Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2424: Our good days are coming (five more flowers)

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"Xing brother, I hope that you can think about it again. I really feel that working with you will definitely open up the way to break through the realm of Da Luo. When we are together, we will spread it through the ages."

In the desert of the immortal, the small blood is still carrying the Xiangyang road with the unicorn, and next to them, Mo Dao is closely followed. He has been persuading Xiang Yang to hope that Xiang Yang can study with him to create the flesh. The law of Dalu.

Even if Xiang Yang had used a high-grade ware of the upper ware and Mo Dao to change those sacred spirits, Mo Dao felt that he had earned the knives after he got the knives, but he still did not give up with Xiang Yang. Research ideas.

In fact, when he saw that Xiang Yang was so young and young, he thought in his heart that if he studied the invention with Xiang Yang, he would certainly not suffer.

After the decline of the refining body, they are indeed a bit poor. From the Taoist arrogant Tianjiao, there is only one piece of Chinese fairy.

Even if it is a fairy, after the fear of poverty, there is a chance to find a ‘local tyrant’ ‘shareholding’. Modao is naturally very active.

"Mu brother, I am not here. It is really difficult to study with you. However, with my practice in these years, I have a little opinion to tell you. You may wish to try chaotic quenching and gather infinite energy into the body. Finally, So that the body is filled with infinity and quantity, has reached the level of qualitative change, and maybe you can break through the body of the body?"

Xiang Yang shook his head and said softly.

The real embarrassment has already pointed out, and then this kid will not do what he wants. If there is any breakthrough in the realm of Da Luo, it depends on whether he will try it.

If it is an ordinary person, Xiang Yang is too lazy to pay attention to each other.

And Mo Dao sent those who practiced the spirits, which made Xiang Yang save a lot of time. He was very happy in his heart, so he opened his mouth and said nothing.

"Since you have some research, aren't we better together?"

However, Mo Dao did not listen carefully to Xiang Yang's method, but still persuaded Xiang Yang, and wanted Xiang Yang to study with him, trying to create a practice that is suitable for the refinement of this era.

"There is no difference in the way, I am just a matter of incidental research."

Xiang Yang was really troubled by Mo Dao, and he said with a glance, "You don't worry about me anymore. My practice of practicing the flesh is only an incidental practice. My real practice is actually about practicing Qi. The practice, as for the flesh, is just learning to play, do you know? I really have no time to study with you how to break through the situation of Da Luo, you go find someone else."

He was really too annoyed by Mo Dao. He really couldn’t see it. The practitioner of this little boy’s refining body, according to the truth, should be the kind of resolutely popular person. Since he was rejected by himself, he should leave. Instead of entangle yourself, but this guy, as a man who should be a **** man, has been so persevering and has been pestering himself...

Xiang Yang is really hard to imagine. How strong is this guy’s practice of creating a new style of refining, and he can always be entangled in himself...

"What do you mean, you have such a strong body that you just practiced it, are you not specifically practicing?"

After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, Mo Dao was stunned. He did not expect that Xiang Yang had the perfect body of the refining body, and even surpassed him. He was not a whole-hearted practitioner of refining, but simply cultivated. For play.

The person who arbitrarily cultivated and played, even surpassed his strong man who claimed to be the first day of Xiaoshengshan in the practice of refining the body.

At this moment, Mo Dao was stunned...

Xiang Yang nodded and said, "Of course, the inheritance of my vein is the practice of practicing the spirits. It is not a simple relic of inheritance. I originally prefer to practice qi practice. As for the practice of refining, It’s just a matter of urgency to practice a few times. So, if you want to find like-minded people to study with you, find a real refining monk, and find someone who loves refining like you, not me. It’s just a waste of time to find me."

Xiang Yang’s words are actually a bit too much. He spends more time on the refining body than he is practicing. However, he is too annoyed by Mo Dao, so he just found an excuse. So that Modao is no longer pestering himself.

"I, I understand."

After listening to Mo Dao, the whole person stopped as if he had been hit by Tianda. He did not continue to follow the pace of **** unicorns. He stood in the same place and sighed. "You are just practicing the practice of refining. However, I can reach the level beyond me. I am a contemporary descendant of Xiaoshengshan, but I can’t compare with you. Then I want to break through. I still want to know how to be able to prove Dalu... Let's go back..."

This guy, it was too uncomfortable to be hit by Xiangyang. At the same time, the whole person whispered, but it was walking towards the desert outside the fairy.

"This guy is really hit by me."

On the head of the **** unicorns, when Xiang Yang saw the uncomfortable look, he couldn’t help but reveal the color of surprise. "I thought he had such a great ambition, and his mental capacity should be very strong. No. I thought that he would be defeated by my three or two sentences. It is a bit of a misnomer."

"This kid is just young and energetic."

Xiaoxue said in his old tone, "However, his thoughts are good. He wants to open up the physical testimony of Da Luo, but his skills are weaker and his vision is too bad. I don't know if the boss is the one who has already walked. The person in front of him, he did not know Qilin Mountain, and missed the opportunity in vain."

"You don't know Qilin Mountain in this sentence. It's really a's apt."

After Xiang Yang listened, he couldn't help but sigh. In the eyes of Xiaoxue, Qilin Mountain is the tallest. Therefore, it uses Qilin Mountain to describe himself. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

He didn't care about this little thing, but looked at the way he gradually left. He said faintly, "I have told him the method. As for whether he can break through, he can only see his fate."

Although Mo Dao heard that Xiang Yang said that he would chaotically quench his body, he did not care much when he changed the volume to produce a qualitative change. However, Xiang Yang believed that after the boy went out to the outside world, he knew his name and would definitely be excited. Breakthrough in chaos.

This is why Xiang Yang dares to attack this kid unscrupulously. He believes that this time he has dealt with Mo Dao. When he knows that he is the first person to break through the Da Luo, the mood will change dramatically. At that time, it is possible to break into the chasm and then enter the chaos practice. It may be possible to let his body break through the Da Luo situation.

"No matter who he is, that kid is a good person. Even with a piece of fairy ware, I have exchanged so many earth-going spirits. It has almost made me understand the rules of the earthen system. Little blood, we continue. Going forward, at the same time, while refining these earthen spirits, it would be a good thing to understand the fifth Dalu rule."

Xiang Yang smiled and said, at the same time, it was to take out a piece of earth and spirit crystal to refine, as for Xiaohong and Xiaoyin, curiously also looking for Xiangyang to ask for a piece of refining.

However, this native Lingjing is not compatible with their attributes. They only get a little bit of energy at most. After refining a little energy, the two little guys are boring and playing on the little blood head.

"Boss, see this princess take you through the desert."

The little blood is full of enthusiasm, only that Xiang Yang has given him a very important task. The feeling of being responsible for her is very happy. She thinks that she must cross the Xiangyang Desert with her own tie. And I have to help Xiang Yang get enough Lingjing.

In this way, the small blood took Xiang Yang step by step toward the depths of the desert. If the road encountered a sand worm, it was directly destroyed by small blood. The general sand worm is not an opponent of small blood, however, The dangers encountered in this desert are mainly desert storms. If you accidentally encounter them, even the defense of small blood can't resist.

Once, they encountered a powerful desert storm. Xiangyang was retreating and refining the soil, and the small blood was fighting against it. As a result, the body was bruised and almost cut into countless pieces. Xiang Yang stopped retreating and took them away from the desert storm.

They don’t know which direction is going deep in this desert, but they are always moving in one direction. At the same time, the small blood of the unicorn is open, looking for traces of sandworms. Along the way, many sand worms hidden in the ground were found to be killed by her.

The desert of the immortal is a sinister place for ordinary people. For Xiangyang, it seems to be very easy. He can refine the soil and practice the spirit, so that he begins to slowly understand the rules of the Dalu.

Of course, the main purpose of Xiang Yang's entry into the sacred desert is to quench three little guys. He often lets Xiaoyin and Xiaohong go out and practice, which makes Xiaohong and Xiaoyin also gain something.

However, the biggest gain is Xiangyang, because as he refines and refines more and more native spirits, his breath gradually grows, and a vague rule of the Dalu is surrounded by him. It is him. I have gradually realized the rules of my own Dalu.

If someone sees that Xiang Yang has no research on the cultivation of the soil system and gradually understands the speed of his own Da Luo rule, he will certainly be scared.

However, what is really scared is Mo Dao.

After being deeply attacked by Xiang Yang, Mo Dao was dejected and returned to Xiaosheng Mountain. As the most important descendant of the Xiaoshengshan generation, he was also the most outstanding. He returned to Xiaoshengshan after a hundred years from the mountain. It was welcomed by Xiaoshan Mountain, especially his group of younger brothers who all beat the drums and praised him.

However, what shocked the younger brothers and sisters of Modao on Xiaosheng Mountain is that this time Modao is not the same as the young Tianjiao brothers who were invincible in their past, and there is no such invincible momentum and a forward-looking mentality. As if it had been hit, it looked like a dejected look.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

There is a little sister who loves Mo Dao asked on the face with a color of concern.

"I am fine, just encountering some things, I am not in a good mood." Mo Dao shook his head and did not tell his teacher and sister that he had encountered something about Xiangyang.

Some of his younger brothers and sisters have practiced the practice of refining the body to the real fairy, but they are not good enough, and they are not qualified to let Mo Dao invite to create a physical martial law.

However, Mo Dao, the master of the little holy mountain, is still very good to the younger brothers and sisters of Xiaoshengshan. He bought a lot of things on the way back to the younger brothers and sisters. After distributing them, some of them are too younger than him. The younger brothers and sisters are all very happy.

"They can be carefree now, because they can make progress as long as they follow the practice of Zongmen. However, when they reach the peak of true fairy, they find that the practice is broken, the rules of heaven and earth. It has also changed. When I can’t understand the rules of the body, I will definitely feel very uncomfortable. However, I have no way to create a physical breakthrough in the rules of the Daro. I am really useless."

Mo Dao looked at the happy appearance of his younger brothers and sisters, and could not help but shake his head, sighing in his heart, remembering that Xiang Yang was only a force to repair the flesh, and he was able to achieve beyond himself, and he once again bowed his head.

"Master, the master is back, but he seems a little unhappy."

At this time, there was a vigorous middle-aged man who came over. It was the master of Mo Dao, a strong refining person who also reached the peak of Zhenxian. Mo Dao’s younger sister quickly went up and said.

"The disciple has seen the master."

Although the current cultivation of the Magic Road is not much weaker than his Master, he is still very respectful to his Master. After seeing the appearance of the middle-aged man, he directly bowed down.

"Get up."

The middle-aged man lifted Mo Dao and saw that Mo Dao was dejected. He suddenly understood what seemed to be, and sighed and said, "Is it a failure to try again?"

As the master of Mo Dao, nature is very aware of the ambition of his disciple of Tianjiao. He has been traveling all the year round and is in the midst of all the Jedi, in order to be able to create the sacred vengeance of Dalu and see the way of Modao’s frustration. He thought that Mo Dao was another failure to innovate.

"No, I have failed too many times. If it only fails, it will not make me so uncomfortable."

Modao shook his head and said, "Master, I met a fellow in the road. His blood is far better than me. It should have been the ultimate in realm of refining the real world. I want to invite him together. Genesis, but he did not agree, he said that his refining is just a combination of repairs.

Even a person who has done a part-time repair has achieved such an achievement. I am hailed as a rare refining celestial arrogance. I have been practicing the practice of refining for thousands of years. I can’t compare with him. I am really It’s too bad. ”

At the same time, Mo Dao lowered his head and stunned, whispering. "I am really too self-sufficient. I have not reached the peak. I want to create a law of sanctification and sacredness. It is really Not self-reliant."

While talking, it is constantly shaking his head and sighing.

"Good manners, don't be self-pity. Although you haven't created a practice, you have already worked hard. And now, some people in the fairy world have already walked in front of you, and the body has broken through to the state of Da Luo, just find it. He asked him to pass the Fa. At that time, we will no longer have to be trapped in this realm and cannot break through. From then on, a good day for our refining is coming."

Master Modao patted Modao’s shoulder and said with a smile.

"What? Someone has already succeeded in breaking through Da Luo? Who is it?"

After listening to Mo Dao, his body trembled and his face showed an incredible color.

The author said: "Restore the chapters with a long word count, and update the five chapters. However, the overall number of words has not only not changed, but more.... Don't just look at the number of chapters, depending on the overall number of words. .. cough, then ask for flowers...

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