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"Who else dare you dissatisfied with this princess?"

The little blood smiled and looked at everyone. Although her anger was vented a little, she lost a lot of energy, but most of them have not vented it. Looking at the shocking eyes of the tens of thousands of strong people present, she also Thinking of killing a few more anger, her eyes looked at the rest of the real fairy peaks, looking for a person who gave her an excuse to do, just looking for it, I did not find a suitable person Can do it.

So many people were scared by the blood, and they looked at the little blood one by one, and the blood and flesh of the dozens of beaches on the ground. They didn’t dare to say a word, how to make the little blood have a chance. Hands-on?

The little blood face with a depressed color, screaming, "You are dissatisfied, you can say it, this princess is very kind, will give you a chance to speak, don't be afraid."


Not afraid to blame, at this time, who dares to say it?

On the court, thousands of real elites, who were temperamental, were tempered and scared. They were going to kill the elders on Xiaoshengshan, but in the face of small blood, they were even the atmosphere. I don’t dare to breathe.

"Oh... my little teacher is not a **** unicorn monster, although it has not broken through to the realm of the body, but her temperament has definitely surpassed me, even if it has reached the Da Luozhi I can't be her opponent."

Mo Dao was also shocked. He was very excited as the first person to break through to the state of Da Luo. He had a feeling of being invincible in these physical exercises. At this moment, when he saw the breath of small blood bursting out, I finally understood that I was not invincible. Even the people who have not broken through to the state of Da Luo are stronger than themselves. What's more, in this world, there are still many horrors like blood. The presence.

"Mo Dao, she is so strong, do you all break through to the state of Da Luo?"

At the back of a Mo Dao’s uncle, he whispered to Mo Dao’s voice.

The strength of the small blood is too strong, even if these uncles and ancestors of Mo Dao feel that they can definitely do the invincible in the body after breaking through the Da Luo, and at this moment they have no confidence in Mo Dao.

"She is my little teacher, I broke through to the state of Da Luo, but she has not broken through." Mo Dao responded with a very honest voice.

"I will say it? If Ronaldo is so good, it is impossible to have so many people stuck in this level from ancient times."

After the teacher’s uncle listened, he was relieved.

"No, although the young uncle has not broken through to the state of Da Luo, but her strength is stronger than me. If it is a positive confrontation, I am not her opponent." However, Mo Dao said another sentence, his one Uncle Shi suddenly widened his eyes and revealed an incredible color.

"You, haven't you already broken into the realm of Da Luo? Why isn't it her opponent?"

The elder of the little holy mountain was also asked by the uncle of Mo Dao.

"I have already broken through to the situation of Da Luo, but I just just broke through, and Xiao Shishu has been with my master for a long time. How can her strength be weak? Although she has not broken through to the big Luo's realm, but the strength is definitely not what I can compare."

Modao shook his head and said everything very honestly.

This is not that Mo Dao is too modest, but that he is really real and feels the horrible blood of the little blood. He only feels that even if his own blood is not comparable to the blood, his heart is too shocked. .


The elders of the little holy mountain listened to the cold, but they felt that it was too unbelievable. However, Mo Dao is already a strong man, and it can be said that it is in the current body. Xiang Yang is the strongest person outside the legendary originator. If he can't believe what he said, who can say it?

"I don't know if I have the opportunity to break through to the state of Da Luo. It is too envious."

Then, all the elders on Xiaoshengshan had envious colors on their faces. Although Wu Qing did not appear, Mo Dao did not say the specific reasons, but they did not have to think about it. Wu Qing was definitely in retreat. Perhaps the moment when Wu Qing appeared, he also broke through to the state of Da Luo like Mo Dao.

They are shaking in their hearts, just thinking that if they can break through to the state of Da Luo, that is the most perfect thing.

Everyone will have selfishness, even if they are immortals. These physically strong people on the little holy mountain naturally want to break through to the state of Da Luo.

"If there is a chance, wait for this, I will ask the teacher to help you break through." Mo Dao said softly.

"Great, thank you, thank you so much."

"Haha, I will say, Modao is that we grew up watching, and although he became a strong man, there will be no change."

"It is the first arrogance of my little holy mountain. I can break through to the state of Da Luo in such a short time."


The elders of the dozens of small holy mountains gave a smack of smog to Mo Dao. However, after listening to it, Mo Dao did not show any happy color, but his face was helpless.

Even if Mo Dao is so talented, he is very clear that he wants to use the method of Xiang Yang to break through the situation of Da Luo. It is absolutely necessary to use time to grind it up. If you can persist, endure pain and loneliness, and chaos The gas is tempered into the body a little bit, so that after it has reached the true saturation, and finally jumps, there is still a chance to prove that it has broken through to the state of Da Luo.

However, the reason why he can use such a short time to break through, can only be done with the help of Xiangyang. Without the help of Xiangyang, Modao absolutely can't break through to Dalu in ten days. of.

However, for these, without the permission of Xiang Yang, Mo Dao will not tell other people, he just made up his mind, and when there is time in the future, he will ask Xiangyang to help those cards on Xiaoshan Mountain. In the master of the real fairy peak breakthrough.

Even if they can't use their means to help them, they should also teach them how to practice, so that they can hope to break through to the state of Da Luo.

For the practitioners, the most fear is that they can't see hope. Now, with the emergence of Xiangyang, they finally saw hope. If there is hope, they will have the motivation to practice.

In particular, when Mo Dao’s breath of the top of the Da Luo situation appeared in front of the tens of thousands of individual self-cultivators, even a small blood killing dozens of people gave them a very big shock. However, after a short silence, they showed an ecstasy that could not be suppressed.

They are the same as Xiaoshanshan. There is no such thing as a grudge. The reason why these elders of Xiaoshengshan had to be done before was because they felt cheated and shot under anger. Now they see Mo. The Tao is already a strong man. The tens of thousands of individuals who have looked at the masters of Xiaoshengshan and Mo Dao’s eyes have already had a hot color.

"I have seen Mo Xianjun and I have seen the ancestors."

There is a more exciting one. It is very clear that the person standing next to the little blood is the first person Xiang Yang of the legendary refining body. He has an excited color on his face and worships Mo Dao and Xiang Yang.

Then, when he looked at the little blood beside Xiang Yang, he hesitated for a while and shouted, "See the princess."

Although he really didn't know what the little blood was a princess, but before he heard a little blood, a ‘this princess’, he felt that he only needed to call the little blood a ‘princess’.

"Not bad, your vision is the best."

After listening to the little blood, the original unhappy face turned pale and sunny. Her body flashed directly in front of the guy and patted the guy's shoulder. Haha smiled and said, "Boy, you are very visionary.. ."

"Thank you for the princess praise..."

After the guy listened to the little blood, he was very excited and excited. This time, he first had a good relationship with Mo Dao and the first person in the legendary refining body. After that, it was time to break through to become a big Luo.

However, his words have not been finished yet, and he saw a small blood cold sigh. "Unfortunately, your vision is not enough. You don't even know that you should put Master in the front, the teacher and the uncle in the middle, and the disciple should put it. The last one? Mo Dao is a disciple, you actually put him in the forefront to see, do you want to reverse the sky?"


After the guy listened, he suddenly stopped. There was cold sweat on his forehead, and he shuddered and said, "Yes, sorry, I..."

"Oh, no need to be nervous, you are also a relatively open-minded person, this princess has not been smothered to that extent, will not care about you, and later pay attention to it." His words have not finished, they will hear small blood Said faintly.

"Yes, thank you princess, thank you ancestors, thank you Mo Xianjun."

This guy was relieved and thanked him. The whole person was already soaked in sweat, and his heart was bitterly laughing. He only felt that it was a little difficult to wait for the little princess.

"See the ancestors, meet the princess, and meet Mo Xianjun."

However, when the guy breathed a sigh of relief, he heard a very neat and respectful voice coming over. He turned his head and looked at it. He found that all the physical exercises were very respectful and kneeled on the ground against Xiangyang. Moreover, they still get the order of the identity of several people after they have touched their noses, and they have applied directly to the past.

At this moment, he had the feeling that his hard work had been stolen, and he couldn't help but raise a anger.

However, when I saw everyone squatting down and standing still, he never dared to insist. He quickly squatted again, and looked at Xiang Yang and Mo Dao and Xiao Xue with three faces on his face.

As modern strong people, they are very sad. After they have reached the peak of true fairy, they can no longer enter, and even often worry that they will be arrested and slaves to be slaves.

Now, I finally see the hope of breakthrough. Moreover, Mo Dao has become the first person to break through to the state of Da Luo after Xiang Yang, and let everyone see the future of the refining body. They are very excited. .

Everyone looked at Xiang Yang with all his eyes, only hope that Xiang Yang could pass on the method of how to break through on the spot.

However, Xiang Yang did not intend to pass the breakthrough method immediately. At this moment, Xiang Yang was shocked by the masters of these tens of thousands of refining bodies. This is more than 10,000 people.

If all of them are in the hands of the magic species, then help them break through to the state of Da Luo. So, isn’t it that you can control more than 10,000 body repairs, this number seems to be a bit big? Scary look.

Rao is Xiang Yang thinking that he can have so many big Luo strong people next, his heartbeat can not help but accelerate.

"You all get up first."

Xiang Yang lightly coughed and sent an invisible force between the waves to pull everyone up. Of course, this energy is not the energy of practicing the gentleman, but the power of being a refining monk.

In the face of a group of strong people, Xiang Yang is the high-level ancestor of the character, he naturally can not use the power of the flesh, and the strength of practicing the spirit.

"My ancestors, I am the black tower of the black iron gate. In my door, there are 398 people who are stuck in the refinement monks of Zhenxian Peak. I also ask the ancestors to reward the breakthrough method. I will never wait. Forget the kindness of the old ancestors."

At this time, there was a young man who first bowed to Xiang Yang and had an excited color on his face. He asked Xiang Yang to teach him to break through the law of Da Luo.

"My ancestors, I am the owner of the Baizhumen. There are more than 200 refining monks in the door of the real fairy. We have been stuck in this realm for hundreds of thousands of years, and we also ask the ancestors to pity. I can pass the law to me first, and I will be the leader of the ancestors."

Another doorman of the martial art was unwilling to lag behind and stood up and bowed down to Xiangyang.

"Old ancestors, I am..."

"Old ancestors, among our sects, there are still one hundred and two hundred strong men of the true fairy peak, we are waiting for the ancestors to give the law..."

"Old ancestors..."


Then, there are hundreds of people who are going to go to Xiangyang, and tell the Xiangyang one of the strongest people in their sects. They are pleading that Xiangyang must pass the breakthrough law to them.

When these guys all burst out of the sect of the sect, there were a lot of martial arts, and Xiang Yang was shocked by the shackles. So if all of them are counted, I am afraid that they are real. There are more than 100,000 physical repairs in the real fairy peak. Moreover, these are only the physical repairs in several nearby continents. If all the physical repairs of the entire eastern Tianyu are counted, the number will reach a very terrible Degree.

Xiang Yang’s heart trembled and looked at the strong people in front of these real fairy peaks. He felt that there was a feeling of winning the prize. It seemed that he suddenly changed from a shackle to a nouveau riche, as long as he controlled all the martial arts peaks. And to help these people break through to the state of Da Luo, then, will they immediately have an invincible Da Luo team?

These bodybuilders are not one or two, not thousands, but hundreds of thousands of bodybuilders, perhaps at the beginning, only a big man, but the number is really too Terrible.

"Since then, who dares to have any dissatisfaction with me, my body repairs can be drowned by one person even if they are spit."

Xiang Yang is full of sense of accomplishment in the future.


However, at this time, a terrible attack power fell on the mountain guardianship of Xiaoshengshan, causing the movement to make everyone face a big change.

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