Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2562: Young memories

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"Little bald head, if you dare to say in the future for the rest of my life, I will smoke you."

Xiang Yang was very angry and glared at the little bald head. He said this guy several times. This guy still didn't change it. He still ‘after the rest of his life’, which made Xiang Yang almost explode.

The rest of your sister's life, if the small bald head is not a male bald head, but a super invincible little beauty, Xiang Yang heard the other party said the rest of the life, will be very happy to answer, pulling the other hand, a face Looking at each other deeply, "Never leave, never forget", but the key is that this guy is just a bald head.

Xiang Yang’s heart is awkward and feels like a goose bump. This feeling has not been experienced for a long time since he embarked on the road of practice. This little bald head has made himself feel once.

"Yes, yes, I must remember this time."

The little bald head nodded quickly, and looked at Xiang Yang’s face with murderousness. It seemed that he really wanted to be desperate with himself. He finally hid these words that were perfect in the new world, and they were deeply hidden in the heart. Not afraid to show up in front of Xiang Yang, he is really afraid of being beaten by Xiang Yang.

The little bald head remembered very clearly. His master told him in a very serious tone that he had now become a dynamite barrel because of the various mainstream exercises of the various worlds, and he accidentally exploded directly. Open, even, because of the reasons for practicing the Soul practice, it is useless to abandon the flesh. Not only will the gods explode, but even the true spirits will not be preserved, and they will be completely destroyed.

Therefore, even the small bald head is the celestial king who has been cultivated to the six heavens of Da Luo. He is the strongman of Buddhism's golden body, and he is willing to become the younger brother of Xiangyang.

All of this, he is in order to be able to solve the problem with Xiangyang after he is familiar with Xiangyang. Otherwise, if he waits for all the exercises to be practiced in the six heavens of Da Luo, he is very clear. When his merits are made, it is the time to 'chemicalize'.

The so-called chemical road, nature is not sanctified as an ancestor, but the real smoke disappears, everything returns to the heavens and the earth, dead and upturned...

I have not enjoyed the beautiful little baldness of life in order to enjoy a better life, in order to see the beautiful scenery of the heavens and the world for the rest of my life, even if he is a fairy king, when he faces Xiangyang, he also Still showing the appearance of an honest man.

"Okay, if so, you will follow me later."

Xiang Yang turned his eyes and said that he was an old acquaintance with the fat monk himself. Even if he had promised a small bald head before, if the other party could take over his own attack, he would allow the other party to follow himself, although the other party only blocked himself. In the second attack, Xiang Yang felt that there was no need for a third attack.

With the strength of a small bald head, even if it is in the real fairyland, it can't be compared with itself, but it will not be too weak. It is very possible to block three blows.

This small bald head is a multi-system practice. If you can grow up in the future, you will definitely have strong strength. Since the fat monk will sell this small bald head to himself, Xiang Yang will naturally be polite.

As for how to solve the problem of various energy conflicts in the small bald head, Xiang Yang intends to think about how to help the small bald head when he is free.

I don't know the confidence of the fat monk, but I feel that Xiang Yang can really help the small bald head solve the problem of practice.

However, it really made him mistakenly hit the wrong thing, Xiang Yang's strength is only to reach the real fairy, but Xiang Yang got too much inheritance, with his knowledge, can really help the little bald.

Of course, the easiest way is to let this little bald meditation devour the magical power, and all the energy cultivated by the small bald head is swallowed up. At that time, the small bald head will become a complete demon and become a super demon. head.

Thinking of this, Xiang Yang mouth with a strange smile, if the fat monk knows that his disciple has become a super devil after following himself, I don't know if the fat monk will regret it.

Of course, this is the ultimate solution. If there is no way, it can only be like this.

However, Xiaoguangtou is a personal talent who can practice the innumerable systems of the heavens. Xiang Yang also wants to see how far he can grow up.

"Boss, what do I have to do next?"

The little bald head looked very excited at Xiang Yang, but did not know that Xiang Yang had done the worst way to make him a devil of the magic.

He thought that it was very difficult to become a younger brother of Xiangyang. Now I know that it is still very simple. I can’t help but feel very excited. I feel that my luck is so good that I will not be able to solve it in a long time. The problem of the body, at that time, you no longer have to use the refinement, you can fully practice, and embark on the peak of the world.

"There is something to do with the younger brother. Since I am fighting down the stage, then everything will be handed over to you. You will defeat all those who come to power. Of course, the most important thing is to take all their magic weapons."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice.

Since the little bald head has become his own younger brother, and the strength of this guy is so strong, Xiang Yang feels that it is time for him to relax and let Xiaoguangtou replace himself to hold the ring.


Although the little bald head just became the younger brother of Xiangyang, he was very consciously caught in the role at once, and he was very excited to point to Xiangyang.

Xiang Yanghe smiled, his body flashed, and he appeared directly outside the ring. He said to the crowd, "You, I know that you really want to beat me, don't worry, I will give you a chance, but before you do First defeat my younger brother and say Ha, remember, the rules are the same, one person and ten pieces of the best fairy, this is the most basic requirement of Shangyutai. If there is no such thing as a fairy, don’t go to power, otherwise you will not be killed. Compensation."

When Xiang Yanghe smiled, his body shimmered and appeared directly on the floating fairy island where Xiaoxue and others were located.

The next thing to hand to the little bald head is enough. If the small bald head loses, big deal, he will go on stage to defeat the other side, but also can stick to the end. If the small bald head can last until the end, then he just has to wait for the magic weapon. can.

"Oh, he ran away."

"No, since he left the ring, he actually lost. Although he looks very abominable, his strength is really strong. Now we want to win the battle, we only need to beat the small bald head. Just fine, in fact, this is also a good result."

"Yeah, in this case, what are you waiting for, first go on stage to knock down the little bald head."


Seeing Xiangyang leave, naturally someone is happy and some people are angry. Many people are all screaming, and others feel that they are much better than Xiangyang on the small bald head. So, someone came to the stage to challenge the little bald head.

However, these people did not realize that Xiang Yang did not give up because of the defeat of a small bald head. Even if they defeated the small bald head, Xiang Yang could also come to power again.

"Amitabha, my boss said, can't say the rest of the word for the rest of the day, so who dares to say in the face of Xiao Yu, the rest of his life, all killed."

When the first came on stage, I saw a deep face with a small bald head.

"What the hell?"

The opponent stayed and didn't understand what the little bald head said.

"Remember, you can't say the rest of your life, otherwise don't blame the little sorrowful heart." Xiaoguangtou said seriously.

"There is something wrong."

This guy sneered, directly throwing ten pieces of the best fairy to the golden armor, and then said to the little bald head, "Little bald head, come on, you are the time to go, the monk also wants to be the emperor of the emperor." You broke the rules and regulations."

The reason why these people are eager to go to power is to become the husband of the Eastern Emperor Yuxi, as long as they can become the husband of the Emperor of the East, although they are the king of the king, but if they can become the husband of the emperor For them, it is a step in the sky, and it will truly become a high presence in the fairy world.

"Sorry, the law of Xiao Yan is called breaking the ring."

I never thought that after the guy’s words were finished, the little bald head grinned.

"Hey, what is this law number?"

"This is a small monk who was born to break the ring."

"My God, this guy is still a descendant of the big day. It is so unreasonable. I don't know if the legendary Buddha saw the name of this little bald head, I don't know what it would be like."

"Ha ha ha..."

After listening to the people below, they all burst into laughter. A Buddhist disciple is still a descendant of the big day. He even said that his name is called a broken ring. This is a bit of a meaning. This can be said to be the largest in the Buddhist commandments. The challenge is.

"Xiao Xiao is going to break the ring today."

After the little bald head heard the ridicule of these people, he was exposed to anger. He was always proud of his own name. What he did not expect was that he was now laughed at.

The little bald head screamed at the Buddha's face with anger, his hands clasped together, and suddenly shot, the infinite palm print broke out, and the horrible breath flowed through him.


At this moment, the opponent of the small bald head, the celestial king who had reached the level of the six heavens of Da Luo, did not even react, and was suddenly smashed out by a small bald head.

In the blink of an eye, only one round, a strong man with the same state of the small bald head, was instantly smashed out.

"I rely on it, it is so shameless to break the small bald head. It is no wonder that I can become the younger brother of Xiangyang. Sure enough, shameless things can be passed down from one heart to another."

"No, I can't stand it anymore. I am going to kill him. No one can grab me. Let me come first."

"let me do it."


The onlookers were all angry when they saw the little bald head directly in the second, and they had to rush forward to deal with the little bald head.

For them, just did not see the immortal shot, but was sneaked out by the small bald head. They did not see how powerful the small bald head, and they all felt that they should be prevented after they took office. It’s okay not to be attacked by a small bald head. At that time, it’s absolutely easy to get a small bald head.

"Since all of you are so angry, you will come up with ten at a time. It is a waste of time to come up one by one. The so-called time is money, time is cultivation, time is life, and Xiaoyan can't waste time on your waste. Xiao Yan must quickly defeat all of you, and then follow the boss to enjoy the rest of his life, Amitabha, Xiao Yan said the rest of the life..."

The small bald head broke the ring, but at this time the language was not surprisingly endless, and even the words that Xiang Yang did not say.

However, when he talked about the rest of his life, he realized that he could not say the rest of his life, and quickly shut up, no longer dare to speak.

"I rely on..."

Not far away, Xiangyang, who was holding a cup of scented drink, couldn’t help but spurt a sip of wine after hearing the little bald head. He looked at the little bald head in a dull moment. "This kid is really mixed in the lower bound. It’s really different, even the time is the famous saying of life...”

He was amazed in his heart. He saw the shadow of the 21st century young youth from a small bald head. You must know that since he left the bustling city and entered the spiritual world, he has rarely seen it, even now it is back to summer. In the country, the wind of practice in Xiaguo began to rise, and many things in the past have been changed. Everything in the past can only become a good memory.

"You are not serious, even your younger brother is not serious." Blue Tingting is white and Xiangyang said.

"Sister, this can't be blamed for me. I just met a little bald head. The main thing is that this guy didn't know before that his master, that is, the fat monk, took somewhere to learn so many advanced theories. Xiang Yang repeatedly shouted.

However, when I heard these advanced theories, Xiang Yang was very proud of it. We are the pride of the new youth. As a person who came up from the secular world, he felt that it was full of good memories for the past experience.

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