Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2688: Fierceness

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"Are you not afraid?"

However, when this guy broke out with a horrible atmosphere, he felt like he was transformed into a supreme demon. The two juniors, Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou, even when Zhang Jianyu and others in the rear saw it would be very scared, they heard Xiang Yang. I smiled and asked.


The momentum of the ghost son is a condensate. He looks at Xiang Yang with an incomprehensible color. He always feels that Xiang Yang is a little different. If other real people see their horrible atmosphere, they have long been Already scared the buttocks, even pleading for mercy, however, Xiang Yang can still talk to himself happily, this is a bit not normal.

"I said, you have sensed that my 斩仙飞刀 has locked you, are you still not afraid?"

Xiang Yang took the courage to look at each other and sighed and said, "Although you are a master of Da Luo's nine heavens, you should know that my 飞仙飞刀 is specially made for a strong person like you. If you get rid of it, your head and the gods will be smashed. You are really not afraid at all, or else, let's try?"

At the same time, he urged his own force to enter the cucurbit gourd, and suddenly, the gourd mouth spewed a chaotic gas, and the horrible knife was flowing.

The face of the ghost son changed slightly. He didn't expect that Xiang Yang was really not afraid of himself. Under his own suppression, he could still calmly promote the 斩 葫 gourd. Does this kid really think that he does not dare to kill him?

"Kid, do you want to die?"

The ghost son screamed and screamed.

"Do not want to."

Xiang Yang replied very simply, the 斩 葫 葫 已经 已经 已经 已经 已经 已经 已经 已经 , , , , , , , , , , 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 , 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫However, he is still not afraid, your sister's, is it really necessary to use the Promise Excalibur, and then come again to pull the sword?

When I think of it, he has a little drumming in his heart. If you really use the Promise Excalibur, you can really kill the world and kill all the people who see the Promise Sword. Otherwise, you must fall into it. To the endless pursuit.


When the ghost son saw Xiang Yang answering so simply, he couldn’t speak a word. As Xiang Yang said, who is willing to die?

However, at this time, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. He was trying to kill each other. Moreover, he was sure that he could not die under the knives of the celestial knives. How was he still mastered by the other party?

"Even if you don't want to die, it's useless. If you dare to kill a woman, you will die."

The ghost boy screamed and screamed. His eyes looked at Xiang Yang, and a horrible atmosphere burst into his body. He raised his hand. Suddenly, there was a horrible energy flow, and the dark green ghost and the chaotic gas broke out together. When you come out and become a big hand, you have to shoot it toward Xiangyang and Xiaoguangtou. You have to kill two people.

"Oh, you can only use the knives flying knife."

Xiang Yang sighed and saw the moment when the other party was about to shoot. He thought about it, and there was a knife flashing away.


At this moment, the earth-shattering big hand that the ghost son had condensed suddenly solidified, and then it crashed open, and at his neck, he only heard the sound of '咔嚓', his head turned out to be Dropped directly from the neck, accompanied by his **** was also opened.

"Good opportunity."

Xiang Yang laughed and smiled. He only heard the sound of ‘bang’, and ‘Heaven and Earth’ was flashing on his head, and then disappeared instantly.


When the ‘Heaven and Earth Oven’ reappeared, it was already underneath the head of the other party’s head and swallowed the other’s head directly.


Seeing that the other's head was finally swallowed up by the 'Heavenly Oven', Xiang Yang suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, since the other's head was swallowed by the heaven and earth oven, it means that the other party has almost completely annihilated.

After all, regardless of the strength of the other party, after being smashed by the knives, the head and neck of the gods were also cut off, and the 'Heavenly Oven' swallowed the other's head, not only swallowing the other's body. The head of the other party will also swallow the head part of the other god, so that the other side will not look down on any storms.

"There is still flesh."

Xiang Yang smiled softly and looked at the body of the guy. At this moment, the body of the guy is still just the size of an ordinary person. At this moment, although his head has been cut off, his body is still volley and standing, and it seems that he has not yet died.

Xiang Yang’s face changed slightly, and the ‘Heaven and Earth Oven’ would have swallowed the other side.


However, when the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' appeared on the top of the other's head, he heard a huge roar, and Xiang Yang was surprised that the other's body exploded directly at this moment and turned into infinite blood. The fog is rolling.

"there is a problem."

Xiang Yang's face changed greatly, but the ‘Heaven and Earth Oven’ did not hesitate. He still shrouded downwards and swallowed all the blood mist.

As long as it is swallowed by the 'Heaven and Earth Oven', no matter what the other party has, it will not be able to pick up any storms.

However, at this time, when Xiang Yang met, he heard a roaring sound. Then, in the **** fog that was tumbling, there was a ray of light that instantly formed, and a fuzzy figure slowly rose up and picked up. A terrible momentum of terror.

"Bastard, give the deity to die."

After the appearance of this vague figure, he saw the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' shrouded. He screamed with a sigh, and pointed at it. Suddenly, a strange scene appeared. The infinite ghost broke out and instantly hit the world. On the furnace, the 'Heavenly Oven' exploded in an instant.

"There is a backhand."

After Xiang Yang met, he couldn’t help but sigh. Although he had already realized that the other party could not be so simple, he was killed by the 'Zhu Xian Fei Knife.' What he did not expect was that even the 'Heavenly Oven' It’s a step late.


The broken blood color 'Tiandi Oven' re-agglomerated on the top of Xiangyang's head. At the same time, there is a strong breath that bursts out. This energy is very vast and directly rushes into Xiangyang body and integrates into Xiangyang. Among the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine acupoints in the body, the gods are all greedily absorbing these energies.

Although the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' only refines the other's head, but the other person is the super strong person in the world of Da Luo Jiu Tian, ​​the energy contained in a skull is already terrible.

However, at this time, Xiang Yang did not have any excitement, but instead showed the color of worry.

He sighed. After knowing that the other party still had the means, he was a little bit cold. He could sense that the shadow that appeared on the other side was the ghost of the other soul, but it was a bit different. The method of ghost roads is condensed, and the power is strong. It seems that this guy is not weak when he has the flesh, and even the threat is even bigger.

"The trouble is a bit big."

When Xiang Yang’s heart sighed, he looked at the little bald head. Suddenly, he laughed. “Little bald head, you are a Buddhist disciple, don’t you always dream of falling demon? The opportunity is coming. Take care of it."

"Old, boss, don't make a joke." After listening to the little bald head, he was scared and pale, just thinking that the whole person is not good, let him fight with each other? This is not a joke. As soon as he goes up, he is estimated to be dying.

"Oh, unfortunately, something can't be shot. I want your little brother to do something?" Xiang Yang couldn't help but sigh.

"Boss, after I am trained to improve, I will help you to kill him." Xiaoguangtou said with a sigh of relief.

"Maybe you are no longer there." Xiang Yang sighed.

"Brother, don't scare me, do you have any big tricks and let them go out, don't wait for the other party to do it. This guy is practicing the method of ghosts, and you have smashed each other's gods with the knives. After the flesh, it is equivalent to helping him completely remove the imprisonment of the flesh, making him truly completely and thoroughly become the existence of the super-ghost level, and now his strength is stronger than before."

The little bald head swallowed a slobber and said with a helpless color on his face.

The little bald head has a very good eye. He can see at once that the strength of the ghost son has been more powerful than before. At this moment, his face has a shocking color, and he regrets that he should not follow. Xiang Yang, he has a feeling of self-death, this is not long after Xiang Yang, the little life is about to be lost, it really makes him feel a kind of miserable feeling.

"Master, aren't you saying that he is destined to become a surpassing sage in the future? Can he become a surpassing sacred existence? I don't know, but his level of trouble is too strong, I feel like if I Follow him again, I am going to die."

Xiaoguangtou’s heart was filled with sorrow. He remembered what his master respected when he persuaded himself to follow Xiangyang. He finally understood that his master must be too uncomfortable with himself, deliberately abandoning himself and not letting himself be a disciple. Followed, so I let myself follow the Xiangyang.

When the little bald head was uncomfortable, he felt the light flashing in front of him. Suddenly, the place where he was in had changed a scene. When he reacted, he found that he was already in the Promise, he suddenly When the eyes were bright, I couldn’t help but say, "I came in to the Promise Immortal. It’s great."

"How is it outside?"

When the voice of the little bald head fell, I heard an anxious sound, which was the voice of Mei Aoxue.

"It's okay now, but I won't be able to wait for a while." The little bald head didn't have to look at it and knew that it was the voice of Mei Aoxue. He answered honestly, "The boss used the 斩仙飞刀 to the ghost god. And the head of the flesh is smashed."

"Great." Mei Aoxue's face suddenly showed excitement. In her opinion, Xiang Yang used the 斩仙飞刀 to lick the body and the **** of the ghost son, and the other party was sure to die.

The little bald head did not speak. Although he was stupid, he knew that he couldn’t talk indiscriminately at this time. Maybe when Xiang Yang would monitor it here, he would hear that he would tell Mei’s truth. Snow, if you are frightened by the other party, the next estimate is that you are thrown out to face the ghost boy who has become an innocent ghost.

At the moment, in the outside world, Xiang Yang looked at the ghost son, his eyes with a dignified look, he threw Mei Aoxue and Xiao Guangtou into the Promise, in order to protect the two, because in the Promise Within the government, there are also the existence of Xiaoling and Laowan. Even if their own deity has an accident, they will not have anything.

Of course, Xiang Yang knows that he will definitely not have something.

Can not kill the ghost son Xiang Yang is not sure, but even if it is impossible to kill each other, Xiang Yang also has a Suzaku woman's avatar, Suzaku female as the Yasheng level of the strong, her avatar The strength of strength is definitely not resisted by the ghost son. If he is willing to waste the power of the avatar, the ghost son will no longer be a problem.

However, Xiang Yang really does not want to use the power of the scorpion that Suzaku left on her.

"Let's go, I will help you block him."

At this moment, the ghost boy has not been completely converted, and it takes a few breaths. For Xiang Yang, it is enough for him to prepare a lot of things.

He turned his head directly to look at Zhang Jianyu and Hu Xinyu. At the same time, he waved his hand and entered the transmission array. The previously transmitted transmission array was directly launched at this time. The two men left Tianxinzhou.

After doing all this, Xiang Yang’s hand appeared a sword. This sword was integrated into one, the sword light flashed, the power of chaos and the power of virtue flowed, it was a real supreme holy sword. It is the goddess of the future.

"Since Zhu Xianfei can not beat you, then I will use the power of the day after tomorrow, I will not believe, can not kill you."

Xiang Yang smiled coldly, his eyes were sharp and the color of the Promise Sword has never been used since he was injected into the power of infinite merits. He has never used this sword. At this moment, it is time to use it. .

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