Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2638: You have nothing to do.

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"I finally know the truth."

Huo Yunlong thought that he had finally known the truth. He couldn’t help but scream out, making Huo Mei and Xiang Yang look up at him at the same time. Xiang Yang was looking at Huo Yunlong with a puzzled face. Do you know what the truth is?"

"I, I know your identity."

Huo Yunlong looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes with a deep earthquake. He was also a master of Zhenxian’s peak. He was even better than Xiangyang. Even the field of Xianwang had already realized why Xiangyang could do it. The little princess of the lord of the family gave a hand to the bubble, and he himself was only blindly immersed in perseverance. He did not know how to get the little princesses of other powerful forces such as the Oriental Heaven and Earth.

He felt that he was too defeated.

At the same time, Huo Yunlong decided that if there is an opportunity, he must update Xiangyang to study and learn. Maybe when he can also get a little princess of a super power, when it will not only bring a strong fire to the fire family. A powerful ally can also let yourself step into the sky. This is a real big thing that can make you struggle for hundreds of thousands of years.

“Hey...Is this identity?”

Xiang Yang was shocked. Although he knew that Huo Yunlong could not know that he was the creator of the ‘that pulse’, he couldn’t help but be very curious and wondered what kind of identity this kid had placed for himself.

"Little princess, can I tell?"

When the fire cloud looked at the fire and looked at himself with his big eyes, he didn't dare to open his mouth, but watched the fire with care. After all, in his heart, Xiang Yang got the fire, but he got it. This is in the fire family, the dominant nature is still fiery.

"You say it." Although she was a bit uncomfortable because of the goods, but when she watched the guy carefully watching her, she waved her hand very generously to let the other person speak.

Huo Yunlong said carefully, "I think you should be the princess's husband."


When I was smug, I suddenly looked at the face and smiled at Huo Yunlong. You were really good-looking.

Xiang Yang is a bit stunned. He originally wanted to refute it. However, when he looked at the happy look of Huo Mei, he remembered that he was invincible as a big scorpion. In fact, he seemed to have identified himself as a sultry It is the relationship of one's own woman, but if you refute it in your own face, it may hurt the fire, so he has to sigh and say, "You really think too much."

When she saw that Xiang Yang did not refute, she suddenly felt more happy in her heart. She felt that she must have a play. She couldn’t help but give Xiang Yang a look, full of gentle light, and made Xiang Yang, who was used to the violent violence, to endure. Suddenly, he shuddered and said quickly, "Are you still playing?"

"I, can I fight?"

Huo Yunlong stared at Xiang Yang, facing Xiang Yang, the husband of a family of thousands of golden princesses. Huo Yunlong really didn’t dare to make a confrontation with Xiang Yang. He was really afraid of doing it himself, in case If you hurt Xiangyang, Huo Mei, a famous little princess in the family, will find himself in trouble.

However, Huo Mei is very generous and waved and said, "Hit, I am now ordering you, use your full strength to play well, if you can kill Xiangyang is the best."

"You really want me to be killed." Xiang Yang couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said.

"Even if Xianzun is coming, he will be scared away by you. Can you be injured by him?"

The flamboyant smile said to Xiang Yang.

She is full of confidence in Xiang Yang.

"This..." Huo Yunlong looked at the two people and suddenly felt uncomfortable. He felt that he was defeated by Xiangyang after he had resisted a few times. Otherwise, if he really hurt Xiangyang, It is estimated that the little princess will find herself desperate.

He felt uncomfortable in his heart. He could only sigh and sigh. The darkness, if the family told us that Xiangyang was the husband of the little princess, who would dare not be convinced, and would like to go with him to grab this final. Quota?

Isn't this intentional to make it difficult for you to wait?

"Fire Dragon, I am now ordering you, you must use all your strength, display your field of fairy kings, and explode all your magic weapons. If you don't have to do your best, you will wait for your grandmother." "At this time, the fire is a serious opening."


Huo Yunlong’s heart is greasy, how is this little princess like this, is it already tired of this, want to use his own hand to smash Xiangyang?

When he thought of it, he was shocked and looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes full of pity. However, as a fireman, he naturally could only stand on the side of the little princess, so he responded very loudly. “Yes, Xiaozu Grandma rest assured, I will use all my strength."

"Don't call my grandmother, am I so old?" His words suddenly made the fiery little face black.

"No, you are not old."

Huo Yunlong quickly accompanied the smile.

"Well, let's go ahead, remember, if you don't have to do your best and don't show all the magic weapons, what kind of end you will know."

The fire stunned the fire cloud dragon, then this made a look to Xiang Yang, then turned and left the ring.

"Yes, the little princess rest assured, I must use all my strength to defeat him." Huo Yunlong responded loudly, of course, he still has a sentence, that is, ‘I must use all my strength to kill him.’

In his view, since Huo Mei let him go all out to deal with Xiang Yang, he has to ruin Xiang Yang, so that Huo Mei can smash Xiang Yang. Although he is full of pity for Xiang Yang, he has to Do your best.

"The fire chick is actually a good one. I have a little bit of heart with me."

At this moment, Xiang Yang is sighing, feels flamboyant and communicates with his own soul, knows how to let Huo Yunlong do his best, and warns the other party to display all the magic weapons on his body. This is convenient for himself to rob all the treasures of the other party.

When his heart was moved, Huo Yunlong looked at Xiang Yang with pity, and said, "Xing brother, I admire you."


Xiang Yang glanced at Huoyunlong. This kid is crazy again. It has been wasted for so long. Do you still want to waste it?

"But, the little princess has ordered me to take full force to deal with you, I have to go all out, please forgive me." Huo Yunlong continued.

"You should have taken all your efforts long ago, take all your fairy tools out, or you will have no hope."

Xiang Yang doesn't care what Huoyunlong thinks. At this moment, when I know that this guy is finally going to really shoot, it’s too easy to touch the tears. It’s really not easy, I can get the first one in the fire family. All the treasures, I don't know if I will bring some surprises to myself.


The fire cloud dragon has a shape, and there are four Dalu rules on the body. It is the rules of the fire system, the rules of the wind system, the rules of the Dalu, and the rule of the kendo.

The wind and fire thunder is integrated into the kendo, which makes his Da Luo rule directly become the field of the fairy king, and instantly covers the entire platform.

"This is my field of fairy kings."

After the display of the fairy king field, the temperament of Huo Yunlong’s whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes. His whole person’s face burst into an unparalleled breath, as if it were turned into a high-ranking fairy king, carrying his hands and looking at the item. Yang, faintly said, "Under the king of the king, unless the king of the king comes, no one can be my opponent."

"Xiang Yang, since the little princess let me do my best, then I can only be sorry."

At the same time, Huo Yunlong said that he was walking toward Xiangyang at the pace he thought was the most elegant. Every time he took a step, he felt that his strength was very strong, and the whole person was shaking gently. The amazing atmosphere of the stock broke out.


With a squeaking sound, a sword was built on top of his head, with a length of 100,000 feet, and after the emergence of the sword, not only the boundless swords broke out, but also the three rules of the wind and thunder. Incorporating into it makes the atmosphere of this sword become very scary.

"I have a sword and practiced for a hundred years. It can really be said that a sword can open everything."

Huo Yunlong continued to speak.

With a proud color on his face, he looked at the 100,000-foot-long sword on his head, and he was very satisfied with his heart. Although the fire-stricken little princess asked him to do his best, he would display all the magic weapons. However, in his opinion, he has already exerted his full force in the field of the immortal king. Xiang Yang does not have the qualification to let him use the treasure.

Moreover, this sword is enough for him to open this downfall, so that Xiang Yang can really see how powerful he is as the first day of arrogance among the true generations of the fire.

At the same time, Huo Yunlong's gaze looked at Xiang Yang. When he found that Xiang Yang looked at his sword and was in a daze, he seemed to be shocked by his own sword. He suddenly felt smug in his heart, and his face was silent. "It turned out that this kid is such a stockpile. It's no wonder that the little princess will think about getting rid of him after he is tired of playing with him."

However, what he did not know was that Xiang Yang was very angry at the moment.

"This **** doesn't even take out all the magic weapons on his body. What kind of sword is used? Is this forcing me to beat him?"

Xiang Yang originally thought that Huo Yunlong would use all the magic weapons at the bottom of the pressure box to display it, and he could easily take it away, and then he would kick the guy out and everything would be complete. .

However, this guy is still very proud to install thirteen here, it is too much.

Seeing that the fire cloud dragon looked like a proud look, Xiang Yang finally couldn't help it, his body flickered and appeared directly in front of the fire cloud dragon, Shen Sheng, "Are you very proud?"


Huo Yunlong is really very proud of it. He feels that the sword caused by this sword is so big that everyone is shocked. Even all the elders in the elders will look at themselves, especially their own. The elders of the ancestors, thirteen elders, will certainly be very moved. I feel proud to have such a descendant, but when he heard the unhappy words of Xiangyang, he suddenly collapsed.

"You feel that you have the field of Xianwang. You have the sword that has been cultivated for a hundred years to be successful. The three swords of the wind and thunder are gathered in it. Is it sure that the power is nothing?"

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at him.

"what happened?"

Huo Yunlong looked at Xiang Yang stunnedly. Although he wanted to go straight to the sword, let Xiang Yang take a look at his own strength, but he was very curious and wanted to know what Xiangyang could say.

"I tell you, your so-called fairy king field is only a strong man to help you to soften the rules of the four Da Luo, you can also use the fairy king field when facing the ordinary fairy. Suppressing each other, you are still invincible in this area of ​​the king of the king, but if you encounter a master, then the field of the king of the king who is reluctantly combined has no use at all."

Xiang Yang sneered and said at the same time, pointing to the platform covered by the king of the fairy king, with a disdainful color on his face, directly to the fire cloud dragon's fairy king field to fight nothing.

After the fire cloud dragon listened, the face changed greatly. The whole person looked at Xiang Yang with a shocking color. "How do you know how my fairy king field was formed?"

The process of the formation of his fairy kingdom was only known to a few people, and because his elders knew that he was invincible with the fire, the fire was invincible, and he promised to help him. After the promise was completed, the fire was invincible and he promised not to tell anyone. It seems that Xiangyang cannot be seen from any channel.

"How can I not know?"

Xiang Yang said with a cold smile, "You have too many flaws in the field of the fairy king. As long as it is a strong one, you can see it at a glance. Not to mention me, as long as you come to a top king, you can see the difference in your field. ”

"Xian Wang can see that it is affirmative, but you have no control over the rules of Da Luo, let alone the field of Xian Wang. You have no people who condense the field of Xian Wang. How can you know my shortcomings? "The fire cloud dragon stayed with Xiangyang. He suddenly felt that he was definitely the closest person in his family, but he knew that his own process of the formation of the fairy king field sold himself.

In his mind, he recalled all the people who knew it, but when he thought about it, he just wondered if anyone had sold himself.

"And, if you don't say your field of fairy kings, it's really nothing. Just slap on you for a hundred years to cultivate a successful sword. Are you called a sword?"

Xiang Yang looked at the sword on the top of the guy with disappointment and said with a sneer, "The rule of the sword of the sword itself is not pure. It should be that the family elders will be themselves." The kendo is instilled in you, giving you a slap in the top, so that you can quickly comprehend the rules of the kendo, but your kendo itself is not purely, and it adds a very slow and chaotic wind and thunder into it. It is simply Make the kendo a mess, this sword, let alone open everything, I think even a piece of tofu can not open."

"you you..."

The fire cloud dragon was completely defeated by Xiang Yang in the public, making his original proud heart now awful, and even the angry whole people are shaking.

"You give me to die."

Then, he finally couldn't help it, and he screamed with anger. The sword at the top of his head took the sword and the sword to go down to Xiangyang.


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