Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2560: The truth is cruel

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"It is really the reincarnation of the ancient soul of the sun, otherwise it is impossible for outsiders to know the rules of the soul."

"The saint is an adult, the princess is young, and the Holy One is forgiven for her."

"Princess, you don't have to say a few words. Otherwise, you really have an accident. After we go back, we can't explain it to the soul emperor."


When Xiang Yang directly spoke out the rules of the Soul, it not only made the soul seventy-seven, but other people also thought that Xiangyang was the reincarnation of the soul soul of the soul family. They turned to Xiangyang and asked for it. Go too far to let the soul seventy-seven do not be willful again.

In this way, the soul of the seven seven hearts is extremely boring, she did not know that everything Xiangyang knows is her own telling Xiang Yang, this time she did not know whether Xiang Yang is really a soul soul saint It is.

At the beginning, the soul of the seven seven is very determined that Xiang Yang is definitely the soul of the soul in the legend of the soul, but at this time, really went to Xiang Yang to say the rules of the soul, verify her thoughts At the time, she did not know whether Xiang Yang was the legendary soul soul saint.

Although 90% of the soul seventy-seven hearts have identified Xiangyang as a sun spirit saint, at this time, she feels that there is a very strange feeling, and she begins to doubt, thinking about whether she is the wrong person. Up...

Xiang Yang whispered and said to the black robes of the soul family. "I took this gimmick and took it back to the soul queen. If there is any opinion, let him come to the holy, and if there is no other If you have opinions, don't bother with the Holy One. Who dares to bother me and kill innocent people."


As his voice fell, there was a roar of noise, and a powerful and unrelenting soul broke out. Most people can only feel that there is a very horrible atmosphere in Xiangyang at the moment, but only those who are present are strong. What can be sensed is that on the top of Xiang Yang’s head, the shadow of a dark palace disappeared.

Although the shadow of this palace has passed away, everyone is trembled because they know very well that this is the palace that the strong souls of the souls can practice in the soul after they have practiced at the level of the saints. Named 'The Soul Hall'.

At this moment, no one suspects that Xiang Yang is not the saint of their soul family, and even even the soul of the seven seven-seven eyes with a fine light to look at Xiang Yang, is too shocking to Xiang Yang.

If the former soul seventy-seven is still not sure that Xiangyang is the reincarnation of the holy people of the soul family, but when Xiangyang has already exhibited the holy palace that must be possessed in the spiritual practice of the soul, she is also completely sure. However, Xiang Yang is not the soul of the soul of the soul, but also the reincarnation of a certain saint of the soul.

The practice of the Soul can only be practiced by the people of the Soul, and no one can simulate it. However, Xiang Yang looks very young, even if it is the practice of practicing the Soul, it is impossible to practice in such a short time. To the extent of the Soul Holy One, the only possibility is that the Holy One of the Souls, after carrying a reincarnation of power, awakened the power of the past.

The soul of the seventy-seven hearts is too shocking. At the same time, I feel that this is too coincidental. I can say that Xiang Yang is the reincarnation of the soul of the soul of the soul. The result is that Xiang Yang is really a saint...

“Is there really such a coincidence in this world?”

The soul stunned her eyes. What she didn't know was that the 'Sacred Soul Hall' in the Soul Gong method displayed by Xiang Yang was leaked to Xiang Yang by herself. In fact, although Xiang Yang got it. The practice of the Soul, but he did not cultivate, but directly simulated with the power of his own enormous soul. If the Holy One of the Soul is coming, it is natural to find that Xiangyang is a counterfeit, but the soul is seven. After all, seven is just the realm of the fairy king, naturally can not see.

"go away."

Xiang Yang was directly screaming at the other black robes. Suddenly, the hundreds of black robes no longer dared to stop, and all of them fled in the distance and fled in the blink of an eye. It disappeared.

As for the soul seventy-seven, they have not dared to control, although the soul seven seven is the soul of the seven princesses, but in their hearts, Xiang Yang is the soul of the saints, the status is higher than the soul of the soul of the soul The existence of the soul is not comparable to the seven princesses of the soul seventy-seven, let alone Xiang Yang just let the soul seventy-seven with him, even if Xiang Yang directly destroys the soul seventy-seven, they dare not say a word .

Among the souls, the system is sensible, and the soul saints have absolute control. For these weak soul people, no one dares to resist the soul saints... Xiang Yang.

"You are coming back, bastard."

The soul of the seven seven is a dumbfounded, seeing all the men brought by him hurriedly fled, fled to the transmission array, handed the fairy stone, and then disappeared after the disappearance, she suddenly felt that life lost all the meaning, the soul of the moment The whole person was still hanged in the air by Xiang Yang with a chain of lock souls. She stared at Xiang Yang. "What are you going to do?"

"From today on, you are the seven princess of the soul family is my maid."

Xiang Yang whispered softly, the lock soul chain disappeared, and the imprisonment of the power of the soul seventy-seven was also lifted. However, at the same time, he also left a prohibition in the body of the soul, which is the soul family. The very famous vicious ruin of the soul is forbidden. As long as Xiang Yang’s mind is moving, no matter how far away, the soul of the soul of the seventy-seven souls will be destroyed. For the soul family, this is the real form and spirit. Prohibition.

This ban is naturally also the soul of the seven seven to teach him, and now he used this ban on the soul of the seven seven, it is also a cause and effect cycle retribution.

"You actually planted a broken soul in my body, you bastard."

After the soul of the seventy-seven in Xiangyang lifted the ban on her power, she originally planned to run away immediately. As a result, Xiang Yang even planted such a vicious ban in her body, which made her dare not Moved, she is very clear, if she really ran, no matter how far away Xiang Yang can make her soul body burst.

At this moment, she did not dare to run, but looked at Xiang Yang with anger and incomprehension. If the anger in her eyes could burn people, I am afraid that Jiang Xiayang was burned to death.

"Sure enough, this gimmick told me that the ban is really easy to use."

Xiang Yang sighed and understood that the easiest way to surrender a person is to let that person tell him what method he should use to make her feel most afraid. Soul Seven is a best example.

He blinked and wondered if he should find a time to tell the very cruel facts of the soul seventy-seven.

However, when he remembered that he had just been crying and he couldn't be in love, he felt that the burden of this girl was a bit low. If he really told the girl, maybe he couldn't open it. And committed suicide.

"Forget it, still can't tell this girl what I know about the soul family is what she told me, hey, I am a kind person."

Xiang Yang sighed and felt that he was too kind and did not tell the story of the cruelty.

"What? Is this the way she told you?"

Jubilee looked at Xiang Yang inexplicably.

Just like Yin Yin has not spoken, she just kept looking at Xiang Yang, although she is also like others. From the dialogue between Xiang Yang and Soul Seven, she thought that Xiang Yang might be the reincarnation of the so-called Soul Saint.

Of course, if she really would be sure that Xiang Yang is a soul saint, she must be unfamiliar with Xiang Yang.

However, the feelings of Jubilee and Xiangyang are definitely not comparable to ordinary people. After she has carefully read it, she is very firm in knowing that Xiangyang is absolutely installed.

Although she does not know why Xiangyang has the power to make the souls of the souls such as the soul seventy-seven and so on feel jealous, but she is 100% believe that Xiangyang is Xiangyang, not a soul saint. By.

However, Jubilee is still very puzzled. Just now Xiang Yang did not even know what the soul family was. It was a bit too unbelievable to know everything in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, I heard that Xiang Yang said that the soul seventy-seven told Xiang Yang that these things are also a bit confused.

"Haha, this girl has just entered the sea of ​​consciousness with her soulful spirit of 30% consciousness. After I was trapped by me, I tried to get the news from her consciousness, otherwise, How can I be what the holy people of the Soul."

Xiangyang’s voice to Yin Yin, he will retain this cruel and incomparable fact, not letting the soul know about the seven, the main thing is that after the soul is known, the heart of this girl’s heart is too weak, and he will commit suicide directly. For Jubilee, he will not have reservations and deceptions.

"You, you are so bad."

After listening to the silver plaque, I suddenly looked at Xiangyang with a strange color. Although the mouth said that this yang is good or bad, I actually think that Xiangyang is really amazing. It is so easy to trap a soul. The king of the fairy.

All along, although the strong souls of the souls rarely do activities in Qingqiuzhou and surrounding continents, the education that Yinxi receives is that if you see the strong souls, you must avoid them and you must avoid them. Really against the strong of the soul family.

The silver scorpion that can make the dragons a vein is also so jealous, showing the terrible place of the soul family.

However, Xiang Yang faced the soul of the strong, countless big Luo masters, and a soul of the king of the king, even able to play the other party in the palm of the hand, even if the silver eyes look at Xiang Yang's eyes are also flashing The color of worship.

"However, if the Souls are told that you are fake in the future, what should I do?"

Then, the silver enamel showed a worrying color.

"No, isn't there a proton in the hand?"

Xiang Yang smiled and smiled and glanced at the inconsistency, standing there in the very unhappy soul seventy-seven.

Silver Jubilee realized that Xiang Yang had already prepared everything, and waited for the soul to be hooked. She suddenly sighed. "Sure enough, if you want to talk about treacherous, no one can compare with you."

"I said silver chick, are you wanting me to hit your ass?" Xiang Yang was so anxious after listening to it, couldn't help but scream at the silver plaque.

"Come on, I want to see if you have the courage to beat me."

Jubilee is not afraid, but said with a smile.

Xiang Yang saw the threatening eyes of Yin Hao, and suddenly felt a little frustrated. This woman really decided to eat herself and felt that she did not dare to beat her. Of course, if this is not in the public, Xiang Yang will definitely not Will let go of the silver plaque.

But here...

He looked around and found that although many people had been escorted before, but many people stayed, they could only helplessly say, "Forget it, let go of you."

While talking, he looked at the silver eagle. "Yes, Tsui's little girl, how did you not see her this time?"

Silver Jubilee's little waitress, Tsui, hasn't seen it for a long time. Before that, the little girl had been fighting with Xiangyang, and Xiang Yang felt very fun. This time, she didn't see the girl, so Xiangyang couldn't tease. Just teasing each other, I really missed each other a bit.

"Cuier Shantou is in the retreat of my fairy house to attack the real fairyland." Silver sly smiled and looked at Xiangyang, but his eyes were with a stern color. "Why, do you miss her?" ?"

Looking at the fierce color of the eyes of Yin Hao, Xiang Yang is very clear, if he dares to say that he wants to be a child, he will never feel good.

"Cough, how can I think about her? I asked casually, thinking that if Tsui’s girl didn’t take care of you by your side, I could let the soul of the seventy-seven be your maid and let her take care of you."

Xiang Yang lightly coughed and said with a gentle color on his face.

"Let me be her maid? No."

Jubilee finally breathed a sigh of relief, watching Xiang Yang's eyes are no longer so fierce, and the soul of seven or seven is mad, flying directly from below, angry with Xiang Yang.

"No, no use, no objection." Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the soul seventy-seven and said, "Now you are my captive, and captives have no power to oppose."


The soul seventy-seven roared Xiangyang, if it was not controlled by Xiangyang with the broken soul, she had already been desperate with Xiangyang, thinking that she was a high-ranking seven princess in the soul group, when she came in and out on weekdays. Where isn't there a lot of maids? Who dares to say that she wants to be her maid?

Nowadays, the so-called Soul Saint of the Xiangyang has been forced to follow Xiangyang. The **** even dared to send himself to the next little dragon as a maid. It is too much. It is.

Soul Seven Seven is a little bit crying, she is very clear, this time, I really planted it, and, the most important thing is that she wants to go and think that all this is self-seeking...

"I still don't want her to be my maid."

Silver Jubilee is a snoring, not to mention that the soul is not her husband, even if the soul is seventy-seven will be her maid, she will not, all day with a person who is better than herself, she will worry When will it be killed by the soul seventy-seven?


Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the silver plaque. "Cui Er is practicing in a retreat. It is also good to have such a maid to follow you. Moreover, this girl is the seven princesses of the soul family. It is still the world of Da Luo. The fairy king, although not sloppy in dealing with some chores, but her strength is there, if she is in danger, she can help her to help you as a shield in front."

"Forget it, I don't want to be attacked by her when." Silver swayed and shook her head. Her biggest worry was that the strength of the soul of the seventy-seven is stronger than herself. I wonder if this woman will judge herself when she is strong. I want the other person to block my maid.

"You are all careful, either let the princess leave, or the princess must be looking for an opportunity to destroy you."

The soul of seven seven is a sneer and said with a sneer.

"I am so scared."

Xiang Yang sighed and said, "Seventy-seven, your 30% soul power does not want it? You know, after you lost 30% of the soul, it is not so easy to add it, let alone a breakthrough fairy. It is even more impossible for Wang Zhijing to reach the realm of Xianzun."

Xiang Yang is very clear that the soul is seventy-seven as the soul king, and the power and consciousness of the soul of the 30% is in the world of consciousness. If she does not get it, it is equal to her own soul, and she wants to repair it. It is very difficult to improve, not to mention breaking through the fairyland.

"You control the power of my 30% soul."

The soul was blown up seven and seven times, and looked angry at Xiangyang. She had previously lost the power of her own soul, and she disappeared into the sea of ​​consciousness. Although she could sense the soul of the 30%. The existence of force, but do not know that the soul of the 30% realized where the bottom is.

However, because she was in the dispute with Xiang Yang, she did not have the heart to think about her own sense of the soul of the 30%. At this moment, she was raised by Xiang Yang, and she realized that her soul power was controlled by Xiang Yang, and her heart was extremely angry. It is.

Even if the power of her 30% soul enters Xiangyang's sea of ​​consciousness, there are many possible outcomes that are not necessarily controlled.

At this moment, knowing that it was really controlled by Xiang Yang, she suddenly felt amazed and her eyes were cloudy.

Xiang Yang said that the truth, if the soul seventy-seven lost the soul consciousness of the three, the desire to break through the fairy can almost be said to have no hope for life, but, want to take back her three-year soul consciousness from Xiang Yang It doesn't seem to be that simple.

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