Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2725: how dare you? (Five more flowers)

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"Who is this axe?"

A group of troublemakers dare not speak, but it does not mean that Xiang Yang will let them go like this. At this moment, he is really angry. If it is not just that he has broken through to the world of Da Luo, these guys actually bring There is a group of Xianzun to make troubles, and there is also a big Luo eight-day existence, unless you use your own swords, otherwise, even if Mei Xiao Niu shot, they can only block each other, want to kill Da Luo The master of the Eight Heavens is too difficult.

This time, it also makes Xiang Yang aware of a problem. He wants to let the imperial palace spread all over the five worlds of the fairyland. It is definitely not a simple matter. It is necessary to let his own breakthroughs as soon as possible. Only let them become the big Luo Jiu Tian Tianzhi. Super super strong, every imperial palace base has at least one big Luo Jiu Tiantian level Xianzun sitting in the town, otherwise, I am afraid that even if the Imperial Palace is full of the entire fairy world, it may be destroyed in an instant.

However, as a matter of urgency, what he has to do is to let everyone in the Central Tiancheng of the Eastern Tianyu understand that the Imperial Palace has not only opened up, but no one can bully.

His eyes are cold, although at this moment he is turned into a fairy by the 'Xian Mojie', but because he just killed a fairy who is in the world of Da Luo, he is murderous at the moment, with his body A breath of horror makes everyone tremble.

"Yes Yes Yes..."

After hearing Xiang Yang’s question, these young people all trembled in their hearts. The party who was not the owner of the axe was relieved. However, one of the young people was scared that the whole person would never dare to have any words. The ground pressed his head on the ground, for fear that Xiang Yang would see that he was not right.

This young man is unlucky. It is the person of the Wang family, who is the one of the two elders of the Wang family who had just been killed by Xiang Yang. It was also his most arrogant screaming to be destroyed. At the Imperial Palace, at this time, he was scared and trembling all over the body, experiencing an unprecedented fear.

Speaking of this young man's cultivation is not low, it is the king of the Five Kingdoms of the Five Kingdoms, and his strength is considered to be good among the great ancestors of the Central Xiancheng.

However, the fairy king of the Five Kingdoms of the Five Kingdoms, even if it is the same as the fairy **** of the big seven heavens, it is not the opponent of the other side, let alone the person he is facing at the moment is a big Luo Jiuzhong The figure of the peak of the heavens, and the horror of the sacred sect of the sacred sacred priests.

His heart trembled and he only felt that he was definitely dead.

"Don't you say that?"

Xiang Yang’s eyes were cold and cold, and his eyes swept over the other trembled bodies, the sacred statues of the big seven heavens, with sneer.

The fairy gods of the seven heavens of the big Luo had already been frightened. At this moment, they saw Xiangyang’s sneer, and they all trembled as if they were trying to keep their heads low and almost stick to their hearts.

"If you don't know, then I will default to it. This axe is the one that all of you have joined together."

Xiang Yang sneered a little, although no one dared to answer, but it did not mean that he could not take these people. His right hand caught the empty hand and directly grabbed the axe in his hand. He sneered and said, "A good sharp. The axe, the top grade of the fairy, even if it is the opening of my imperial palace, hey, good, good."

"I don't know if all these people will be opened after the axe has been smashed down. I really want to see if your body is more powerful than my palace."


When Xiang Yang’s words were just finished, he heard a rush of screams. I saw a young man with pale face and cold sweat watching Xiang Yang, pointing to a young man beside him and saying, “This axe is him. It has nothing to do with us."

"You...Tang Ziming, you..." The pointed young man looked up and looked at the person who identified himself. The other person usually said that he was a brother and a brother. Now he is the first person to stand up and identify himself. I almost vomited blood.

"It is him, it is him, he is Chen Guang, his axe, the axe he personally sacrificed, deliberately to put the axe on the threshold, just to insult the imperial palace."

"Yes is him."

"It has nothing to do with us, but also please Master Xian Zun."


Not only that, but other young people all pointed to the young man and pulled the other person out to die.

At this juncture, for these young people, where are they going to take care of the lives and deaths of others? As long as they can protect their lives, they will not mind if they let them do anything. Even if their relatives come, they will not hesitate to identify each other.

"You, you...oh..."

The guy who was identified was furious and squirted a blood in his mouth. The whole person could no longer hold on and fainted.

"Happily passed?"

Xiang Yang chuckled softly, gently pinching, directly crushing the axe in his hand, and at the same time, throwing it away, the piece of the axe that was crushed was directly kneaded by a horrible force. For a long sword, the long sword smashed the void, and immediately went down to the young man.



When everyone thought that the young man was dead, he heard a screaming sound, accompanied by a roaring sound. In the distance, there were several streams of light coming quickly, including a strong man in the world of Da Luo. A little pointed out, a thunder burst out of the other's hands, directly bombarded on the long sword.

"Hugh hurts my Chen family."

When the other party’s Thunder bombarded the long sword, the voice of the other party was passed.

In the eyes of the other side, everyone is the strongest of the big Luo Jiu Tiantian, he sent the first come, blocking the Xiangyang sword is definitely a very easy thing, after all, Xiang Yang this sword is just to kill Da Luo The fairy goddess of the five heavens, and only a single blow, can not burst out of full force, but he is using a very strong force, so unintentional, at least the first strike he must be won .


Xiang Yang gave a cold smile and did not continue to shoot, but let the other party's thunder bombard the sword.


However, when the Thunder bombarded the sword, the imaginary opponent did not appear in the case of the long sword, and the Thunder was even directly absorbed by the sword. A sword is more powerful and directly squats on the young man.

"Do not..."

In the desperate shackles of the young man, when the sword went down, not only did the long sword explode directly, but the power of the Thunder contained the final force that directly annihilated him, making his yuan God was also destroyed.

Obviously, if there is no such thunder, your sword will kill the body of the youth at most, and the young man will be the king of the four kings of the Dalu. As long as there is the existence of the god, it is still possible to recast the flesh. Down, however, what he did not think of in any way was that the Thunder, which was supposed to save him, turned into a murderer who made him die.

"you dare?"

The old man who had shot the big Luo’s nine heavens thought that he could definitely save his family. The unexpected thing was that he would let his own people die, so that it would become the same as him. Xiang Yang’s accomplice, he was furious and angered and rushed to Xiang Yang’s face.


Of course, the people who came here this time are definitely more than one master of the big heavens and nine heavens. There are seven strong people, each of them is an enemy without the enemy of the big heavens. They are behind these young people. The masters of the family can be said to be the strongest existence of these families on the bright side. This time, knowing that there is such a supreme powerhouse in the imperial palace, and even killing a big Luo When they were in the heavens of the Eight Heavens, they couldn’t help anymore, and they rushed over to prepare for confrontation with Xiang Yang.

"Oh my God, they are all the principals of the major families in the Central Fairy. This is the home of the Chen family, the family of the Wang family, and the Tang family, the Ning family, the Shi family..."

"A total of seven homeowners have come. Is this the seven major families to join forces to destroy the Imperial Palace? This Imperial Palace is really hanging. This is the enemy of the seven great Luo’s nine heavens. They shot between the world. Who can stop it except the strong people of the Holy Land?"

"I originally thought that the Imperial Palace would rise strongly. What I didn't expect was that the emperor's palace had just been opened for a long time and would be destroyed. Sure enough, this central fairy city is the world of these nobles. Whoever wants to intervene is absolutely impossible. ""


The people around the crowd were shocked when they saw the sudden emergence of the seven super-powerful people in the big heavens. Even in order to avoid being affected, they also took the initiative to retreat far away. I only looked at this scene when I was in the distance.

"The masters of the seven great Luo Jiuzhongtian, the owners of the major families."

"Well, it’s very good. I’m thinking that it’s just that the sacred sect of the sacred sacred world can’t really achieve the effect of Liwei. Now it’s another one. It’s really good.”

When Xiang Yang looked at the superpowers of the seven great Luo Jiuzhongtian, he was not only not nervous but also excited and excited.

He broke through to reach the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak, but also cultivated the law of nine births and nine deaths. The body has the body of nine evils. It is the time when the strength reaches the peak. As long as it is not a strong man, he will count It is a great surprise for Xiang Yang to use Xiang Wang, who is not able to use all kinds of treasures, to deal with any strong ones.

"Daoyou, you are over."

The one who shot a thunder, not only did not save the people, but the old man who gave his own descendants to killing the gods of destruction, was the owner of the Chen family, named Chen Xiong.

At this moment, his face was very bad, not only because he did not save his own descendants, but also because he felt that Xiang Yang was too crazy.

As the owner of Chen's family, he is the powerful existence that controls one of the nobles. He is not only the strongman of the old Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng, but also has powerful and unparalleled power. However, he has already shouted Xiangyang. I have to stop, and I also issued a Thunder to beat Xiang Yang’s sword. As a result, I also helped Xiang Yang to kill my descendants. As a result, Xiang Yang’s sword is like a The face of the people all over the world slaps him in a slap in the face, how can he not be angry?

However, when he sensed the horrible power of Xiang Yang, his heart trembled, knowing that Xiang Yang is definitely not a good person to deal with, even if he owns the Chen family’s treasures, he wants to deal with the other’s estimate. It is not a simple matter. At this moment, he did not have a seizure on the spot, but he looked at Xiang Yang with a gloomy face.

For the strong people of Da Luo’s nine heavens, in general, if it is okay, it is as unrealistic as possible. After all, if they exist, if it is really hands-on, then it will be too much trouble. Perhaps the two sides are really not dead or rest, and at this level, they generally cherish life. What they prefer to do is to enlighten the heavens, in order to break through the level of the Holy Land.

However, this time, the major business families have united to resist the Imperial Palace. Although the Imperial Palace has only just begun to open, they have seen the potential of the Imperial Palace. If they let the Imperial Palace develop, it may be in the center in the future. In the city of Xiancheng, there will be no more business of these nobles. When they are business-oriented, the nobles will have no resources to support their family disciples. Then, a noble will collapse directly.

All of this is absolutely unacceptable to the families of these noble families. So, a super-powerful group of seven singers of the seven heavens and the earth came to the palace.

At this moment, even if they feel the power of the horror of the horror that erupted in Xiangyang, they also have a very good Danding. In their view, although Xiangyang may surpass them in terms of realm and strength, they are not I feel that single-handedly fighting will lose to Xiangyang, because they each have the treasure of the family. If it is really hands-on, the power is endless.

Not to mention that at the moment they are the sacred statues of the seven great Luo Jiuzhongtian. In their view, as long as the sun is not stupid, they should understand how unfavorable the current situation is for Xiangyang, and Xiangyang should bow.

In the eyes of these seven great Luo Jiu Tiantian's peaks and celestial self-confidence, Xiang Yang's face with a sly smile, his eyes swept through the seven strong, slowly opened his mouth, softly "What did you say? I passed?"

"The deity has already stopped you. Originally, this deity is in everyone's part of the practice, and there is no embarrassment for you. I did not expect that you would be bullying and beating a junior. It is too much. If you don't give the deity an account, I will wait for you to quit."

Chen’s family looked coldly at Xiangyang, with a high-profile attitude. He saw Xiangyang’s soft whisper, and thought that Xiangyang was scared by their imposing manner, and he even thought about it while he was proud of it. After the Xiangyang admit defeat, how should they divide the Imperial Palace.

"I am over?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"What are your brains?"

However, when the Chen family’s heart was self-satisfied, he saw Xiang Yang suddenly burst into laughter, and he also slammed him openly and unscrupulously, causing him to suddenly stop.

"What, you, you... how dare you?"

Author Meng Yu said: Today more than 20,000 words are completed, ask for flowers...

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