Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2569: The king is perfect (four more flowers)

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When Donghuang Yuxi was looking at Xiangyang through Guanyuntai, among the very high welcoming buildings in the Imperial City, there were three top kings who were together, namely Wuwang, Yuwang and Jianwang.

"Big brother is coming, should we as a brother should meet him?"

The three people are sipping together to drink wine, looking out the window, through the scenery outside the window, with their cultivation, it is not difficult to see the Xiangyang in the enlightenment.

These three people have been together since they were awake, and they are not talking about drinking or drinking. For the three people, it is very chic.

After all, it is very difficult to find a person who can even be able to talk together. The three are originally the top kings. In general, the king of the six kingdoms of the big Luo, and even the Da Luo Xian Zun are not qualified to follow. The three of them talked about it. Instead, the three of them got together and could make up for each other's deficiencies, and the three men's cultivation was also leaps and bounds.

"No matter who he is, we recognize that when he spreads out as a big brother, he has no face. If he still greets him in public, isn't he even more faceless?" Wang said with a slap in the face.

As the strongest person of Tongtian Group, Yu Wang is not a ruler, but he is also a direct descendant of the Tongtian Group. His identity is high. If he only worships with Wu Wang and Jian Wang, it is a very good thing, but it is much better. Xiang Yang is such a big brother on the top of his head, it is a bit confusing for him.

"In any case, he is our big brother, I think I have to go."

At the same time, the sword king sword directly throws the wine glass to the table, and the body shape flashes, and the whole person disappears in the same place instantly.

Sword King, as a peerless king, his character is like this, resolute and vigorous, when it comes to doing it, when he says that he is going to pick up Xiangyang, his whole person has disappeared.


Wu Wuji also disappeared in the same form. Only Wang’s family had a big career. Although he didn’t want to show up, there was no way to see that Wu Wang and Jian Wang had left. He could only helplessly shake his head and screamed, “This I want to be famous again. I was really crazy at the time. I actually worshipped this kid. Although he is a descendant of that pulse, most people in the fairy world don’t know that he is the descendant of that pulse. Passed into a fool."

While talking, his body shape also disappeared in place.

The appearance of the three great kings caused a lot of sensation among the onlookers. In the case of the fairy world, the king of the world is the strongest, and these seals are the strongest and the highest. It is a typical representative among the immortals.

In particular, the King of the King, who has a very terrifying force behind him, is even more shocking.

At this moment, after all the three brothers of Xiangyang came, the guys who looked at Xiangyang’s eyes were very disdainful, and they all closed their mouths and never dared to say anything. They could be unscrupulous when the three kings were absent. Comments Xiangyang, but when the three great kings appeared, they did not dare to say anything.

If you say that Xiangyang is not, they are really afraid that the three kings will kill directly.

"When Guan Tianmen is enlightened, his talent is really strong."

Wu Wuji said with a soft voice, "It is our boss."

"Oh, yes, yes."

Wang Wang laughed a few times and was surrounded by so many people. As a peerless king, he also said with pride that Xiang Yang is such a true fairy. This kind of thing, he really can’t do it. .

The sword king is staring at the three-inch sword on the top of Xiangyang’s head. He frowned. “The kendo of the boss is stronger. If it is simply a martial art, I may not be his. Opponent."

The reason why he would bow up with Xiangyang was because he almost lost because of Xiangyang’s kendo. At this moment, I saw the sword of the king on the top of Xiangyang’s head. The sword king’s heart was shocked. I only thought that Xiangyang’s eyes had already been seen. Beyond yourself.

"No way?"

His voice fell, and the people next to him were all shocked. The sword king was the first person in the well-deserved fairyland. He even took the initiative to say that he was not as good as Xiangyang in the kendo, which made them Too shocked.

Even Wu Wuji and Yu Wang are equally surprised to see the sword king, Wu Wuji said with a smile, "I said the fourth, this does not match your character."

"My character is seeking truth from facts, not as good as my older brother. Isn't this a normal thing?"

The sword king said faintly, although his character was occasionally compared, um, a little bit stunned, but he was not the kind of person who could not afford to lose, since the last time he and Xiang Yang passed the sword, he knew that one day Xiang Yang’s kendo will surpass himself, but he did not expect it to be so fast.

However, fortunately, this person is his big brother, so that he does not want to shout a big brother.

"Are you sure his kendo is beyond you?" asked the king.

"You see it yourself, and you will have a result right away." Jian Wangjian shook his head innocently, and refused to pay attention to the king. His eyes kept staring at the sword of the king on the top of Xiangyang’s head.


Just at this time, I heard a roaring sound. Xiang Yang had a million-foot golden dragon slowly forming. This dragon has no gods, no, it should be the king’s prestige, and Nantianmen. The dragon that was condensed by Diwei was very similar.

This is not the sword of the king, but the new king's rule, which is a new rule of the king, because Xiang Wang's sword really went to perfection.

"Oh... I even learned a big Luo rule, this guy is too powerful."

"My God, just glanced at Nantianmen, and I realized that for a little while, there was another rule of Dalu, which was incredible."

"I understand a bit now why he can worship with Wu Wang, Yu Wang and Jian Wang, and be the boss."


Everyone around to see this scene sucked a sigh of relief, only to think it was incredible.

Even Wu Wuji, the king of the king and the sword king also have a shocking color, but the eyes of the sword king are still staring at Xiang Yang, whispering, "this is not limited."


As if to verify the words of the sword king, only a soft bang sounded, and the three-inch golden sword on the head of Xiang Yang suddenly trembled. Then, the emperor on the Nantianmen rioted, and that one represented the ancient heavenly emperor. The dragons of the Diwei were instantly rushed out of the group of clouds, and then an earth-shattering dragon humming sounded.



Almost when the sound of the dragon screamed, the three-inch sword on the top of Xiangyang’s head broke out with a horrible sword. A sword-like storm broke out out of thin air, and millions of feet of gold-colored swordsmanship swirled and formed instantly. A golden sword with a handle and a handle around Xiangyang was created out of thin air, and a sound of a sword was heard.

The sword of the king, at this moment, truly achieves a perfection.


Xiang Yang opened his eyes, his body suddenly disappeared from the Breguet, the volcano appeared above the Breguet, the infinite sword flowed, his gaze looked around and found so many When people suddenly screamed, "Your sister, how come so many people?"

There was a bad premonition in his heart. When he thought that he was in the limelight in front of so many people, he felt very uncomfortable. "I just made up my mind to make a low-key point. How did it become like this?"

Before he came to Wan Yao Tian Chau, he made up his mind that he must be a low-key one. However, it is only to perfect the sword of the king and make it a truly complete state. It has turned into a public eye, which makes him a bit Daughter-in-law, "I don't want to be low-key? How is it so difficult."

Although the heart is uncomfortable, the transformation of the sword of the king has not stopped. The golden sword of the handle is constantly being generated by him as the center. It became a golden sword field.

"The world of swords?"

"This is the kendo field, but there is nothing strange about it."

Some swordsmen saw this scene, but they had a disdainful color on their faces. In their view, although Xiang Yang learned for a while outside Nantianmen, in addition to comprehending the rules of the king of the king, the kendo aspect There are no outstanding achievements, but they are displayed here, making them look very uncomfortable.

Because they really can't see what kind of achievements the Xiangyang's kendo has achieved.

The sword king sword can be seen without evil. It can be seen that Xiangyang’s kendo has surpassed himself. It is because he is the sword king, while other Xianwang and Daluqiang have no such vision. They only think that Xiangyang’s kendo is unremarkable. There is nothing strange about it.

Among them, especially the encounter of the Taoist Road boy is particularly uncomfortable with Xiang Yang's behavior.

"This kid must have deliberately made a big splash here. I can deliberately activate the Taoist sword. I will fight against him with the sword in the sword. He will fall from heaven and fall on his face."

While thinking of the boy, he carefully glanced at the road and then quietly activated the sword of the sword in his hand.


Suddenly, there was an invisible sword that instantly attacked Xiangyang.

The sword in the hands of the boy grew up with the Taoist Taoist school. It is a supreme sword that transcends the level of the best fairy. It contains the sword of the Taoist Taoist, and as a sword boy, the Tao travels. He is holding this sword in his arms. Although he can't play the power of the sword, it is still possible to activate a sword in the sword to attack Xiangyang.


When the sword was attacked toward Xiangyang, Daozi discovered the behavior of the kid. He immediately snorted and shouted the sword directly between the waves. His eyes looked coldly at the boy. "Hello." ”

The Tao of this moment is completely angry. Although the sword is intended to deal with Xiang Yang, it is his own behavior, but the sword is his. Only he and the boy know that it is the boy’s own behavior, that sword The intention has already been sent out, and as a result, he must have offended Xiangyang.

"Daozi... I am wrong, I will not dare any more, and ask the Tao to forgive."

The child forgets that the Tao is around, and he uses the Taoist sword of the Tao. It is impossible for the Taoist to know. At this moment, he scared the three souls and the seven souls, and quickly squatted and admit his mistake.

Daomen Dao Lin Xian is a complex face, and looks cold and looks at the sword boy, cold channel, "I have always been too indulgent to you, so that you dare to use my sword in front of me. You are too daring to attack people."

"Daozi, I am wrong, I beg you, see forgive me when I grow up together."

The boy holding the sword knew that the Tao was really angry, and suddenly he was shaking and shaking. He held the thigh of the road and kept asking for mercy.

The Tao is cold and there is no slight relaxation. The behavior of this sword boy is tantamount to betrayal. For Taoism, it is the most intolerable thing.


However, before the Taoist decision was made on the boy, he heard a roaring sound. When his sword was bombarded into the sword-like world that Xiangyang spread, he immediately took the sword around Xiangyang. Detonated.

A pair of gold swords trembled, and the swordsmanship broke out directly, scrambling to the sword of the Taoist road.

This sword is the kendo of Dao Dao Dao. It is the kendo of Tao Dao’s practice. At this moment, the sword boy activates one of the swords, although it is not as good as the Taoist, but the sword The meaning is also unmatched.

Xiang Yang’s eyes looked at Daomen’s eyes, his eyes were with a stern color, but there was no words, but he looked at the swordsmanship that constantly smashed his golden swords and continued to kill himself. Admire, "This guy's kendo is indeed very strong, this sword contains the atmosphere of the door, this guy should be the strongman of the gate, but his kendo is not comparable to me."

At the same time, the sword of the king on the top of Xiang Yang suddenly trembled, directly daring to erupt a powerful and unparalleled sword, together with the sword storm that broke out on his head, together with the sword past.


At this moment, all the onlookers felt that the swords in their bodies had trembled to varying degrees. It seemed that they had to break free from their own bodies. Even the swords of the swordsmen were equally indifferent, and there was a hand in their hands. Excalibur, that sword is constantly shaking, as if encountering the enemy of life, he actually felt a fear in his sword.

The sword king is the first strongman in the celestial king, not to mention other people. Some of them are relatively weak, but the fairy sword in the body of the king of the four kings of Dalu is instantly rushed from the body. Come out, then hover in the air and worship the Xiangyang.

The presence of Daluo’s four kings in the heavens, even the big Luo’s five or six heavens, has a low-grade sword in his body, but his achievements in kendo are generally the same. Most of them have uncontrolled swords. Out of the body, Xiang Yang bowed to the court, and worshipped.

At this moment, Xiang Yang is like the king of the sword.

The sword that was activated by the sword boy around the Taoist temple to deal with Xiangyang has long been docile as if it were a small sheep. It is suspended in front of Xiangyang and does not dare to move. Even, Xiangyang’s mind is moving, that A sword is directly integrated into the sword of his king's sword.

Even the Taoist Taoist Tao can sense that the sword in his body is shaking. There is a kind of feeling that he has to rush out to pay homage to Xiangyang. His face has changed greatly. He knows that if he does not take the sword back, he will let If you hold the sword boy, perhaps your own sword should be like the other people's swords.

As a Taoist Taoist, if his Taoist sword worships Xiangyang so much, then his face is also a bit unreasonable. Fortunately, he suppresses his own sword with his own power, but He looked at Xiang Yang's eyes with an infinite horror.

"This is the real king of the sword, a sword out, a million swordsman."

At this moment, when everyone was shocked, Xiang Yang scattered the sword of the sword on the top of the head. All the golden swords of the whole body disappeared. The sword of the king was collected into the body. He carefully understood his eyes. However, my heart is shocked. "It turns out that the sword of the king can absorb the sword of others for their own use and turn into their own kendo. I have never found this effect, or that the sword of the king after Dacheng Is there such a function?"

Yes, the sword of the King’s sword just directly absorbed the sword of the attacking Xiang Yang. Xiang Yang clearly felt that after swallowing the other sword, he realized the other’s kendo, as long as he It is possible to devour some of the other's swords and even let yourself fully understand the martial art of the other.

Xiang Yang sighed in his heart, he has always used the three kendo as the strongest attacking means, but he did not think about other uses. The sword of the king can absorb his sword and let himself realize others. Kendo, this is the first time he discovered the three Kendo and other uses.

Even if he wants to comprehend other kendos in the future, the quickest way is to devour the kendo of others.

Thinking of this, Xiang Yang couldn't help but feel a tremor in his heart. He remembered the 'Heaven and Earth Oven'. It seems that the kendo of his own sword is similar to the 'Heavenly Oven'. It is a cheating that can make it grow up quickly. Treasures.

"This is destined to make me rise quickly."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but sigh, but his heart was very proud. As long as he absorbed the sword of others, he could transform into his own kendo, and he would not hurt others. For him, it is much simpler to do this.

"However, there are still people who really dare to count me, are you tired?"

Then, when I remembered that when I was enlightening, some people dared to attack themselves. Xiang Yang’s eyes suddenly cooled down. All the breaths in him, including the rule of the king’s Tao, also converge. Turned around and looked at the direction of the Taoist Road. With a cold color.

Author Meng Yu said: four more 20,000 words, ask flowers...

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