Top: Spicy Tiansai, Let The World Feel The Pain

Chapter 63 Exposes The Darkness Of The World Government! In The Name Of Akatsuki, Officially Declare

With the sudden arrival of Luo Xiu, the entire Naval Headquarters suddenly fell into a brief silence!

Pirates stopped!

Marine forgot to attack!


The eyes of the world are on that ship!

God Killer Luo Xiu!

There is no one in this sea who has not heard of this name!!

Under the deliberate exaggeration of the World government, Luo Xiu's reputation is no less than that of the New World Four Emperors, and he is a vicious criminal with the highest reward in the world!

Originally Sengoku planned to use the high bounty to cause some troubles for Luo Xiu, but as time went by, it became more and more worthy of the name!

"God Slayer... Luo Xiu!"

"He...why did Naval Headquarters come out?!"

"To help Whitebeard?!"

"No...don't know, but definitely not here to help Naval Headquarters!"

"It is rumored that Luo Xiu, the God Slayer, hates Celestial Dragons extremely, and his strength is so terrifying that even the Admiral of Headquarters is no match for him!"

"This is bad!"

"Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, is scary enough, and now there is another godslayer, Luo Xiu!"

"My God! Is Naval Headquarters going to be destroyed?!"


The moment the audience in front of the live broadcast screens around the world saw Luo Xiu appearing, their hearts suddenly fell into panic!

In the hearts of the people of the world today, Marine still represents justice.


Two of the most terrifying men in the world have appeared in Naval Headquarters, how can we not let them panic and be afraid?!

Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, and Luo Xiu, the godslayer, these two people come together, and they feel as if the end of the world is coming!

Under everyone's eyes, the Dawn slowly descended from the sky!

The figure of Luo Xiu and the strong ninja behind him slowly came into view of everyone. Everyone was dressed in a uniform, and behind the red cloud robe with a black background were ten huge dazzling suns!

"Hee hee hee hee~"

"It's finally here!"

Doflamingo looked at the spaceship in the sky and laughed excitedly. His body was trembling with excitement when he thought of what would happen next!

"My dear is finally here!"

"He finally waited for this day, and his dream starts today!"

"The concubine will definitely stand by your side forever and unswervingly!"

Hancock rested his chin on his hands, full of longing, happy, excited, and joyfully looking at Luo Xiu in the sky. If he hadn't been concerned about the situation in front of him, he would probably jump to Luo Xiu's side immediately and give him a loving hug and sticker!


Locke Dahl, Jinbei, Hawkeye, Moria, and Xiong also focused their eyes on Luo Xiu in the sky, and said silently in their hearts, with respectful expressions.


"That's Luo Xiu, what is his purpose in coming to Naval Headquarters?"

Marco walked up to Whitebeard and looked at the sky solemnly, not knowing whether Luo Xiu's arrival was good or bad for their actions.

"Gu la la la ~"

"Don't worry, Marco!"

"A person's eyes of hatred cannot be concealed!"

"That brat's eyes reveal unparalleled hatred, look at it, Sengoku and the others are going to be in trouble!"

Whitebeard is an old man who can clearly see the hatred for Sengoku, Marine and World government revealed in Luo Xiu's eyes, which is not a bad thing for their actions of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Hehe! I saw two acquaintances!"

"Aokiji, Kizaru, I have to say that your Marine Admiral's ability to escape and dodge is really top-notch!"

"I don't know if you can hide and escape this time?"

In the sky.

Standing on the bow of the Dawn, Luo Xiu looked at Aokiji on the ice and Kizaru under the execution platform, and let out a burst of contemptuous and playful laughter, which immediately made them look ugly!

after all!

This is not a glorious thing, and it is said in front of people all over the world!

"very scary!"

"Another incredible character has come!"

"This man is much scarier than Whitebeard!"

Kizaru's relaxed and relaxed look disappeared instantly with the arrival of Luo Xiu, his body was straightened, his muscles tensed, and he was fully on guard, alert to the extreme!

In the face of that man, a little negligence will kill you!


"That's Luo Xiu who almost killed you and Aokiji?!"


"Whether it's Whitebeard or this godslayer, all of them will die in Naval Headquarters today!"

Akainu looked at Luo Xiu in the air, and hot magma burst out from his arm. He is an absolute believer in justice and absolutely does not allow people like Luo Xiu to exist or exist!

"Sakazuki, don't underestimate that man!"

"Otherwise, you will die!"

Kizaru saw Sakazuki's iron head, and as a colleague, he couldn't help but remind him.

Sakazuki ignored Kizaru, but stared at Luo Xiu in the sky full of killing intent, thinking about how to kill him later!

Seeing this, Kizaru shook his head and didn't try to persuade him anymore, he knew exactly what kind of person Akainu was.

"Luo Xiu, why did you choose to come to Naval Headquarters at this moment?!"

"Are you going to be an enemy of justice?!"

Sengoku pointed at Luo Xiu and questioned Luo Xiu loudly from the commanding heights of justice.

Luo Xiu heard the justice in Sengoku's mouth, as if he heard the best joke in the world, put his palm on his forehead, and laughed wantonly!

Laughter is full of sarcasm, banter, contempt!



"What a high-sounding reason!!"

"The righteous Marine will kill hundreds of thousands of ordinary people in O'Hara?!!"

"The righteous Marine will kill all the pregnant women and newborn babies in the entire South Blue Bartai Rila Island because of looking for the blood of the One Piece King Luo Jie?!"

"The righteous Marine will allow the Seven Warlords of the Sea pirates to legalize and plunder the common people of the world?!"

"The righteous Marine will watch you lower your eyelids and carry out slave human trafficking?!"

"The righteous Marine needs to dispatch the strongest Marine Admiral for maintenance even when those evil-doing Celestial Dragons are beaten up?!"

"Is this justice for you Marines?!"

"Do not!"

"Justice for you Marines is justice for the Celestial Dragons!!"

Sengoku heard the secrets hidden in the darkness exposed in Luo Xiu's mouth, and his whole body suddenly broke out in cold sweat, and his body trembled uncontrollably!

He knew very well what a shock the announcement of these secrets would cause!

The glorious image of Marine in the hearts of the sea people will collapse in an instant!


"Turn off the live broadcast all over the world!"

Sengoku shouted to his subordinates somewhat angrily.

"Yes, Marshal Sengoku!"

A Naval Headquarters soldier immediately led off, but returned shortly afterwards.

"No... no, it can't be turned off!"

"The Marine soldier responsible for guarding the live phone bug has been lost!"

Hearing this, Sengoku's face became even uglier, and he looked at Luo Xiu angrily, was all this planned?!

at this time!

Luo Xiu's words spread throughout the world with the live broadcast, instantly causing an uproar, a great uproar!

Everyone couldn't believe their ears!

In the hearts of most people in this sea of ​​Marine, there has always been a glorious and righteous image!

They never expected that such a glorious and righteous Marine hides such an unknown darkness!!

Kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people on an island without hesitation!

In order to find the blood of One Piece, he even killed all the pregnant women and babies on an island at that time!

This is simply worse than pirates!

Even the most ferocious pirates have never heard of any one who slaughtered an entire island!



Marine's image is beginning to collapse in the hearts of the people of the world!

"People all over the world, don't be fooled!"

"Luo Xiu is a jealous and vicious pirate who does everything to discredit the World government!"

"Marine is just and will never do such an evil and cruel thing!"

Seeing that the live broadcast could not be closed, Sengoku could only refute it, trying to restore the image of Naval Headquarters and World government!

"That's right! I can't believe Luo Xiu's words! He is the most vicious bounty hunter in the world!"

"I don't believe a righteous Marine would do such a thing!"

"Who knew?!"

"As far as I know, God Slayer Luo Xiu never seems to have plundered or hurt the poor people since his debut!"

"And he also saved Alabasta, which was about to be stolen, and Dressrosa. The people in both places regard Luo Xiu as a hero!"

"On the other hand, Marine actually allows pirates to be legalized, and I don't need to say what Celestial Dragons look like? Once this kind of person is hurt, he must dispatch Marine Admiral? Isn't it ridiculous?"

Some people in the world believe in Marine, while others believe in Luo Xiu.




"Ha ha!"

"Marshal Sengoku, won't your conscience hurt when you say these words? Aren't you afraid that O'Hara's hundreds of thousands of innocent people will find you when you sleep?!"

"Olaha's Buster Call was personally issued by you as Admiral at that time, and it became a glorious stroke in your promotion to Marine Marshal!!"

Luo Xiu sneered again and again, dismissing Sengoku's words and admiring Sengoku's brazenness.

Being able to turn right and wrong into black and white in front of people all over the world is also a powerful ability!


"How does this guy know everything?!"

"These should all be top-secret information sealed deep inside the file!!"

Sengoku's face was angry, and at the same time, he was a little flustered in his heart. The fig leaf of Naval Headquarters was about to be lifted!

Without waiting for Sengoku to refute, Luo Xiu tore off his shirt, exposing the dense scars on his body, as well as the eye-catching footprint of the Tianxiang dragon's hoof on his back to the eyes of the people all over the world!


Everyone's pupils suddenly shrank!

That imprint!

No way!!

That man is a slave to the Celestial Dragons?!

this moment!

Everyone seems to understand why Luo Xiu wanted to kill Celestial Dragons and why he hated the World government so much!


"I was once a slave of the Celestial Dragons!"

"When a Celestial Dragons came to visit my hometown, because the noble Celestial Dragons thought the kneeling posture of our city residents was not good, they shot and killed people. My parents were one of them!"

"The rest of the people were all taken away as slaves of the Celestial Dragons, and became their entertainment tools.

"Bleeding, cutting flesh, fighting (Li's) beast..."

"How painful you are, how loud your screams are, how happy and excited they will be!!"

"Can you believe these people

Is it guarded by Marine?!"

"Things like Celestial Dragons shouldn't exist!!!"

"I am here today, on behalf of Akatsuki, to officially declare war on the World Government!!"

"All slaves and people oppressed by Celestial Dragons all over the world, stand up! Raise the banner of resistance! 17

"Join Akatsuki, and I will lead you and others to eliminate the unreasonable existence of Celestial Dragons, overthrow the decadent World government, and establish a just and rule of law, equality, freedom, honesty and friendliness.


"I have a dream, the original world without discrimination!"

"I have a dream, may there be no oppression in this world!"

"I have a dream, may the world be full of equality!"

"This sea has suffered for Celestial Dragons, and the World government for a long time!"

"Let's tear through the darkness together and welcome the light!!!"

Luo Xiu's impassioned speech spread throughout the world, making the countless kingdoms, civilians, and slaves oppressed by Celestial Dragons and the World government feel excited!

Fair rule of law!

Equality and freedom!

What a distant vocabulary for them!


Luo Xiu's words are like a spark that instantly ignites the anger of countless kingdoms, civilians, and slaves in the world oppressed by Celestial Dragons and the World government.


Countless people all over the world roared to the sky and shouted!

"Oh oh oh!!!"

"Lord Luo Xiu!!!"

"I would like to join Akatsuki!!"

"Kill the Celestial Dragons!!!

"Overthrow the world government!!"

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