Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2437: The first upgrade since the ancient times (seeking flowers)

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"Would you like to plant the magic in the bodies of these two guys? It’s too tangled."

While Xiang Yang regained his mental state, he looked at Mo Dao and Wu Qing with a tangled color on his face and wondered if he should start with these two guys.

If it is broken into the magic species, then it can be said that it is really impossible to rebel against Xiangyang. However, Xiang Yang has always been very pleasing to see Mo Dao and Wu Qing, and he does not want to lay down the magic species in the body of the two. What's more, Mo Dao has become his sixth disciple. Although he is only a registered disciple, Xiang Yang is not used to starting his own disciple.

"Master, it's my turn."

However, what surprised Xiangyang was that he did not wait for Xiang Yang to open his mouth. Mo Dao even stood up directly, and looked at Xiang Yang with a firm color on his face.

"If you are, you are my sixth disciple, although I only remember my disciples, but I believe in you." Xiang Yang said with a deep sigh.

Originally, if Mo Dao did not stand up, Xiang Yang would still entangle himself whether he should start with Mo Dao. However, Mo Dao was so smart to stand up and take the initiative to let himself enter the magic species. Xiang Yang did not want to be in him. The body planted the magic species.

"Thank you for the trust of Master, but I think that Master is still a good way to leave a little in my body. After all, although I feel that I can't betray the Master now, if I have an accident, I will be taken away. What, can't be forced to be forced and thus have to deal with the Master in reverse? Moreover, the means of Master will not hurt us, and what can be worried about it." Mo Dao said calmly.

"This kid is too good, I like it."

The little blood sighed and said.

In order to convince Xiang Yang to leave a magical species in his body, Mo Dao even said something that might happen in the future, perhaps impossible.

Moreover, he also stressed that anyway, Xiang Yang left a ban in his body and could not have any harm to him. Then, is there any reason for him not to let Xiang Yang leave a ban in his body?

Xiang Yang can't tell Mo Dao that if he planted a magic species in his body, he would become a fanatic believer, and would be the kind of person who blindly worships himself?

If you say it, it is equal to hitting your own face. I used to say that it is just for the sake of prevention. In fact, it is the means that will really control them in the hands. Moreover, it is still invisible to change everyone’s thoughts. It is the most terrible.

"I will come first."

When Xiang Yang was still entangled, Wu Qing came up and said to Xiang Yang, "You are my return, I believe that you will not harm me, please also leave the same prohibition in my body." ”

"My fathers and grandfathers have already been left with some means. If you skip our mentoring, we will not care about it in our hearts, but please complete."

At the same time, Wu Qing’s face was pressed against Xiang Yang with a firm color.

Wu Qing does not really believe that Xiang Yang’s ban will have no problem. However, as he said, the arrogance of each generation of Xiaoshengshan has been banned by Xiang Yang in his body, if he and If Mo Dao does not have it, he will not be willing to go.

After Xiang Yang listened, it was a tremor in his heart. After a moment of silence, he nodded and said, "Well, if that is the case, then I will fulfill you. Rest assured, the secret law that I broke into your body will not hurt you. ""

Then, in his hand, two magical species were condensed and they entered the bodies of Wu Qing and Mo Dao respectively.

Because they volunteered to let Xiangyang enter the magic species, the magic species will not completely change their views on Xiangyang in the first time, just let them feel that Xiangyang has become very cordial.

"Hey, my future more than 3,000 Da Luo strong people, this is a little excited."

After doing everything, Xiang Yang carried his hands and looked at the more than 3,000 true fairy peaks. He couldn’t help but raise an excitement. He had the confidence to help the more than 3,000 people all break through to the state of Da Luo. After all, it is only to prove that it is difficult to break through the difficulties. It is even easier to understand the breakthrough of the Da Luo rule.

I think that I can use more than 3,000 Da Luoqiangs at any time without much time. Xiang Yang is still very excited.

Of course, there are thousands of heroes in the land of Da Luo in his battlefield. However, those spirits have no flesh now, and they can’t leave the battlefield of Xiangde. Xiangyang has no feeling, but this is He felt very excited about the more than 3,000 future Da Luo practitioners.

"The boss is still the boss, and sure enough, no change..."

"Yeah, the boss is still so shameless, but I like it."

"Oh... don't look at the boss's **** is still in cultivation. If we talk again, I can guarantee that he will wake up and wait for us to wait for us later."


After seeing this scene, in the Dantian of Xiangyang, Lao Wan and Xiao Ling opened a round of sighs. However, when they looked at Xiang Yang, who was practicing while practicing, he did not dare to speak any more.

Although Xiangyang’s Dantian has turned into a space world, the space is very large. They also ran to the opposite corner of Xiangyang to chat, but this universe of stars and stars is the site of Xiangyang. They believe in Xiangyang’s Yuan. God can wake up at any time and beat them up.

At this moment, in the chaos of the outside world, Xiang Yang has already begun to teach him the feeling of breaking through Da Luo.

"As you said, when the ancient times were not cursed by Heaven, if you want to break through to the state of Da Luo, you must first understand the rules of the Da Luo, and turn the rules of the Da Luo into a flesh. An inch of space can really break through. However, the modern body repairs are cursed by the heavens, and it is impossible to comprehend the rules of the Da Luo. This has made it impossible for you to break through to the state of Da Luo."

"However, Da Luo is only a realm. The so-called Da Luo rule is also a subtle use of the rules of the heavens. In my opinion, the practitioners of the refining body are practicing the flesh, and it is necessary to make the flesh stronger and stronger. The body of the annihilation is the right way. In this way, there is no need for any rules of the Da Luo. Only the strength of the flesh is sufficient. After surpassing the degree that the true immortal can bear, it will be able to break through and become the strong man."

"Look, this is the power after my breakthrough."


At the same time, Xiang Yang’s unbridled full outbreak of the flesh is the strongest force. This is the strength of his real fleshy body. In order to show up in front of more than 3,000 strong people, it is a true full force. A fist hit the depths of chaos.


Xiang Yang’s fist blasted, accompanied by a huge roar in the depths of this chaos. The chaos was broken and turned into a black hole. At the same time, it seemed to be open to the outside world, within a certain small range, clear gas. Rise, the turbidity sinks, and then merges and re-emerges into a chaotic world. However, the power of this fist does not end there, but it forms a horrible chaotic storm with powerful power towards the depths of chaos. Going swept away.

"The boss is powerful, the power of this boxing can actually open up the sky, it is too strong, although I have not seen the strength of those who have mastered the great Luoqiang in ancient times, but certainly can not compare with you. "Wang Lin couldn't help but admire."

Although they were knocked into the magic species, they did not immediately change their views on Xiangyang. At this moment, they just watched Xiangyang becoming more and more cordial. They felt that Xiangyang did everything right, especially when he saw Xiangyang. After the power of the boxing, it is even more exciting. If they can have such powerful strength, they will be better able to serve their boss in the future.

Others also nodded their heads and looked at Xiang Yang with a frenetic color on his face.

"So, then tell you how to break through."

Xiang Yang smiled softly and did not pay attention to Wang Lin’s flattering. Instead, he said directly, “My breakthrough method is very simple. Anyone can learn to accommodate the power of chaos and quench it into every inch of the body. Allows energy storage in the body to reach its limits.

Since the refining monks in ancient times had to break through and need to be engraved into the flesh in the rules of the Dala, then I used the chaotic gas instead of the rules of the Dala to quench the flesh, even if the strength of the flesh reached saturation, continue Quenching, until the end, can not withstand more power, and then qualitative change to produce qualitative changes, and ultimately a direct breakthrough. ”

At the same time, Xiang Yang looked at Mo Dao, and sure enough, Mo Dao also remembered the embarrassment that Xiang Yang had told him when he was in the desert. Before that, Mo Dao did not care, but did not expect that This is the real breakthrough.

His face was stunned and whispered. "The original Master has already passed on the rumors of the breakthrough. I still don't know, I am so stupid."

However, Mo Dao only felt that he did not pay attention to Xiang Yang's words. He felt that he had done something wrong. Others felt that he could worship Xiang Yang as a teacher. It was the most correct decision of his life.

"It's just that you didn't pay attention."

Xiang Yang whispered, no matter what, anyway, Mo Dao is already his own registered disciple, and he still has a strong talent in the aspect of refining, and he is also being attacked by himself. People, he naturally won't blame.

"This is the real ancient battle of the "Fighting Law", even after breaking through to the state of Da Luo, you can continue to practice, go straight to the holy world, you must first understand and then quenched according to the method I said I practiced the practice of chaos and gas into the body. Now, Mo Dao came with me, and I will help you break through."

At the same time, Xiang Yang’s gods differentiated thousands of ways and passed on the holy law to everyone. Then he ignored other people and took Modao directly to the other side. The little blood naturally followed. The little guy has just got the secrets of Xiangyang's breakthrough. He also learned the 'Fighting Law'. At this moment, the little guy squinted at Xiangyang with great eyes. He was very curious about how Xiangyang could help Mo Dao break through.

"If the boss can really help Mo Dao to quickly break through this kid, it means that I can help me break through quickly."

In the small blood heart, make up your mind, then you must look at Xiangyang well. If Xiangyang really has a way to help others break through, she must be the first one. Of course, Modao is just an experimental product, in her heart. Modao can't be said to be the first one.


However, the next Xiang Yang's practice suddenly made the little **** eyes wide open, only to see a **** stove on the top of Xiangyang's head appeared, and instantly zoomed in, began to absorb the boundless chaos, the horrible chaotic energy is Rolling, swallowed by half of the **** stove.

Then, in this furnace, there is a stream of chaotic air that has been tempered and injected directly into Moto's body.


At this moment, the breath of Mo Dao began to rise, and the whole person actually changed at this moment.

"I rely on..."

At this moment, Rao is a princess of the Qilin family. She couldn’t help but widen her eyes and reveal an incredible look. She did not expect that Xiang Yang could actually do this to help others break through, and she also sensed The energy that flows into the body of the **** little Ding is still chaotic. However, after refining, the violent anger of the original chaos has become less, and it has become very gentle. The road absorbed.

"Boss, I want too."

Little blood can't wait to see Xiang Yang, "Boss, after you help Mo Dao, this kid must complete the breakthrough, as long as I can break through, I can become a real adult blood unicorn, and, by the time My strength will reach a very powerful level of terror."


However, the voice of the little blood just fell, and there was a **** giant tripod on the top of her head. This giant tripod was full of 100,000 feet, which is many times larger than the ‘Heavenly Oven’ suspended in the top of Modao’s head.

The 'Heaven and Earth Oven' is suspended at the top of the small blood, bursting out a powerful chaotic gas, infinite energy is injected into it, without the **** 'world's oven' bursting, but there is also a very powerful chaotic gas. Flowing out of the **** giants, infused into the body of small blood.


After seeing the little blood, he suddenly became overjoyed, and at this moment, he directly manifested the bleeding unicorn and began to absorb the energy injected into her body by the ‘Heavenly Oven.’

However, because the blood itself is a blood unicorn, the energy needed is too much, and she still has a supernatural power. Although her chaotic energy surpasses the thousand times of Mo Dao, the breath of her body The speed of the upgrade is very slow.

"Although the promotion is slower than Modao, but after all, it has improved. If it can make the small blood grow into a real adult state, I am afraid that even if the king is coming, she will be swallowed up by her."

Xiang Yang looked at the little blood with a slight squint, and was very much looking forward to the moment when the little blood really became adult.

The little blood is the palace princess of the Qilin family. As a family of unicorns and beasts, she can swallow the lord of the Three Kingdoms of Da Luo when she is still not in adulthood. If she is a real adult, she will definitely have extremely terrifying strength. I am afraid that even if it is a fairy The king has to be swallowed up directly by her.

At the same time, Xiang Yang's own head also appeared a 'Heaven and Earth Oven'. However, the size of his ‘Heaven and Earth Oven’ is a hundred times more than a small blood, as if to occupy the entire chaotic void.

The infinite chaos of the gas broke out and was swallowed by the 'Heavenly Oven', and then turned into a chaotic torrent that rushed into Xiangyang's body. Every cell of Xiangyang's body was sucking this chaos in the greedy grandson. energy.

For Xiang Yang, his physical body has reached such a state. It is very difficult to have a big breakthrough. Even if such a powerful energy is rushed into the body, there will be not much improvement.

"Since promotion, let's go together."

While Xiang Yang himself is improving, he looks at the state of being trapped in practice, slowly extracting the chaotic gas into himself, and preparing to improve the masters of Xiaoshan, who he has cultivated according to the method described by Xiang Yang.

He used ‘too end of the oven’ to help Mo Dao and Xiao Xue to practice. It is also helpful to help this group of people practice, and it can save more time. Why not?


With a shrill roar, more than 3,000 'Heavenly Oven' appeared out of thin air. Every 'Heavenly Oven' flew under the control of Xiangyang to the top of every refining body. , absorb the chaotic gas and inject into their bodies.

Since Xiang Yang had previously realized the ability to divide the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' into thousands, he said that it is a one-time use of more than 3,000 “Heaven and Earth Ovens”, even if it can be used for one time.

Ever since, in the chaos, the mighty atmosphere is flowing, and a group of practitioners who have stopped at the level of the true fairy peak began their first ascension since infinity, and it is still leaping. , upgraded at a very fast speed.

The author Meng Yu said: Today, four Zhang Ha, the rest must be kept tomorrow, and it is estimated that there is no way to write it all day tomorrow. I want to go to Hangzhou Writer Village...

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