Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2581: Stunned (20,000 words for flowers)

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"is it?"

However, just as Lu Xinyun’s voice just fell, he heard a cold voice coming over, and then he heard a bang from the bang. When Lu Xinyun looked at the past, his whole person was shocked.

I saw that Xiang Yang’s hand had already come into contact with the fairy sword of the top grade, and what made Lu Xinyun feel shocked was that the sword he had imagined opened the case of Xiang Yang’s hand. Instead, Xiang Yang’s hand directly caught the sword of the top grade that could open the heavens and the earth.

Xiang Yang’s right hand palm seemed to be turned into a gold-free one, and he firmly grasped the Jianfeng’s sword front. Moreover, there was no wound in his palm.

He actually blocked the sword of the top grade with the flesh and blood, and did not suffer any injuries.

Moreover, Xiang Yang's hands did not bring any fluctuations in energy, and it was really against the sword with flesh and blood, which made him feel too shocked.

Lu Xinyun looked at Xiang Yang with a sullen look. He exclaimed, "This is impossible. You are just a pseudo-roar in the body. How can the body reach such a terrible degree? And even if it was an ancient period of physical training, Luo Qiang, if you don't reach the king of the fairy king, you can't pick up the top grades by hand."

"No, it’s wrong. Everyone is wrong. You are not a fake body, but you have truly reached the realm of Da Luo. You really walked out of your own path in the refining, you are the real body. Da Luo, and even more powerful than the ancient shovel Ronaldo."

"Wrong, all wrong..."

Lu Xinyun was staring at Xiang Yang, and the whole person was lost and looked like he was going crazy.

He knew that he was really wrong. He looked down on Xiang Yang. He thought that the sword of the top grade was just the strongest force in his real fairy. Unexpectedly, Xiang Yang could actually go freehand. Take your own sword.

"The flesh is comparable to the gold, this is the supreme power of the true body of the body, but you have not understood the rules of the Ronaldinian rhythm, did not engrave the rules of the Daro into the flesh... ”

Lu Xinyun whispered to himself, with an unbelief on his face. At this time, he still did not believe that Xiang Yang could easily block his sword.

Although the Xianwang strongman can almost pick up the upper-class fairy with his own hand, everyone's shots are wrapped in their own energy, mainly because their own strength is strong enough to block the fairy. He never I have seen Xiang Yang like this, a true fairy can be freehand, and block the sword of the top product without waiting for the slightest energy.

"It’s just a fairy sword at the top of the fairy class. It’s really stingy.”

After Xiang Yang’s hand firmly grasped the sword of the Shangpin fairy level, his heart was ecstatic, and finally he realized that his physical strength could at least block the upper-class fairy, but on the surface, he sighed and disdained. Lu Xinyun glanced at it, then directly grabbed the right hand and grabbed the top sword to capture the income of the Promise.

Although this sword is only the top grade of the fairy, but at least it is a fairy, he naturally can not let go.

After doing all this, Xiang Yang looked up and looked at Lu Xinyun with a smile on his face. "Let's say, how do you want to die?"


After Lu Xinyun listened, he suddenly changed his mind and his body quickly retreated toward the rear. At the same time, he appeared in his hand with a zucchini gourd, which was the top of the fairy-class gourd, which he borrowed from the same door. .

At this time, the only thing he can rely on is the 葫仙葫芦, because the same door was lending him to him, the other party vowed to say that if you use the 斩仙葫芦, it will definitely bring him imagination. The surprise, so, at this most critical time, he did not want to use this 葫仙葫芦.

"Please baby out."

Lu Xinyun forgot how his 斩 葫 葫 是 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Beyond the big Luo Xianjun, to the extent that it can be compared with the fairy king, otherwise, it is impossible to pick up the one of the top grades of the fairy knives.

The 斩仙飞刀 is the biggest reliance of Lu Xinyun. Even if the 斩 葫 葫 手中 只是 只是 只是 只是 只是 只是 只是 只是 只是 , , , 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中 手中Sprayed out in the middle, disappeared instantly.

Xiang Yang’s enormous power of soul consciousness suddenly became a danger. The power of his soul spread out and found that within the scope of his own soul power, the flight path of Zhu Xianfei’s knife appeared, and the speed was not fast.

He knows that it is not because the speed of this knives is not fast, but because the power of his soul is too strong, it can clearly sense the flight path of the flying knives, so it seems that the speed is not fast, but in fact The speed of a knives flying knife is very fast.

"It turns out that the power of the soul can be used like this."

Xiang Yang’s heart sighed with relief. At the beginning, he was most afraid of worrying about the other’s knives. He also prepared Xiaoling in the body to continue to deal with the opponent’s knives.

However, he was excited when he discovered that the power of his own soul could spread to the speed of the knives, even when his speed slowed down within his own sense.

From then on, the pulse of Zhu Xianfei can no longer cause any harm to him. Even if it is the Xianzong class of the Xianzun class, he is not afraid.

"It's just a magic weapon of the ordinary top grade."

Xiang Yang whispered softly, his hand stretched out, and his **** were pointing toward the void. Although it seemed that the speed did not reach a very fast speed, but the knives suddenly appeared in front of his neck. At that time, the awkward grip of the Zhu Xianfei knife.


A soft bang rang, and Xiang Yang’s preparation was blocked by Xiang Yang’s physical strength, and it was blocked with only two fingers.

This voice is like the sound of the sound of Xiang Yang. For Lu Xinyun, it is like the sound of the devil. He looks at Xiang Yang with his face, with incredible colors on his face. Up..."

"No, it's impossible."

"Last time, you didn't hold the 斩仙飞刀 with your hand, but what secret treasure used to block the 斩仙飞刀, and this time, just by the force of your body to clamp the 斩仙飞刀, you The physical strength is stronger."


Lu Xinyun was staring at Xiang Yang’s hand. At this time, he also remembered the method that Xiang Yang blocked the Zhu Xianfei knife. Later, after research, he felt that the Xiangyang must have used the treasures of his body. Take the 斩仙飞刀 away.

What made him even more shocking this time was that Xiang Yang had just clamped the flying knife with two fingers, which was beyond his imagination.

At this moment, Lu Xinyun stared at Xiang Yang, and he was going crazy.

The hopes of time and again rose, and the hopes of time and again were shattered. For Lu Xinyun, he almost despaired.

"Small land, send me another 斩仙飞刀, I want to thank you."

Xiang Yang’s face was smiling, and the **** were holding the knives and flying knives, and the three-inch small flying knives were constantly twisting and unable to break free.

He glanced at the green skin gourd in Lu Xinyun's hand, and said with a smile, "You still give me that 斩仙葫芦, otherwise, it will not be useful to stay in you for a while."

Since the other party took the initiative to take the 斩仙葫芦, now that the 斩仙飞刀 is already in his own hands, Xiang Yang naturally cannot let go of that 斩仙葫芦.

"No, this is the 斩仙葫芦 I borrowed from the same door. You gave me a flying knife."

Lu Xinyun only reacted at this time. This 斩 葫 葫 并不是 并不是 并不是 并不是 并不是 并不是 并不是 并不是 并不是 并不是 并不是 并不是 并不是 并不是 并不是 并不是 并不是 并不是 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫


Xiang Yang sighed very awkwardly. "Isn't it just a knives flying knife? You sent it to me, and I will give it back to you. Do you think this is possible?"

At the same time, Xiang Yang handed over, directly put the Zhu Xianfei knife, and then smiled at Lu Xinyun.

"Do not..."

Lu Xinyun looked at Xiangyang with desperate color on his face. This 斩仙葫芦 was borrowed from the Xianwang strongman who was looking for the same door. At the time of borrowing, he also vowed to tell the other party that he would return it to the other party. Now, he is actually being Xiangyang. He took the flying knife away. Will he only give the same king an empty squash gourd in the future?

How does this make him account?

He stared at Xiang Yang, and yelled, "Give me back, give it back to me..."

While shouting, the figure is quickly retreating toward the rear. He wants to get out of this palm of the hand. He never wants to face Xiang Yang again. He knows that the strength of Xiang Yang’s body is definitely not true. What can be countered, even if it is Xianjun, it is not likely to be Xiangyang’s opponent.

Well, at this moment, he can only run quickly. Maybe he can still trap Xiang Yang with this palm of the hand. After all, this heaven and earth is created by his understanding of the rules of the six Dalu rules, as long as Xiang Yang does not comprehend the six Dadao. Luo rule, it is impossible to rush out.

"After leaving the palm of my hand, I quickly confessed to lose, escaped far away, and never confronted him again. This guy is a enchanting."

When Lu Xinyun’s half body had already been explored to leave this small world, his heart was still lucky, although not Xiangyang’s opponent, but at least his life was saved.

At the same time, Lu Xinyun’s mind is to make up his mind. This time, no matter what the face is, no matter whether he can trap Xiangyang, he will give up the first time, then run the road and find a nobody. The secret retreat has never appeared again, until the repair can break through to the peak of Xianzun.

As long as his cultivation can be cultivated in the realm of Dalu Jiuzhong Tianxianzun, in his view, there is no need to be afraid of Xiangyang anymore. Even at that time, maybe Xiangyang has long forgotten that he is possible. of.

"No matter how brilliant you are, how powerful it is not about me. I am retreating myself and pursuing the heavens."

Lu Xinyun made the final preparations. His ass, even the back and half of his head, broke into this small world and appeared in the outside world. However, at this time, he suddenly rushed to the wrong place and only felt that his figure was caught. When I lived, there was a powerful force, and suddenly I seized myself so that my body shape could only be stuck in this small world and the outside world, and I could no longer leave.

If this small world is a ball, the gap between the world and the outside world is a layer of light energy. At this time, Lu Xinyun’s buttocks and the back half are exposed in the outer world, and the other half is Within this world, the whole person is directly stuck here.


Lu Xinyun sucked the cold air, with despair in his heart, and looked at Xiangyang. When he saw Xiangyang’s smiling face, he suddenly made a terrible scream.



However, his screams have not yet fallen, and the whole person has been pulled into the small heavens by a powerful force. Even, because of excessive force, his whole person fell to the ground and was dragged by Xiangyang. Just walk in and walk inside.

"what's going on?"

At the same time, the people watching the outside were seeing Lu Xinyun’s **** from the beginning, then the back, then the back of the head, thinking that Lu Xinyun had solved the problem that Xiang Yang had to leave the palm of the hand, and he heard an earth-shattering miserable. The cry came out and they were shocked.

Then, after listening to the 'touch' sound, they followed the space crack when Lu Xinyun was dragged in. It is obvious that Xiang Yang’s hand is dragging Lu Xinyun, and Lu Xinyun’s Zhu Xianfei knife A peerless king of the world, with a desperate look on his face, was dragged in a little bit.


Lu Xinyun, the singer of the sacred knives, was dragged into the ground like a dead dog. This is really incredible.

"What is the situation? Why is Lu Xinyun being dragged in like a dead dog?"

"He lost? It was so bad, and it was still in the palm of his hand. It was terrible."

"My goodness, Lu Feiyun is the top king of the sacred knives. When his repairs were sealed to the real fairyland, it was so weak. It seems that he is not so good. Without the knives flying knives, there is no power."

"Ha ha ha, it seems that defeating Xiang Yang, becoming the owner of the downfall, and finally getting the reward of the Emperor of the East Emperor, or me, when I was in the real fairyland, but the real breakthrough of the limit, only a little bit It will be extraordinary."


These onlookers saw that all the scenes were shocked, and some were excited and laughed. They felt that Lu Xinyun had such a reason because Lu Xinyun’s Zhu Xianfei knife was in Xiangyang’s hands. Lu Xinyun, the singer of the sacred knives, is too weak in strength, so it is not Xiangyang’s opponent.

Lu Qing was equally shocked. He widened his eyes and revealed an incredible color. He tried to see the amount of money in his hand, only to find that the crack in the palm of the hand had been closed again. He could not see the inside. In the case, if you want to know the specific situation, you can only break the palm of your hand.

However, the ancient emperor collapsed, no one can have this courage to break, even if Lu Qing is a peerless deity, he can only stay and watch the crack that has been closed, and the heart is constantly guessing during this time. What happened in the middle.

"how come?"

Lu Qing looked sluggish, and even the generation of the scent that had been in his hand had fallen to the ground. He didn’t feel it. At this moment, his mind kept flashing a picture, that is, his disciple was dragged by the portrait. The situation of pulling a dead dog.

At this time, several of the Xianzun strongmen who were surrounded by Lu Qing left Lu Qing, and they did not want to disturb Lu Qing. The heart was very clear. At this time, Lu Qing needed to be quiet. ..

"This guy seems to be a bit interesting."

Donghuang Yuxi is also in the banquet. She is dressed in a dignified and gorgeous dress, holding a glass of scent in her hand. She is drinking and chatting with the descendants of major forces. Originally, she is preparing to go to the Taoist to chat with the Taoist temple. After all, the Taoist door is no less powerful than the powerful and unparalleled force of the Wan Yao Group. However, when she saw Xiang Yang dragging Lu Xinyun into it, she changed her mind and turned and walked to other places instead of going. The road to the road.

The dispute between Daozi Linxian and Xiangyang has not yet been resolved. If it is too close to the Tao, it will be bad if it is misunderstood by Xiangyang.

At this moment, Donghuang Yuxi did not realize that his heart actually gave birth to a fear of Xiangyang. Because Xiang Yang, she actually changed her mind to make friends.

At this time, the eyes in the field were staring at the small world in the ring. They wanted to know how Xiangyang and Lu Xinyun were doing.

Daomen Dao Lin Xian is also a bit stunned. He is also the land of the six kings of the world. Although he knows his strength is definitely stronger than Lu Xinyun, he can’t help but think of Lu Xinyun’s misery. I have to wait for Xiangyang to wait for a while, it is a bit flustered...

Author Meng Yu said: Today's update is complete, ask for flowers... In the end of the year, everyone has flowers for me, thank you...

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