Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2519: What about the fairy king?

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This battle of Xiangjia is absolutely very fierce, even if it is such a superb fairy king, after a long war, it is also full of scars, his one is the best weapon level fighter The blade was almost cut off, but his spirit of spirit not only did not drop in the slightest, but became stronger and stronger, as if the whole person had become a flame of horror, and it broke out infinitely at this time. .

This is the urging of his own spirits and the masculinity of the flesh. The power of the outburst is too strong. It is almost indestructible and burns. It has a horrible power. can.

The whole person’s spirit is getting stronger and stronger, and his murder is getting stronger and stronger. His opponent’s nine sages are equally hurt. When they are chasing around the scorpion, their faces are With a shocking color.

"Xie Wei, it is not a bully."

"A fairy king can actually block our nine great deities. It is really extraordinary."

"However, even if you can persist for a while, you will die."


Although the nine deities are shocked by the strength of Xiang Yu, they are not nervous at all. They don’t feel that there will be opportunities for them to turn over, but they will shoot with a lot of power to consume a little. Hey, when the items are unbearable, they are the time when they can kill the items.

In this way, even the one who has been waiting for the opportunity to make up for Xianglu’s sacred Tianzun is also very depressed. He has not found a chance to deal with the project, and can only continue to wait patiently.

However, he has been waiting for a long time, because he found that although Xiang Xiang seems to be in a state of not very good, but he can always persist, every time he thinks that Xiang Yu can not hold, ready to shoot At that time, Xiang Yan broke out with a powerful force, wounded a fairy, and then defended again.

In this way, this guy finally understood completely. Although there was nothing wrong with the injury, Xiang Lu did not go to the extent that the oil was exhausted. Even, he always used his own injuries to attract others’ attacks. When the machine kills a fairy, it can kill the encirclement of the formation. At that time, even if there are eight great Luo Xianzun, they can't block the item.

"Rely, what is your special king, I am Xianzun, I want to attack you, I can't find a chance. What is the reason?"

This deity is so depressed that he almost vomits blood and can only continue to wait for the opportunity to start.

Xiang Tian was also scarred. Even one of his hands was shattered. However, he held the overlord's blade with one hand and a small clock on the top of his head to protect the magic weapon. Under the attack of the master of the big Luo Eight Heavens, he still persisted down.

But for Xiang Tian, ​​his opponent is one level higher than him, and he is too strong. Even if he insists on it, he does not know how long it will last.

At this time, the other kings of Xiangjia have been killed and injured, and the remaining few can only barely persist. After all, not every king of the family can compare with Xiang Yu, they have no way to do it. As far as Xiang Yu is concerned, he can resist the nine immortals at the same time with the power of the Emperor, even if it is against one or two of the same fairy kings.

"Be sure to hold on and kill me."


The war is still going on. For the people of Xiangjia, this battle is really fierce. However, for Xiang Yang, at this moment he is smiling and catching up with his own fire.

"What is this place?"

The **** of fire, the **** of Vulcan, has the blood of Vulcan itself. It is called the super-second ancestor of the ancient fairy world. It has the cultivation of the six peaks of the Dalu, and it is very powerful with his strength. .

Originally, I believe that it is very simple to deal with Xiangyang. Even if it is a trap used by Xiangyang, he is not afraid, because when he deals with Xiangyang, the master of the true fairy, his strength can definitely prevail.

However, when he really followed, he discovered a fact that made him very shocked. He followed Xiangyang’s entry, not in the chaos of the void, nor directly transmitted away, but came to a place. Ancient fairy magic battlefield.

The fire has naturally entered the battlefield of the fairy, he is very clear, can burst out of the murderous and bloody, and there are countless ancient broken weapons on the ground, there is only one place in the world, that It is the battlefield of the fairy, but there is no other place that will look like this.

However, what he can't figure out is why, when Xiang Yang slashed, he could directly open a passage connecting the battlefield of the fairy. And at the beginning, even his king was not aware of it?

You must know that the entrances and exits of the battlefields of the immortals are fixed. Moreover, if you want to enter the front, you must be talented and talented, and Xiangyang’s slashing down, obviously fleeing to the chaotic void, I don’t know why The battlefield of the fairy, if not for himself is very certain that this is the battlefield of the fairy, Fire will definitely think that he is dreaming.

He looked around and looked around. He always felt a little bit wrong. However, he couldn’t think of the problem. He could only look at Xiangyang, his eyes with a shocking color.

"What do you mean by guiding me into here?"

At the moment, the fire was very vigilant, for fear that Xiang Yang suddenly started to deal with him, only to look at Xiang Yang with his eyes open, and carefully watched all around.

Xiang Yang took his hands and looked at the fire with a light smile on his face. "You have already guessed where it is here? Why do you want to ask me?"

At the same time, Xiang Yang sighed and said, "Fire is right, give me back the treasure that owes me. Maybe you still have a chance to go back alive, but if you don't pay back, then, I It may be very unhappy, I am not happy, it is not what you can afford."

At this moment, Xiang Yang’s heart is really very happy. I didn’t expect this guy to be so stupid. I really followed him. I’m already at home in this battlefield, not to mention a fairy king. Even if the fairy is coming, I have to send all the treasures of my body and let myself enter the magic.

Xiang Yang leisurely looked at the fire, and thought about whether he wanted to collect this guy. This guy was a **** who had sneaked a knife to Xiang Xiu’s sneak peek. If he killed him, it would be a revenge for Xiang Xiuer. It is.

However, if you only kill the fire, then your next series of plans are not easy to carry out, you can only help Xiang Xiu revenge, and have no effect on this war, then, you can only seem to be awkward. Turn this guy into his own slave.


The uncomfortable feeling in the heart of the fire became more and more serious. He had the urge to run away and escape. However, he was not willing to leave like this. After thinking about it, he directly said coldly. "Jiao, maybe you already have already Prepare a transmission channel to the battlefield of the fairy, or let you discover a new channel, so you can directly enter the battlefield of the fairy, but in this battlefield, everyone is the same, you Thought you are the hero of the fairy battlefield, or do you control the spirits? It is ridiculous to think that you can defeat this young master in this battlefield, you think too much."

"No matter where you are, you can't get rid of you. It's just the cultivation of the true fairy, and this young master is the strength of the six kings of the big Luo. You can't be my opponent after all, and the last one will be mine. ""

"Let's take it with you."

At the same time, he felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said. Xiang Yang only accidentally entered the battlefield of the fairy. Since everyone is here, there is no question of who can control the battlefield of the fairy.

He does not think that Xiang Yang can control the battlefield of the fairy, and does not think that Xiang Yang has the ability to leave some behind-the-scenes in the battlefield of the fairy.

Ever since, he just let go of his heart, and at the same time he felt very comfortable in his heart. He felt that even if he entered the battlefield of the fairy, he was still his own world. At most, he did not kill Xiangyang first. He seized Xiangyang and asked how to leave the fairy. The battlefield will do.

"Do you even convince yourself with these ridiculous words?"

Xiang Yang looked at this guy with a strange look. He obviously found out that although this guy wanted to say to the fire, he felt that the strength of the fire was stronger than himself and he could control everything.

He said that these words were not convincing Xiang Yang. Instead, he persuaded himself to let him feel that he was very wrong. Instead, he became very calm and felt that all this was so simple. I think his strength is stronger than Xiang Yang. This is an indisputable fact.

"Who persuaded me, I told you a fact." The fire screamed and his face screamed. "Is there a way to control the battlefield of the fairy to show me? No, as long as you can control the battlefield of the fairy." Ying Ling, the young master will admit defeat."

"Do you really say it?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he was happy. This guy is really looking for his own death.

"Of course, you... I rely on..."

At the beginning of the fire, he was still arrogant. However, when he saw Xiangyang, he suddenly found that something was wrong, because in the vicinity of Xiangyang, suddenly there was a rush of wind and a breath of blood, and accompanied by a The huge black clouds of the stocks, no, what is the dark clouds, but the chaos of air enveloping the heroes flying over the battlefields of a group of immortals.

The gathering of the spirits into a large cloud, what a huge amount? After the fire was seen, it trembled with an incredible look on his face.

"the host!"

At this moment, the mountains and the plains are surrounded by the spirits. The fire is all around, whether it is in the sky or in the sky, or in the front and rear, and there is no place to see the margins. They are all heroic, and there are some living bodies, all standing respectfully. The master shouted loudly in the mouth, of course, not shouting fire to the master, but shouting Xiang Yang.

"you you you..."

"This, what is the situation..."

The fire is burning, and he looks at Xiang Yang in a foolish way. When did the fairy demon battlefield have a master, and is it a small monk in the real world?

Is it because of his crow's mouth that all the heroes in the battlefield of the fairy demon recognize the Xiangyang master on the spot?

This is simply an impossible look. How could it really be because of his words that the heroes on the spot were the mainstay?

He stared at Xiang Yang in a dull moment. He only felt that a heart was twitching. At this moment, he had a feeling of regret and fear in his heart. Even if it was not the strength of the king of the king, it supported him. He felt that he shouldn’t think so quickly, he couldn’t help but beg for mercy.

At this moment, all the spirits in the battlefield of the fairy devil are surrounded by Xiangyang. They are headed by the three great deities and two demon statues. They respectfully respect the Xiangyang ceremony.

"Master, can we do it?"

Mingxin Xianzun directly spoke up. His gaze looked at the fire that had been trembled to the opposite side, and his eyes were smothered with anger, but when looking at Xiangyang, his eyes were infinite. Worship and fiery color.

"No hurry."

Xiang Yanghe smiled and stopped the eager to try to show some of the heroes who had annihilated the fire first, then looked at the fire and said, "What have you just said? If I can control the battlefield of the fairy These heroes, you have to admit defeat directly? Right, how do you admit defeat?"


Xiang Yang’s voice just fell, and he saw the fire in front of him very shameless, and shouted directly to these Xiangyang. “Boss, starting today, you are my big brother, you let me go to heaven. When I entered the land, I would never enter the sea. The younger brother was stunned and had seen the boss. Thanks to the boss for not thinking about it, thank you boss."

This guy had a snot in his nose. If it wasn’t for fear of the three sages and the two great deities standing behind him, he would have rushed straight up and cried with Xiangyang’s thigh.

"How can I admit defeat so quickly? You make me feel very unsuccessful."

Xiang Yang sighed, his face looked at the fire with a strange look, although I knew that this guy could not be a very determined person, but when I saw this guy, I suddenly fell down against myself. Crying himself as the boss, he couldn't help but laugh.

However, since this guy has already admit defeat, when he yells at his boss and listens to any of his own words, Xiang Yang does not let Mingxin Xianzun and others deal with this guy.

In order to help the outsiders of the family of the king and Xianzun to reduce a little pressure, Xiang Yang can only start from the fire here to start the plan.

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