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"Ah... Huo Yunlong, you are a pervert, and there is nothing in it."


The people of the fire family, because the law of their own practice is the flame, the body is full of hot energy, the things that make them feel cool are really not much. When the fire cloud dragon feels refreshed, he will hear the female repair under the stage. An exclamation came out, which made his face change, and looked down, his whole face turned into pig liver.

"How could this be?"

Huo Yunlong looked at his body in a dull manner, and there were no white ones, and there was no such thing as the best fairy-level fairy.

In fact, it is not that Huoyunlong does not wear anything, but because his fairy is originally worn as a close-fitting person, but just to cover the whole body directly to cover the sage, he will enlarge the singer However, I did not expect that after Xiang Yang snatched the sinus, he would have nothing to sneak out.

The thing between the two legs is shaking in the wind, and the face of Huo Yunlong is red, because it is the arrogance of the fire family. He has enjoyed all kinds of touting and growing up since childhood, and he has never encountered such a situation. The whole person is completely dumbfounded. For a moment, I even forgot to put on my clothes.

"It’s disgusting, are you wearing this armor?"

At this time, Xiang Yang held a few pieces of the best in the hands of the invincible fire, especially the one of the fairy, Xiang Yang's face could not help but reveal the color of disgust.

"Your sister, I didn't expect you to look like a person who is so upright. If you forget it, don't forget it, give it back to you."

At the same time, Xiang Yang was very disgusting and directly threw the fairy to Huo Yunlong.

After the fire cloud dragon saw it, he was overjoyed and quickly put on the fairy. However, Rao wore the fairy, and he felt that the whole person was not good. In particular, he obviously felt the ones who were very respectful to himself. The true fairy juniors, at the moment, watching their own eyes are strange, and those same women repaired even looked at his legs with disdain.

"What does that look like? Do you think I am too young?"

Huo Yunlong was dissatisfied, although he did not specifically practice his own little guy, but he felt that his talent is different, absolutely not small.

He still remembers that at a very young age, he was only about six or seven years old. When he was bathing with a brother of the same family, he saw that the little brother’s guy was much smaller than himself...

I have to say that when a person other than practice is an idiot, his thinking is indeed a bit unpredictable. For example, at this moment, Xiang Yang will collect all other magic weapons, so it is so light. Looking at the fire cloud dragon road, "Fire Dragon, I will give you a fairy, shouldn't you take another piece of the best fairy to exchange with me?"

"Oh, okay."

Huo Yunlong is in a state of disappointment. After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, he actually responded with a sound, and then took out a piece of the best from the storage ring of his body, which is a treasure knife.

"It’s not the arrogance of the big family. There are more treasures on the body." After Xiang Yang met, he couldn’t help but reveal the color of praise. The treasures of Huo Yunlong were too many. After grabbing three or four pieces. This kid has other specials.

You must know that in the fairy world, if it is only a small force, or a loose repair, even if it is a strong man, there is not necessarily a great fairy.

The fire cloud dragon is just a true fairy, and there are actually a few pieces of the best fairy, which shows that this guy is too local.

"No, this fairy is itself my fairy. You grabbed my things and then gave it back to me. You are so embarrassed to say that I want to exchange other magic weapons with you?"

However, when Huo Yunlong was preparing to give the best fairy to Xiang Yang, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. He suddenly raised his head and yelled.

"Hey, don't you give it to me?"

Xiang Yang touched his nose, and his heart was dark. This kid is not too stupid, and he was able to realize that there was a problem with this exchange.

However, when the fire cloud dragon was preparing to put the knife back, Xiang Yang was cold and snorted, and once again appeared in front of Huo Yunlong, and then just replayed his scene, his hand turned out. Countless phantoms have caught the fire cloud dragon.

"Do you dare to grab my magic weapon?"

Huo Yunlong screamed in anger, surrounded by four rules of the Da Luo, and compressed the field of the fairy king, and immediately bombarded Xiangyang.

"Yes, the level of the fairy king can be used to such a degree, the talent of this kid is indeed extraordinary."

Among the fire-class elders, the elders and other elders nodded. Although they were shocked by the means of Xiang Yang, they were very pleased to see that Huo Yunlong knew how to use the Xianwang field.

"There is a flaw in your field of fairy kings, which is useless to me."

Xiang Yang looked indifferent, this time, the right hand has been too lazy to illusion of countless phantom big hands, but directly to the fire cloud dragon in the hands of a knife to catch the past.

"I have killed you."

The fire cloud dragon screamed, and at the same time as the Xianwang field slammed toward Xiangyang, it was the hand holding the sword, and slammed it toward Xiangyang.


Under this knife, the flames of a million feet appeared out of thin air, with the unparalleled power to kneel down to Xiangyang, the power end is unmatched.

However, Xiang Yang did not wrinkle his brows. He saw the field of the fairy king rushing toward him. His hand was shaken, and a rhythmic rule broke out, instantly igniting the invisible fairy kingdom.

At the same time, his hand is faster. When this knife is on his own body, he has already grasped the blade of the sword. After a moment of tearing, Huo Yunlong feels that there is only a force that can’t resist. Pulling himself directly toward Xiangyang, his hands are holding on to the sword and he is not letting go, even if it is a knife that is dissipated by Xiangyang pulling the car, but the fire Yunlong is a big scream that bites his teeth and his eyes are red. "I definitely won't let you grab my knife."

"Then come over here?"

Xiang Yang looked at Huo Yunlong with a disgusting color on his face. "You don't wear people inside, I don't want you."


The fire cloud is so full of tremors, but he knows that he must not let go, and once he releases his hand, he will lose another gift.

Ever since, there was a scene of ridiculousness in the field. I saw that both Xiang Yang and Huo Yunlong were caught in the blade and the handle of the sword of the best quality class. Xiang Yang directly brought Huoyunlong over. With a dissatisfied color on his face, he said, "Are you letting go?"

"I don't let go, I don't let go."

The fire cloud dragon rose red and his face screamed loudly.

"If you don't let go, you have to regret it." Xiang Yang said.

"In any case, I just don't let go, you liar, what makes me use all the power, in fact, you just want me to take out the magic weapon, then you grab my magic weapon, you are too much."

Huo Yunlong finally saw through the essence. He looked at Xiang Yang with anger and only felt that he was not good.

From the beginning to the present, he has always been playing in Xiangyang, and he still foolishly believes in Xiangyang, thinking that he really wants to compete with Xiangyang. Whoever thought, Xiangyang simply Not afraid of him, he can even say that he does not put him in the eyes, just want to **** his magic weapon.

He finally understood everything, but when he understood the truth, he realized that it was so cruel. He thought he was very powerful. Now he knows that he was just a clown in Xiang Yang’s eyes. .

He yelled in anger, this time, resolutely refused to let go, he did not believe that Xiang Yang really can kill him, and then grabbed his knife.

"You don't let go, are you?"

Xiang Yang took a deep breath and watched as the fire-fighting dragon was so reluctant. He suddenly felt that he had just returned the one to the Huoyunlong.

"Don't let go, unless you can kill me." Huoyun Longtong screamed with red eyes.

"Then you will..."

Xiang Yang’s expression gradually became cold and shouted. “Take me a look. If you don’t let go, can you protect your sword?”


At the same time, Xiang Yang raised one foot directly and instantly smashed toward the fire cloud dragon.

After the fire cloud dragon saw it, he also lifted his foot and greeted him. However, how his physical strength compared with Xiangyang, after the two feet collided together, Huo Yunlong’s face turned into pig liver color, his leg The trembling, the whole person is not calm.

It’s really after Xiang Yang’s kick, Huo Yunlong felt the pain that he had never had before. It seems that his whole foot has been shattered. He really wants to let go of this hand. The level of the knife was given to Xiang Yang, but when he remembered that he had been turned around by Xiang Yang at the beginning, he was very reluctant and yelled. "I can't, I can't let go of my hand when I die."

"Okay, if this is the case, then you will return my sage to me."

Xiang Yang snorted, and he was angry. This kid is too illiterate. Even now, he still does not give this knife to himself. This is simply looking for death.

At this moment, Xiang Yang shot directly, holding the blade of the sword in one hand, and the other hand seemed to extend infinitely. It directly reached the front of the fire cloud dragon, and then directly touched it. Suddenly, Huo Yunlong felt the previous one. Cool feeling.


This time, there is no need for others to remind, Huo Yunlong has already found out that he is not right. He exclaimed, one hand licking the most precious place between his legs, looking at Xiang Yang "You are shameless..."

At the same time, he has no time to consider why Xiang Yang is so powerful, just a touch, he can take away all the magic weapons on his body, even this one, is also the treasure he has tempered for tens of thousands of years, early It has reached the level of unity of mind and heart, but it has been taken away by Xiang Yang directly and silently.

The magic weapon of the monk, the reason why it is necessary to refine, it is precisely because of refining, others can not take it away.

However, in front of Xiang Yang, it seems that even the magic weapon that has been refining has become useless, and will be taken away in an instant.

"This kid..."

"Don't be afraid of Yunlong, continue to fight him to the end."

"Isn't it just barefoot? We are not afraid, anyway, you are so good."


Seeing this scene, everyone changed their faces, especially the real fairy tales under the stage. All of them became very interesting. They looked at Huoyunlong and then looked at Xiangyang and found Huoyunlong and Xiangyang. Many people are squatting on the bar.

Huo Yunlong had already wanted to give up a bit, but when he heard the shouts of the 'brothers' below, he said in his heart, "Yeah, anyway, it has already been seen, what are you afraid of?" If you are not good enough, you will be seen again."

Thinking of this, he yelled directly, "Xiang Yang, you don't think that grabbing my scent can make me give up this knife, I can never let go."

"Are you still not letting go?"

Xiang Yang was shocked to see Huo Yunlong, this kid is so stubborn, it is too extraordinary, even Xiang Yang has a little admire this guy.

"I said it, I will not let go of death. You liar, I am lying to me from beginning to end. You are a big swindler. I will never give you this knife."

Huo Yunlong looked at Xiang Yang with anger. At this moment, what kind of Xianwang field, what repairs are all collected, anyway, it is with Xiangyang bar, absolutely refused to give this sword to Xiangyang.

"In this case, then I can only use the killer."

Xiang Yang took a deep breath and looked at Huo Yunlong with a strange sneer.

"You...what do you want to do?" When Huoyunlong saw Xiangyang’s strange sneer, he suddenly panicked and almost let go of his hand. He originally thought that Xiangyang could not really destroy him. However, now that Xiang Yang seems to really want to destroy his appearance, it makes him very entangled. He is really afraid that Xiang Yang will really be like him.

Just, remembering that he was deceived by Xiang Yang from the beginning, Huo Yunlong was very angry in his heart, and he almost went out of his way. He looked up and yelled, "Come on, kill me."

After all, this guy is still very hard to continue to insist.

Xiang Yang shook his head helplessly, his right hand still grabbed the blade, and his left hand stretched out. In front of this Huoyunlong, he began to paint through the void.

"What are you doing?" Huo Yunlong and most of the people present at the scene looked at Xiang Yang, do not know what Xiangyang is going to do.

"He not only knows the law, but also knows the runes."

Among the elders, the faces of a group of elders changed greatly. When they looked at Xiang Yang and the fire cloud, they felt funny on the one hand, and they were always on the one hand, fearing that Xiang Yang would really kill, and this time Suddenly seeing Xiang Yang’s empty painting runes, they are even more shocking.

"He is a mantra for the preparation."

The nine elders said on the side.

"It became."

Just at this time, Xiang Yang chuckled softly. In front of him, there was a spell with golden light shining out of thin air, so it was suspended in front of Xiangyang.

"go with."

Then, Xiang Yang chuckled softly. When Huo Yunlong realized that it was not good but he couldn’t get out of it, the spell was so immersed in the body of Huo Yunlong, so that the whole person of Huo Yunlong was instantly sealed in this void and could not move.

As a result, all his resistance has become indifferent.

Xiang Yang slowly took the knife and took it into the Promise of the Promise, and gave it to Xiaoling to re-refin it. Then, Xiaoxiao said to Huo Yunlong, "You are so powerful, it took me so long to grab. Go to a great fairy."

"your sister."

Huo Yunlong’s heart was angry, but he couldn’t move. He could only watch Xiangyang’s words and then turned and left. He was left alone in the air, and he couldn’t move. He is desperate in his heart.

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