Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2690: Both lose and lose (five more flowers)

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"Kid, you completely angered the deity, you can die, ghosts and devils."

The ghost boy screamed with anger, and he even ignored the half of his head that was cut off by Xiang Yang. Instead, his hands were pinched with a law, and the ghost of the ghost appeared in his hands. He held the soul in his hands and suddenly Shaking between.


At this moment, there is a strange energy invading into the spiritual sea of ​​Xiangyang, which makes Xiangyang’s conscious sea world rise, and his 90 million-foot tall soul consciousness opens his eyes. The strange color looked at the power that appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the strange opening. "This guy actually used the power of the soul to detain my soul. Is this a joke?"


At the same time, Xiang Yang can find that the power of the other party's soul-hunting is indeed very powerful. Even in his own sea of ​​consciousness, he has become a huge soul-stricken scorpion, bursting out a weak force, and breaking his own consciousness. Of course, the collapse is just the other side's thoughts. Compared with Xiangyang's boundless sea of ​​consciousness, the other party's soul-hunting is really no matter what Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang looked at each other with a strange color on his face and said, "It’s really a bit interesting. The power of this soul is very strong. I accepted it."


Then, in the sea of ​​consciousness of Xiang Yang, there is an invisible force of imprisonment appearing out of thin air, directly imposing this spirit on the sea of ​​consciousness, so that this soul can no longer pick up any Fluctuation.


"I'm not right."

At the same time, the outside world, the ghost spirits displayed by the ghost son is desperately shaking the soul of the soul, suddenly, he only feels a light hand, the soul of the soul disappeared out of thin air.

"The strength of the other's soul is so powerful that it takes my soul to enter the other world's sea of ​​consciousness and break the other's consciousness of the sea world to catch the soul?"

The ghost son was shocked and looked at Xiangyang. He only felt that it seemed a bit unnormal.

However, he did not feel very shocked. After all, some people have different talents, and the power of the soul is more powerful. As long as the spirits enter the other's sea of ​​consciousness, the other side's sea of ​​consciousness is broken. The soul can turn into a rootless duckweed and grab the soul of the other party at any time.

Losing the soul, one person is equal to living dead.

Ghost son's face with a satisfactory color, haha ​​smiled and said, "The boy is looking for death, this son has already given you the opportunity, since you don't want it, then you will die of it... amount, not right.. ."

When his words still fell, he found that something was wrong, because he felt that he had lost contact with the soul, and Xiang Yang was still intact.

"How could this be?"

The ghost son can't keep calm. The reason why the ghost road can be called the ghost road is precisely because they study the soul very thoroughly. Even the soul family can't compare with them. After all, they are real ghosts. The Soul is more ferocious.

With his strength to display the spirit of the soul, the soul of the other party is detained, even if the other is a fairy who is born in the ancient world, unless the souls of the old monsters that have survived since ancient times can be blocked. Besides, he does not believe that anyone in the world can block his soul.

However, Xiang Yang was indeed blocked, and he also lost contact with the soul of the soul. At this moment, the ghost son only felt that the whole person was not good.

At this moment, Xiang Yang blinked and held the Promise Sword in one hand. While brewing his next attack, he said to the ghost son. "I said buddies, are you ghosts, even the soul? The spell won't work, are you fake?"

"you wanna die."

Xiang Yang’s words suddenly spurred the ghost son, making this guy look angry at Xiang Yang and bite his teeth and shout. “Boy, no matter what special place you have, today the deity must detain your soul and directly destroy it. about you."


At the same time, he is a magic weapon based on a foundation. It has a very strange power, but it is a treasure of a ghost.

"There must be new skills."

When he saw that the other party had to use the method of ghosts to defend himself, Xiang Yang was relieved. He was very confident in his own soul. As long as he was not a strong man to deal with himself, he would not have to be afraid. .

"come out."

The ghost son squeezed a law, and sipped a sigh at the altar. At the same time, one rune broke out, and even, it was empty, and the Xiangyang's breath was incorporated into the altar.


At this moment, Xiang Yang only felt a tremor in his heart. He felt that there was a very special breath and invaded his own spiritual world. This made his heart tremble, and there was a mad wind in the sea. It seems to be a gust of wind in the endless sea, which makes his consciousness still magnificent.

"A good way to do it, this tornado is to blow off the clothes of my soul."

Xiang Yang’s huge sense of soul sighs at the same time, his hands quickly protect his clothes, of course, the so-called clothes are the transformation of his own soul consciousness.

However, seeing this tornado spinning, as if the power of the ground was bursting out, Xiang Yang’s eyes were filled with strange colors, and his hands were pinched with a law, whispering, "the method of the soul family and the ghost road." In fact, there are similar places. In this case, I will directly display the laws of the Souls, and I will be able to crack all the magical powers that this guy has displayed, and even grab his treasures."


The outside world, with Xiang Yang’s soul consciousness exerting the law of reverse summoning, the original arrogant method of displaying the horrible law must destroy the face of the ghost son of Xiang Yang’s soul. Suddenly, he felt The uncontrollable altar of his own magical altar is also directly disappearing in front of you.

"How could this be?"

He stared at his magical altar and disappeared in front of him. The magic weapon was that he had sacrificed treasures that he did not know for many years. Now he is so gone.

Even at this moment, the connection between him and his magic weapon has completely disappeared.

"No, it's impossible."

The ghost boy only felt that the whole person was not good. He looked up at Xiangyang and couldn’t help but ask, "What kind of ghost are you?"

"You are a ghost thing."

Xiang Yang turned his eyes and said to the ghost son. "You don't seem to have any use for the so-called ghosts. Even the law of ghosts has no power. I think you will go back and practice for a few years to deal with me." ”

"Boy, you still have a ghost to the treasure, and it is still the level of the day after tomorrow."

At this time, the ghost son seemed to think of something like it. His breathing was so fast that he couldn't help but look at Xiang Yang excitedly. "Ha ha ha, great, you really are the lucky star of the deity, and even give it to the son." I sent a ghost to the treasure..."

"I think you are crazy."

Xiang Yang sighed, and the figure stepped out. The left hand grasped the scabbard of the Promise Sword. The Promise Excalibur was different from other sacred soldiers. Xiang Yang used to specially refine a scabbard for this sword. In the hand, the Promise Excalibur is also included in the scabbard, and the power has been brewed to a sufficient extent.

His right hand slowly gripped on the hilt of the Promise Sword, and sighed and sighed. "Ghost Road, it is really extraordinary. In a day, I can use this sword twice in a row. You are proud enough." ”



With the voice of Xiang Yang falling, with him as the center, all the voids within a million miles were all blasted, and at this time, he only slightly pulled out the Promise.

A chaotic sword that can smash the heavens and the earth broke out, causing a resurgence of the chaos that had already exploded.

At this moment, the situation that has turned upside down has erupted, and the void has flown, and there is a horrible explosion of horror.

It seems that the whole fairyland has to be chaotic. Moreover, after the emergence of chaos, the void continues to explode, because the infinite sword of Xiang Yang’s hands is once again pulled out.

"What is this sword? God, yes, that sword, are you the legendary person?"

When the ghost boy saw this scene, his face suddenly changed. The whole person trembled and looked at Xiang Yang. He couldn’t help but exclaimed, "This... you, how could it be you, God, I I actually started working for you..."

At this moment, after knowing that Xiangyang is the identity of the descendant of that pulse, even if the ghost son is whitish, he knows that he is finished, and that pulse is a word that cannot be surpassed. The master of the situation against Xiang Yang, and now, he actually took the initiative to deal with Xiang Yang, and he is still a master of the world.

"Tian Yilin is killed by the strongman of that pulse!"

Suddenly, the idea of ​​the ghost son appeared in his heart, he only felt cold.

Although Xiangyang’s strength is very powerful and very strange, the ghost son never feels that Xiangyang’s strength can kill Tian Yilin’s ghostly sect, so the only possibility That is to say, after being the master of the world of Da Luo, he was strangled by the strongman of Xiangyang.

His heart trembled and couldn't help but exclaim. "I am finished."

"No, no matter who this guy is, I have already shot him. It is impossible for me to spare me. Then, what I can do now is to kill this guy directly and grab everything on him. Find a place to hide and practice well. If you can enter the nine secluded **** practice, I will not believe that the strongest of those veins can still chase me into the nine secluded hell."

Then, the ghost boy bit his teeth and decided. He felt that since he had already started the project, he must have been on the list of the killings. It is no longer possible to have any chance. The jar broke and directly killed Xiang Yang, and took away everything in Xiangyang. He only wanted to find a place to hide in it. He didn't believe it. The pulse was really omnipotent.

Moreover, as a descendant of the ghost road, he is very clear that the legendary nine secluded **** is not really disappeared, but the passage is closed. As long as he can find the passage, he can pass through the ghost path. Entering the nine secluded hell, when he felt that he would be able to live better than anyone else.

"Give me kill."

The ghost son made a decision in this blink of an eye. He suddenly screamed. In his hand, there was a ghostly treasure that was like a sword and a sword. Suddenly, all the power of the whole body was injected. Among them, then hold both hands and go down towards Xiangyang.


"Draw a sword!"

At the same time, along with the cold sound of Xiang Yang, the sound of '斩天拔剑诀' fell completely, and there were countless wounds on his body, and the blood was sprayed out, but his hand was firm and will be the Promise. The Excalibur was pulled out of the scabbard.


The sword was pulled out, the sky was roaring, and an earth-shattering breath suddenly broke out. In the chaos, a bright sword illuminates everything, chaos is cut, turned into heaven and earth, the air rises, the turbidity sinks, The power of terror is circulating.


The ghostly son who squatted down and disappeared silently. The ghost road in his hand also smashed directly. The ghost man’s face was unbelievable and exploded in an instant.



Seeing this scene, Xiang Yang suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, but before he completely relaxed, he heard a "touch" and his body shape exploded as well. The chaos is floating.

"Do not..."

Author Meng Yu said: Today, five more flowers...

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