Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2456: The crisis is coming

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When Qing Lan let all the people on the spaceship ship evacuate, his face with a smug look, thinking that Xiang Yang did not have these people to help control the space battleship, certainly not able to drive the space battleship, when The space battleship is still his.


However, at this moment, I saw Xiang Yang waved a hand, and a whirlpool broke out, directly swallowing a vast space battleship.

The vortex closed, and Xiang Yang said with a smile on his face. He said to the young man, "This spaceship will become one of my collections, very memorable, thank you guys."


The look of smug on the face of the green scorpion solidified. He looked at Xiangyang with a dull look. After thinking that Xiangyang got the spaceship warship, he must be driving the road. Who ever thought that Xiang Yang used such a simple method directly. Will this space warship be included in the magic of space, then, what does Xiang Yang want to do with this spaceship?

"Don't you control the space warships? The power of this space warship is equivalent to the power of the king of the Great Luoxian. Even if the king is coming, he will be killed if he is not careful."

Qingyan swallowed his mouth and said.

"Your space warship has killed the king of the king?" Xiang Yang asked.

"No." Qing Yan shook his head and said very honestly.

"Then you still think it can kill the King of the Kings, it is simply whimsical."

Xiang Yang sighed and patted the shoulders of Qing dynasty. "Children, don't think too simple. Many things are not as simple as you think. You should go back and practice to break through to the state of Da Luo."

"You are a child, your family is a child."

After listening to it, Qinglu was very angry and stared at Xiangyang. "And, don't think that after I go back, I will immediately break through to the state of Da Luo. I won't break through so early. I will be there. In the Million Chapel, you will be defeated by the bright and beautiful, let you know that I can never be your opponent."


After Xiang Yang listened, he was embarrassed. "You are the first in the last real fairy war, are you still planning to overtake?"

Qinglan can stand out in the last million-year-old real fairy war, proving that his strength has its extraordinary place, but this guy has already received a glory, and even suppressed the repair as a breakthrough, just to Then participate in a million-day real fairy war.

"Don't you know that the Million Island Real World War can be participated as long as it has not broken through to the state of Da Luo? No matter which first place, as long as there is no breakthrough, you can participate in the war." Looking at Xiang Yang said.

"They keep not breaking through the bullying of a group of children to do?" Xiang Yang looked at the Qing dynasty inexplicably. In his opinion, the first place in the World of Immortals in the Million Island should not have such a strong attraction. This kind of Tianjiao has always suppressed the repair as a breakthrough.

"Do you know that this time the first place in the Million Chau Reality Wars will have a big chance?"

Qingyan said with a deep sense of Xiangyang, "The first place in the past million-day real fairy wars can be fame and fortune, but this time it is different. It is said that some people have passed down the news on the upper level. This time, the first place in the World of Immortals in the Million has a chance to be a big one. Moreover, this opportunity is impossible to meet, even if I am a master of the Tongtian Group, I can’t get it. I can only fight again."

"Is there really any super baby?"

Xiang Yang felt that all this was incredible. Originally, he thought that the Battle of the Immortals was only an activity held by the upper class. What he did not expect was that there was a so-called big chance.

Xiang Yang is very clear that this so-called opportunity can make the young masters of the Tongtian Group feel heart-warming, and it is absolutely a treasure.

"I would like to see what the so-called first mysterious baby is."

Xiang Yang’s heart was curious and made up his mind to participate in this so-called million-mile real fairy war. He looked up and looked at the green scorpion, but he saw that the boy was like a fighting cock, high up. The head, with a proud color, said to Xiang Yang, "You must be very confused. I am telling you what these are for. It is obviously adding an opponent to myself. But what I want to tell you is that when my deity appears. At the time, it is definitely not what you can compare. In the last session, I was able to get the first place in the Million Chapel, and this time I can do the same."

"I don't feel confused."

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at him. "That said, your body is just a avatar. This makes me feel a little surprised. Where is your deity, let me see it."

At this moment, the young man standing in front of him was just a avatar. It really made Xiang Yang feel very surprised. I didn’t expect this guy to have such a backhand. However, it’s normal to think about it. This guy is the last one. The first place in the Million Chau Immortal World War is not just that this guy is so weak.

"My deity can't be out now. When the real Million is open, if you can get into the top 100, there will be ways to see my deity."

Qing Yan’s mouth showed a smile. “However, it’s too difficult to get into the first place in the Million World Fair. Even if you can deal with my avatar, I want to enter the Million Island.” The top 100 is also unlikely."

"You are so confident."

Xiang Yang whispered softly. He really didn't think that the deity of the Qing dynasty could reach the level. The true immortal is the true immortal. It is impossible to have the power of the prince, unless he can have the sacred king field like him.

When I think of this, Xiang Yang’s heart is a glimpse. Suddenly, I feel that it is really possible for someone to be like this. In the realm of real fairyland, I will realize that the four or more Dalu rules are turned into the realm of the fairy king. If this is the case, then the real war will come. Even if he is likely to be a bit hard.

"Xiang Yang, you are still very weak, really, compared with the previous strong players who have won several championships, your precipitation is not as good as them. If you really want a little achievement, then go to the closed practice. Don't participate in the small holy mountain and physical repair, because there are many forces in the fairy world, do not want to see the physical repair to restore the ancient glory, if you participate too much, then it may be dangerous to you." Looking at Xiang Yang with a dignified color on his face.

"Is there a fairy king to do it to me?" Xiang Yang asked strangely.

"The fairy king must have something to do. At that time, it depends on whether you can cope with the fairy king." Qingyi shook his head. "I have got the news. Soon after, Xiaoshanshan will be turned into a place of right and wrong. At that time, no one can stop, you still have to go."

"Emperor brother, my older brother said yes, you still go, leave Xiaoshengshan, you are not a small mountain, why should you be in their heads?"

Qingyin also came to the front to discourage Xiangyang.

"What have you got inside?"

Xiang Yang looked at the two people, and the two were the descendants of the Tongtian Group. The intelligence ability they possessed was naturally very strong. He believed that since the two had already received the news, there would be a fairy king coming soon.

If Li Huan is around, he is naturally not afraid of any fairy king. However, Li Huan has been sent to the lower bound by him. If there is a strong king, it will be a challenge for Xiang Yang.

"We don't know the specifics. However, it is true that some strong kings of the Xianwang class will come. Only after they have removed other obstacles, the immortal king will come, and the physical repair will be destroyed." Qing Yu said.

"Interestingly, there is really a fairy king who dares to come to deal with the body."

After Xiang Yang listened, not only was he not afraid, but he showed a look of interest.

"You know that some immortals are coming, why don't you even worry about it at all?" After Qingyin and Qingyi saw Xiangyang's appearance, it was a strange color on his face.

"Worry useful?"

Xiang Yang said, "I can't give up a lot of physical repairs on Xiaoshan Mountain. Since the immortal king is beyond my control, then I can only welcome the immortal king. When the soldiers come to block the water, they will cover it." ”

"There are some strong people behind you to let them come over, otherwise, after the arrival of the immortal king, even the strong behind you is too late." Qing Yu persuaded.

"I am the only one behind me."

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at Qinglan and Qingyin. "It is you, if you don't mind, I think you can stay and watch a good show. I believe that it will be a very exciting scene."

"You want to pull us to do the backing for you, so that people think that Xiaoshengshan has a relationship with Tongtian Group?" Qinglan looked at Xiangyang with a strange color.


When he was told by his youth, Xiang Yang was a little bit awkward. He quickly coughed a few times and looked at the green and blue sounds. He said in a serious way, "You misunderstood me, I can’t specifically pull with you. Relationship, I just want you to witness a grand event."

"You can blow it."

Both Qingyin and Qingyi looked at Xiangyang with unbelieving eyes.

"If this is the case, then let's go, I have to arrange it, and entertain the arrival of these fairy kings."

Xiang Yang said quietly.

Although he wants to keep the young masters and young ladies of Qingtian and Qingyin two Tongtian groups, but also knows that this is not the right way, they can not pin their hopes on the two, then, then we should arrange some arrays. Come to resist the king.

Of course, even if it is prepared in advance, Xiang Yang can't guarantee that he has the ability to arrange a battle that can resist the king. After all, the power of the king is terrible.

"In this case, we will stay to see what is going on, but you don't want to borrow the name of Tongtian Group. It is impossible for Tongtian Group to participate in such a thing."

The green and blue sounds look at each other and open their eyes.

"it is good."

After Xiang Yang listened, it was a bright eye. Haha smiled and patted the shoulders of the green scorpion, then went straight to the small holy mountain below and began to arrange the array.

Author Meng Yu said: I finally wrote three chapters, I hope that tomorrow's high fever can be good, too painful.

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