Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2589: Five brothers, let’s lose.

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Xiang Yang throws it away and throws the Qingxuan sword to the golden armor of the ancient emperor. He smiles and glances at everyone in the field. As soon as he looks at it, he has already looked at everyone’s eyes. In the eyes.

He already had a care in his heart, and then he looked at the road and said with a soft voice. "Daozi, my bet has been taken out, and I also ask the Taoist to take out your bet."

With a green sword, you can exchange countless treasures. Xiang Yang thinks that this is still very worthwhile. Of course, if the Tao can come up with a soldier who is equivalent to the Qingxuan sword, it would be better.

"You are so bold."

Daozi couldn't help but smiled and said to Xiang Yang, "You know, although you are the descendant of that pulse, but your strength has not yet grown up, and now you have exposed such a sword, you are I want to lead myself to killing me."

At the moment, the Taoist mind has no more anger for Xiangyang, but instead cares about Xiangyang. He is afraid that Xiangyang will provoke a murder. He constantly shakes his head and only thinks that Xiangyang is too reckless.

"Thank you for your concern. I am so moved."

Xiang Yang whispered softly. "If the Tao won me, then this sword is a Taoist. I naturally don't have to worry about any murder, but if the Tao loses to me, I can not only keep this sword. You can get the treasure equivalent to this sword, and there are more natural dangers. So, does the Tao want to say that for my safety, you have to defeat me?"

While talking, his face showed a smile, seemingly with a contemptuous color, his eyes fixed on the road, want to see if the heart of the Tao is really as he said.

If the Tao is calm and fearless, then it is proved that the practice of returning the sword to the Tao is correct. If the heart of the Tao is really greedy, Xiang Yang should think about it and wait for a while. After that, how should I deal with this guy?


The Taoist stunned, and then said with a smile, "The Taoist friend really misunderstood me, I don't have such an idea."

While talking, he took off a storage ring in his hand and threw it toward Xiangyang. "The treasure in this storage ring is everything in me. If you think you can talk to you." If you compare the Excalibur, you should bet on it. If you think that the things inside are not comparable to your Excalibur, then I can only bet with the sword."

In Xiang Yang’s eyes, the Tao is indeed very frank, which makes Xiang Yang’s heart suspicious, secretly saying, “This guy does not seem to have a greedy heart for my Qingxuan sword. Is it true that Lin Xian really is like this? A 'sacred' person?"

However, it is not a matter of thinking about Lin Linxian's heart. As long as this guy does not have a place where Xiang Yang finds something wrong, Xiang Yang feels that the Tao Lin is a good boy.

Xiang Yang did not answer, but looked into the ring and looked at it. He was shocked. Among the rings of the Tao, although there were only one or two pieces of magic weapons of the best, but the refining and alchemy. The raw materials are very many, and the most dazzling is that there is a piece of black rough stone, sparkling with a strange atmosphere, so that after Xiang Yang met, his face with a shocking color, "There is such a treasure."

Before this, Xiang Yang didn't know what the stone was called. However, since Xiao Ling listed a pile of materials for the ancestors of the family, there was such a black stone named Chaos Original Magic Stone, which is a piece. It is able to refine the raw materials that are worthy of the magic.

Xiang Yang directly called Xiao Ling to his own Dantian and passed on everything he saw to Xiao Ling. After the little guy met, he stayed for a while, then he was shocked and said, "In the It’s incredible to see the chaotic original magic stone in this era."

"What? Isn't the list of materials that you gave to the ancestors of the family not have the original magic stone? According to your point of view, the original magic stone is almost impossible to see. Are you just casually giving it?" Oh.

Among the piles of raw materials that Xiao Ling gave to himself, this contained the chaotic original magic stone. At that time, Xiang Yang thought that these treasures should be Zhao Dong in chaos, but now look at Xiaoling’s appearance. It seems that something is wrong.

"It’s not a mess, just because the chaotic original stone is too rare. Even in chaos, it is rarely found. As far as I know, the strongest of this chaotic world seems to have only The magic genius once got a piece of chaotic original magic stone, refining a starting magic soldier, and thus chaos chaos invincible, but later the beginning of the devil disappeared, his magic weapon disappeared, no one can See the original magic stone of chaos."

When Xiaoling said, he looked at Xiangyang with his excitement on his face. "Boss, this chaotic original magic stone is enough to refine a true Supreme God soldier for your first demon."

"And, your first demon martial arts practice is also the beginning of magic, as long as you can refine a starting magic soldier, in the future can completely become a new beginning demon, chaos chaos invincible."

At the same time as Xiaoling said, his face was full of excitement. It seems that he had already seen Xiangyang’s first demon avatar with his own refining genius.

"The beginning of the devil is not really chaotic invincible, his strength is not as good as the robbery."

Lao Wan said muttering on the side.

"Well, no matter who is the first demon and the tens of thousands of robbers, anyway, this stone is a small spirit, you can refine a supreme magic soldier, give it to my first demon."

Xiang Yang was very excited, but when his mind returned to the body from Dantian, he looked up and looked at the road, and his face showed a light color. "I think our bet is only a form." However, it is mainly to learn from each other. The Tao is assured that I will never be like you to the two people who deal with Zhu Xian. Since the Tao is honest, I can't ask for too much. I will use these as a bet."

At the same time, Xiang Yang handed over and directly closed the storage ring.

Since one of these treasures is a must-have chaotic original magic stone, Xiang Yang said that it is impossible to let go of the treasures in these storage rings. He has actually thrown all the treasures inside into the Promise. In the process of dealing with Xiaoling.

Anyway, this is the bet of the Tao. Although the war is not over yet, it will not take much time later. After the war, these bets will be justified and become their own.


After the beginning of listening to Xiang Yang's words, Daozi Linxian felt a smile on his face and felt that Xiang Yang was very good, but when he saw that Xiang Yang actually received the storage ring that he used to be a bet. At that time, he suddenly widened his eyes, and there were countless grass mud horses running wildly in his heart. On the surface, he was an open channel. "Xingdaoyou, this..."

"However, these treasures of Daozi are still relatively small compared to my Qingxuan sword. I have a proposal. Do you know if the Daozi agree?"

Daozi Linxian originally wanted to remind Xiang Yang that the battle between the two had not yet begun. Xiang Yang immediately took his bet away. This is unruly. However, his words have not yet begun to be said. Interrupted, Xiang Yang smiled and looked at him and said, "I have seen the Taoist and I am willing to worship my brother with the Tao. As for the size of our generation, how can we decide directly on the outcome of this decisive battle?" ”

"Do you want to worship my brother with me?"

Daozi Linxian was staring at Xiangyang. Just now, the two were still like the enemy of life and death. Now, even though they have become brothers, it makes him feel too weird.

Moreover, what makes him uncomfortable is that everyone knows well that this battle must have been lost. If you lose, you will forget it. Xiang Yang got a bunch of treasures, but he still has to take advantage of it. Big brother.

"Yeah, I think the character of Dao is very appetizing to me. I should be a brother between Dao and Dao."

Xiang Yang said with a smile, "Unless the Taoist looks down on Xiang, I feel that Xiang is not qualified to worship with the Tao. Of course, if this is the case, I will not force it."

The Taoist heart is tired, he really does not want to bow to Xiangyang's younger brother, Xiangyang, he is very clear, although this war has not yet begun, but the outcome is almost doomed, he is certainly not Xiangyang's opponent.

Originally, he wanted to break the financial disasters. When he did not fight Xiangyang, he directly gave in to the loss. Even the sword was intended to be given to Xiangyang. Unexpectedly, Xiang Yang did not want his sword at first. It made him feel a little touched, so he put all the treasures in his body into the storage ring and handed it to Xiangyang.

However, what he did not expect was that Xiang Yang not only wanted his treasures, but also wanted to be his big brother...

Even your own treasures, you want your own people.

This makes Lin Xian feel too depressed.

In his heart, even if he is extremely unhappy, there is no use at the moment. If he does not agree with Xiangyang, he believes that Xiangyang has countless ways to make him difficult to step down. He remembers the end of Lu Qingxian and Lu Xinyunxian Wang Shitu. Lin Zixian couldn’t help but shudder, and now it seems that he can only agree to it.

With helplessness in the heart, the Taoist Lin Xian said with a smile on his face. "Xiang brother said with a smile. With Xiangxi as the descendant of that pulse, he can worship with his brother, which is the blessing of Lin Xian."

This is said, even if the Taoist Lin Xian felt that he was very uncomfortable, obviously he did not want to worship with Xiang Yang, but he could not oppose it. This is the feeling he has never had before as a Taoist Taoist.

"Okay, that's it."

Xiang Yang laughed and laughed. Then, on the spot, he shouted to Wu Wuji, Qi Wang and Jian Wang. "Three brothers, remember to prepare the altar and prepare for our five brothers."


When the three people heard it, they smiled happily. Xiang Yang was able to pull the Taoist Lin Xian into them and become the younger brother of Xiang Yang. It is really a good thing.

Whether it is Wu Wuji or Yu Wang and Jian Wang, I feel that Xiang Yang has done a very good thing.

The Taoist priest Lin Xian, this identity is definitely not lower than the younger emperor of the Wan Yao Group. Nowadays, the future control of the Daomen has to become their brother, which is really interesting for them.

They laughed and looked at Xiang Yang, and looked at the Taoist Lin Xian, and looked like a smug, especially Wu Wangwu Wuji, could not help but smile and said, "Five brothers, just my brothers are rude, after the completion of the worship Brothers, please drink, you don't mind."

"Yeah, around you because you have a strong love for you." Sword King is very shameless.

"Cough, can become your third brother, I think this is our fate." Yu Wang could not help but smile.


After the Tao Linxian listened, the heart was so depressed that he glanced at the three people. These three guys dare to say this now. Don’t you know that it was because of their reasons that they could not leave?

If you can leave, Daozi Linxian can be sure that although he will be misunderstood by Xiangyang, there will always be opportunities to explain it clearly. It will not be so wrong now, and he will lose his treasure while he himself To become the younger brother of Xiangyang.

"Xing brother, who is the brother who is the brother has not really got the result." After the seeing Lin Xian met, he frowned, and looked at Xiang Yang with a dissatisfied color on his face.

As for the Wu Wuji three, he is too lazy to pay attention to it, because he knows, even if he and the three people blinked? It really depends on Xiang Yang.

"Nothing, you can have a result soon."

Xiang Yang did not care to wave his hand and directly said to the Taoist Lin Xian, "Five brothers, please."


When the Taoist Lin Xian listened to Xiang Yang and directly called himself to the ‘five brothers’, he was so angry that he sneered and said, “You should call your eldest brother.”

"Don't stick to these little things. As a younger brother, don't make trouble with me at this time. Otherwise, you will soon understand that it is unnecessary to make trouble. Because it will take a long time, you will become My five brothers."

Xiang Yang waved his hand at random and said directly to Lin Xian. "Well, in order not to waste time, let's start now. If you think it is not my opponent, remember to shout a big brother, it means that you admit defeat." I will not do it when I am, but I will immediately worship my brother."

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