Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2560: Domineering small bald head

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"What is your constitution?"

Xiang Yang stared at each other and only thought that this guy might be very difficult to get it. He almost gathered the practice of the powerful forces of the various mainstreams in the world today, and, seeing his appearance, the practice of other systems. Although there is no cultivation in the law, it is not a practice, but a little bit. After other exercises are practiced, they will practice other physical exercises.

Is this guy going to cultivate all the spiritual practices of all the heavens and the world to the peak?

If this is the case, does it mean that this guy is walking on the road in the future, can he be called a walking practice machine?

"I do not know either."

The little bald head shook his head and shook his head. "Master said that I am suitable for practicing various exercises. Let me practice all the exercises of all the meditations of the heavens and the realities, and then merge them into one. I am also trying. However, it seems that something is wrong now, and some of my exercises have conflicted in the body."

As he spoke, he scratched his head and seemed to be very depressed.

"It’s strange to not have a conflict."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but stunned him and said, "You are really looking for death. You can practice so many systems of practice. The key is that what your master told you to do, what do you do, you are also the gold of Buddhism. If you are a Lohan, don’t you have a little common sense?”

Even if Xiang Yang is in charge of countless gods, he does not dare to say that he practices various exercises at random. He cultivates magical powers, and he specially condenses a master and devil to practice.

"Common sense, what is that?"

Xiaoguangtou looked at Xiangyang with a serious look. "My master taught me to practice. I am good at cultivation. I need common sense."


Not only Xiang Yang, all the people present were shocked by this pure little bald head, so he listened to his master’s words, and his master told him to practice what he practiced, and he practiced it all the way, and he went all the way to the realm of the fairy king. There is still no point in practicing common sense.

Many strong people are all envious of the fat monk. This is the best disciple. Let him practice what he cultivates, and there will be no dissatisfaction. If he and others can have such a good disciple, that's great.

"How did you cultivate to the realm of today?"

Xiang Yang asked everyone's consensus that such a guy could actually cultivate to such a degree, it is a bit unbelievable.

"I don't know, anyway, my master asked me to practice what I cultivated. As a result, recently the old man often stared at me and said that my practice conflicted. Then he said that he had a way to let me follow. You, he said that you can help me."

The little bald head is very honest and said directly to Xiang Yang.

“Hey? Can I help you?”

After Xiang Yang listened, he suddenly felt shocked. It is no wonder that the fat monk gave his little disciple himself. He originally wanted to help the other party solve the problem of spiritual practice. But the key point is that this small bald practice has so many exercises, which triggered After the conflict, as the Xianzun strongman of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianzhu Peak, there is no way for the supreme powers who have survived from the ancient floods. They even said that they have a way. This is how strong they are. confidence?

"Yeah, my master said that you must have a solution."

Xiaoguangtou looked forward to Xiangyang, "Brother, for the rest of my life, I rely on you."

"Small bald head, you have been away from your master for a lifetime. Your master knows that you can't lie now, so it's too pitiful to get rid of you first."

Xiang Yang looked at the little bald head with a pity of color, and even the rest of his life was ignored.

Obviously, the fat monk is too unreliable, and after he can't solve it, he will find a way to get rid of this little bald head. Even Xiang Yang can think of the fat monk at this time.

"I will be your person anyway."

The little bald head said with a thick color on his face. "For the rest of my life, I will follow you wherever you are."

"Don't, don't talk."

After Xiang Yang listened, he hurriedly waved his hand. This guy actually had to say love to himself. Do you want to let yourself spit it out?


However, what Xiang Yang couldn't think of was that he didn't talk about this little bald head. This guy really didn't talk, but he rushed to himself with a punch.

"I told you not to talk, didn't let you hit me."

Xiang Yangxi looked at the bald head.

"My Master said, if you want to make you unable to beat me, I want to play with you, use all the skills to beat you." Responding to Xiang Yang is the voice of a small bald head.

It is the words of his master.

"I rely on it, that fat monk is too much."

After Xiang Yang listened, he suddenly became angry. After he had pitted himself, he still didn’t count it. After throwing his disciples to himself, he still didn’t give up. He still thought about letting this little bald head beat himself.

"Fat monk, you must still hide in the void, you give me out, I will never kill you."

Xiang Yang shouted loudly and wanted to call the fat monk out of the void. However, this is obviously impossible. When Xiang Yang’s voice has not yet fallen, the little bald head has already rushed toward him. In desperation, Xiang Yang had to start to confront each other.


At this moment, the little bald head burst into a terrible blood, and the earth-shattering light circulated, the **** light and the golden Buddha light merged together, along with the punch and the sound of the thunder.

Obviously, the small bald head directly combines his own qi and blood and the Buddhist practice, attacking Xiang Yang with his strongest power.

Fortunately, the repair of the shaved head is only suppressed to the real fairy. Otherwise, the strength of his practice of countless exercises is definitely very strong. If it is against the Xiangyang by the power of the king, even Xiang Yang is also I dare not say that I am the opponent of the other side.


Xiang Yang also slammed into the same punch and collided with this little bald head. What shocked him was that the little bald head had even tied him with him, even if Xiang Yang could not take any advantage.


After Xiang Yang met, his eyes suddenly glowed. He didn't want to play with this little bald head. At this moment, when he saw that the small bald head was so powerful, he suddenly came to interest.

"Little bald head, you were deceived by your master. Your master just let me hit you one time. After the downfall, he will let you go to the old place to wait for him."

Xiang Yang haha ​​said with a smile.

"My master said, let me follow you, let me stay with you for the rest of my life, can't betray you." Xiaoguangtou responded with Xiangyang and responded.


In the face of a small bald head saying "the rest of the life" four words, Xiang Yang could not help but silent for a while, this little bald head is really stupid or fake stupid, will not rest in the future will hang on the lips .

With such four words, Xiang Yang couldn’t keep his mind, and it’s too horrible. He thinks this sentence is stronger than the charm of the female fairy in the big seven heavens. How many times.

"The boss of the project, the rest of the life, please advise."


When Xiang Yang was about to vomit, the small bald head was a serious saying. At the same time, he shot again and broke out with a powerful and unparalleled momentum. He punched Xiang Xiang.

"The rest of your life will be your sister."

Xiang Yang didn’t know what happened to this little bald head in the summer of the new flooded world. Why can this beautiful love language be kept in the mouth, but when I saw a small bald head, it was a fist blow. He did not dare to look down, and quickly raised his hand and blew it out.

Next, the two people constantly confronted each other. The physical strength of both Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou exceeded the real fairy. When the real explosion broke out, it was the king of the four heavens. Come, they are not necessarily their opponents.

If those people around him see such a scene, I am afraid that no one will dare to go to the stage to confront Xiangyang after this war. However, Xiang Yang has already considered this and has already arranged the next soul with the power of the soul. The layer of illusion makes it impossible for everyone to feel the power of the two people's bursts.

"The boss, I want to make a big move, and for the rest of my life, you have to be careful."

Xiang Yang is more and more excited. It’s really that he hasn’t met such a rival for a long time. Of course, if the little bald head on the opposite side does not move, the words “after the rest of life” are kept in words, Xiang Yang believes this. Everything will definitely be better.

When he heard the little bald head saying that he had to be careful for the rest of his life, Xiang Yang felt that he had been insulted and couldn’t help but swear. "Small bald head, you will say the rest of your life, I will blow you up."


Responding to Xiang Yang is the powerful force that the small bald head burst out. This punch is powerful enough to destroy one world, but it also contains the Buddhist practice, the Taoist law, the Confucianism, and even the There are also magical powers.

"Overlord Boxing!"

Xiang Yang did not think about it. He used the overlord boxing of the favorite item directly, which was simple and overbearing.

A fist burst out, there is a tyrannical breath burst out, this is a kind of domineering atmosphere of the world, is the power of the three thousand chaotic avenues dominated by Chaos Demon.

"Da Luo rules to add."

Opposite Xiang Yang, Xiao Guangtou was a big drink. Suddenly, there were six Da Luo rules, surrounded by his body, making him the whole person like a god, the power is higher.

However, when Xiang Yang saw the guy’s Da Luo rule, he suddenly stunned. The little bald Da Luo’s rules were a bit messy, not only the Buddhism, but also the Taoist, and the physical strength. It’s obviously a mess, and it’s obviously related to his practice.

The little bald head learned every time he practiced a practice, and he realized a rule of Da Luo, which made Xiang Yang shocked. You must know that many of the exercises of the small bald head did not even reach the immortal, but they have already realized it. How big is this rule?

I am afraid that the fat monk is training the little bald head to let the other party understand the rules of the Da Luo, and then let the other party practice the practice of that pulse.

"You have the rules of Dalu, and I have it."

Xiang Yang’s heart is talking to himself, and his body shape is shocked. There is a rule of Da Luo, which is the rule of the overbearing Da Luo. This Da Luo rule is very strong, just like a dragon with a million feet long, which makes Xiang Yang’s fist The power has increased and I don’t know hundreds of times.


When the two sides collided together, the faces of Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou changed at the same time. Then, the fists of the two men burst at the same time and turned into blood fog. However, the blood fog had not spread, and they each flew back again. Re-agglomerate into their hands, then continue to collide with love, then continue to break, and then continue to restore...

It can be seen that the attacks of both people are terrible, and even their hands can't withstand the force of collision and burst open.

Next, the time seems to be fixed, the fists of the two are constantly turned into blood fog, and then continue to grow into the original look.

In the process, the rules of the Dalu in the two men also collided with each other. However, although the rule of Xiangyang’s overbearing Dalu was strong, it was only to display a Dalu rule, while the small bald head had six Da Luo. The rules, although each of the Da Luo rules can not be compared with Xiang Yang's overbearing Da Luo rules, but in terms of the number of surpassing Xiang Yang, making Xiang Yang's Da Luo rules can not resist the other side's six Da Luo rules bombardment, his hegemony The rules of the Daro retreat at the festival.

In the face of a small bald attack, even Xiang Yang, when he only showed a rule of overbearing Da Luo, he could not block the other side.

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