Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2495: are you married?

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Xiang Yang turned and walked forward, and heard the sound of madness and anger in the rear. His face was a smile, and he said loudly to Xiang Yu and other immortals. "That kid is not bad, it is manic." A little bit, I have already helped him to teach him a meal according to your request."

"Hey? When did we ask you to help him?"


Xiang Yu and other princes listened to Xiang Yang’s words and then stunned, staring at Xiang Yang. They were looking at each other and they shook their heads and said that no one was telling Xiang Yang, and then All of them understand that they have been played by Xiang Yang. It is obvious that Xiang Yang himself took the initiative to defeat the madness, and even shirked responsibility to them.

"We are such a fairy king who was overcast by this kid."

Xiang Yu and other immortals all showed a look of sorrow and sorrow. I didn’t expect Xiang Yang to be so bold. They directly let this black pot let them back. They looked at the madness and found that the mad face was no longer an expression of grief and indignation. When you are helpless and sly, you can feel the mistakes of the madness.

These items are very optimistic about the object of the sacred king, and even hope that the madness can win a good place in the Battle of the Immortals in the Million Island. However, this kid of the madness is indeed a bit arrogant. Through this time, it is good to let the project madness realize its own shortcomings.

As a result, they did not explain anything, but it was like the default.

The other younger generation did not suspect that this was made by Xiang Yang himself. They knew very well that what Xiang Yang said was very likely to be true.

Because the elites of the Xiang family are not able to stop the training of the younger generation of the family, it is impossible to come to a new person and use the Xiangyang to temper their younger generation. It is entirely possible. .

At this time, the other real fairy was originally retreating because of the madness of Xiangyang, but not everyone was scared, but there were several people who stepped toward Xiangyang at the same time. With a serious color, a war broke out in his body and he opened his way to Xiang Yang. "Please enlighten me."


The number of these several is not three or five, but there are hundreds of true immortals, one at the same time bursting out of their arrogant atmosphere, even if Xiang Yang’s face is strange, "Yes, The momentum of hundreds of true immortals has been compared with the big Luo."

The arrogance of the real fairy of these items is very strong, and the level of breath is indeed comparable to that of the big Luo.

"You are wrong. We don't have to face up to hundreds of people and shoot at you at the same time. We just have to take turns to challenge you one by one." Among them, a woman with a true peak stood up and said with a serious color on her face.

Although I have seen the strength of Xiangyang, the strongest of these Xiangxian peaks know that Xiangyang is definitely not comparable to the general fairy, but they are very proud, it is impossible for hundreds of people to jointly deal with Yang.

"If I come one by one, I will waste more time."

Xiang Yang waved his hand. "You don't have to come one by one. You can do it together. Anyway, it is a matter of three or two tricks."

For Xiang Yang, although he is also a real immortal in the practice of practicing qi, these real immortals have been unable to make him look at it, even if it is the big ones. The master can't let him look at it differently. The reason why he is right with these real immortals is just to make himself fully integrated into the family.

As Xiangtian’s ancestors said, Xiang’s family’s affection is played out. Xiangyang’s desire to integrate into the family’s home is to play the whole of the project. Moreover, he can’t A fairy slaps a violent beat, but starts from a weak one and hits the strongest one.

It’s just a waste of time if these true immortals are confronted with Xiangyang one by one.

"You are too confident about yourself. We have hundreds of people. As you said, it is equivalent to the strength of the great Luo. Do you think that you can block all of us?"

The real fairy woman snorted.

"For me, it's not that you can stop my problem, but how many tricks I want to defeat you."

Xiang Yang sighed, and looked at the woman who was really fascinating and said, "Sister, you still haven’t seen the situation clearly. What you should know is that your strength is definitely not my opponent, no. No, I am also wrong, not to say you, but all of you can’t be my opponents, even if they are present, these big Luo Xianjun are also together, not my opponent, at most, let me have more It takes a little bit of effort."

When he said this, although the tone was still very dull, the arrogance in the discourse made everyone shocked.

Such a true fairy, if these true immortals add up is not his opponent, even if everyone thinks that Xiangyang is a little bit arrogant, but it is not too far off the mark, however, this guy even dare to say all true immortals and immortals Jun is not his opponent, which makes Xiang Yang will be offended by all Xian Jun.

"You are too arrogant."

The woman of the true fairy peak frowned and looked at Xiang Yang.

The other masters of the Da Luo Xianjun class at the rear also frowned one by one, watching Xiang Yang’s eyes with a disdainful sneer.

However, these Da Luo Xianjun did not move their mouth. For them, the premise that Xiang Yang wants to deal with them is to defeat all the true immortals in the first place. Otherwise, they will not be able to turn them over.

And Xiang Yu and other immortal kings have smiles on their faces, especially Xiang Yu, but they turned their heads directly to Xiang Xiangxian. "This kid of your vein is really crazy enough. But do you think he really is as powerful as he said?"

Xiang Tianxian said with a smile, "I think there are, these, the strength of the body is too majestic, I am afraid that in addition to the king, no one is his opponent."

Xiang Tianxian Zun was just shouted by Xiang Yang on his shoulder and shouted ‘big brother’. He was recently exposed to Xiangyang, and as a fairy, he was naturally able to sense the energy of Xiang Yang’s body.

Of course, what Xiang Tianxian did not know is that the power of Xiang Yang Yu Xian in his induction is only the power that Xiang Yang wants to let him know. Other Xiang Yang does not want him to know the power, is absolutely It is impossible to let Xiang Tianxian feel it.

"real or fake?"

When the other kings heard it, they frowned. They felt that Xiang Tianxian’s remarks were a bit unbelievable. How strong is the strength of a true fairy, and it is impossible to have the ability to defeat hundreds of true cents equivalent to the state of Da Luo. Union.

We must know that Xiangjia is an ancient martial artist, practicing Qi and refining at the same time. The strength of each true fairy is much stronger than that of the same realm. The power of hundreds of people together is definitely not the average person. Can be compared.

"Don't forget, this kid's physical strength is stronger, and he has reached the realm of Da Luo. Even this kid is now the first person in the refinement of the immortal world. He is the originator of the refining body. Not long ago, it was the singer who had destroyed the pulse of the celestial knives. Even the celestial king who had the pulse of the celestial knives was eating in his hands. How could such a person be a group of true immortals? The juniors in the world defeated."

Xiang Tian Xian Zun apparently also studied the story of Xiang Yang. He sighed and said, "Fortunately, this kid is the descendant of the vein that I left in the lower bounds. Otherwise, if this kid is our enemy, then it is for us. Home, it is not a good thing."

"How to say?"

After listening to the other celestial kings, all of them looked at Xiangtian with curiosity, and there were more geniuses in the fairy world. Even if Xiangyang was not a descendant of Xiangjia, it was impossible to What kind of impact does the family cause? For them, at most, they don’t know each other. If they are really right, a fairy king can destroy Xiangyang.

"This is my hunch." Xiang Tianxian said with a smile.

"I go..."

After listening to other people, all of them were very good-looking. What Xiang Tian said was no different than fart. They thought that there was a reason. Their eyes looked at Xiang Tian, ​​and they looked at Xiang Yang. Suddenly they felt this pulse. The people are really a bit like, they are quite unreliable.

"You really don't believe it. I have a feeling that all the people present at the scene may have been beaten by him." Xiang Tianxian said with a smile.

"Is that person also including you?" Xiang Xiao laughed.

"of course not."

Xiang Tian said in a serious way, "I am a fairy, not easy to do."

In his heart, he is playing drums. If Xiang Yang really wants to pull his own hands, should he agree to it? We must know that Xiangyang’s strength is absolutely strong in the same realm. Even if he is already a fairy, he has the body of Xianzun, and he cannot guarantee that he can surpass Xiangyang in the same realm.

Moreover, the realm of Xiangyang is a bit difficult to judge. If the practice is tempered, Xiangyang is naturally the peak of true immortals. However, if the refinement is cultivated, Xiangyang is also the first person in the fairyland refining body. In the body of the great Luo, although everyone knows that Xiangyang’s physical body is not the same as that of the ancient body, it can only be regarded as a fake body, but it’s also a big one, and it’s really a fight. How does Xiangtian want to suppress it?

Is it to suppress itself to the realm of the real fairy or to suppress the realm of a big day in Da Luo?

If it is the peak of Zhenxian, Xiang Tianxian’s respect is estimated that the possibility of 890% is not the opponent of Xiangyang. However, if it is suppressed to the realm of Da Luo’s heavy heaven, perhaps he will defeat Xiangyang, but But it is a bit of a victory.

Therefore, the best thing is that he does not do it.

Xiang Yang Xian Zun smiled and said to Xiang Yu and others, "The old man will not do it. After all, I am Xianzun. If I do it, it would be very good."

"Oh, give you a little color, you will be brilliant, isn't it a little time ahead of us? Just take yourself as a thing."

Xiang Yu sneered, he is the same as Xiang Tian's generation. He used to be a life and death brother. Even when he was in the kingland, he was better than Xiang Tian. He called the overlord, but Xiang Tian did not have any title.

Xiang Tian only broke through earlier than him. Therefore, the two do not think that there is any difference between Xian Wang and Xian Zun, and there is no respect for Xian Zun.

At this time, Xiang Yang's face with a faint smile, looking at the female fairy of the Xiangxian peak, "Miss sister married this year?"

He did not continue to entangle the end is to have hundreds of real immortals at the same time, or to shoot alone, but instead smiled at each other and asked if the other party is married.


Xiang Yang’s words changed too fast. Even after the woman’s listening to this family, she couldn’t help but react. She looked at Xiang Yang indefinitely. She didn’t know that Xiang Yang meant it. “I have it? What is it about marriage and you?"

When she asked this sentence, she couldn’t help but blush a little, and said in her heart, "This little devil is very handsome and tastes good, but we are the same family. Naturally, it is impossible to happen. It is absolutely necessary to let this The guy understands this."

Although she thought about this in her heart, she was still a little happy, and she felt that Xiang Yang’s eyes were really good.

"I see that Miss Sister looks so good. If I get married, then it will be fine. If I haven't got married yet, I will..." Xiang Yang said, while he stopped, deliberately stopped.

"You are a little boy, you are less than a hundred years old, and you dare to hit bad ideas on your aunt's grandmother. You can until the age of your grandmother is several times yours." The true fairy woman is happy, but on the surface It’s a slap in the face.

"Hey, you misunderstood it." However, after her voice fell, she saw Xiang Yang's face with a quirky look at her, making her suddenly stunned.


She looked at Xiang Yang inexplicably. I don't know what happened to me. If Xiang Yang is not looking at himself, why should he ask if he is married?

I only listened to Xiang Yang’s laughter. “I just thought, if you are already married, you don’t have to worry too much about the damage of the image. I don’t have to worry too much when I hit you later, but if If you are still not married, I will help you to retain a little image. It’s not good how to get started. Otherwise, if you can’t find a Taoist because you’re beaten by me, you have to rely on me, I should How to do?"

"Right, have you got a Taoist?" After the talk, Xiang Yang couldn't help but ask.


After listening to the real fairyland, she was stunned and stunned. The whole person was shaking. At the same time, her face turned red and finally understood. It was really thinking too much. Xiangyang did not look at it. Go yourself, but ridicule yourself.

In the end, when she heard the last sentence of Xiang Yang, she couldn't help but anger. "There are no priests who have nothing to do with you, and will not depend on you, little bastard, pick me up."


At the same time, she broke out with a strong breath, and she made a fist to Xiangyang.

The people of Xiangjia are overbearing. Although she is a woman, she is not weaker than any man. When she shoots her hand, her fists are arrogant and her arrogance is boundless. Her strength is not even weaker than that.

"If I don't depend on me, then I will be relieved."

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