiu's surprised eyes, Shirahoshi, who has always been timid, stood up and loudly reprimanded those who humiliated Luo Xiu.

In Shirahoshi's mind, Luo Xiu is the hero who saved her and brought her light, and no one will allow anyone to humiliate her!

At this moment, there was a loud noise from behind.

"Quick! Run away!"

“Marine Admiral is absolutely terrifying!!”

"Rush over!"

"Don't let any pirate go!!"


Luo Xiu saw many pirates frantically rushing towards this side, followed by many Marines.

what's going on?

It always feels a little familiar!

The Observation Haki spread, covering the entire Sabaody Archipelago. Luo Xiu immediately knew what happened, and a cruel smile appeared on his face!

Celestial Dragons!

We met again!


I can prepare one more surprise for Naval Headquarters and World government in Summit War!

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