Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2477: The battle of the same realm (five more flowers)

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"I rely on, this is what is really immortal, even so powerful, the collection of Wu Wang and the king of the king as a younger brother does not count, even the sword king is the younger brother, it is too cattle."

"The most beautiful fairy in history has appeared. This is really the most powerful fairy in the history of the entire fairyland."

"Hahaha, this is definitely a joke. It is impossible for someone to have the ability to accept Wu Wang and Yu Wang as younger brothers in the realm of real fairy."


Among the entire Xiancheng, countless immortals are discussing what happened in this restaurant. Xiangyang is also an indirect advertisement for this restaurant, making this restaurant unintelligible.

Countless people rushed toward this restaurant. Their goal is to have a good look at the bottom of which is really a cow. Of course, the main thing is to pay tribute to the reputation of the sword king. Existence, the reputation in the fairy world is too big. Generally, the immortal has no chance to see him. It is hard to know that the sword king is in the fairy world. Everyone wants to see how terrible the sword king is. The title of the king.

In the scene, Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the sword king. Next to him, Qingyin and Qinglan were dull and looking at Xiangyang. They suddenly felt that the king was not accepted by the younger brother. There is such a madness, seeing a fairy king who wants to collect the other person as a younger brother, it seems that the king is accepted as a younger brother is also a bit normal.

And Mei Aoxue is looking at Xiangyang with a strange look. At this moment, he is really understanding that the powerful place of Xiangyang is no longer a terrible strength in Xiangyang, but that Xiangyang can Xian Wang was accepted as the younger brother’s skill. Although Mei Ao Xue had already felt that Xiang Yang and Wu Wang and Yu Wang’s brothers were very interesting, even sighed the power of Xiang Yang, but at this moment, Xiang Yang’s goal was to target the sword king. At that time, she understood a bit, I am afraid that the sword king can not escape the claws of Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the sword king. He sighed in his heart. If he could accept the fairy kings of the celestial world as the younger brother, in the future, just move around and it is a group of fairy kings to follow. It seems that it is also a good thing, and These guys have extraordinary power behind them, which is equivalent to controlling a strong network in the fairy world. It seems to be a bit fun.

"I decided, it is you, you are my fourth brother." Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the sword king, as if to announce a very important thing.

Wu Wuji and Yu Wang have long been a little numb. They looked at Xiang Yang and felt that Xiang Yang was really arrogant, but they did not discourage Xiang Yang, but they looked at the sword king. When I saw the face of the sword king being almost blasted by Xiang Yang, the two showed the color of gloating.

Opposite Xiang Yang, the face of Sword King is not very good-looking. He does not feel that he will lose to Xiang Yang and will eventually become a younger brother of Xiang Yang. Instead, he feels that Xiang Yang feels that he will lose and let him lose the day. The big face made him feel insulted.

He looked coldly at Xiangyang and angered. "Kid, what is your name? From today, you are my disciple. I will let you know how enviable it is to become a disciple of my sword." Things."

At the same time, he seemed to think of himself as the master of Xiang Yang. When he was idle, he practiced Xiang Yang's appearance and suddenly felt refreshed.

"The loser is not qualified to know my name. After you become my younger brother, I will tell you my name." The sword king is arrogant, Xiang Yang is more mad than him, don't look at Xiang Yang is just a fairy, but he He has already mastered the field of Xianwang, and as long as he is willing, he can become a strong man at any time, but he has been squatting.

In his heart, the immortal king is really not a strong presence, and can not make him feel very shocked, even if the fairy is coming, he can calmly talk to each other.

"You are too arrogant."

Rao is a sword king and he can't stand Xiang Yang any more. He thinks that Xiang Yang is too loaded with thirteen. He can't help but take out a small platform directly between the waves. The ring is flying out of the window and instantly zooms in and out. In the air outside.

"If you fight in the battle, you will know who wins and loses." The guy snorted and his body flew straight ahead. When he first got on the stage, he stood so volley and didn't worry about being seen by others. After that, he felt embarrassed that he was a fairy king and a true fairy.

Xiang Yang smiled softly, and also moved in the same direction. He appeared on the ring in an instant. Behind him, the king and others followed closely, especially the kings and the kings. They were afraid that Xiangyang was counted by the sword king. In general, the two follow closely, the body's breath is getting stronger and stronger, and there is a tendency to directly join hands to defeat the sword king.

At this moment, the two people are not in a good mood, because they are not optimistic about Xiangyang. They are afraid that Xiangyang will give them more masters after losing. When they are, they must have a blessing in the same place. Master Yang, even if they saw it, they would have to salute, but before they saw that the sword king could always have a white eye, even if they couldn’t feel good, they picked up the guy and played a big fight with each other. However, afterwards, the sword king looked at them unhappy, one The sticks hit and they didn't even dare to fight back.

How are their days gone?

They want to come and think, just don't know what to do in the future, they can only look at Xiangyang depressedly. The two people's gods constantly exchange. "If our big brother loses, the two of us will definitely be very miserable in the future." So, our goal is to not let Xiangyang lose."

"Yes, absolutely can't lose. If this is the case, it is better for us to secretly seriously damage the sword king, so that he can't display his strength. When the sword king becomes our fourth brother, it seems quite interesting." Wu Wuji said the voice.

"Good idea, among the kings of our title, the sword is the most embarrassing and proud. He never party with us. This time, if you can turn him into our four Brother, that's the most interesting." The king also has a bright eye.

"Just like this, I have a **** here, called 'Invincible God Yuangong', which can unite our invincible Yuanshen power, and unwittingly destroy the sword king. At that time, even if he There is no way to pursue us."

Wu Wang haha ​​smiled and said.

At the same time, he directly passed on his martial art titled ‘Invincible God Yuangong’ to the King of Shu. The King’s study of the moment suddenly understood the application method.

"Just do it."

After the two men negotiated, their eyes flashed, and there was a sacred **** in the depths of their eyes that was slowly flowing. It was they who were working on the 'immortality of the gods,' and they were prepared to When the door **** works to the peak, you can join forces at any time to reinvent the sword king. At that time, they will be able to add another younger brother, which is simply cool.

Even if he was a king, he was very puzzled by the fact that he became a 'three brothers'. However, when he thinks that he will be able to have more than one younger brother, he will feel very excited.

Xiang Yang stood face to face with the sword king, and looked at the sword king with a smile on his face. When he felt that the two kings and the king of the king were very nervous, he directly said to the two men, "Okay." You don't have to be nervous, you have to deal with the sword king. If he breaks out the power of the king, I may not necessarily be his opponent now. However, the sword king suppresses against the same realm of my own, than the sword, I have ten strokes. Can destroy him."

At the same time, Xiang Yang naturally carries a strong domineering spirit. Even if the fifth priest of one of the nine sects of Daomen is not his opponent in the same realm, he is directly bombarded by him and fights. Next, he does not think that the Sword King will be stronger than the fifth priest of one of the nine gates.

Although Wu Wuji also knows that Xiangyang once had his own ancestors, the fifth martial art of the martial arts, respected the creation, but he did not realize that Xiangyang could really be invincible in the same situation. Even if the fifth honor was taken seriously at the time, Xiang Yang could not be an opponent.

What's more, although the sword king can't compare with the fifth respect, but when the realm is really suppressed to the same realm as Xiangyang, the power of the pure sword repair of the sword king is probably the door. The fifth honor is not necessarily comparable to him.

If the previous Xiangyang said that it could easily destroy the sword king, Wu Wang and Yu Wang would never agree easily. However, at this time, they had made up their minds to reinvent the sword king, and then let Xiang Yang easily The sword king cleaned up and naturally knew that Xiang Yang was a winner.

Therefore, after hearing the words of Xiang Yang, they naturally looked at Xiang Yang with a smile. The king said directly, "Big brother said, you are our big brother, it is easy to deal with a sword king, you said Is it? Four brothers!"

At the same time, he looked at the sword king. This guy directly called the sword king as the fourth brother. Obviously, it has already been determined that Xiangyang will win.

After Xiang Yang listened, he nodded with satisfaction and thought that both guys were very confident about themselves. They looked at Wu Wuji and Yu Wang with a look of relief. "Good brother!"

After listening to the opposite sword king, he almost burst into flames and sighed. "Gangster, temper is a good thing, but you can't be too arrogant. Today, the teacher must first teach you how to examine the opponent, if it is met To the opponent is too strong, you are so crazy, will you know only when you die?"

"The four brothers said yes, I understand." Xiang Yang said that he was a serious nod.

Two people, one shouting each other as 'the gangster', and the other is calling the other party as the 'four brothers'. They all decided that the other party must have lost. The people around them all smiled, but they did not dare to laugh. come out.

At this time, countless people have gathered around to look at the ring.

The sword king acted brightly and unconstrainedly. Even if he was confronted with Xiang Yang, he did not raise the fog of the formation, but it was so much to watch everything in the ring.

"You can only irritate me like this, let me defeat you as quickly as possible. The more proud you are, the more sad you will be."

The sword king listened to Xiang Yang and even directly called him ‘four brothers’. He was so angry that he would explode directly, but on the surface he pretended to be very calm.

"I just want you to use all your strength to shoot, or else you will have no sense of accomplishment if you defeat you." Xiang Yang shook his head and said.

While talking, he turned his head to look at the king and Wu Wuji.

At this moment, Wu Wuji and Yu Wang are ready. Only when the sword king seals his own cultivation, the two of them will break out and destroy the sword king. When they are, they will not have to be afraid. Xiang Yang is not the opponent of the sword king.

They are convinced that Xiang Yang is very easy to deal with a sword king who has been seriously injured by them. So, they can have more than one younger brother, which makes them feel good in their hearts. They only feel that they have done it. What big things are the same.

"You two are farther apart. Don't worry about it later. I am a sword with a sword and a sword. No one can participate in the chaos. If you dare to make trouble, see how I can clean you up."

Xiang Yangsheng was afraid that the two would be confused, so he warned the two very seriously.

Of course, Xiang Yang did not know that the two had already prepared to join forces to reinvent the Sword King. He just thought that it was a bit confusing for them to stand by.


After listening to them, they suddenly became dumbfounded. They just got ready to do it. Xiang Yang drove them away. Has this already found out what they want to do? They were able to hold them in such a timely manner.

"Let you leave a little farther to know? You did not find that when you were here, the sword king did not even dare to suppress the same realm as me?" Xiang Yangbai said with a pair of people.

"That is that he is too timid."

Wu Wuji said faintly, this is to say to the sword king.

At the same time, he is a voice to Xiang Yang, "Big Brother, we are helping you, the strength of the sword king is not the same, claiming to be the first person in Kendo in the 100,000 years, in the realm of the fairy king, absolutely no one can be with him. Compared, even if he will be repaired to the same state as you, even if the two are just simple swords, you are not his opponent."

"Yeah, we have already prepared a magical power, and we will join hands to reinvent him. When you compare it, you can easily win him. By then, we will have a fourth brother, so that Isn't it a cool thing?"

Yu Wang also said with the voice.

"You guys..." Xiang Yang was stunned. He really didn't think that his two brothers were so insidious. When he was going to fight with the sword king, he would first create the sword king. So, he would be able to go smoothly. Defeat the Sword King, and at that time, the Sword King will become the younger brother of his own.

There is nothing wrong with all of this, they think very well, even Xiang Yang can't help but admire the two lives.

Moreover, it must be said that the two people's approach is the most correct choice, even if it is Xiang Yang, if it is not holding a lot of confidence in his own kendo, he may not be able to use such a method.

However, don't look at Xiang Yangping's appearance as a bit of a slap in the face, but his nature is very proud.

He gradually practiced to the present realm and was very confident in his own kendo. Even if the opposite is the sword king, it is an invincible strong man who focuses on the kendo. Xiang Yang is not afraid of the other side.

In the same realm, Xiang Yang is sure to kill any strong person in the world. How can he let the two men first judge the sword king in the same situation?

Author Meng Yu said: Today's five chapters are all long chapters, ask for flowers, the last two or three days, everyone has flowers for a little dream, let us keep the first, has been insisted for 28 days, don't Being over, thank you....

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