Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2445: Flying knife

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"The descendant of the 葫 葫 葫 ??"

Below, Xiang Yang is also awkward, he did not expect that he is too lazy to tell the other person's name, but it will lead to such a guy who looks very good.

Originally Xiang Yang just wanted to talk to the master of the big Luo Santian Tianfeng, even if he told him the name is useless, because he does not need to tell a dead person's own name, this sentence is a very simple sentence, Not to mention that Xiangyang, even an ordinary person in the secular world can often say such things casually.

However, Xiang Yang did not expect that his own words heard the middle-aged man holding a green gourd, this guy was very confident that he was afraid of him.

Looking at the top of a group of big Luo Santian Tianfeng peak, the strong guys were scared by this guy, Xiang Yang is very emotional, should he tell this guy, this guy himself is wrong, he does not know him What is the sacred gourd, not afraid of him.

"Boss, is the 葫仙葫芦? No, the 斩仙葫芦 is just a counterfeit, not the famous ancient 斩 葫 承载 承载 carrying the 斩仙飞刀."

In the dantian of Xiangyang, Xiaoling and Laowan were together. After seeing the outside situation through Xiangyang’s eyes, they saw at a glance that the middle-aged man’s hand was not legendary. The one-of-a-kind genius killer.

Xiang Yang got the memory of the demon statue, and also got the memory of the ancestor of the blood family. Both of them are the peerless strongmen in ancient times. Although they are all losers, they have very rich experience and know a lot of things. Yang knows from their memories, what a treasure of the sinus gourd in ancient times.

In ancient times, there was a saint who, when he did not grow into a saint, was only in the realm of Da Luo, he relied on a treasure to name the world, and that was the knives.

The so-called Zhuxian Flying Knife is a gourd born from the chaotic Qinglian in chaos. This gourd is born with a flying knife called the Zhuxian flying knife. As long as you hold the gourd, yell at the other party’s name and fly. The knife will fly out to kill the other god, making the square gods extinct.

This knife is a real supreme killer, and the power is terrible, even in the chaos is fierce.

Therefore, this knife is called the Zhu Xianfei knife, and the gourd carrying the Zhu Xianfei knife is also called the 斩仙葫芦.

As for the owner of this 斩仙葫芦, Xiang Yang did not know that no one around him could ask, but he did not know that among the strongmen who attacked Xiaoshengshan, there was even a squash successor.

Although the other side is holding a counterfeit squash, but it also has the power of a genuine 斩 葫 葫 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大It seems that the pulse of this person is still very famous.

Fuyang can sense that the 斩 葫 葫 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然Kill the immortal.

"It’s just a sacred gourd at the level of the fairy ware. At most, it can only kill one or two celestial princes. It is impossible to kill the celestial king. The boss does not have to worry, even if you stand and let him use the 斩仙飞刀, It's also impossible to hurt you, your body has gone beyond the fairy."

Xiang Yang’s little spirit in the Dantian world is patted on his chest and said confidently.

As an instrumental spirit of ‘乾坤造化鼎, it can be said that it is not an exaggeration of the great masters of the Tiantian Wanjie. It can be seen at a glance.

"That is, even if the boss does not want to let the broken knife touch you, you can directly say it to me, and the sound of a robbery will make it impossible to break through the tens of thousands of knives. The defense, let alone the fake 葫 葫 gourd, can destroy this broken gourd at once."

At the same time, Lao Wan seems to have suddenly come to the same interest, smiled and said to Xiang Yang, "Boss, simply I ruined that 斩 葫 葫 ,, you can rest assured, I can definitely do silent, in When no one found it, let the 斩 葫 葫 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动 主动

Before the big Luo Santian's strongest person, the exhibition of the sword, the reason why the knife was dissipated silently, it was because of Lao Wan's shot.

Otherwise, with the power of Xiangyang, it is really impossible to be able to sing a knife with a silent voice.

"You stop."

After Xiang Yang listened, he suddenly said anxiously and quickly said, "Don't rush to do it, don't ruin my magic weapon."

"Your magic weapon..."

After listening to Lao Wan, he immediately understood the meaning of Xiang Yang. He had to bring the color of regret. "Unfortunately, I haven’t had any active bones for a long time. I wanted to shoot it once. Since it’s the boss, I’m fancy the counterfeit Then I can't do it."

"You can not only do not start, but also help me to protect the squash, and then study the role of the squash, I want to mass produce the 斩仙飞刀."

Xiang Yang said to Xiao Ling and Lao Wan.


After listening to Xiang Yang's words, the two men suddenly groaned, and then remembered that Xiang Yang had just conquered a bunch of physical repairs, and there were 100,000 Tushenwei and hundreds of thousands of blood emperors. If all of them had a knives, Then all of them broke through to the state of Da Luo. Then, hundreds of thousands of Da Luo strong people held the 斩 葫 葫 ,, shouting the name of the other party, when the dozens of 斩 飞 飞 飞 朝着 朝着 朝着 朝着 朝着 朝着 朝着 朝着 朝着 朝着 朝着It’s too hot.

Moreover, the grade of Xiangyang's Zhu Xianfei knife is naturally impossible to be low. It must be made by Xiaoling. The power of the Zhuxian flying knife that he refines is definitely not comparable to the so-called 斩仙葫芦. At that time, those of Xiangyang’s men would absolutely be able to annihilate all the powerful enemies. Even if the king of the kings came, they would not be opponents.

"The boss is the boss, the idea is too far."

Xiaoling and Laowan also praised and felt that Xiang Yang’s thoughts were really different, but it was really what he considered for his men.

At this moment, Xiang Yang did not pay attention to the two spirits of Xiao Ling and Lao Wan, but looked at the green skin gourd in the hands of the guy with great interest. He made up his mind and decided to get the hand of the 斩 葫 ,, and then let Xiao Ling study it clearly. After the truth, let Xiaoling produce it in batches. At that time, his own hand has a mandarin gourd. The picture is really too big.

"I am so smart."

Xiang Yang sighed, only that the middle-aged man holding the cucurbit gourd appeared here is really an unexpected surprise.

"Kid, since you recognize the cucurbit gourd, then the deity does not kill you, let's go."

In the upper sky, the middle-aged man holding the squash cucurbits has replaced other people. It seems that at this moment it has become the leader among the masters of the three big heavens.

His face looked at Xiang Yang with a proud color, and he waved his hand very generously, and he planned to leave Xiang Yang.

In fact, this guy was hiding in the top of the big three peaks of Da Luo, and when he saw the strong man with the big knife out of the limelight, he thought about how he would attract the attention of others so that he could walk. In front of everyone.

This guy was originally a person who wanted to be the leader of all people. He felt that he was a descendant of the sinister knives. He should be in front of everyone. No matter where he stood, he should be eye-catching, but For a moment, he did not expect to use what kind of method to become the leader of the people to give orders, so he was very puzzled.

When he just heard that Xiang Yang said that he didn't want to say his name, he knew that his chance had come, and he came out very calmly, so he had the latter thing.

He looked at other people's respectful and scared look with him, very satisfied, and even looking at Xiang Yang's eyes is also very pleasing to the eye, so he is prepared to be generous once, let Xiang Yang leave.

"Lu Xianjun, but he..."

The strong man who had taken the sword before the big Luo Santian Tianfeng suddenly hesitated. The knife that he had before was suddenly dissipated by Xiangyang, which made him feel very confused, which made him very unhappy with Xiangyang. It was cut down by Xiang Yang. At this moment, he suddenly heard that this middle-aged man had to leave Xiang Yang to leave. He was not happy at all.

"Are you dissatisfied with my decision?" The middle-aged man was holding a squash gourd, and his face was calmly looking at the master of the big Luo Santian peak holding a sword.

As his gaze looked over, there was a strange scent in the scent of gourd...

"Don't dare."

After seeing the master of the big Luo Santian, who was holding the sword, he suddenly felt his heart tremble and no longer dared to have any opinions.

He was afraid that the 斩仙飞刀 in the gourd in the other hand was unsheathed. At that time, even if he was the strongest of the three big peaks of the big Luo, he did not grasp the attack that could block the knives.

"Since Lu Xianjun is kind enough to let you go, then let's go."

Then, the master of Dalu’s three-day Tianfeng, who was holding a sword, looked at Xiangyang with a bad face. He was very upset in his heart. He wanted to find out what method Xiangyang used to annihilate his knife, but he could not do it. It can only be like driving a fly away from Xiangyang.

However, he has already made up his mind, and he will definitely find Xiangyang in the future until Xiangyang is extinguished.

"I think, you have misunderstood one thing."

However, when they all felt that letting Xiang Yang leave was a kindness to Xiangyang Tianda, Xiang Yang would definitely be very happy to leave, but he saw Xiang Yang’s face with a smile.


Whether it is the middle-aged man holding the cucurbit gourd or the other master of the big Luo Santian, after listening to Xiang Yang's words, all of them are wide-eyed and look at Xiangyang.

They have already left Xiangyang to leave, but Xiang Yang does not hurry to leave, but instead is slowly speaking here, which gives them a feeling of being provocative by Xiang Yang.

"It's not that you let me go, but I'm thinking about what to do with you. It's enough for you to be arrogant for so long. It's time to solve you."

Xiang Yang sighed and said, while his body was volleying, as if there was an invisible step in the void in front of him. He stepped on the void and went straight to the same group as the great Luoqiang. The height of this stopped.

His face looked at the middle-aged man with a knives flying with a serious color. "If it was the real treasure of the ancient times, the knives of the celestial knives came, I will turn around and run." But, what is the arrogance of holding a counterfeit goods in your hand? How do you want to die?"


After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, the middle-aged man holding the green gourd was so angry that the whole person trembled. He looked at Xiang Yang with a look of murder. “Good boy, don’t want to kill you, you can Do you want to do whatever you want, if you think that you must know your name to kill you, then you are wrong, and you want to kill people. Be sure to know the other person's name. As long as you see your first sight, even if you flee to the ends of the earth, I can marry you."

"What kind of ghost is it?"

Xiang Yang was looking at the middle-aged man.

"Nature is the inheritance of the pulse of the sacred knives." Although the middle-aged man looked at Xiangyang with a murderous look, he had already determined that Xiangyang would kill him. However, he was listening to Xiangyang’s words. After that, the face was still proud and answered Xiang Yang’s question.

"Is it the one that opened up in the ancient times with a strong man holding a knives?" Xiang Yang has a curious color on his face, just like a curious baby.


The middle-aged man replied at the same time with an angry voice. "Kid, you have so many problems, do you want to delay the time?"

"No, I just want to ask, because if you die, maybe your veins will be extinct. By that time, I would be more troublesome to understand what you call the immortal." Xiang Yang shook his head and said.

"The boy is looking for death, the singer gourd, and he is smashed to him."

"Flying the knife and smashing the fairy!"


The middle-aged man was mad at Xiangyang, and he directly applied the secret method to unplug the scorpion gourd. Suddenly, with a soft bang, among all the shocking eyes, a scorpion scorpion flew out. The knife light disappeared instantly.

Everyone knows that this knife is the legendary knives.

When the 斩仙飞刀 appears, no one can see its trajectory, and it will kill the other party in an instant, and the knife will hit the other party. Even if the other party prepares, it is useless, unless there is super power. The defensive magic weapon and the preparation of the situation can only block the attack of the 斩仙飞刀, otherwise, when you see the 斩仙飞刀, you are already dead.

This is why everyone is also the realm of the big three heavens, these strong people are very jealous of this middle-aged man holding a green gourd.

It is not that their strength is not as good as that of middle-aged men, but because the middle-aged man’s knives are too strange, and no one can say that they have the ability to resist the attack of the 斩仙飞刀.

In particular, at this moment, I saw the knives of the 斩仙飞刀, and these three big and powerful tycoons couldn’t help but retreat toward the rear. I was afraid that the knives would return to deal with Xiangyang. they.


However, when everyone retreated, they heard a crisp sound. They looked at Xiangyang, but they found that Xiangyang was still standing in the original place. His right hand was extended, and the index finger and **** were two fingers. Holding a knife light, the knife light is twisting and wanting to break free, but it is caught by Xiang Yang's two fingers, so you can't break away.


At this moment, everyone is dumbfounded.

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