Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2537: Sudden power

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"How did you not come back after the little guy broke through?"

At the time, Xiangjia’s ancestors raised the item, and his face had a faint smile. “The talent of the little guy is really very good. In our family, except for me, he inherited. The inheritance of the most demon gods, but unfortunately, he is also like me, limited by the inheritance of the Chaos Demon Pa. If he wants to have a bigger breakthrough in the future, unless he finds another way, the highest can only reach my current level. ""

At the same time, he shook his head helplessly. Obviously, his cultivation at this moment has reached a certain level, but because all his achievements are derived from Chaos Demon, it makes his repairs all. It was restricted.

However, the words of Xiangjia’s ancestors changed the face of Xiang Tian and Xiang Long. They originally thought that the ancestors said that the ancestors could see hope, and those who can fight together in the world should be Xiang Yu. However, when I heard the words of the ancestors of the family at the moment, they knew that the person could not be a sin, who is it?

However, they think carefully and think that there is nothing wrong with it. If it is a slap in the face, the talents and qualifications that Xiang Yu showed up early in the morning, the early ancestors of the Xiang family would have thought that the scorpion appeared, not until the breakthrough After I went to Xianzun, I felt that Xiang can be with him to fight the world.

However, apart from Xiang Yu, they really can't figure out who among the negotiators can make the ancestors of the family agree.

Although both Xiang Tian and Xiang Long are also Xianzun, they are very clear about their talents. It is very good to know that if they can practice in the endless years, they will be trained to the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianxian Zunfeng. It is impossible to get the approval of their ancestors, but other people, the people of the family do not have what they do not know, and they feel that no one has such ability.

“Is it Xiangyang?”

Xiang Tian’s heart raised an incredible feeling and looked at his ancestor with a strange color.

"The people who said that the ancestors said that it was really Xiangyang, Xiangyang was just coming to Xiangjia. Although the first ancestor did not see Xiangyang, but he certainly knew a series of achievements of Xiangyang, so he was very excited. Xiang Yang saw hope."

Xiang Tian’s heart is talking to himself. When he thinks that the person who can make the myth of the family’s myth is so likely to be the descendant of his blood, Xiang Yang, he has a very excited feeling in his heart.

"Although I can't compare with the talents in terms of talents, the blood that I circulate is stronger than one. My little son is strong enough. It is not weaker than Xiang Xiang, but Xiang Yang is stronger. Hahaha..."

Thinking of this, Xiang Tian only felt that his heart was very good.

Originally, because he broke through to the big seven days of the big Luo, he had already had the ability to be a big enemy, and he could even kill the strength of the big Luo Bazhongtian. He was shocked and hit, but at this moment, he saved a little. confidence.

"From ancient times to the present, it is too difficult for Xiangjia to survive and develop to the present. It is time to change, and you should go, take a rest and rest."

Then, neither Xiang Tian nor Xiang Long did not have time to talk more, and was driven away by the first generation of the family.

The words of the early ancestors of the Xiang family were inexplicable. Even after Xiang Tian and Xiang Long listened, they felt very puzzled. However, the ancestors of the family did not explain clearly to them. The two had to be sent away with doubts in their hearts. Left the secret of the ancestors of the family.

At this moment, after the two left, the first generation of the family’s ancestors had a smile on their faces and drank a cup of tea. Then they smiled and stood up. “I haven’t gone out for a long time, this old bone is going to decay. It’s time to go and talk to Vulcan."


With his voice falling and silent, the body shape of the ancestors of the family disappeared in the same place. If it was not the murderousness and the outbreak of the invaders, he would never feel like it had ever appeared. same.

Obviously, although the early ancestors of Xiangjia made him feel calm and quiet, he was not the kind that really calmed down to nothing, and a secret of the family was attacked and even destroyed countless immortals. How can a family ancestor be able to live?

Since it is a plan for Vulcan to deal with the project, he naturally has to go to find Vulcan to do it.

When the ancestors of Xiangjia went to Vulcan, no one knew what the results were between them. However, among the fairy worlds, the secret bases of Vulcan were either terminated by the project or they were Actively retreat, not long after, the whole fairyland can no longer find any stronghold of Vulcan.


On the official road, sometimes there are some people who havetily rushed down the sky and walked on foot. In front of them, there is a tall fairy city with a horrible atmosphere. This is a large fairy city.

The owners of such large Xiancheng are often very strong and will set the rules, but those who want to enter the city must enter through the gates of the city and walk.

This is to reflect the majesty of the Lord of Xiancheng, but also to be able to charge a certain amount of tax into the city, so that Xiancheng can be richer. After all, the master of Xiancheng has to raise a group of people, and the expenses required are absolutely very large. If you do not collect taxes from all aspects, even if the city owner has more wealth, it will eventually be consumed.

Therefore, among the immortals, the reason why many of the great Luoqiang practitioners want to be the city masters of Xiancheng after they have cultivated themselves is that, besides being self-cultivated and capable of controlling the lifeblood of a fairy city, there is another important reason, that is, after being a city owner. I can get a lot of spiritual resources with this fairy city.

Under normal circumstances, the Lord of Xiancheng can not only feed a large group of private soldiers and guest secrets, but also provide unparalleled spiritual resources for the Lord of the Immortals, as long as they pass the various taxes of Xiancheng and some property under the jurisdiction of Xiancheng.

However, it is not so easy to become the owner of Xiancheng. Under normal circumstances, the Lord of Xiancheng is to be governed by the power of the continent. Unless there are some remote places, there are some continents who are too lazy to take control. Wherever you go, the choice of the Lord of the Immortals is more violent, who is stronger, who is the owner of the city, but this will also lead to the problem of replacing a city owner at three days.

However, regardless of the master of Xiancheng, which is arranged by the governor of the continent, the owner of Xiancheng still holds a strong force, and many people like to be the master.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to enter a fairy city, unless you have achieved a very terrible degree, the average person will respect the owner of the city, walk into the city on foot, and also pay a tax.

Unless you encounter some strong, far out of their own momentum, there will naturally be strong in the fairy city, and then someone will take the initiative to meet.

After all, in the fairyland, the law of the jungle that pursues the red fruit, the strong is the respect. If there is a strong person to enter a fairy city, he will enter without a sigh of emotion. If the momentum is released, no one in the fairy city will come to greet it. It is possible that the strong man will be angered, and the Lord of the Immortal City will be destroyed. It is even possible to smash the entire city.

It is not the case that there has not been such a situation in the history of the fairyland. There are even many, so in general, some of the taxation of Xiancheng does not dare too much.

"Boss, is another fairy city, are we going to enter?"

At this time, a young man in black with a girl dressed in blood-colored clothes is walking from a distance, the girl's side is followed by a silver puppy scorpion, the puppy's furry head **** The brain looks very cute, and there is a **** snake on its head.

This pair of combinations is the beginning of the demon and the **** unicorns, Xiaoyue Sirius, and Xiaohong.

Since the understanding of the rules of the Winds in the Promise of Immortality, the rules of the Dalu controlled by the deity of Xiangyang, in addition to a rule of the Dafa, which is still not brewing, is also the rule of the Kendo Dalu. , the rules of the Dadao, the rules of the Taekwondo, the rules of killing the Da Luo, the rules of the overbearing Da Luo, the rules of the wind system.

That is to say, at this moment, the Dalu rule of the complete state he has has really reached six, and there is one of the most powerful rules of the Dafa, which is still brewing, if it can be completed. It also means that he will formally understand the seven rules of the Da Luo.

Even if the Dafa rule of Wanfa Avenue has not yet been completed, the Xiangyang at this moment also has six Dalu rules, which is equivalent to the number of peaks that can be realized.

Of course, if it is his first demon avatar, there is even a rule named the first magic rule.

Since comprehending the rules of the wind system, the atmosphere of Xiang Yang has disappeared. The whole person seems to be in the fog of the clouds, and it seems to be very ordinary, so that the people next to him can’t see him. Particularity.

Even if Xiang Yang at this moment is only walking in the outside world, his deity is retreating in the Promise of the Promise, but as long as he does not start to break out of the magic, he will not find that he is a magician.

Xiang Yang walked yawning and looked at the information in the jade slips that were bought from a young man in the hands of a sacred stone from the roadside. He recorded some messy things in the fairy world. information.

After he finished reading, he threw away Jade Jane and looked at the little blood like a smile. "I see you are swearing again?"

"Ah, haha, how can this be? I can't say anything."

Little blood naturally can't admit that she looked at Xiang Yang with a serious look. "Boss, although I haven't eaten for a long time, I think I can continue to insist. I just think that you haven't eaten for too long. I am afraid that you will forget what it is like to eat delicious food."


Xiang Yang looked at the little blood, this little guy, how long did he stay with himself, and he became so smart, um, the scorpion can teach.

"Cough, in fact, mainly Xiaoyin and Xiaohong are hungry." Xiaoxue was looked at by Xiangyang, only a little embarrassed, and whispered.


The two little guys, Xiaoyin and Xiaohong, are looking at the crowds curiously. At this moment, if they listen to the little blood, they suddenly look blank. They have not felt hungry after being shut down for thousands of years in the Promise. Not to mention that it was just a short time ago that I had eaten the dragon meat. How many days is it, even if it is not even a year, how can I feel hungry?

"Okay, let's go, take a rest."

Xiang Yang smiled softly, took three little guys into the city, handed in two top grades of Xianshi, and went very smoothly into the interior of Xiancheng. Then, Xiaoxue took Xiangyang and couldn’t wait to rush into a hotel. Eat the big table of wine and drink.

Xiang Yang looked at the little guy who was eating and drinking, and he was very happy. "When all the wives have found it, I will take everyone around to play and eat all over the world. It must be very It’s fun.”

His pursuit of life is really not high. He never thought about being invincible. All he wanted was a word of 'getaway', just want to protect the people he loved.

However, as he came to the fairyland and saw more and more powerful people, he became more and more aware that he had already fallen into a quagmire. If the strength does not improve, he is very likely to be unable to withdraw.

In order to have more freedom in the future, Xiang Yang can only work hard, although at his age, his cultivation is already high enough, his practice speed is fast enough, but he does not think it is enough, if it is now It can seem to meet his requirements by being able to have the same strength as the tens of thousands of people.

However, it is easy to reach the level of tens of thousands of robes, even if Xiang Yang can't see any hope.


At this time, there was a young man who appeared suddenly in the chair opposite Xiangyang. He appeared silent and there was no one found in the place. It seems that the other party has always been sitting there, even if it is Xiangyang. If it is not the other party, he is in front of his own eyes, and his powerful gods are not even sensed.

You must know that the true spirit of Xiang Yang’s deity has grown to a level of horror, although it is only the beginning of the devil, but with a sense of immersion into it, but it is also very powerful, the sense of insensibility is definitely not weaker than the general fairy king and even Xianzun, however, he did not sense the appearance of the other party until the other party sat in the chair, what a shocking thing?

At this moment, Xiang Yang’s face changed, and he quickly yelled at the little blood and other people, “Little blood, come over.”

"Oh, hey, kid, who are you? When did you come here?"

Little blood and Xiaoyin and Xiaohong discovered the existence of the boy at this time, and they all had an incomprehensible color.

However, Xiang Yang is frowning, sweating all over the body, because he found that the strength of this boy is too horrible, even if he was not seen before, the strongest of Xiang Long’s singularity Can't compare with each other.

The other party appears silently here, and can overcome the influence of Xiangyang, and the strength is strong, and it must be beyond the existence of Xianzun.

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