Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2644: Accidents (five more flowers)

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Two days later, Xiangyang helped invincible to arrange the entire island's formation, making the island where the fire is invincible has become a copper-iron skeleton. He took the people around him and left the fire. This silver carp, because of the hints of the fire family, she is very excited to pack up the luggage, directly to Xiangyang's side, hopping, so unhappy.

"I said Shantou, what are you doing with me so happy?"

Xiangyang and his party walked on the street. His face looked helpless and looked like a rogue. He was followed by his own arrogance. Of course, the most unhappy thing was the silver plaque. The silver enamel was originally mixed with the fire. Yes, but when I think of this gimmick, I have to follow them all the time. Maybe when the person who wants to grab her is coming, the more the silver enamel is, the more uncomfortable it is.

On the contrary, it is a small blood, but it is a happy holding of Xiang Yang's arm and thinking about nothing. For Xiao Shantou, as long as he is next to Xiangyang, everything else does not matter.

The little bald head is walking at the end. The guy is walking, holding some snacks in his hand and eating. He is full of tears when he eats. "It’s still good to follow the boss. When I used to follow the master, even You can't eat enough, how can you eat at any time like this?"

The fire smirked out some snacks and handed them to the little bald head, and then distributed them to Xiaoxue, Xiaoyin and Xiaohong. Then he smiled and said to Xiang Yang, "Xiang Yang, people have already been swept out of the house by the old man, no The place can go, you will let people follow you."

"You are swept out of your house?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he almost fainted. The family of the fire family only reminded her that she could go out and play with herself. As a result, the mouth of this girl became so pitiful.

"Yeah, the old guys don't let people live in the fire family." Huo Mei kept squinting his head.

"Actually, I think it is good to have a sorrowful sister." At this time, the little blood ate while eating something and said with a smile.

This hoe, as long as there is food, it will be rebellious in the blink of an eye and become a person on the side of the flaming.

After seeing it, Jubilee almost fainted. However, seeing these Xiangyang seems to be a little bit moving, and then watching the flaming and Xiangyang seems to have become a foregone conclusion. There is no way to oppose it. I can sigh and say, "In this case, I think it is okay to let the fire be followed."


Xiang Yang could only nod his helplessly, and said it, letting the flamboyant follow him has no interest in him.

"Fire chick, do you know where the door is? I want to go to the door to find my five brothers."

Xiang Yang immediately used the local people who are flamboyant, let her lead the way, and walked in the direction of the gate with her own.

Of course, Xiang Yang is not going to talk to Lin Xian, he is not so boring, this time to go to the gate, his main purpose is to ask for the door to the door from the Lin Xian.

In order to enhance the strength of the flesh in the shortest time, and the simplest and no side effects are the Buddha's Vajra Bodhi and the demon stone of the Devil, and the Tao Dan of the Daomen.

These three kinds, each of which is used alone, can make people's strengths rise quickly. If they are used together, they can even break through to the state of Da Luo in a very short time.

After the training of Darrow, it is not a shortcut. The spirit has begun to refine the tower of the body repair. After the success of the refining, even the deity and avatar of Xiangyang can also use the tower of the body to strengthen the body. Horizontally pushed to the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianjiu top of the fairy.

The reason why Xiangyang was looking for Lin Xian to get Jindan was to prepare for his wife and his brothers.

After Da Luo, with the tower of physical repair, it is possible to let the people around him rise to the peak in a very short time. At that time, it is the real enemy that can cross the world.

However, the people around Xiangyang have been repaired too low, and even many of them have not been reached. In this case, they need to use the help of Yuanmo Stone, Vajra Bodhi and Taishang Jindan.

The first two types of Xiangyang already have, and then only need to go to Jindan, and the Taolin Linxian as the fifth brother of Xiangyang, at this critical time, Xiangyang naturally wants to find him.

If it is someone else, you may feel embarrassed to look for the other party. However, Xiang Yang does not have this kind of consciousness at all. Since he is already a brother-in-law, he is a big brother and needs to find Lin Xing.

"You are going to find the Tao Linxian? I heard that the guy was defeated by you in Wan Yao Tian Chau, and then it became your younger brother. You are so powerful. The Taoist temple is the gate. The strongest in this session is similar to the invincible big scorpion." Huo Mei heard that Xiang Yang said that she was going to the door, she was curious, and said with a smile, "I will see me after the meeting." What are you calling me?"

"Are you familiar with him?" Xiang Yang asked curiously.

"I don't know." Firewood naturally responded.

"Then you still control what he called you?" Xiang Yang was speechless, and the fire chick seemed to think a little more.


After the fire was heard, it was dissatisfied and snorted. I thought about it in my heart. I will definitely let Lin Xian call it a good time. After all, the other party is a Taoist sect. The status of status is somewhat better than fire. Invincible is much higher.

"Walk, I will take you there." At the same time, when she is thinking about it, she is walking towards the front. As a person of the fire family, she is no stranger to the place where the famous forces in the Central Fairy are located. Especially the Daomen, it can be said that the first force in this fairy city is not too much.

However, after she walked for a while, she found that Xiang Yang suddenly stopped and stared at the restaurant in front of her. She was curious. "What are you doing? Don't you leave?"

Xiang Yang did not pay attention to her, but her eyes fixed on a table in the window of the restaurant. There were three women sitting, one of the masked women was strong, and it was the fairy The situation is only the fairy respect of the big seven heavens, but the other two are no strangers to Xiang Yang. It is the elf sisters Yulia and Yuliqin that Xiang Yang knows in the lower bounds.

Xiang Yang was also at the Black Iron Auction because of the two sisters Yulia and Yuliqin. After the two sisters did not know what the reason came to the upper bound, they became a slave to the black iron auction. The auction, however, when Xiangyang hit the auction, he found that the two women had been bought, and eventually, with the power of Xiangyang, they could not find where the two women were taken.

Today, I finally saw two women.

"Great, finally I will see you again."

Xiang Yang’s heart was relieved.

At this time, everyone around Xiangyang came around and found that when Xiang Yang looked at the table, they all showed curiosity.

"Xiang Yang, you are not going to see the three beautiful women?"

Huo Mei frowned and looked at Xiang Yang. When she saw that Xiang Yang did not care about her own way, she stared at the three women on the restaurant and she was very upset.

"Go, let's go to the restaurant and have a meal and go to the gate."

Xiang Yang mouth with a faint smile, first walked towards the restaurant.

The celestial world is definitely a parallel world of spiritual civilization and scientific and technological civilization. The degree of development of civilization far exceeds the lower boundary. For example, in the central fairy city of this fairyland, high-rise buildings can be seen everywhere, and there are thousands of floors high in the sky.

"This restaurant is the industry of the Wang family. The power of the Wang family in this central fairy city is not small. Although it can not be compared with the fire family, it is also considered a noble."

As they stepped into the restaurant, Huo Mei explained on the side.

"Welcome, oh, it turned out that the little princess of the fire family came down. In the next Wang Biren, I saw the little princess of the fire family, and the little princess came to visit, which really made our restaurant flourish."

When a few people walked into the restaurant, they just came across a restaurant and they came out. The other party was ready to leave. However, when they saw the fire Princess’s sultry, they suddenly jumped and hurried. Xiangyang and his party will be greeted.

Although the Wang family is also a noble man, but compared with the fire family, doing business in the Central Fairy City, these management matters are naturally all the famous little sons and young princesses in the Central Fairy City and so on, for the arrival of fiery, The manager, Wang Ruben, was very excited. At the same time, he ordered his men to quickly prepare the best dishes.

"Would we like to go to a few floors?" Huo Mei did not pay attention to Wang Biren, but looked at Xiangyang.

"What we saw just now should be thirty-three layers." Xiang Yang said.

"Have you heard it, lead the way." In front of the management of Wang Biren, the identity of the little princess who is a firefighter is unmistakable. She directly waved her hand and let the other side lead the way.

"Yes Yes."

Originally, Wang Biren wanted to give a better recommendation to Huo Mei. However, when he looked at Huo Mei and asked Xiang Yang, it was obviously purposeful. When he was surprised at the identity of Xiang Yang, he did not dare to recommend it again. Instead, it went directly to the ladder and took a few people to the thirty-three floors.

"Xiang Yang, do you know the three women?" When they were sitting in the ladder, Huo Mei was curiously watching Xiangyang.

"Know, two of the Elf sisters are my friends in the lower bounds." Xiang Yang nodded and said.

"It turned out to be known."

Not to mention that it is flamboyant, even if the silver cymbals listened, they all breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not Xiangyang who saw the beauty and wanted to run up to know each other.

They originally thought that Xiangyang was going to pick up after seeing three beautiful women. Although she came in with Xiangyang, she was very upset, but now she heard that Xiangyang actually knew the two elves and sisters. It is curious.

"The two little gimmicks look like they are not very high. How can they know you? Are they flying in the fairy world? No, I don’t think even the immortals, they may be flying up the fairy world, you So excited to go up and find them, what is it for? Are they your sister who has been separated for many years? No, you are friends, are they your other women?"

The fire stunned a bunch of questions and asked him to make Xiang Yang’s old face black. He couldn’t help but glance at her. “You think too much. Their two sisters are just ordinary friends with me. Why do they come to the fairy world? I don't know, but it shouldn't be the normal situation and come to the fairyland. I will tell you in detail later."

"it is good."

After the fire and others listened, they did not ask again.

"Several guests, thirty-three floors have arrived."

At this time, the ladder finally reached the thirty-three floors, and Wang Beiren, who was careful to listen to Xiangyang's dialogue, felt relieved as if he had liberated.

He already knows the name of Xiang Yang, knowing that Xiang Yang was the fierce person who beat countless Xian Wang and Xian Zun in Wan Yao Tian Chau some time ago, and even know that Xiang Yang is a VIP of the fire family, even among the fire people. There is a news that Xiang Yang may be a fiery princess of the fire little princess. Now it seems that this matter is really inseparable.

Of course, this is not the reason for his nervousness. What he is nervous about is that those who are arrogant and arrogant think that there are other women in Xiangyang who are among the thirty-three layers. He is afraid that there is such a situation, it is estimated that the fire After the discovery of the little princess of the tribe, the whole restaurant was demolished under anger.

"Fortunately, I hope that everything is fine. Otherwise, I will transfer back to the family soon. If something happens at this juncture, then I will be finished."

Wang Biren groaned in his heart.

At this time, Xiang Yang and others have reached thirty-three floors. Fortunately, the thirty-three floors are open restaurants. Although the environment is very elegant, each seat is isolated, but he At a glance, I saw the Yulia sisters in the window and the masked female fairy.

"It’s finally letting me find you."

Xiang Yang was completely relieved at this time. At this time, when the two women really appeared in front of him, he could let go of his heart.

Although I saw the two women before, they were sure that the two women were Yulia and Yuliqin. But now, after so close contact with the two women, he has a sense of practicality.

"It seems that these two gimmicks are still pretty good. It seems that this female fairy has bought them, but they have not abused them."

Xiang Yang looked at the two women while sitting down with the masked female fairy, while quietly eating something, while thinking in the heart, a little relieved.

The two women, as his friends, were auctioned as slaves by the Black Iron Auction, which was the most angry thing for Xiang Yang. However, he knew that if the two women had an accident or suffered any grievances, they would be the black iron auction. If you die, you can't change it.

Fortunately, the situation of the two women is not bad.

Next, Xiang Yang arranged the next layer of enchantment with the power of a powerful soul, so that the female fairy did not find their attention, and then found a position next to it.

Next, Huo Mei waved his hand and let Wang Biren go down. Then they all cocked their ears and listened to what the female fairy and the two little girls were doing next door.

The author Meng Yu said: Today is five chapters, add up to more than 22,000 words, ask for flowers...

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