Top: Spicy Tiansai, Let The World Feel The Pain

Chapter 89 Unify The New World! Red Hair Pirates Are Forced To Go Away!

With the surrender of the Whitebeard Pirates, the other major forces in the New World have defected and surrendered one after another.


Take the Whitebeard Pirates, the top force in New World, who chose to surrender. Do they have any other choice?

Unless you are confident that you can withstand the attack of the Empire of Dawn!

Even the alliance of two top forces, the Beasts Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates, is no match for the Akatsuki Empire, let alone them?

Those who know current affairs are heroes, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that the New World is already under the Empire of Akatsuki!

If you don't surrender, you will only die!

With the passage of time, most of the New World was occupied by the Akatsuki Empire, and a small number of stubborn forces were also wiped out by Luo Xiu's troops.

New World Unity!

It has done what the world government has not done for hundreds of years!

After dominating the New World, Luo Xiu used absolute force to suppress the New World sea area and issued a kill order to all pirates!

Pirates are never allowed in the sea area ruled by the Van Dawn Empire!

If you want to venture out to sea, you can.

Register in the Akatsuki Empire, and as an adventurer, you can go out to sea for adventure, but once you kill innocent people indiscriminately, plunder civilians, and violate the laws of the Akatsuki Empire, you will be defined as a pirate and will be hunted down by the Akatsuki Empire. !

Facing the thunderous means of the Akatsuki Empire, the pirates in the sea area under its command were hit unprecedentedly.

But those with human life on their hands were directly killed on the spot!

Only those who did not harm human life and committed relatively minor crimes would be captured alive and have a chance to reform themselves.

Under such a tough and severe blow, the pirates under the sea area of ​​Xiaozhi Empire almost disappeared, and the life of all citizens was unprecedentedly peaceful.

to the opposite.

In the sea area ruled by the World government, the number of pirates began to increase rapidly. Those pirates who could not get along in the sea area of ​​the Akatsuki Empire all ran to the sea area ruled by the World government, making countless civilians miserable.

There is no 440 damage without comparison.

For the common people, the sea area ruled by the World Government and the sea area ruled by the Akatsuki Empire is simply the difference between hell and heaven!

Countless civilians are full of longing for the Empire of Akatsuki, even disregarding the blockade of the World Government, taking risks and risking their lives to go to the Empire of Akatsuki!

The world pattern is changing rapidly.

The expansion speed of the Akatsuki Empire has far exceeded the expectations of the World Government, and it already has the qualifications to fight against them!

A certain sea area in New World.

The Redforth is sailing rapidly at sea, followed by many fleets of the Empire of Akatsuki who are chasing it.

Under the massive cleansing of the Akatsuki Empire, there are not many pirate groups in the New World sea area, and the Red Pirate Group is one of the few remaining pirate groups.

How can the side of the couch allow others to sleep soundly?

The Red Hair Pirates did not choose to surrender, and he was still waiting for a certain child of destiny in his heart. How could Luo Xiu tolerate such a powerful force like him wandering wantonly in the New World?

"Shanks, listen to my advice, this is not the era of pirates!"

"Now, New World is unified, His Majesty's various decrees have been issued, and countless ordinary people can live and work in peace and contentment, and live happily."

"It's a wonderful time!"

"If the Akatsuki Empire can rule the world, it will be a good thing for the common people of the whole world!"

"Didn't Luo Jie start the Great Pirate Era to shake the foundation of the World government's rule, hoping that someone would stand up to overthrow the World government's rule and bring equality and freedom to everyone in this world?!"

Rayleigh shouted to Shanks from the bow of the Akatsuki Empire.

after all.

The two were once partners on the same boat, and Rayleigh really didn't want to see Shanks sacrifice his life for nothing because of the persistence in his heart.

"Perhaps you are right, Mr. Rayleigh."

"But I still believe that the one who can really liberate the world is the sun god Nika, he is a god in language!"

"Although Luo Xiu is very powerful, he is still a mortal."

"I believe that one day Luffy will be able to grow up and become the one who liberates this world!"

Shanks is very persistent, and he always believes that Luffy is the one who truly liberates the world.

"Shanks, since you insist on it, I won't persuade you any more."

"But you can't stay in the waters of the Akatsuki Empire. His Majesty has already issued an order to kill pirates. If you continue to stay, there will be countless people chasing you. "Your Majesty may even come out personally."

"I'll remind you today, the next time we meet again, we may be enemies!"

Seeing that Shanks was determined, Rayleigh stopped persuading him and reminded him for the sake of his former companion on the ship.

The redhead waved to Rayleigh without looking back, and led the pirates to leave New World.

He knew that, as Rayleigh said, the next time we meet, it might be the enemy!

Naval Headquarters.

In the meeting room, Sengoku and a group of Admirals and Vice Admirals were sitting in it one after another, with deep sorrow on their faces.

"Everyone, according to the observation of the scouting soldiers, the Red Hair Pirates have already evacuated from the New World sea area."

"Now, the Akatsuki Empire has fully agreed to the New World!"

"That's not good news for us!"

"There are many strong people in the New World, and most of them have joined the Empire of Akatsuki, especially the elites of the Whitebeard Pirates, Beasts Pirates, and BIG MOM Pirates. Almost all of them have become members of the Akatsuki Empire!"

"Although I don't want to admit it, our Marine is probably no longer the opponent of the Akatsuki Empire.

Sengoku's deep voice sounded in the meeting room, his face was gloomy, and his heart was full of deep remorse.

Think back then.

Garp suggested that he deal with the danger of Luo Xiu first, but he didn't listen. He insisted on publicly executing Fire Fist Ace, destroying the Whitebeard pirates, and letting Marine rule the New World!


This is the biggest wrong decision in my life!

Not only did Fire Fist Ace fail to execute the Whitebeard Pirates successfully, but he also sacrificed 100,000 Marine elite soldiers, leaving the entire Marine slumped.

If he could choose again, he would definitely choose to deal with Luo Xiu without hesitation!

But! (ahbd)

There is no regret medicine in this world!


"The Celestial Dragons didn't make it themselves!"

"Those guys are running amok all day long, turning the whole world into a mess. Ordinary people are also human beings, and they also yearn for equality, freedom, and happiness!"

Garp snorted coldly, expressing his dissatisfaction with Celestial Dragons.

If he hadn't dedicated his whole life to Marine and had deep feelings for Marine, he would have quit his job long ago!

"Hey, Vice Admiral Garp, that's not what you should say!"

"Celestial Dragons are descendants of the Creator, and they are named as gods. What's wrong with being a bit privileged?!"

"Those untouchables who rebel against the Celestial Dragons and the World government are heretics and should be killed!"

Admiral Green Bull heard Garp angrily rebuke Celestial Dragons, and immediately retorted, his words were full of enthusiasm for Celestial Dragons, World government.


He is a very qualified dog!


"A guy with extreme thinking like you is not suitable to join the Marine, it is more appropriate to go to the CP organization of the World government!"

"The old man is ashamed to be with you!"

Garp looked up at the green bull, feeling very sick to his words, got up and left the meeting room.

"Ah la la! Maybe..."

"It's time for the world government to reflect on itself!"

Aokiji yawned, got up slowly, and left the meeting room.

The rest of the people also complained about the green bull. Marine has always been synonymous with justice. When did it become like this?

The atmosphere in the meeting room became a little weird, and finally broke up.


"One or two, it's really worrying!"

Sengoku looked at the departing crowd, rubbed his brows, and felt very wishful.

Time flies like a white horse.

Ever since Luo Xiu dominated New World, there hasn't been any big news.

The expansion speed of the Akatsuki Empire is really too fast, many places are only occupied, and the laws and decrees of foreign species have not yet been implemented.

So Luo Xiu chose to slow down, settle down, consolidate the rule, and lay the foundation of the empire.

Otherwise, when there is a war with the world government in the future, it will be very troublesome if there is a rebellion in the rear.

During this period of time, Luo Xiu was rarely at leisure.

I just need to grasp the general direction and give some ideas and measures. As for the refinement, I will hand over the implementation to my subordinates. I just need to check the results at any time and go.

Anyway, I am Flying Thunder God, so I can reach any place anytime, anywhere.

Do you want to obey the yin and the yang?

Ha ha!

Learn about the top ten tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty!

Heavy codes are used in troubled times, Luo Xiu will not have the slightest mercy!

Sabaody Archipelago.

Luo Xiu took Shirahoshi to play in the playground.

He had promised Shirahoshi would take her on the Sabaody Archipelago, but there was no time.

Now that I have a rare leisure time, I have fulfilled my promise.

Shirahoshi's huge mermaid tail turned into two slender, straight, slender and beautiful legs. Mermaids can transform their mermaid tails into legs after adulthood, and Shirahoshi who has practiced Expansion Jutsu can freely change the size of his body, very convenient.

"Lord Luo Xiu, the Ferris wheel is so fun!"

“You can see the whole Sabaody Archipelago from here, it's beautiful!”

Shirahoshi leaned on the glass of the Ferris wheel, looking excitedly at the view of the Sabaody Archipelago below.

Today's Sabaody Archipelago is more prosperous than before.

Because Luo Xiu unified the New World sea area, it almost became a forbidden area for pirates. Over time, no pirates went to New World, but there were countless adventurers.

Compared with pirates with bad character, adventurers are relatively friendly, at least they will not rob or kill at will.

So the environment of Sabaody Archipelago is relatively harmonious, and after experiencing previous events, it has almost become a forbidden area for Celestial Dragons.

Without the danger, merchants from all over the world will come and go, and they will naturally become extremely prosperous.

Looking at Shirahoshi's innocent and lovely appearance, Luo Xiu felt very at ease in his heart.

In the past two years, he was either fighting or on the way of fighting, and he hardly stopped. Although Luo Xiu was extremely powerful, he also felt tired.

Shirahoshi's innocent and kind appearance is like a cute little angel, which makes people feel relaxed from the bottom of their hearts.

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