Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2632: Intended (seventh)

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"His strength is really beyond our imagination. It is no wonder that the owner can ask him to pay such a large price."

"Yeah, we have been watching him for a long time."

"Just, this guy's ability to win the magic weapon is really incredible."


At the moment, the top 10 masters of the fire family are together, their faces are not very good-looking, even the youngest named Huo Yunlong, who is ranked first, can't keep calm.

Although Xiang Yang’s shot does not seem to have such a powerful force, it is too strange. As long as someone makes a magic weapon, Xiang Yang can easily take away the other’s magic weapon. That means makes the ten masters They all think that Xiangyang is not normal. Even if they have already planned to use it, they will not use any magic weapon, and they will fight with Xiangyang with their bare hands.

"Dragon brother, what can you see?" A young man asked Huo Yunlong.

This young man is the tenth master who is about to compete with Xiangyang.

This young man is too nervous, and others can easily be defeated by Xiang Yang. That is because those people were only just collecting numbers, and each of them, each of them, has learned more than three rules. It can be said that this is the main force of the fireflies in the Battle of the Immortals in the Million States. Originally, their goal was to get the first place, but if they were also defeated so easily by Xiang Yang, they also talked about it. As the main force of the fire family to compete for the first place in the million continents?

Huo Yunlong was sinking into his thoughts. Suddenly, he thought of what it was like, his eyes lit up and he said, "Have you found out that in the previous battle, whether it was our fire family or Xiang Yang? They didn't use much strength, even the rules of the Da Luo were not used, and the legend of Xiang Yang was the pseudo-Daluo who broke through to the Da Luo in the first person of the body. Although he is not a real body, he is not a real body. The power of the flesh is definitely his advantage, so he has been using his advantage to bully people."

"Yunlong brother means..." The tenth-ranked youth suddenly heard his eyes.

"Exactly, I guess that although he is a physical pseudo-Da Luo, that is, the strength of the flesh is very strong, but how strong the body is, the body repair is a pulse of heaven, and his body can not really reach the big. Luo's realm, and his age is not big, even less than a hundred years old, it is impossible to comprehend the rules of the Da Luo, we only need to crush him with the rules of Da Luo."

Huo Yunlong said with a smile.

"Well, Yunlong brother is the first person among our true generations. In the future, it will definitely be the invincible fairy king level like the invincible uncle."

After seeing the young man in the tenth place, he was excited on his face. He did not praise his own praise. He praised Huo Yunlong for a while, and even had a kind of fire cloud dragon as a fire invincible. The trend of the second.

"Ha ha ha, invincible uncle has always been our goal, but I also know that I am still a long way from him, but I will work hard."

Huo Yunlong said quietly.

"Yunlong brother will be rewarded after this grace, I will go up and beat him to avenge the dozens of brothers in front of us." The young man who ranked in the tenth said that he was holding a fist.

"Well, go up, but don't beat people too much. After all, he was invited by the owner and the little princess." Huo Yunlong said with a smile.

"Brothers, I went up."

The tenth-ranked youth also spoke to other people. Then, turning his head and looking at Xiangyang, he took a deep breath and suddenly heard the sound of ‘bang’. ‘

At this moment, his body has a horrible breath, first the first Da Luo rule, the flames of the Da Luo rule appeared, and there are tens of thousands of Zhang Dalu rules into a fire dragon that surrounds him, causing him to erupt The breath that comes out is powerful and unparalleled. It seems to go beyond the real fairyland to the extent of Da Luo Xianjun.

"not enough."

After the first Da Luo rule was displayed, the young people felt that they might not be able to deal with Xiang Yang. So, they took a sigh of relief and directly released the remaining two rules of the Da Luo.


His second rule of the Da Luo is the rule of the wind system, and the third rule of the Da Luo is the rule of the Dalu Dalu. For a time, a hurricane surrounds him, and a thick thunder turns into a dragon. In his body, his breath really broke through the limits of the real fairy, and suddenly rushed to the peak, compared with the degree of Da Luo Xianjun.

The three Dalu rules, together with his own Xianli, are also refined to a very pure level. Even if the Xianjun of the Three Kingdoms of Dalu came, I am afraid it is just such an imposing manner.

"It is worthy of the true immortal among our fireflies that can be ranked tenth. When he is fully explosive, such power is no longer weaker than any immortal."

Above, among the elders, the elders said with a smile.

"Yes, they are the main force of our fire family, although they may not be able to get the first place, but the first 100 is definitely available."

"Wind and fire lei is a property of mutuality. He can understand these three rules of the Da Luo first and help each other's strength. It is already very strong."

"Ha ha ha, not bad."


The other elders also had a gratifying color on their faces. Before that, they saw Xiangyang brave and invincible. When they shot, they all played the tricks of all people. Even if they defeated a genius of the fire, they would not use more than The second move, which makes them feel that there is no light on the face, I can't wait to personally end the game with Xiang Yang.

Fortunately, after the tenth-ranked youth was fully committed, the elders saw hope.

"Xiang Yang, I am going to fight you."

When the young man saw the satisfactory eyes projected by the elders, he was very proud of his heart. Some regrets that the owner did not appear as an audience here. However, there are a number of elders here who can make him show his face.

He was full of enthusiasm and shouted, and the three dazzling rules of the Da Luo surrounded him, and then rushed up to the platform. In the process, he squeezed his hands and made a magical act. ""


After his voice fell, his supernatural powers also followed suit. At this moment, the infinite fireball descended from the sky, and Xiang Xiang fell toward the Xiangyang. The entire platform and the blink of an eye became a fire. Xiang Yang looked It seems so small in this fire.

"it is good."

After the big elders of the fire family saw it, they couldn’t help but scream.

"It is the tenth true immortal among our fireflies. His strength is much stronger than mine."

"With him, he can finally win."


The other people who were defeated by Xiang Yang were whispering themselves. They looked at the tenth-ranked youth in the air, and they were both proud and somewhat lost.

The young man heard the cry of the elders and couldn't help but show the excitement. At the same time that the fire fell toward Xiangyang, he felt unsafe and whispered. "No, come back."

"Tian Lei."

"Heavenly winds."


His supernatural powers are constantly being displayed. After the fire, the infinite Thunder descends from the sky, and then the hurricane blew.

Thunderfire and crossfire, the hurricane helped to increase the power of thunderfire. For a time, Xiangyang’s platform was like a boundless hell, which made all the fire tales of the geniuses boil up after they met, and all of them showed excitement.

Even the elders watched Xiangyang carefully, fearing that Xiangyang would be murdered. After all, Xiangyang was the descendant of that pulse, and was invited by the fire family, if within the fire family. If it is bombarded, the fire family can't escape the affiliation. If it is facing the blame of that pulse, even if the fire family is strong and unmatched, there is no grasp that it can be intact.

"Oh, no, what about his people?"

However, when everyone looked at Xiang Yang and thought that Xiang Yang was definitely going to be injured under the attack, he suddenly found it very wrong, because they found that the former standing in the place seemed to be only a virtual shadow, the real Xiangyang. I don't know where to go.

"What about people?"

The majestic youth who applied for the law was also dumbfounded. This time, he did his best to shoot, just to make Xiang Yang a second one. He even thought that he had got the Xiangyang god. The sword, but Xiang Yang, who was standing on the ring just now, suddenly disappeared at this time, which made him feel like a ghost.

"Impossible, that person must have been him, but where did he go?"

This guy is looking for Xiang Yang's trace, and there is a bad premonition in his heart.

"Be careful."

At this moment, he suddenly heard a loud scream in the elders, his face changed, and he had to show his way to protect himself, but at this time it was too late.

"Hey, are you tired? Go on a rest and rest."

Just listening to a smile with a voice from his head, and then, there is a strong force directly from his head to suppress down, this force is too strong, as if the fairy king is dusty, making his face suddenly change Then, even the three rules of the Da Luo were crushed back, and then the whole person was directly bombarded by a force.


Until his entire man slammed on the ground, he still didn't understand why Xiang Yang suddenly appeared on top of his head.

However, his supernatural powers have not dissipated, but they still broke out in the ring. However, the scene that made everyone more shocked appeared. Only when Xiang Yang fell on the ring, all the magical powers just broke out. Xiang Yang’s body seems to have the appearance of countless whirlpools, and even the three forces of the wind and thunder that erupted from these magical powers were absorbed in an instant.


At this moment, everyone was all stunned. What they didn’t expect was that Xiang Yang would fly the young man out, even if he could absorb the power of the youth used to attack him. You must know that the fire The three kinds of energy of Lei are the most fierce. Since they are displayed, if there is no energy exhausted, unless there are too many people beyond the cast, no one can be afraid of these attacks.

However, Xiang Yang actually directly absorbed these forces as energy absorption, which is simply unbelievable, even if the elders are also shocking.

"It’s a shame that the descendants of that pulse can absorb the same attack energy."

The elders breathed out and looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes with a dignified color. Especially when he remembered, he would have to regret himself when he himself had to go to the stage with Xiangyang. Hasty decision.

However, he is a great elder of the fire family. Since he has decided to use the true fairy realm to learn from Xiang Yang, if he gives up because he is too brave to see Xiang Yang, then his face does not know. Where is it placed?

The other elders also jumped in the same heart. They all regretted agreeing to the match with Xiangyang. They remembered that the family of the fire family had quietly left, and it was very simple to stay and watch it. The old fox is secretly in my heart, and I have already expected it all, so I will leave early and leave.

"What is this supernatural power..."

The other nine true fairy who can rank among the top ten in the same fire have changed their faces. They look at Xiangyang on the stage. The original self-confidence is also a bit shaken at this moment.


Xiang Yang stood on the ring, smiling at the nine people below, and the sound of the 'next' that had lasted dozens of times passed, making the nine true masters all hesitant.

Especially the guy who ranked ninth is biting his teeth and looking at the first fire cloud dragon, whispering, "Yunlong brother, what should I do? Is there any other way to deal with him?"

"If I go up, I will use my four rules of Dalu to condense and display the field of Xianwang to suppress him, unless he can also condense the rules of the four Dalu. Otherwise, I will not believe that he can be a true fairy. I persisted in the field of the fairy king." Huo Yunlong's face with a confident color.

He is the only one of the true fire tales who has already understood the rules of the four Dalu. Even if he sees Xiang Yang winning so many games, he is still very calm. He feels that his fairy king field is facing Xiang Yang. It is absolutely invincible.

The same thing, what he doesn't know is that all the elders in the elders are holding such an idea. This is the worst and most shameful plan they have made. Anyway, they are promised to be Xiangyang. In order to suppress the real fairyland, but did not say that the rules of the Da Luo can not be used, when the time, directly to display a few more Dalu rules, when the time in the field of Xian Wang, or even the Xianzun aura to suppress Xiang Yang, they do not believe in Xiang Yang A true fairy can also break the aura of their sacredness formed by the seven or eight Dalu rules.

In the plan of Huo Yunlong and a group of elders, the ninth-ranked real fairy bite his teeth and rushed to the ring.

Author Meng Yu said: Today, the seventh chapter is sent, do you still have flowers? Begging, thank you! This is the result of my desperate night last night. I decided that I have the eighth chapter tonight, but it may take two hours to finish eating after I finish writing.

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