Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2723: Holy to the devil

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"I finally broke through?"

Xiang Yang’s deity retired, and the beginning of the devil was a long sigh. His body’s breath was flowing, and the majestic life of the life turned into a flaming fire. His avatar was clearly the first devil, but But it looks sacred.

The devil in the devil, to the devil and the god.

This is the beginning of the magic, the beginning of all the magic between heaven and earth, is the first demon in the Pangu world, is the founder of the magic.

After the breakthrough of Xiangyang today, the beginning of the magic power, the law of nine births and nine destruction is also cultivated and successful, although it can not be compared with the real first magic, but it is also very different.

"Congratulations to the boss, He Xi boss, stepping into the half-step Yasheng realm. From then on, there is no rival in this Da Luo situation. If there is this avatar, even if it is a catastrophe, even if it is Yasheng can also resist one or two."

Lao Wan excitedly looked at Xiang Yang.

Xiaoling is also happy and red-faced, smiled and said, "Boss, step into the sky, this is an unprecedented feat, others break through, at most one-time breakthrough to become the Da Luo Xian Wang, and you break through, once Directly become a half-step of the holy world, if it is spread out, it will be shocking."

Xiang Yang’s first demon whispered softly. “My expectations are not wrong. As long as the physical strength is strong enough, and after the success of the nine Dalu rules, I will be able to push my own cultivation step by step. From the moment, there is no fear of any big Luo Xianren."

While talking, he can feel the power of this avatar that is more powerful than the deity, and he is embarrassed.

"Next, you can wait to participate in the battle between the goddess of destiny."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, and after knowing the importance of the battle of the goddess of nature to Mei Aoxue, he had already made the decision to get the first place in the battle of the woman of Wanzhou.

"However, this avatar is a bit of trouble for the beginning of the devil, but fortunately, there is a fairy."

With the fall of Xiang Yang's laughter, all the magical powers of his first demon avatar disappeared at this moment. Instead, it was a strong scent. It seems that his avatar was at this moment by the devil. It became a true supreme deity.

"The fairy battlefield is still a bit of a use."

Xiang Yang smiled softly. His eyes looked at the deity. Although they were the same consciousness, they showed a smile to each other.

Then, the deity got up and entered the core of the battlefield of the fairy demon, and began to enter the retreat to reconcile the rules of the Dafa in the Dafa. His first demon avatar can have nine Dalu rules, although the last one is Dalu. The rules are very important, but if the deity is counted, it will be a little worse, because the deity does not practice the magic, and everything else can be shared. Only the first devil rule cannot be shared.

In this way, the deity has only eight complete rules of the Da Luo. If the deity wants to break through the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianzhufeng Xianzun in the future, he must understand the Dafa rule of the Dafa Avenue to a complete state.

However, the strength of today's avatar is strong enough, but it can replace the deity to walk the world.

"Xiaoling, refining the tower of physical repair, after the refining is completed, let my deity enter the refining body first."

Xiang Yang told Xiaoling that the way his deity wants to quickly improve his strength is to enter the refining practice after the completion of the refining of the tower, and to increase the strength of the body to the extent of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak. The deity's flesh is invincible, but the realm is still only the real peak of the immortal. When attending the Battle of the Immortals, I would like to ask who is his opponent?

"The boss can rest assured that the tower of physical repair is completed immediately after the energy refining." Xiaoling patted his heart and promised.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang smiled softly and did not continue to stay in the Promise Immortal. Instead, he left the Promise Immortal in the form of the first demon.

"The boss didn't know if he wanted to be a big Luoqiang after this breakthrough. Just, if the breakthrough becomes a strong Luo, wouldn't he be able to participate in this million-day real fairy war?"

"It should not be possible to break through. The boss is so hard to become the first place in the millions of continents, how can he give up?"

"In this case, is it that the boss has realized what the trick is not?"


In the top of the Imperial Palace, Mei Aoxue, Jubilee, Huo Mei, Xiaoxue, Xiaoyin, Xiaohong and Yulia, and Yuliqin sisters are also here. They are all curious and don’t know. When Xiang Yang went to break through, he suddenly realized what he was.

"It should not be possible to break through the realm of Da Luo."

Huo Mei whispered to herself, she was very clear about the family's transaction with Xiangyang. If Xiangyang broke through the situation of Da Luo, it would be Xiang Yang unilaterally tearing up the deal with the fire family, then even if Xiang Yang is that The identity of the ancestors of the pulse, the fire family is not expected to give up.

Mei Aoxue’s face is also with the color of worry. Before that, she just received the same, the battle of Wanzhou’s destiny is about to start, and the first round of the battle is in this central fairy city. In addition, it is adjacent to the battlefield of the Great Immortal Battle of the Million Island. This battlefield is a place specially approved by the Eastern Heavenly Emperor. It can be said that this time the war is a big eye, and it is no less than the momentum of the Million Island.

Although Xiang Yang can do a sword to smash the ghosts of Da Luo Jiu Tian Tian, ​​but Mei Ao Xue is also very clear, the true strength of Xiang Yang did not reach this level, after the sword was thrown out, Xiang Yang also I have paid a lot of money and can't be easily used. As a result, Xiangyang has a big gap compared with those of the Da Luo Xian Zun Zun Zun.


At this time, a few people appeared in front of a few women. When the other party appeared, the sky shivered, and a strong breath broke out. However, this powerful atmosphere just flashed away and was immediately taken back by the other party. It is.

This is the case, even if Mei Ou Xue, the fascinating world of the lord of the world, changed his face and changed his face. He hurriedly stood up and looked at the strong man who suddenly appeared. He thought that there was a strong enemy invading the emperor. In the palace.

"Xiang Yang!"

However, when the figure showed the true look, a few people were all stunned, and it was actually a short time before leaving the Xiangyang who said that he would go to the Promise of the Promise, and compared with before, the strength of Xiangyang at the moment. It has been strong enough to the strength of terror.

"You are Xiangyang? No, you are not Xiangyang, but it is Xiangyang." Mei Aoxue is also a bit messy. Although she has a contractual relationship with Xiangyang, she feels that the item at the moment Yang seems to be Xiang Yang who has a relationship with her, but it seems to be a bit different.

The silver carp is relatively certain. I feel that the person in front of her is the Xiangyang she knows. Although the strength of Xiangyang at this moment is too strong, her sense is that Xiangyang is not wrong. "Mei sister, he It should be Xiang Yang."


Needless to say, Xiaoxue, Xiaoyin and Xiaohong are the most clear about Xiangyang. They don’t have to doubt at all, they can be sure that the person in front of them is Xiangyang.

"Emperor brother." Yulia and Yuliqin also screamed with joy, they did not consider a lot, looking at the people in front of them is the familiar Xiangyang is enough.

Xiang Yang is laughing and looking at Mei Aoxue. "Mei Xiaoniu, don't you know me now?"

"It's you."

Hearing the familiar words and familiar tone of Xiang Yang, Mei Ao Xue finally breathed a sigh of relief and was able to confirm the identity of Xiang Yang.

"Xiang Yang, is your repair...?"

Mei Ao Xue looked at Xiang Yang with a shocking color. As a peerless sage in the world of Da Luo’s eight heavens, she was able to sense that the Xiangyang body that appeared at the moment burned the flame of horror, as if it were a supreme god. Standing in front of her eyes, her heart is shaking.

Even in such a short period of time, Xiang Yang has already broken through to such a degree, and even if it is not without the unique rhyme of Xiang Sheng who feels the sacred strong, she will almost always regard the Xiangyang in front of her as The Holy Land is strong.

"This is my avatar."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "The previous breakthrough was my avatar. Originally, my first demon avatar was also the realm of the true fairy peak. However, I just broke through to the situation of Da Luo, and the results are not bad. One breakthrough is big. Luo Jiuzhong’s realm."

At the same time, he said that Mei Aoxue and others have already been shocked. Rao is the temperament of Mei Aoxue. She is also a dull looking at her as a sacred and sacred person. Xiang Yang, with an incredible color.

“Daluo’s nine heavens...”

"A breakthrough in Da Luo has reached this level. How is this possible?"

"And, it is not the ordinary sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sect.


Mei Aoxue stared at Xiang Yang and felt that his heart was shaking.

Jubilee is also very shocking, but she is more convinced of Xiang Yang, and feels that it is quite normal for Xiang Yang to break through to such a degree.

Needless to say, her shock can be said to be the biggest. Although she is not a strong man, but as a little princess of the fire family, she is the clearest. After breaking through the big Luo, she can become a fairy king. It is an unprecedented existence, becoming a fairy, it is almost impossible.

However, Xiang Yang’s avatar, even a breakthrough, is the realm of Da Luo’s Jiuzhong Tianxianzun. This can be said that the first person in the past is not an exaggeration.

"Xiang Yang, are you kidding?"

Huo Mei whispered, and when she saw the horror of the present Xiang Yang, which was even more terrifying than her father, she was very clear that Xiang Yang at this moment has become a true supreme being. .

"Boss, you are too powerful. I just broke through to the king of the fairy king in adulthood, and you have become the realm of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianzhufeng Xianzun. It is incredible. However, isn't your first demon martial arts practiced? After the breakthrough, even the fairy can be reversed and turned directly into a fairy statue?"

Little blood looked at Xiang Yang with an incomprehensible color.

"I can be a devil in this genius." Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the little blood. "Shantou, if you want to do this, you can try to practice the 'Fairy Devil', I will definitely let You are satisfied."

"Is it the merit of the fairy magic?"

The little blood smashed, and I thought that the old man’s words were deceptive. Now, from the mouth of Xiang Yang, she realized that she had misunderstood the old man.

"That method is not bad."

Xiang Yang whispered at the same time, the body's breath was freely changed between the fairy and the devil, suddenly, appeared in front of everyone into a pure devil to the beginning of the devil.

This is the beginning of the devil avatar, although it is the magic cultist, but there is no evil atmosphere erupted, just let people know that this is a magical power that is completely different from the fairy tales.

This is the true power of the first devil, the power of the true supreme magic, compared with the power of the evil, the magical power of all kinds of shortcuts, this can be said to be the power of the sacred magic. .

Then, Xiang Yang completed another conversion to his own power, directly transforming the power of the first magic into the purest fairy, which is the effect of the transformation of the fairy magic.

'Xian Mo Ding' itself is the innate law of the immortal battlefield, which is born in the aftermath of the treasure. Even if it is the power of the first demon that was produced by the beginning of the magic, it is also the purest fairy of the same level. gas.

After the completion of Xiangyang's transformation at the moment, it looks like a fairy in the immortal. It is a true sacred immortal. No one would think that his body is actually the body of the first demon.

"This is really amazing."

Everyone looked at this scene with their own eyes, and they couldn't help but exclaim. Only the little tiger who followed Xiang Yang was disdainful and snorted. There is nothing to say.

It seems that in the heart of the little tiger, no matter the fairy magic is just an energy application, but it is able to communicate the mysterious and incomparable land, absorb the existence of the original source.

"In the future, in this fairy world, even if I meet the top ten killing gods in the dark world, I don't have to be afraid."

Xiang Yang whispered softly, all the breath of the body converge into the body, the whole person looks very dull, just like an ordinary person.

However, only the general public knows that the body of Xiang Yang at this moment contains the power of terror.

That is the most powerful existence of the true peak of the heavens.

"In the future, we will not be afraid of anyone when we go out." Xiaoxue said with a smile, "No matter who dares to bully me, I will come back to find the boss and directly destroy him."

After Xiang Yang listened, he couldn’t help but knock a little blood, and yelled, “If you don’t move, you will kill the door, and you will cultivate yourself. Otherwise, if you are bullied, don’t come to me.”

"Boss, you are too much, but your sister, your sister, you are being bullied, you don't want to protect me." Xiaoxue grinned and said.

"If someone is bullying you first, I will not let him go, but you don't think about bullying everywhere, or I will not care."

Xiang Yanghehe smiled, he naturally could not allow small blood to be bullying, but if someone dares to bully himself, he can't make the other person better.


At this time, a roar sounded, and the entire underground palace was shaking, as if there were any heavy objects bombarded in this palace.

"Great courage."

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