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"The disciple sees the teacher, and the master respects the life without a border..."

When Xiang Yang said that he had to teach Mo Dao’s real ‘the law of fighting,’ Modao did not hesitate, and directly directed the teacher’s gift.

At this moment, this guy’s heart is screaming, remembering that when he was in the desert of the celestial being, when talking about Xiangyang’s fighting against the law, the expression on Xiangyang’s face seemed a bit odd. He didn’t understand why, but Now I understand it. It turns out that all this is because Xiang Yang knows the fighting law itself, and it is not the kind of sacred warfare method on the Xiaosheng Mountain. It is the true most popular in ancient times. The powerful one of the refining bodies is full of gods.

He was shaking in his heart and felt that he had earned it. Isn't he a teacher? Shouting Xiang Yang, Master can get the magical law of the legendary battle that can be practiced in the direct reach of the saint. How can he still entangle?


Xiang Yang was speechless. I didn’t expect that this honest man had such a sly scene. Before he said that he wanted to accept him as a disciple, he still refused. When he said that he wanted to pass him a real fight against the Holy Law, If you don't say anything, you can go directly to the teacher.

Xiang Yang originally looked at this kid's perseverance and determination. He only accepted him as a disciple. At this moment, when he saw that Mo Dao had such a sly scene, Xiang Yang was a big joy.

In the future, people with strong determination and perseverance will generally have no small achievements. However, those who do not turn back to the south wall will generally reflect the more stubborn and inflexible heads. Modao’s persistence and perseverance also existed, and now there is such a sly scene, which makes his character perfect.

Xiang Yang believes that as long as he teaches well, Mo Dao may become one of his disciples, and he will be the first to be a Da Luo.

In fact, although he only left the lower bound for a few years, he was very clear that none of his disciples really reached the realm of immortals, even if it was a sweet child, although after the quenching of the world of the wild world, It will grow to a very powerful level of terror, but it can't be compared with Mo Dao. After all, Mo Dao practiced too long, and Xin Er's practice time was too short.

"Good guys, get up quickly."

Xiang Yang softly laughed and pulled Modao up. He took it and sent out an energy for Wu Qing to stand up.

Then, he said softly, "From now on, you are my sixth disciple. Of course, you are just a disciple. There is only one disciple of my pulse, that is, your master sister, although you If you can't be a true disciple, you can become a formal disciple. If you work hard, you will have the opportunity to become a formal disciple in the future."

"Just remembering a disciple..."

When Mo Dao listened to Xiang Yang’s words, suddenly the whole face was a little dark, and he didn’t think that he was a rare genius who had a hard time, so he went to Xiangyang and was only qualified to become Xiangyang’s registered disciple. It is still impossible to become a true disciple of Xiang Yang. This is really a bit uncomfortable...

However, the reason why he originally promised Xiang Yang to worship, is only to get the authentic version of Xiang Yang's "Fighting War Law", the rest of him did not care. As for the disciple, then remember the disciple, just Listening to this name, it makes his mood a little uncomfortable...

"Kid, don't be dissatisfied, I tell you, you can become a famous disciple of my boss. It is already a blessing to the greatness. If my boss refuses, even Xian Wang does not have the qualification to become his disciple."

Xiaoxue said with a cold smile.


Xiaoxue shouted Xiangyang as the 'Boss', which is the uncle of Mo Dao. He naturally did not dare to refute, but lowered his head and responded.

However, Mo Dao’s heart is a belly. "Is this not nonsense? If I refuse, even if it is a fairy, I can’t be my disciple, even though they can’t happen to be a disciple. ..."

Of course, the magic road at the moment can be said to be just getting started, he can't refute, little blood.

"Old ancestors, you see that although I am old, but I am full of blood, I think I can also become your registered disciple, I wonder if my ancestors can also accept me as a disciple?"

At this time, Wu Qing, who was on the side, looked at Mo Dao with envious eyes, and he couldn’t help but ask.

This is the most authentic battle of the holy law. If you can use the method of apprenticeship to get Xiang Yang to teach this magical power, let alone let Wu Qing worship, even if he is allowed to do other things, he will agree.


After Xiang Yang met, he suddenly jumped and asked quickly, "How old are you?"

"Oh, I forgot specifically, but I remember that I broke through to the peak of Immortality 100,000 years ago. In the past 100,000 years, I have never been in the way again. However, I can’t continue to break through to Dalu. The situation, but the body can be quenched to the ultimate can be reached by the true fairy, now, my blood is still very abundant, even stronger than Mo Dao, but also the ancestors pity, accept me as a disciple. ”

Wu Qing said to Xiang Yang with an excited color on his face.

Although he is a lot older, he really wants to get a complete state of warfare. It can be said that the battle of the Holy Law is the supreme power of the numerous practitioners who want to get the whole body. He It is also normal to feel that you want to fight the holy law.

"Cough, old Wu, don't come and join in the fun, if I accept you as a disciple, I am afraid I will lose my life."

Xiang Yang listened to Wu Qing’s words. When he knew that this guy was at least a hundred thousand years old, he suddenly jumped a lot and quickly said, “You don’t think about it, don’t persuade me, how can you persuade me? I can't accept you as a disciple. You don't know how many times your age is. I don't want to have a disciple who is older than me."

"Hey, I really don't think it's worse than nothing. Moreover, I was still a strong figure who was hard to see in 100,000 years. Naturally, King Kong is not bad. He also has natural power and is famous for being a teacher. Respected. "Wu Qing is still reluctant, still muttering and talking.

He still feels very sorry. He wants to be a disciple of Xiangyang, mainly because when Xiang Yang said, he can teach his disciples the true ‘fighting law.’

As the gatekeeper of Xiaoshengshan, Wu Qing knows very well what the powerful "fighting law" is. It is also a powerful mystery. Don't look at Xiaoshan's practice is also a 'fighting law', but that is only What is created according to the legend is not complete. Compared with the real "fighting law", which can be cultivated to the true peak, there is a difference between heaven and earth, and there is no comparability at all.

The real reason why today's physical repair can't break through is not only that the body repair is cursed by the heavens, but also the rules of the Da Luo that belong to the body repair, and it is because the inheritance of the system has been cut off.

In the veins of the fairy world, no one has a part that breaks through the big Luo. That is because, after the physical training of the great Luoqiang suddenly disappeared, all the exercises of the various factions also All of them have disappeared, and even the parts of the brains of each of the inherited disciples about Da Luo have disappeared automatically.

If there is a tradition of practice in the various factions, even those who want to open up new breakthroughs like Mo Dao will not be so difficult. The most crucial thing is that Mo The reason why this genius, which is rare in a million years, has been unable to create success, even if there is no direction at all, because there is nothing to learn from it. It is the most difficult to have nothing.

"The fight against the law..."

Wu Qing sighed and felt very sorry for losing such an opportunity. However, Xiang Yang was the strong man who broke through the body in the body, not to mention that Wu Qing himself did not even see the shadow of Da Luo, even if he later It also broke through the realm of Da Luo and did not dare to oppose Xiang Yang.

"Go, let's leave here and say."

Xiang Yang did not continue to stand here with them, so he took out the broken moon boat directly, and greeted Mo Dao and Wu Qing on the broken moon boat and said directly, "You guide the way and go to Xiaosheng Mountain."


However, after his voice fell, he found that he did not receive any response. He turned his head and looked at it. He saw that Wu Qing and Mo Dao’s two masters were squatting at the stern of the moon boat, and they were excited about what they were studying. .

"Master, this is the legendary genius."

This is the words of Mo Dao.

"Yeah, and it's still the best of the flying class. I don't think it would be incredible for the old man to be able to embark on such a fairy."

Wu Qing also said with a sigh of relief, his hand gently touched the floor of the moon boat, very very light, it seems that I am afraid that if I break the moon, I will be broken.

"I am not dreaming, Master?"

Mo Dao almost the whole person is holding a broken moon boat. At this moment, he seems to be a poor ghost entering a room filled with gold. The feeling is really shocking.


When Mo Dao’s voice fell, he heard a sound of ‘啪’, but his master Wu Qing gave him a slap directly. His face was aggrieved. “Master, what do you do for me?”

"You are not asking if I am dreaming? Just try it for the teacher and tell you if you have a dream." Wu Qing sighed. "Since you will feel pain, it proves that you are not dreaming. Prove that I am not dreaming."


Mo Dao stroked his 'small face', his face was resentful, and he only felt that his master had suddenly changed his appearance. However, when his master was studying this superb class-level flying boat, He forgot the unpleasantness, but continued to reach out and gently touch the broken moon boat. The whole person was really excited.

Xiang Yang, "..."

Little blood: "..."



In the void, the moon and the boat turned into a stream of light toward the direction of Xiaoshengshan. Although Wu Qing and Mo Dao were still very shocked, they both stood on the front deck of the broken moon boat and felt The moon-breaking boat is like the speed of moving in an instant. They feel the emotion in their hearts. Looking at Xiang Yang’s eyes has already been shocked as a man of heaven.

"The gangsters, knowing why the ancestors wanted to accept you as a disciple, they agreed with the faculty. The ancestors are not only the strong people of the refining body, but also very rich, I am afraid that even all the refinements in the fairy world. The sum of the wealth of the Zongmen of a vein may not be able to compare with the old man, and it will be able to match all the treasures of our entire Xiaoshengshan. ”

Wu Qing felt a secret voice to his disciples.

While talking on the other side of the voice, he also with a very envious look, think of his own age, and finally want to worship a master can not compete with his disciples, it is a bit sad.

"Master, it is my honor to be a disciple of my ancestors." Mo Dao’s face also showed a happy color.

They think that the sound can be slower than Xiangyang, but they don’t know that their voice has no secret at all for Xiangyang. Xiangyang simply doesn’t have to eavesdrop on their voice, so they can All of them are clear.

Even the **** unicorns can hear the two people’s voice conversations. She looks at the two people in a strange color and whispers to Xiang Yang. "Boss, I really didn't see it, these two people actually went. It’s so interesting.”

"Yeah, but, interesting, at least better than serious and old-fashioned people." Xiang Yang said with emotion.

What he likes the most is the old stubbornness of doing things. It is like a style of work. He is very capable of doing things. Xiang Yang also likes him very much. However, because he is too stubborn, he will call down the young master when he sees Xiangyang. Xiang Xiang was very helpless, but it was because the style of the wind gave him a lot of help from the beginning, so that even if he went to the realm of cultivation, he would bring the wind to the past. Today’s Xiangfeng is in the Qingxue Universe Group. In the middle, it also brought a lot of help to a few women.


At this moment, after Wu Qing and Mo Dao and the disciples heard the dialogue between Xiang Yang and Xiao Xue, they finally understood. They thought they were very secretive. There was no secret to Xiang Yang. In between, the old faces of the two are red.

"The front is Xiaoshan Mountain, haha, this time is the first time I have left Xiaoshengshan in the past 10,000 years, but it is the most happy day since I joined Xiaoshan."

Wu Qing did not know how to look at the front of the broken moon boat, and found that Xiaoshengshan was looming in front, his face was showing a happy color.

The purpose of this trip down the mountain is to invite Xiang Yang back. In fact, it is indeed a success. Xiang Yang not only returned to Xiaoshengshan with them, but Xiang Yang also accepted Mo Dao as a registered disciple, intending to teach Mo Dao. The most authentic fighting law.

Although Wu Qing is more regrettable, he can't be accepted as a disciple by Xiang Yang. However, he knows that Xiang Yang will openly break through Da Luo's method. He also has the opportunity to break through to the body. Luo Zhijing, for him, is also a big surprise.


However, when Wu Qing was very excited, suddenly, he heard a roar coming from a distance. Then, there was an incomparable knife light coming from the sky. This knife was terrible. The strength of the edge, as if to cut the sky is called two halves, so that Wu Qing and Mo Dao felt it, the heart trembled, only feel that the body is erected.

"Wu Qing, the head of Xiaoshengshan, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

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