Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2594: Return of the loser

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Xiang Yang said happily, "This brother is polite. Since the brothers have difficulties, I can't force them. Let's count them as ten best ones."

"it is good."

The immortal king did not think that he would lose. In his opinion, Jianshan, who had been working so hard, only gave it to the referee for a while, and then he could take ten pieces of the best. Go back, why not?

Seeing Xiang Yang promised to go down, directly throwing the sword armor in the hand toward the top of the golden armor god.

At the same time, his figure was flashing. Before that Jianshan had not been taken in the hands of the Golden Armor, the whole person had already rushed to Xiangyang.

When he shot, it was the ninth-eight-nine-handed sword-like flying sword that was thrown out, and turned into a figure to crush down Xiangyang.

Eighty-one handles of the best fairy-class flying swords are rotating, as if to cut the heavens and the earth, with the supreme power, making the void tremble, and everyone sees it and then exclaims.

"It turned out that he was a very famous king of the sword. Although he could not compare with the sword king, his strength was very extraordinary, and he was forced to seal the king."

"It’s really extraordinary that such a person has even come to power against Xiangyang."

"God, he also came to power."


After many strong people saw this scene, it was a shocking color. Apparently, when he displayed eighty-one flying swords in this fairy king, everyone recognized his identity.

"I rely on, I thought you were really poor, it turned out to be poor."

After Xiang Yang met, he was furious. He thought that he had gotten a cheap sword with a sword tire of 100,000 grades. The unexpected thing was that he was actually pitted by this guy. Among the magic weapons in this guy, there are actually nine hundred and eighty-eight best swords that have become a map. It is really too local.

If the other party is directly betting on himself with the flying sword of the 81-handle-class fairy-class level, Xiang Yang can even take out the Qingxuan sword. However, this guy actually said that there are no ten best items. Xiang Yang felt that he had been deceived and looked at each other with a bad color.

"I want this sword array."

Xiang Yang smiled coldly, his hand swayed, Qing Xuanjian appeared directly in his hand, and a sword went down to the sword.


At this moment, the nine hundred and ninety-one flying swords fluttered with a powerful force toward Xiangyang, and the Qingxuan sword went down, causing the map to tear a crack directly, nine hundred and eighty. A flying sword flew back directly.

However, Xiang Yang's figure is volley, Qing Xuanjian is once again pulled out, a whirlpool appears, and the nine hundred and ninety-one is the best sword-level sword in the circle. Then, the sword of the king's sword burst out, suddenly In 1989, the best swords could no longer be moved. All of them lost all their resistance and surrendered to Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang’s sword of the king has been cultivated to a true degree of perfection. From then on, the king’s one, the sword surrendered, especially the higher the level of the sword, the more the sword of the king’s sword could not be moved.

Then, in the eyes of the stunned **** of the fairy king, Xiang Yang directly put away all the best swords of the 81st, and then looked at the king of the fairy, with a faint smile on his face, "Brothers, Do you admit defeat or do I fly you out?"

"Oh, you still fly my sword."

This guy is crazy, this nine hundred and ninety-one is the best flying sword level, but he used it for more than ten thousand years to refine it successfully, and it was only recently conceived successfully. He originally thought about it. In nine hundred and ninety-one, the best sword was enshrined into a fairy statue. Unexpectedly, there was not a few sorrows, but it was already taken away by Xiangyang.

He was crazy and roaring, and he never dared to display any magic weapon. Instead, he rushed straight up and shot it toward Xiangyang, breaking out the strongest power he could display.

No matter how strong his strength is, it is only the peak of the true fairy. In this realm, the general fairy is coming, and Xiangyang is generally the same as the child.

Xiang Yang's figure flashed, and he directly slammed it out, and immediately bombarded it with the other's palm. Then, just listening to the sound of '咔嚓', this guy's arms exploded directly into a crush, and at the same time, this guy whole Flying at the fastest speed and flying to the sky, I don’t know where to fly.

"This game, Xiang Yang wins."

The voice of the golden armor came out, along with the one that Jianshan flew directly to Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang smiled and took Jianshan into the Promise of Immortality, let Xiaoling refine this Jianshan, and by the way, the same sword of the ninth-sized sword-like sword was also incorporated into it. I just looked at the stage. "Who else wants to come up, go straight up, and everyone else is ready for their own ten best items, or treasures of comparable value. After someone steps down, they will be able to Then come up, let's not waste time."


Xiang Yang’s words are like a huge stone plunging into the pool. It has stirred up thousands of waves. Those who want to participate in the war are all angry, and those who have not thought about going to the war are laughing and laughing. This time the banquet has such a battle against Taiwan, it is really interesting.

"Okay, other dances can stop, as long as the wine and food are served well, everyone will watch the battle."

Even, even the East Emperor Yuxi also waved directly, letting her dance group stop.

She is very clear that even if the dance of the fairies is so beautiful, it is impossible to compare with the battle of Xiangyang. The battle in the ring is not only because this is the emperor’s collapse, but also because Xiangyang is too strong, too Shameless, attracted the hatred of everyone, many people do not play, but want to see how Xiangyang was defeated.

Of course, even Dong Huang Yu is one of them, she also wants to shoot Xiang Yang...

Later, Dong Huangyu himself turned and entered a building in Xiandao. When she came out again, she had already put on a strong dress.

In a tight-fitting suit, the body of Donghuang Yuxi is tightly wrapped, and the exquisite figure is undoubtedly revealed. However, compared with the previous luxurious clothes, she looks more attractive at this moment.

"Less Lord, are you this?"

The close people of Donghuang Yuxi saw this scene all stunned. Could it be said that their own masters are also preparing to play against Xiangyang?

Although she is the owner of the family, she wants to do what she says. However, Xiang Yang looks so brave. If the owner of the family rushes to be beaten by Xiang Yang, what should he do afterwards?

The people around Donghuang Yuxi were all nervously watching the East Emperor Yuxi. They made up their minds. If their own homeowners want to go on stage, they will stop the younger masters in any case, and they must not let the young masters rush to the project. Yang confrontation.

"Reassure, I didn't think about going up to confront him, at least not yet."

Dong Huangyu snorted, she really couldn’t help but want to go up with Xiangyang, but think of Xiangyang so brave, if she is against the Xiangyang with the power of the true fairy, it is absolutely impossible to be Xiangyang’s opponent. In the end she still resisted.

She still doesn't want to find a fight. Although she has a lot of cards, she doesn't want to confront Xiang Yang in front of so many people.

"I don't want to do it now, that is to say, I want to go up later?"

After a group of close-servants around the East Emperor Yuxi, they all scared the three souls and the seven souls to be scattered, and made up their minds, so that if the East Emperor Yuxi came to power, they must stop.

This is not a joke. If Xiang Yang beats the East Emperor Yuxi, the joke can be really big.


Just at this time, there is another king of the Great Luo who rushed to the stage, and immediately handed over ten pieces of the best fairy between the waves, and then rushed to Xiangyang with nothing to say.

Apparently, this guy saw that the fairy king of the nine hundred and eighty-eight celestial swords was confiscated by Xiang Yang before, and he no longer dared to use his own magic weapon, for fear that he would also be snatched away by Xiangyang.

Although he is very confident in himself, he is still afraid of failure, and even the magic weapon has been snatched away by Xiang Yang.

As a result, this guy directly Xiangyang’s hands-on battle. In his view, with the strength of Xiangyang, he is sure that he is very proud of himself. He himself will not use the one that is comparable to Xiangyang. Excalibur.

However, this time, this guy overestimated Xiangyang...

Xiang Yang smiled softly, and there was a flying sword of the best fairy level in his hand, and directly volleyed the sword, pointing out, this flying sword roared out and instantly killed the other side.

Xiang Yang did not use Qing Xuanjian, but he used a sword of the best fairy level...


After the fairy king met, he suddenly became shocked. When he saw that Xiang Yang’s opponent did not use the treasure, he would not use the treasure, thinking that Xiang Yang would treat him the same as others, in order not to lose. The battle lost another magic weapon, so it was so bare-handed. As a result, I did not expect that Xiang Yang used a special fairy.

"You are shameless."

At the same time as the guy screamed with a thick scorpion, he had a superb knives in his hand, and slammed into the sword of the best fairy level.

"Well, finally there is a magic weapon that can be robbed."

After Xiang Yang saw it, his eyes flashed and the flying sword entangled the other side. At the same time, his figure flashed, and the whole person appeared directly in front of the other party. He took a shot and suddenly took his real fairy. The practice of qi training in the realm broke out, and the powerful force surpassed the energy that the sinjun of the three-day sacred level of the Dalu can explode, making this sacred sacred face on the face of the immortal king who was suppressed to the real fairy. The color, "No, how is it possible, this energy definitely surpasses Da Luo Xianjun, are you not a true fairy?"

However, he was useless in any case, and Xiang Yang’s power roared directly on him, causing him to fly backwards at the fastest speed, then knocked out the ring and flew again to millions. It disappeared from the inside and outside.

As for Xiang Yang, after a palm has succeeded, he grabbed the sword of the best grade of the fairy, and said with a modest color on his face. "This brother is really polite, and he sent it again. I have a great knife of the fairy level."


"This guy is too much."

"I rely on, say ten good pieces of the fairy, every time the opponent takes out the magic weapon, he must find a way to take the other party's magic weapon, and if the opponent does not take out the magic weapon, he will force the opponent to take out the magic weapon. It’s too much. If it’s me, I will use the taboo to kill him as soon as I get out.”


Countless people gnash their teeth and can't wait for the first one to rush to destroy Xiangyang. Although there have been several defeats by Xiangyang and he has robbed him of the magic weapon, for these stubborn powerhouses, they did not personally work on Xiangyang. After that, I never felt that I would be weaker than others in the real fairyland. Even if they can have the strength of today, they are all solid, step by step, and truly reach the limit in every realm. The strong, plus they are suppressed to the real fairy, their energy is essentially the power of the king of the king or even the power of the fairy, they feel that they are absolutely superior to Xiangyang in terms of energy.


"I am going to fight you."


Next, someone rushed to confront Xiang Yang. Xiang Yang’s face was smiling, and he still showed a powerful attack. He quickly defeated the other party. At the same time, at least every time he had to take the magic weapon he took out. Walking, making people under the stage more and more angry, more and more people want to go up and challenge Xiangyang.

Because they are too confident in their own strength, they do not feel that they are weaker than others in the real world.

Of course, there are also people with hesitation. Although they can't sense how powerful the eruption of Xiangyang in the ring is, they can see that Xiangyang can fly their opponents out at the fastest speed every time. Also a little hesitant, I feel that Xiang Yang is a bit terrible.

However, at this time, the first few guys who had been bombarded by Xiang Yang had already healed the injury and returned. The head of the singer named Huang Xin was the one who lost the anger and anger. When I saw Xiangyang on the ring, I pointed to Xiangyang and shouted, "Not for the Son of Man". "Shameless, even sneak attack."

"Too much, this kind of person, who can go up and destroy him?"


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