Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2400: Xiang Yang's decision!

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Zhan Taixuan is at the forefront. He was afraid that Xiangyang and others could not keep up, especially slowing down. However, very quickly, she found that Xiang Yang and others were very easy to follow behind, her heart trembled. This realized that Xiang Yang and others were extraordinary. I remembered that Xiang Yang could block her father’s blow with a fist. My heart was even more surprised. "The younger brother of Yunlang has not yet reached the Da Luo situation, but But it is very extraordinary. It’s just that the middle-aged man who is next to him has a faint scent that makes me worship. Is it a strong king?”

Thinking of this, her look changed slightly. If Xiang Yang really followed a fairy king, then the origin of Xiang Yang was a little beyond her imagination.

"It doesn't have to be Xian Wang. Let's test their strength first."

Zhan Taixuan is a bold and daring figure. In order to verify her guess, she has raised the speed to the extreme, and in this space channel she opened up, she can play at a speed almost up to the king. level.

However, in her rear, both Xiang Yang and Li Huan are still closely following, and even the distance with her has been kept at about ten meters. There is no change in the slightest, and there is no change.

The two people were very relaxed, which made her heart shake. When I wanted to speed up the test of Xiang Yang and Li Huan, I saw a light shining in front of me. It was already in her residence that I could not try again.


The place where they appeared was at the foot of a mountain. There was a small waterhole in front of it. Above the waterhole was a waterfall falling from the sky, which sparked a burst of silver and white light. Although there was no scent, the sound was pervasive, but Even after Li Huan met, he was also amazed. "The ordinary atmosphere contains the atmosphere of the avenue. However, it seems so ordinary. It can understand the heavens and the most ordinary scenery. The layout here is really Not bad."

"It is indeed very good. It can both peek into the heavens and the ground, and the scorpion is so fast." Xiang Yang also praised.

"You can see the peculiarity of my place. It is also extraordinary. Here, I spent a great price. I asked a great master of the law to arrange it, and it was able to be arranged with the help of the original family terrain. You look at these arowanas. When I was caught from the lower bounds, I started to stock them. Now I have reached the level of the true fairy peak. If I have not suppressed the spirit of these arowanas by the array, I am afraid they are early. It has already become a demon in the realm of true immortality."

Zhan Taixuan said with a soft voice.

Her environment here is very good, it is a sanctuary. For many years, I have lived here alone to realize the heavens, and finally I have the cultivation of today, which is very good.

"A big arowana, it seems that I can have a whole fish dinner today."

Xiang Yang looked at the golden and silver arowana swimming in the pool, could not help but burst into a mouth, this arowana contains a **** dragon, although very thin, but the true arowana The taste is very good, the meat is delicious, and it is one of the few delicious dishes in the sky.

This is really an unbearable temptation for Xiang Yang to eat.

"Well, you should rest here first, I will go and eat."

Zhan Taixuan smiled, and there was a stone table and some stone stools in front of everyone, and then a hook, suddenly there was a gold, silver and two long dragon fish, and she was directly smashed by her. Going to a house next to it, the house is just a simple wooden house, but it is not small, and there is a small courtyard, just like a villa, it is very emotional.

"Mother and I will help you."

Yun Ruoxue quickly followed up with a happy smile on his pretty face.


Zhan Taixuan saw that Yun Ruo Xue was so active and very happy. The mother and daughter entered the wooden house and began to prepare to eat.

"Yaya, let's play with water. Since leaving the Jiu Di Mountain, I haven't seen such a fun water pool for a long time."

"Okay, little blood, little silver, little red come."

"Wow, it's fun."

Sun Qingya and Monica, etc., went to the waterfall to play with the water. From time to time, there was a joyful voice coming out. It was obviously very happy.

Xiang Yang and Li Huan sat down on the stone bench. He said softly, "A goal that came to the fairy world was finally achieved. The next step was to find a way to find my other wives." ”

The only goal he came to in the fairy world was to find the women. Just after finding the women, he thought about going back to the lower bounds. At that time, you can enjoy life without asking the fairy magic. It is his ideal life.

"Boss, do you know where the scorpions are?" Li Huan asked with hesitation.

"Ya and Monica are the only ones I know in Jiudingshan. They have already found them. Others should not be in the Eastern Tianyu. If they want to find them, they will have to change places."

As Xiang Yang said, his face was full of sorrow. "My mysterious mother is too tossed. After bringing her daughter-in-law to the fairyland, they are placed in different places, and, I can't find it if I want to find it."

Thinking of his mother's unreliable, Xiang Yang felt very depressed. His mother first said that she would bring the women to the comprehension circle to find opportunities to practice. As a result, when they worked hard to kill the comprehension world, However, they were told that the women had come to the fairyland, and then they finally reached the fairy world, and they were scattered and went to the heavens of all parties.

The key is, where are they in the end, not telling themselves, this makes Xiang Yang feel that his mother is too... naughty...

Even if she has found Sun Qingya and Monica, there are other women who don’t know where they are. Xiang Yang also feels a bit worried. If he sees his mother again, he must ask a few questions. It means that if you tell yourself where they are, but they just don't tell yourself, it's too tired to let them go blindly.

Xiang Yang also asked Sun Qingya and Monica. The two little girls didn't know where other women were sent. I only knew that they should be in some places that are not weaker than the Daomen Mountain. However, those places have It may be the holy place of worship on the bright side, or it may be the place where the hidden family is hidden. No one in the world can know where they are possible.

Sun Qingya and Monica can be said to be the best two people to find.

"Boss, in fact, why do you have to look for one by one, rather than looking for a purposeless search, it is better to let them come to you." Li Huan said softly.

"If they are in other celestial fields, I want them to take the initiative to know that I am coming to the fairy world. It is too difficult."

Xiang Yang looked at Li Huan with a sullen look. "It is not easy to find the East Tianyu, let Yaer and Monica find me. It is not so easy to be famous to other Tianyu. After all, Xianjie It is too big."

The reason why he was famous in the Eastern Tianyu, Sun Qingya and Monica took the initiative to find him, all because his physical body broke through the realm of Da Luo, becoming the first person to complete the body, because the physical training is too long There is no breakthrough in the big Luo, and the promotion of the Tongtian Group has such an effect.

However, such news wants to pass to other celestial fields, and it happens that it is not easy for other women to know. Even if other celestial domains also have physical repairs, it is not easy.

After all, the fairyland is really too big. The distance from one Tianyu to the other is very far away. It is not so easy to pass on some information and let people believe it.

"Don't you say that there is a million continents?"

Li Huan said with a soft voice, "I think that this million-day real fairy war is not just a matter of the Eastern Tianyu. It may be that after the Eastern Tianyu decides the first few places in the Million Island." Fighting against the strongest of other celestial spheres, with the strength of the boss, if you go to participate in the Battle of Million Island, it is naturally invincible, and the first place is not hand-to-hand?"

"But my deity has been in the realm of the body, it is not a true immortal, unless let the avatar go to the war, but my avatar is the body of the first demon, appearing in this fairy world is not looking for death?" Xiang Yang lamented Said.

Nowadays, his body has reached the status of Da Luo. Although he has not yet broken through to Da Luo, he is actually ready to break through. If he is to confront the real fairy with the deity, it seems a bit too much. Bullying people.

On the contrary, his original demon avatar, whether it is the flesh or the temperament, did not reach the Da Luo situation. Although he already has four rules of the Da Luo, even the field of the Xian Wang can be displayed, but it is authentic. The true power of the Tao.

However, this is the real fairy war in the fairy world, not the real magic war in the devil world. He feels that letting the avatar go to the war, it is a bit of a self-destructive look.

"Who can say that the magic road cannot appear in the fairy world?"

Li Huan shook his head and said, "I don't think that the body is a real big Luo. It is one thing to be able to participate in the war. Even if the boss of the boss can't participate in the war, your avatar can also participate in the war. Among the immortals, there are also some people who practice the magic of the law."

"As long as it is in the fairy world, even if you cultivate the magic road from an early age, as long as it is not a harm to the heavens, using the magic method to make all kinds of harmful things, then it can not be regarded as a demon, and there will be nothing in the fairy world."

"Boss, the vastness of the fairy world, all kinds of practitioners come forth, not just as simple as a fairy."

After that, Li Huan stood up and said with his hands, "In other words, although I have not yet reached the peak of Luo Luo, but in this fairy world, it is not too much to really surpass me. Who will be there? Dare to oppose the boss, have done a game, and, as long as the boss asks the nine old monsters on the road to the nine emperors, as long as they say a word, let alone your magic road to participate in the war, even if the deity is not a problem. ”

"It seems quite reasonable."

After Xiang Yang listened, he was embarrassed. He had never thought about this problem before. It was mainly because he had not come to the fairy world for a long time. The pattern of the fairy world was not very clear, and Li Huan was waiting for the infinite battlefield. The years, however, some things he knows have not changed much until now. At least, the pattern of the big aspects of the fairy world has not changed, and it is naturally clearer.

"Let's take a look. If there is a chance, you can take part in it. Moreover, there is a big battle between the daughters of Tianyun who Mei Xiaoniu said. I can't believe it, in the realm of Da Luo. In the realm of immortality, if my colleague gets the first, she will not pass on her fame."

Xiang Yang stood up and had a firm color on his face. He didn't want to participate in this Million World War. Now it seems that participation is the best choice. When it is time, he can find him faster. Female.

For the sake of the women, he decided to go to the Million Island Fair.

"Come and eat..."

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