Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2646: long time no see

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Just when the two immortals who were carrying the swords were ready to deal with the masters of Yulia and Yuliqin, the white-faced female fairy, suddenly, they heard an angry and roaring roar from the stairs.


Then there was a strong and unmatched breath that broke out. Before that, it was like a villain-like restaurant, Wang Biren, who appeared to be a good person in the restaurant. He appeared with a group of people at this time, his face Gloomy and terrible, there is a force of the sacred sacredness of the big seven heavens, but behind him, with dozens of people, there are actually more than a dozen celestial kings, seven or eight sacred seven heavens Respect, every fairy has burst out of the power of horror, so that the two powerful swordsman Xian Zun men suddenly changed their face after seeing them.

The demon girl of Baihua Valley is also dumbfounded. He stared at a group of people like Wang Biren who rushed to the 33rd floor. She suddenly realized that one restaurant could be opened in the Central Fairy. And the level is so high, the power behind it is absolutely extraordinary, and he and others are on the other side of the site, but did not say hello to each other, apparently angered the hotel's principal.

However, Baihua Valley demon fairy is only a moment of heart, immediately revealed a very charming smile, dancing and turned around to look at Wang Biren, "Dare to ask this fairy is the owner of the restaurant? Little girl lotus soul I have seen Xianzun Xianzun."

"Get it first."

Wang Ruben sneered a sneer. As a fairy, his own heart is firm enough not to be tempted by the Baihua Valley demon sage. He directly waved his seven or eight sages and more than a dozen sages at the same time. Lotus soul and others surrounded the past.

At the same time, when Wang Biren looked at Xiangyang and others who were sitting next to the lotus soul, his heart sank and quickly ran to the front of Xiangyang and others, with a respectful color on his face, and said to Huo Mei. "Sorry, the little princess, I didn't expect such a thing to happen in the restaurant, which surprised you."

"You made her fertilize?"

When Wang Biren’s words just fell, he heard a small bald head exclaimed, and the boy deliberately confused, and looked at Wang Biren and Huo Mei with a shocking color on his face.


However, his voice just fell, his head was knocked, but he saw Xiang Yang facelessly looking at him. He suddenly stunned and looked grievous. "The next door is too serious, full of arrogance. So, I am just a lively and busy place."

"Little bald head, are you looking for death?"

Huo Mei also looked at the little bald head with a bad complexion. The **** dared to make a joke. This is really a blast of fire. Of course, if the little bald knows how to make a joke with Xiang Yang and Huo Mei, it is not only fiery. I won't be angry, I will be very happy, but the most important thing is that the little jokes are only the management of Wang Biren.

"I am sorry, I am wrong." The little bald head never felt that the man’s husband was bleeding and did not bow his head. He never had any position in front of everyone. On the spot, he looked serious and confessed to the fire, the serious expression. It is like a baby.

"Forget it, don't blame you."

When Huo Mei heard that the little bald head shouted his life 'scorpion', he suddenly disappeared. He smiled and looked at the little bald head. "If you don't say anything later, you can do it."

"Yes." The little bald head was relieved.

While Wang Biren was quietly watching the little flames of the fire and the lesson, he was a fairy, and when he looked at the little bald head, he felt the powerful bloodless power of the small bald head, and his heart was very shocking.

"This little bald head should be a Buddhist disciple in the Western Tianyu. His blood is too strong. Even I feel very terrible. It is a fire, one of the five great celestial beings. Even the Buddhist disciples have it."

At the same time, Wang Biren was shocked at the same time. Just at this time, the next door has already started. Eight Xianzun and a dozen fairy kings simultaneously pressed toward the demon sage of Baihua Valley. For a time, the mighty energy broke out. Come out, but this restaurant was prevented from happening at the beginning of construction. The eight great immortals radiated the energy of the scorpion, and they communicated with the walls and the runes of the floor. Formed a small enclosed space that directly limits their fights.

"It's a bit interesting."

After Xiang Yang met, he smiled. When Wang Biren spoke, he said directly, Wang Guanshi, is it better to look at the excitement first? ”

"Yes Yes."

It is rumored that Xiang Yang is the husband of the fire little princess. Although Wang Biren did not know whether the rumor was true or not, but when he heard the little bald head shouting sorrow and sorrow, the smirk’s eyebrows made Wang Bili’s heart Almost certainly the rumors of the outside world, in his view, it must be correct, Xiang Yang, this guy who seems to be only a real fairy, has become the most precious little princess of the fire family.

You must know that the family of the fire family is the true core of the fire family, and this pulse can be said to be almost a single pass, no matter which generation is the strongest among the fire people, now this Although there are not many people in the pulse, they are all super strong. Everyone is guessing the pulse of the fire family. The strong are like clouds, and they don’t even know how many holy people are strong.

The family of the fire family is old and excited, and it can be said that it is very exciting, and even sent orders to the major forces. If anyone dares to bully his little daughter, the younger ones are weak, and the fireflies will definitely fight with each other.

As the owner of the fire family, I was afraid that my daughter would be bullied. I personally told the various forces to imagine how much the Fire Lord’s family loved the little Princess of the Fire.

And Xiang Yang stepped into the sky, can become the husband of the fire little princess, no matter what his identity, regardless of his cultivation, will become a real supreme existence.

Wang Biren’s attitude towards Xiang Yang is very respectful. Regardless of what Xiang Yang said, he promised to go down, and at the same time carefully watched the fire, and the fire naturally knows that this guy wants to see what opinions he has. She waved her hand and said, “Look What do I do? Xiang Yang said what he wants to do."


At this moment, Wang Biren no longer dared to say anything. His hand was gently pressed on the wall blocked by the middle of the two seats. Suddenly, there was a picture of the fight next door on the wall. Yang and others do not have to use special knowledge to observe.

Of course, the cultivation of the people is high or low. Although they used to observe the next door with God, the power of Xiang Yang’s soul is too strong, and directly creates a closed space, so that no one can find it here. Something is wrong.

Only the soul of the seven or seven people in the field can sense the fluctuation of the power of Xiang Yang's soul. She knows that Xiang Yang is sheltering everyone, but she did not say anything.

As for the others, I didn’t feel anything wrong.

At this moment, everyone looked at the front, only to see them next door, the Eight Immortals divided four to deal with the two male fairy holding the sword, while the other four are two or two Baihua Valley demon girl Xianzun lotus soul and the opposite of Yulia and Yu Liqin's master.

The remaining dozens of celestial kings are directly lining up to guard the small place, so that everyone has nowhere to escape. Although the dozens are celestial kings, even after the formation of the formation, even these people want to It is impossible to escape.

"The two elves are my friends."

Seeing that Yulia and Yuliqin saw this scene, they had already been frightened. Xiang Yang did not continue to hide his body shape, but directly said to Wang Biren.


After Wang Biren listened, his face changed greatly. After responding to a sound, his body flashed and fell into the small space next door. Then he looked at the two little hoes that were shaking and swaying. The two women left.

"you dare?"

Within the box, the masked female fairy saw her two young disciples being taken away and suddenly changed their face and shouted. "We have not sinned you, do you dare to catch my disciples?"


This female fairy anger broke out, and it was originally confronted with the two sages. At this time, it was the initiative.

"Dare to make trouble on the site of our royal family, and said that we have not offended us?"

The two Xianzun sneered, although I don’t know that Wang Biren suddenly took away two of the elves who didn’t even have the celestial beings. However, as the men of Wang Biren, what they have to do now is to make these troubles. All the towns are suppressed and say.


For a time, this small space has a big battle in an instant. However, the war has just begun, and the situation has turned toward the strong of the Wang family. After all, this is on the site of the Wang family, and the restaurant itself has the aid of the array. Plus their concession is twice as much as the other.

However, all these items were too lazy to look at. At this moment, he was smiling and watching the two sisters Yulia and Yuliqin brought by Wang Biren.


"you you..."

"Big brother, is it really you? I have no dreams? Sister, you are quick to me and see if I have a dream?"

Yuliqin exclaimed, and his face was pale because he was suddenly caught, and his body was shaking. At this time, it was because he was over-excited and his face was flushed.

Yulia also stared at Xiang Yang and looked at it. There were two lines of tears in her eyes.

"It's me, you didn't dream." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Wow... touch..."

Yuliqin's little girl first cried out with a 'wow', then the whole person quickly rushed into Xiangyang's arms and held Xiangyang tightly. Yulia was not far behind after seeing it. Holding Xiangyang.

For a time, Xiang Yanghuai held two women, and the two elves were crying, as if to slant the grievances after being caught in the fairy world.

"Oh... Big Brother, it’s really you, great, uh..."

"We thought we would never see you again. Do you know? We want to miss you so much.. Hey... Big brother, we are so poor..."


Seeing that the two little girls were crying in the arms of Xiang Yang, Wang Biren’s face changed greatly, and his heart trembled. He said, “I shouldn’t be a good deed to do bad things? The fuss of the little princess of the fire family actually The face of the little princess of the fire family is holding two little hoes, this this..."

While Wang Biren’s heart was shaking, he looked at the fire on the side. However, what surprised him was that although his face was not very good, he did not say anything.

Of course, among all the people present, not only the sultry face is not very good, all the women are staring at the two women crying tightly in Xiangyang Wow, their hearts are sour.

The small bald head is very comfortable to eat with Xiaoyin and Xiaohong. When he saw this scene, he sighed and said, "I still have a bald head like this, no emotional troubles, three thousand troubles, Three thousand troubles, three thousand green silks, after I broke all of this, I am the real me."


On the one hand, Wang Biren listened for a moment without speech. This is really the sorghum of the Buddhist monasteries in the Western Tianyu. He only squats when he sees a small bald head holding a pair of crane legs in one hand, and the other hand holds a pair of grilled wings. When the oil looks like, Wang Biren is a bit skeptical about whether this is the so-called sorghum of the Western Tianyu Buddhism.

Here, Xiang Yang held two little hoes and heard the sound of two little hoes crying constantly. He gently patted their backs to comfort, knowing that the two little hoes were caught in the upper bound. It is really aggrieved by Tianda. Now I see myself, just like seeing a parent, naturally venting all the grievances and fears.

He quietly held the two women, whispering comfort, the two little girls crying and crying, so they fainted in the arms of Xiang Yang.

"The two gimmicks."

After Xiang Yang met, he smiled lovingly, and then he held two little gimmicks and cast a small spell to isolate the two hoes from the crowd so that they could rest and rest. Then this I turned my head and looked at the crowd, and said with a soft voice, "The two little girls have been so excited to see me, and they have vented their grievances from this time. Just wake up and be fine."

"Then you still don't let them go?" said the fiery and sour.

At the same time as she said, the silver enamel was a gentle face and went forward. She said to Xiang Yang, "If you are holding them like this, it is better not to sleep. It is better to find a place for them to rest."


Xiang Yang nodded, and while waving his hand, he took a soft bed from the Nashen ring and set it aside. This carefully placed the two women on it.

Moreover, he also specially put the quilt on the two women, so that the beauty of Wang Biren on the side is constantly beating, and he is really worried about Xiangyang. If the fire queen princess initiates a fire, how should Xiangyang bear? ?

However, what shocked him was that the little princess of the fire family looked at the resentful face with a small mouth, but did not say anything about Xiangyang.

"This kid is really powerful, even the servant of the Fire Princess is packed up." After Wang Biren met, it was a shocking color on his face, and he looked at Xiangyang very envious.


At this time, the battle of the next door has already had a result. With the last roar, all the fights have stopped, whether it is the demon girl of Baihua Valley, the lotus soul of the demon, or the two thugs with long swords, or The masters of Leia and Yuliqin’s sisters were all suppressed at this moment and could not move.

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