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"This is enough to be worthy of all the crystals we got before."

A lingering crystal with a ray of yellow and cyan is rising, and Xiang Yang stretches out his hand and feels the power of the law of the earth and the power of the wind system. I can’t help but feel the color of shock. “There are two different energy laws of soil and wind.”

The previous Lingjing only contained the law of earthwork, but this piece of crystal crystal contains both soil and wind energy. If it can get more similar crystals, that is, after refining and chemical absorption, it is possible At the same time, comprehend the two rules of Da Luo.

Xiang Yang was shaking in his heart and only felt that his whole person had already trembled.

This is an unexpected joy. He looks at the depths of the desert. He suddenly feels that this desert is really a blessing for himself. Maybe he can let his colleagues comprehend the two rules of Da Luo. At that time, although he is still only a true fairy. Feng Feng’s practice is repaired, but one shot is the six Dalu rules. What kind of domineering is that?

"No interest."

Little blood squatting, looking too lazy to look at the Lingjing in the hands of Xiang Yang, but Xiang Yang knows that it is not a small blood really not interested, but she knows that she wants to get more Ling Jing, This comprehension of the rules of the Dalu, so small blood will take their own way to find the sandworms to kill and then give Lingjing to himself.

Xiaohong and Xiaoyin are soft and lingering around Xiangyang, and they have not carefully looked at the spirit crystal in Xiangyang’s hands. Although the three little guys didn’t say anything, their minds were the same.

As long as it is what Xiangyang needs, they can't go to Xiangyang even if they want it anymore. Although it is impossible to grab Xiangyang, their hearts are already very valuable.

Xiang Yang left this impression in the bottom of his heart, looking deep into the front, whispered, "It seems that as the desert deepens into the desert, these sandworms become stronger, not only have intelligence, but also possess dual properties. ""

"It's better. After the boss has got enough Lingjing, you can understand the two rules of Da Luo at one time."

Xiaoxue said with a smile.

While talking, she waited for Xiang Yang to command, she drove the **** flame to the ground, and then continued to step on the soft sand and rushed toward the depths of the desert.

Xiang Yang stood on the top of the little blood and frowned. Although he was very happy, he had already collected the Lingjing, and the eye was still spreading. He looked at the front and sensed the fairy. When the depths of the desert still carry the powerful energy, I can't help but sigh. "The desert has been in this fairyland for so long. I don't believe that no one will discover the role of the crystals in these sandworms. Just why we have been away for so long, almost no other immortals?"

"Boss, even if no one discovers the role of these spirits, there will definitely be immortals, but we have not yet encountered it."

A small blood said.

The desert is too big, even if they are all on their way, they still can't see any corners for a few days. Anyway, they are still endless yellow sand.

"You said it makes sense."

Xiang Yang’s eyes narrowed and his eyes looked forward. He said, “It’s true that we had no luck before, and we have already met one.”

Just under the gaze of his eyes, in the yellow sand ahead, a figure will be rushing over quickly. This is obviously an accident. The other party has not noticed Xiangyang and is still rushing.

Xiang Yang’s eyes disappeared silently, and he did not observe each other again, because he found that the other side was also in the desert, and the direction was toward this side.

The key point is that the strength of the other party is extremely strong. Although it has not yet reached the Da Luo situation, it seems to be a true fairy. However, the blood of the body is so bright that Xiang Yang’s eyes can see the **** rush of the other party. A shocking sky is generally.

Moreover, when you step on the road, you can step through a thousand miles. Not long after, even if the blood is not showing the eyes of Kirin, you can see the strong man who is rushing to the road.

The other party is a young man with a plain dress, a little like the dress of the legendary ascetic, a refining short hair, full of muscles, and bloody, even if it is far away, Xiangyang can Feeling the strong blood of the other side, Xiang Yang really sees it at this moment, this guy turned out to be a true refining body.

"Interestingly, I was able to meet a strong, purely refining body that reached the peak of the true fairy. Just, I don't know if this guy knows me."

Xiang Yang’s mouth has a faint smile. If it is a general immortal, he still dare not say that the other party may know himself. However, he is very clear that he is the first body to break through the realm of Da Luo. Among the refining monks, they have already made a name for themselves. Even if they are not well known, at least these refining monks who are stuck in the peaks of the true fairy must have known their names and are searching for themselves.

Xiang Yang has not been prepared to face these refining powers all the time, but because he has not really figured out how he should give lectures to these guys and teach ways to break through Da Luo.

It is naturally impossible to adapt to the breakthrough of every refining monk. However, Xiang Yang needs to sort out a theoretical system so that the refining monks in the fairy world can have a direction to practice, at least have a certain success rate. Come, you can also take the name of the first person who is practicing the body.

Nowadays, since I met a person in this sacred desert, although the other party is a strong body, Xiang Yang did not intend to avoid it, but still let the small blood keep moving at the original speed toward the front.

The young man rushed wildly, stepping out, and a huge explosion on the ground. A large pit was directly trampled by him, and he flew all the way, leaving a large pit along the way.

"Oh, it turned out to be a **** unicorn."

This young man’s vision is very good. When he saw the little blood, he immediately recognized that the little blood was **** unicorn. However, he should have been in this desert for a long time, but he still had not thought of it for a while. The Kirin God Beast is Xiang Yang, the first person to break through the Da Luo situation in modern refining.

Otherwise, when he saw the **** unicorns, he should be very excited to ask Xiangyang’s name...

He stopped in front of the **** unicorns and held his fists. "In the next way, I have seen friends."

This person seems to be upright, not only to call Xiang Yang a friend, even the **** Kirin Xiaoxue and Xiaoyang and Xiaohong around the Xiangyang did not miss, for a time, not only Xiangyang, even small blood The three little guys are also very fond of this guy.

"In the next Xiang Yang, this is my sisters."

Xiang Yang also returned to the ceremony and smiled at the youth. "Mu brother should have just come from the depths of the desert. The desert is dangerous. The brothers can leave so quietly. It is really extraordinary."

At the same time, Xiang Yang also thought about it. Mo Dao did not know that his identity was normal. The other party may have been in this desert during this time. He did not go out to the outside world and did not know his existence.

However, if you let this guy know his identity, I don't know what kind of expression it would be.

Xiang Yang knows very well that he is the first person to break through the modern refining body to the state of Da Luo. If these monks of the true fairy peak know their own words, they will definitely be crazy.

However, although this name is a bit odd, it is easy to read as a 'magic road', but it is a very positive young man, which is in line with the characteristics of a refining monk.

The magic road and Mo Dao are similar in any way, but this guy is actually a refining monk who looks very right. It can't be related to the magic road.

Modao said, "I have entered the sacred desert for hundreds of years. On the one hand, I used the desert storm to refine my body, in order to break through the realm of the refining body, and on the other hand, I intend to explore the secrets of the desert. As a result, although the strength of the flesh has been enhanced over the years, it has gradually reached a state of saturation and can no longer progress. Is this the embarrassment of my body?"

At the same time, his face showed a bitter bitter color, and he said with a smirk, "No one in the modern refining body can break through the realm of Da Luo. Nowadays, the practice of future generations is even a practice of refining the body. I am also unwilling to choose a simple refining vein. I am afraid that after a few years, the refining vein will completely disappear into the spiritual system of the heavens and the real world. It is really the sorrow of my generation."

This guy is also interesting. The first time I saw Xiang Yang, I started to talk about the sadness in my heart. It seems that I think Xiangyang is like a person of insight.

"Cough cough..." After Xiang Yang met, he blinked his eyes and wondered. Since this guy has been in this sacred desert for hundreds of years, it is impossible to know that he is a modern refining body. The first person to break through the big Luo, then, he said so much to himself, it is really too wrong, it is a bit pitiful, should he help Modao, tell the other person is The refining body broke through the great Luo, and it is still in the chaos to absorb the infinite chaos, with the brute force breakthrough method?

However, after thinking about it, he denied the idea. After all, the reason why he was able to break through the Da Luo situation at that time was because the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' could refine the chaos. The gas constantly fills every inch of cells in the body. At that time, it was indeed the most savage way, the hard-filled filling, the qualitative change, and finally the breakthrough.

If other people, Xiang Yang is really not sure that this method can be successful. After all, this road is too dangerous. If you are not careful, the energy in your body will be too much. At that time, it may explode. Die.

However, when Xiang Yang saw that Mo Dao’s face looked like a woman, she couldn’t help but remind Mo Dao, “I have also studied the refining body. I think Mo’s brother wants to break through the situation of Da Luo. You can try to enter the chaos, chaotic body with chaos, and the body absorbs the chaotic gas. If it can produce qualitative changes with quantity, it may be possible to break through the situation of Da Luo."

This is the way he broke through. However, when he broke through, he used a more arrogant method and saved too much time. He used the 'Heavenly Oven' to temper chaotic gas into the body, a little bit of each body. After the cells are all full, they finally push the power of the body to break through to the state of Da Luo.

Xiang Yangsi wants to go, I feel that if the real immortals of other refining realms want to make breakthroughs with this, it is not impossible. However, the ordinary refining body can not be assisted by the 'Tiandi Oven'. More time, as long as you have patience, a little bit of energy is tempered into the body, and it is not impossible to break through to the state of Da Luo.

"The original cousin turned out to be a double-skilled practitioner. I don't know if the friend's refining practice has reached the realm of the true fairy peak?" After listening to Mo Dao, his face showed excitement.

As a practitioner of refining, I am very excited to see my peers.


Xiang Yang whispered softly, his body shape was lightly shocked, and a force of one-tenth of his own blood was erupted. In the eyes of Mo Dao, Xiang Yang’s body energy burst out and instantly became an earth-shattering The breath of the body, the blood gas of the body is not even worse than the refined refining body to reach the realm of the true fairy peak, and even stronger.

"I don't think that the refining body of the brother has already reached this level, I can't do it." Mo Dao's face looked at Xiang Yang with a surprise and shocked look.

Originally, he just asked Xiang Yang a sentence. He felt that Xiang Yang was a practitioner of practice and refining. He should be majoring in qi training. After all, Xiang Yang’s performance is now The extent of the true fairy peak has been reached, and the refining aspect cannot go hand in hand.

However, when Xiang Yang broke out with a strong blood gas, Mo Dao was shocked. Although Xiang Yang only randomly broke out the blood gas equivalent to one ten thousandth of his own.

However, since his physical body broke through to the state of Da Luo, he has undergone repeated quenching, especially in the battlefield of the fairy, but also the infinite murderousness and **** tempering of the battlefield of the fairy, making his The flesh has already surpassed the time when it just broke through to Da Luo.

In this way, even if Xiangyang only broke out one-tenth of the energy, it is equivalent to the degree of refining the body to achieve the immortality of the immortal, and even stronger than Mo Dao.

Mo Dao was not even weaker than himself when he sensed that Xiang Yang’s refining body was repaired. He could even feel stronger than himself. His face was full of excitement and he looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes very much. kind.

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