Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2727: Bright and sneak attack

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When Xiang Yang said that the name of the ancient sword that he appeared to display was inexhaustible, it was called 'sucking pigs and dogs'. When the seven strong men were present, they were all angry.

As the owners of the major families, even if they are confrontational, the opponents are also polite. After the confrontation, everyone will be conceited. Why has he been so insulting like Xiang Yang?

At this moment, the seven strong players can no longer care about the intrigues that let the Chen family's masters go first. They all burst out of their own breath. For a time, the seven strong people in the world of the nine heavens The momentum is soaring.

The flames of their imposing manners seem to ignite the central fairy city, making everyone's face change.

"The seven peaks of the nine kings of the nine heavens are shot, this is really too hot."

"God, in the Central Fairy, how long have you not seen so many powerful people shooting at the same time, this time, it is really terrible, you see, there is no change in the void around them, but in fact, if it is special If you watch it, you can see that the virtual sky is really in the collapse and repair of the frequency that is difficult to see with the naked eye. If someone enters the 100-meter range of the seven strong people, I am afraid that it will happen in an instant. It was destroyed by the power of the collapse and recovery of the void."


Countless people who watched the scenes were shocked to see this scene. Those who were ill-conceived were very wise to choose from far away, for fear of being affected. Only some masters of the fairyland would dare to watch in the void. In this scene, at the same time, everyone is very excited. The top of the Eight Great Luo Jiu Tian's world, and the seven-player one, this picture is too rare to be able to shock countless people.


Then, in the face of the horrible temperament of the seven sacred sacred celestial celestial celestial celestial beings, Xiang Yang’s performance is very simple. The magic sword that slowly rises behind him actively flies into his hands, when his hand When I caught the sword on the demon sword, a sword sound broke out. The swords that broke out around him broke out with a horrible sword, and a bronze sword. I didn’t know where it came from. They trembled, and the excitement broke out with a powerful and murderous murderousness and swordsmanship, as if they were summoned and able to play again and feel excited.

"This is the **** soldier left behind in the ancient war. Every sword in the sword retains the most powerful blow of the sword before the Lord's life. I will see if you can stop it."

Xiangyang mouth with a faint smile, this sword, naturally can not be what 'sucking pigs and dogs type', its name, 'Heaven and Earth's swordsman', these bronze bronze swords are summoned though only swords Qi, but the power of the gods summoned from the unknown void, is enough to play their most powerful blow.

"Go into the chaos of the void."

Just when they almost had to do it, they heard a voice full of vast expanse of Diwei coming from the Heavenly Palace. Obviously, their battle here shocked the strongest in the Heavenly Palace.

"Kids, the Emperor has orders, can enter the chaos of the void can be dare?" These seven great Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak are all looking at Xiangyang with a poor face.

They have already reached their peak in their own momentum. They firmly believe that if they take the shot, no one can stop the world between the heavens and the earth, and Xiangyang also achieves the strength of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. Moreover, the shot looks very majestic, but the only way to leave Xiangyang is to die.

At this moment, the seven strong men looked at Xiang Yang's eyes are very unhappy, make up their minds, this time must be a good lesson to learn Xiangyang.


Xiang Yang sneered with a sigh of relief, and he also made up his mind to stand up, naturally it is impossible to be polite with these people, and he originally thought of attracting these guys into the chaos of the chaos, or else, in this emperor If the war outside the palace gates damages the buildings of the Imperial Palace, the loss-bearing person is him.


After listening to the seven strong men, Chen Jia directly snorted and smashed the void into the chaos. They believed that under such a public view, Xiang Yang would certainly follow.


In fact, they guessed it right, Xiang Yang will definitely keep up, but what they did not think is that when they entered the void, they did not even disappear into the eyes of everyone. Xiang Yang directly shot, only Seeing that Xiangyang Yijian was out, millions of bronze swords were turned into unparalleled sharps, and they broke out in the most peak of their lives, followed by the seven strong men who fell into the void.



"Asshole, you dare to attack, oh..."

Accompanied by the snoring sound, and the roar of the roar, everyone saw the score clearly. When the crack in the void closed, there was blood floating out. However, when the blood reappeared, it disappeared. Obviously it was refining with great power.

The blood of Xianzun in the realm of Da Luo’s nine heavens is as thick as a mountain. If it is really scattered on the ground, it may cause a thousand miles to collapse.

If it is to the lower bound, a drop of Xianzun's blood is enough to destroy a galaxies, and the singer strikes enough to destroy the entire universe.


"This fairy statue seems to be a bit special."

"In the beginning, the Chen family and other people said that they would enter the chaos of the void, he answered very refreshingly, directly using a word 'please', let these seven strong people think that he is also a refreshing person, directly Entering the chaotic void, who ever thought that he was so special."

"This battle is interesting."


The onlookers who saw this scene all sighed in the air. They looked at Xiangyang’s eyes and looked strange. They only thought that Xiangyang’s peak of the sacred heaven and earth was a bit special.

It is said that it has reached the true peak of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng. They are self-proclaimed. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to sneak a man or something. In their opinion, this is too shameful. The matter, even if it is a big enemy of the other party, it is just a bright and stern shot with the other party. However, Xiang Yang is not the same, Xiang Yang is not the same, Xiang Yang at the moment let the onlookers see a Not the same as the fairy statue of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng.

Many people are silent, but their minds are thinking, they must not easily sin the palace in the future. After all, before, they saw Xiang Yang’s nine-day heaven’s fairy deity to deal with the fairy. Wang, who would dare to offend the Imperial Palace and provoke this one, who can stop his anger?

When everyone’s thoughts were different, Xiang Yang was very satisfied. He could see that the top of the seven great Luo’s nine heavens was under his own sword. He was seriously injured and still true. The injury is not small.

Of course, the main role of this sword is to shock those onlookers. Xiang Yang can see the expressions of these onlookers. They have already understood that these people will never dare to provoke the Imperial Palace in the future. As a result, their own The purpose is also reached.

"Hey, these guys are too embarrassed to know that I have already displayed my tricks. I still ran away without waiting for me to finish this show. This is deliberately consuming my strength. Unfortunately, they don't know, I am not going to be influenced by their plans. It is finally to send out that move, and it is comfortable."

Xiang Yang deliberately sighed, making people around to hear this sentence all face strange colors, although Xiang Yang said that it is not unreasonable, but they always feel that Xiangyang is a bit weird. .

As the fairy **** of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, do you really care about the mana of this trick?

Of course, everyone dare not say it, but the heart has already determined that Xiang Yang is the kind of person who is shameless and wants to face the mold. He feels that Xiang Yang has no bottom line. If he is not happy, Xiang Yang is not happy. Definitely unlucky.

"Predecessors, please also take a look at the Imperial Palace. This is our common industry. We must not be attacked when I leave to kill those shameless guys."

At this time, Xiang Yang made a slight ritual to the void. After the laughter was finished, he said to Mei Aoxue and others who had already appeared behind him. "You look at the Imperial Palace, if anyone If you dare to come to trouble, if you hit it, you can play it directly. If you can't beat it, you can run it quickly. Also, those who come to trouble can't let go. Let's grab it first."

"I will accompany you." Mei Aoxue's face looked at Xiang Yang with a firm color.

"No, I will come out soon. Isn't it just to deal with the seven little tricks? There is no danger at all." Xiang Yang smirked and patted the small hand of Mei Aoxue, his body shape, his front The void directly appears as a channel leading to chaos, and he himself stepped into it.

"Go, go see."

"As long as we are a little farther away, I believe there is nothing."

"This is the first time such a war has happened in nearly a million years. It is really exciting."


Seeing that Xiang Yang had entered the chaotic void, many people also smashed the void and followed them up. They were very curious to know what extent Xiang Yang and his Daxian Zun could achieve.

However, some strong people are also curious in their hearts, but they dare not keep up, because they think that Xiang Yang seems to have a lower limit. If he keeps up, he will not be able to beat each other. No, it should be said. There is a 99% chance that Xiangyang is not a seven-person opponent. When Xiangyang wants to pull a few bottoms before he dies, then these audiences will be unlucky.

If Xiang Yang knows what these audiences think, it will definitely burst into flames. Why doesn’t he have a bottom line? He is such a good young man. When he was in Xiaguo, he was still a great teacher. Don’t say that he couldn’t lose to these seven guys. Even if he lost, he would try to win it. How could it be pulled? The bottom of the bottom is dead together?

However, at this time, Xiang Yang did not know the thoughts of these people. He had already entered the chaotic void. His front is the strong of the seven Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng.

"Asshole, you are too shameless, and you are the sneak attack of the peak of the world." Chen’s family’s face looked ugly at Xiangyang, and at the moment his mouth was still not wiped. The blood, the energy of the body rolling, is doing his best to treat the invading sword, but what makes him feel very depressed is that after the sword gas invades the body, it is directly rooted in his body, a terrible sword It destroys everything about him, even if his power of fairy power can not refine the swords in a short time.

The other owners around the Chen family’s home were also very ugly, and they were all injured.

Originally, if it was confronted with Xiangyang, even if it was a strange sword of Xiangyang, it would not be easy to hurt them. However, let them feel that it was too depressed and uncomfortable. The Xianzun of the Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak was so shameless that they attacked them behind their back, making them all incapable of being injured.

"Oh, I was hurt, how are you so weak, I just have a sword, and it has already been hurt."

When Xiang Yang saw the injury of these seven people, his eyes glowed with a smile of satisfaction. At the same time, he was very satisfied with the power of the sword he showed.

Although the ancient bronze swords are only swords, they are the swordsmanship of the strong ones summoned by Xiangyang Shi Jian from the ancient times and time, and each sword has reached its peak state, even if it is When the sun is right, it takes a little bit of effort, not to mention the masters of the seven great Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peaks being attacked by themselves without any precautions.

Xiang Yang holds the magic sword in one hand and smiles at the seven strong players. He sighs in his heart. He will complete a seven-killing today, and he will not be able to break through the crisis of Jiusheng and Jiuji. The peak of the demon statue.

"Shameless juniors, do you think that we can deal with us first, can we deal with us? Don't say that we have seven people, even if the deity is enough to kill you." Chen Jiajia looked angry at Xiangyang.

"Then you will come to me alone." Xiang Yang said directly.


After the Chen Jiajia listened, the words suddenly became concealed, and my heart was very boring. This junior is really shameless. I know that I am just talking about a swearword. Even if I don’t give face, I will let myself go up and single-handedly.

If it is the peak state, the Chen family will not mind to shoot a few moves with Xiang Yang alone. However, at this moment, he has 30% of his body to suppress the sword in his body, and he is unable to play to the peak state. I don't want to go alone with Xiang Yang.

Although he feels that even his current state is enough to destroy Xiang Yang, but he is cautious, and the other six strong people around him are not very strong allies, he really dare not care.

At the side of the Chen family, the other six lords of the Nine-Dragons and the Emperor of Heaven, after listening to Xiang Yang’s words, all eyes brightened, thinking that if the Chen family’s first confronted Xiang Yang, it would be a good thing.

"Hey, how are you so timid, even if you don't dare to do it, it's really boring."

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