Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2534: Xianzun pressure

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"That's good, let the gods and fairy gods of these Vulcans come back to us, let them tell us the situation inside the Vulcan, and they will come back to find you."

Before the middle-aged man left, he looked at the masters of the fire and the fire.


After Xiang Yang listened, he frowned. He wondered, this guy is so enthusiastic. He wanted to grab people. He understands that the people of Xiangjia are eager to learn from the gods and fairy gods of Vulcan. Regarding the situation in the vein of Vulcan, and then counterattack targeted, but he has such a few bodyguards, how can he give it to the family at once?

Xiang Yang’s face with a sly smile looked at the middle-aged man of the big family’s big heaven and earth. The latter did not speak. After the latter saw it, the eyebrows wrinkled and he sighed. “Why, Are you still reluctant?"

"Oh, I have offended too many people. I am alone. I may have been assassinated when I was, and I finally conquered some masters. You must take people away in a word. It’s really a fairy. ""

Xiang Yang sighed and said.

Although his words seem normal, but the tough attitude in his tone is to make the middle-aged man's face gloomy.

Obviously, it is impossible for Xiangyang to let the firewood and other people be brought back to the home by the middle-aged man. Even if the middle-aged man is a person with a high status in the family, even if the other person asks for the name in the family name, Yang is not likely to give.

Xiang Yu and Xiang Tian and others have also changed slightly, especially Xiang Tian has made a glance at Xiang Yang. "Xiang Yang, this is about family events, you can't be willful."

"The Vulcan pulse has been the enemy of our family since ancient times. If you can know some secrets from their mouths, you can deploy them in a targeted manner. At that time, if you can destroy the Vulcan, you will be a great success. So, you can't be willful, let them go back with Xiang Long."

Xiang Yu also said.

"I am willful?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he sneered a sneak peek. "Since it has already been said, it is clear that people are mine. Although I have the blood of the family, I have never gotten a child since I was a child. What kind of cultivation of the family, you don’t say a word, it is impossible to directly take away my bodyguard from my hands. The world is fair and just. Don’t look at me as simple, you want to lie. I."

These few people are their real bodyguards. Xiang Yang can't hand it over anyway. Moreover, among the family of the fairyland, what he really knows about him is Xiang Yu and Xiang Tian. Wait a minute, other family members, just like this middle-aged man, although it is also a family of people, but Xiang Yang did not know him, let alone talk about friendship, naturally not polite.

After listening to Xiang Yang's words, the middle-aged man suddenly stunned his eyes and a pressure spread from him, which made Xiang Yang clearly feel the pressure. Xiang Yang's face changed slightly, and his heart was dark, Li Huan Not being around is a bit inconvenient. If Li Huan is there, the strength of Li Huan as the celestial celestial being, although it is the same as Da Luo’s eight heavens, I am afraid that this middle-aged man can resist.


The fire forest is stepping out, standing next to Xiangyang, and there is a breath that belongs to the big seven heavens in the body, helping Xiangyang block this pressure.

"A district is a fairy **** of the Vulcan in the seven heavens. Do you think you can block the deity?"

After the middle-aged man saw it, there was a sneer on his face. Suddenly, the pressure on his body strengthened, making the fire forest stand beside Xiangyang, sweating and sweating. Obviously, he could not resist the suppression of the other party's momentum.

However, this can not blame the fire forest, although the fire forest is Xianzun, but after all, it is only the big seven heavens, and it is absolutely impossible to compare with the fairy tales of the singer's singularity.

The fires behind Xiang Yang and the other six Xian Wang also came forward and tried their best to break out the atmosphere that belongs to them. They are connected to help resist the pressure of middle-aged men.

At this time, the effects of these eight species of monsters were put into play, even if they knew that they could never be the opponents of middle-aged men, but they did not hesitate to stand in front of Xiangyang to help Xiangyang block this pressure. .


After the middle-aged man met, there was a smile on his face.

In his rear, Xiang Tian's face sank and cold, "Xiang Long Xianzun, Xiang Yang is my descendant, are you too much?"

As he spoke, he was ready to step forward to resist the pressure of this middle-aged man.

Although Xiang Tian is not an opponent of Xiang Long, but at the same time everyone's fairy deity, it is impossible to watch the blood of his descendant Xiang Yang being bullied by Xiang Long.

When the middle-aged man saw it, he suddenly felt a headache and quickly rushed to Xiang Tian. "What are you eager, everyone has been in friendship for so many years, and I don’t know my character. I just deliberately suppress this kid and want to see this kid. There are some strange places, even the ancestors let me take a good look at this kid."

"You said, oh, the ancestors told you?" Xiang Tian listened after a slight glimpse, did not expect even the ancestors also concerned about Xiangyang.

"Is not this nonsensical?"

The middle-aged man rolled his eyes and continued to convey the voice. "Before the rumor was sent to the ancestor to tell the ancestors Xiangyang the existence of this little guy, the ancestor attached great importance to him, but the ancestors also let us not To intervene in the life of this little guy, but let me hurry to save people, mainly can not let this kid have an accident."

"At the same time, the ancestors felt a bit curious, want to see what kind of skills this kid has, so let me test this kid, really, I don't know how the strength of this kid, but he These people who surrendered were really loyal. I don't know what method he used. You can let Xianwang and Xianzun be willing to resist my pressure for him. You know, this is dead."

While the middle-aged man is talking, he is emotional. "This kid is full of evil spirits. Are you sure that he is your descendant?"

"Crap, I don't know how old man's blood will be," said Xiang Tian, ​​turning his eyes and turning his eyes.

"As long as it is the people of our family." The middle-aged man said at the same time that he found that Xiang Yu couldn't help but want to do it. He quickly sent a message to Xiang Yu and explained it again.

After Xiang Yu listened, his eyes flashed, and this stopped. However, he said to the middle-aged man, "Don’t go too far, I tell you, this kid is not an ordinary person, if you have played, Maybe he can make you can't get off the table."

"I would like to see what the kid has."

At the same time, the middle-aged man responded curiously, and the pressure on Xiangyang gradually increased, making the fire forest and the fire scorpion all unable to hold on, all of them trembled, letting them push their own power. To the extreme, but in the face of the Xiang family, a fairyland, they have no effect in any way.

"I said the old man, are you really playing or testing me?"

Xiang Yang spoke up. At the beginning, there were fire forests and fire squads waiting for thousands of people to resist this pressure. He was very satisfied with his heart. However, at this time, the middle-aged man did not stop. He was a little angry, and looked at him with a serious look on his face.

“Is there a difference?” The middle-aged man looked at Xiang Yang with great interest.

"If you are testing me, it is just right. It can stop now. If it is really playing, it will anger me. Even if you are a fairy in the world, you should know that you have no Good fruit can be eaten."

Xiang Yang looked seriously at the middle-aged man, and his breath was very indifferent. With a fearless look, the face of the middle-aged man suddenly changed.

If you don’t know that Xiangyang is a true fairy, you really think that Xiangyang is the same level as the middle-aged man. A true fairy, dare to use such a threatening tone. This middle-aged man is so talking, it’s a bit of a I feel shocked.

Xiang Wei and Xiang Tian showed a smile. They looked at the middle-aged man with a sly color on their faces and wanted to see what the middle-aged man should do.

"I am testing you."

I don't know what to say, the middle-aged man originally wanted to be realistic, so that he could see what kind of backhand Xiangyang had, but when he saw Xiangyang’s serious look, he was subconsciously Say yourself as a test of Xiang Yang.

"I go..."

After this was said, the middle-aged man regretted it and felt that he was telling the truth. He even told Xiang Yang that he was trying to test each other. If the kid is not the same thing, he will not use any backhand. Is there no way to force this kid to use some of the details?

What should we do now? Well, anyway, if you say this to the kid is to test him, then continue to suppress.

At the same time, the middle-aged man continued to speak. "However, I want to see some of your details and backhand. If you can let me know, I will close it."

"Maybe after you see it, you don't have to stop." Xiang Yang said with a meaningful look at the middle-aged man.

"Several meanings, are you still threatening me?"

The middle-aged man stunned, and then he raised a anger. This boy really thought that he was an invincible king. He dared to threaten himself with such a sacred and sacred celestial being. The dignity of the show, sneer at Xiang Yang, "boy, you really want to threaten me, are you tired of living?"

"I am not tired of life, but if you still do not withdraw your momentum, the person who is tired of life is you." Xiang Yang is not afraid, and, step by step, in front of the fire forest, There is a strong breath in the body. Although it seems to be nothing in the context of Da Luo’s eight heavens, but the faint, middle-aged man has an illusion. If he continues to persist, he may really want to It was destroyed by Xiang Yang.

He suddenly hesitated, thinking that he should continue, or to stop.

"I am a fairy, and it is still a big heaven. I can't really be killed by this kid. Moreover, the killing nature of this kid is not really so big?"

The middle-aged man was groaning in his heart. He wanted to continue to oppress Xiangyang and see what kind of backhand Xiangyang had, but he was afraid that he would really reverse Xiangyang. When he could not get the countertop.

At the same time, he continued to increase the suppression of Xiangyang, and then said with a smile, "I just test you, just want to see your details, the little guy, everyone is a family, you can not let Can I take a look at your heritage?"

After hearing this guy's words, Xiang Hao and Xiang Tian almost couldn't help but laugh out. With the momentum to suppress Xiang Yang, they would suppress it. This guy would have to explain again and again to test Xiang Yang. This is true. I am afraid that I can’t get off the stage.


Although Xiang Yang faced the powerful atmosphere of the sacred sweat that could suppress the fire of the big Luo seven heavens, but he blinked, suddenly felt a bit strange, this guy is really I tempted myself, but I didn’t explode a strong pressure. I don’t know how many times I’m weaker than the Chaos Demon. But it’s just like a fire forest and so on.

He was talking to himself, and he always felt a little bit wrong.

"Boss, after your spirit is infinitely expanded, except for the saints, no one can suppress you in terms of imposing power." At this time, the voice of Laowan came from the Dantian of Xiangyang.

Lao Wan has been studying something in Danyang of Xiangyang. He seems to have sensed Xiangyang’s doubts. He joined Xiaoling and said directly, “Although I have never heard of Chaos Demon, what is it? However, the demon who can control one of the three thousand chaotic avenues is already the top demon in chaos. Its strength in the heyday should be equivalent to the sacred sage. Since it has helped you broaden the spirit, since then, unless Some people's strength can surpass the Chaos Devil's Hegemony. Otherwise, there is very little damage that can be caused by the pressure of the momentum."

At the same time, Rao is the genius of the old tens of thousands of robbers, followed by the ancient chaos of the eternal chaos, and the extraordinary chaos of the chaos. At this moment, he could not help but feel the emotion. "You can understand the spirit in the real fairyland." To expand to such a degree, and the conscious body has reached that height, it is too extraordinary, er, this is already the foundation of the sacred, it seems that the looting does not look at the wrong person."

"What hasn't seen the wrong person, is it that my little spirit has not chosen the wrong owner?"

While Xiaoling refuted Lao Wan, he smiled and said to Xiang Yang. "Boss, I think I can melt all the more than 2,000 pieces of the best, and I should be able to create a peak of the best." Strong 斩仙葫芦, so you can smash this guy."

"Cough, don't make trouble."

After Xiang Yang listened to the heart, he really wanted to get a squash squash that could kill Da Luo’s eight heavens. However, if he had to melt with more than 2,000 pieces of celestial genius, he would have to make a sacred gourd. He is true. Reluctant.

"It's a pity." The little inspiration sighed. "If you can get the real sacred gourd that year, the boss is now only a real fairy, but under the holy world, even the big Luo Jiu Tiantian I have to be jealous of you."

"Do you know where the 斩仙葫芦 is?" Xiang Yang thought, moving very curiously.

"I don't know." Xiaoling and Laowan replied at the same time.

"The one who was in the past was also a strong and strong man. After the outbreak of the war, it seems that he has lost his trace. Only the current saints can know it. Anyway, we don't know that one. Where did I go?" Lao Wan shook his head and said.

The one he said is naturally the master of the real Zhu Xian Feidao in ancient times.

"That's it." Xiang Yang felt very sorry. If you can get the genuine 斩 葫 葫 ,, you will never have to be afraid of anyone, but if there are enough treasures, let Xiaoling refine a superb class. The cucurbit gourd seems to be a good look.

"It’s all the fault of poverty."

He sighed, and more and more felt that he was too poor. If you can let Xiaoling refine a sacred gourd that can kill the saints, then it would be cool.

Xiang Yang is chatting very comfortably with Xiaoling and Laowan in Dantian. However, all the strongmen of Xiangjia’s eyes are wide-eyed and looking at Xiangyang, especially the middle-aged man. His forehead is now There was a hint of sweat on his face, and he looked at Xiang Yang with a look of horror on his face.

"How can this kid be so evil? I have used nearly eight layers of pressure. He doesn't even feel anything. Is this what he is?"

The middle-aged man stared at Xiang Yang and always felt that Xiang Yang looked too weird.

The other strongmen of the project were all shocked one by one. Even among the strong members of the project, everyone except Xiang Yu ran far away because they could not stand the pressure of this middle-aged man. However, Xiang Yang was standing there with a look of indifference, and even closed his eyes, a very enjoyable look, it really made them unable to stand it.

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