Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2732: Female middle hero

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“Is Xiangyang so strong?”

In the Central Fairy City, in the Heavenly Palace, a group of young people who look graceful and noble, with the spirit of the Emperor, are gathering together to watch Xiangyang’s war in chaos. A group of people all have a shocking color on their faces.

They are descendants of the Emperor of the East.

Of course, it can't be said that they are all descendants of the Eastern Emperor, because among the young men and women, there is a woman who looks very special. She wears a crown with a faint smile on her face. There are several emperors around her. She smiled, apparently centered on her, he is not someone else, it is the young master of Wan Yao Tian Zhou, Dong Huang Yu.

At this moment, Donghuang Yuxi looked at Xiangyang’s scene in the chaos. She also widened her eyes with an incredible color, and her heart was shocked and inexplicable. "How could this guy be the repair of Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng? Possibly, when I met last time, even my father said that she was only a true peak. How could it have broken through to such a level within such a short period of time? This must be weird, it should not be his true body. ”

If Xiang Yang knows that Donghuang Yuxi suddenly guessed that this is not his own true body, he will definitely feel that Donghuang Yuxi is really his own fellow.

After all, there are not many people who can see at a glance that this is not their own true body.

Who can think of it, Xiang Yang’s deity is only the realm of the true fairy peak, but the avatar is the first step, has been practiced to the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng.

For the practitioners, although the avatar is also very important, everyone just regards the avatar as an auxiliary means of practice, more to facilitate themselves, but what they value most is the practice of the deity, more The resources are placed on the deity. Only when the cultivation of the deity is practiced to the point where it can no longer be improved, will it be thought of to practice the avatar. No one will directly cultivate the avatar to such a high level like Xiangyang. However, the deity is so good, the gap between the two is really too big.

"Imperial palace, interesting."

Donghuang Yuxi said to himself, "What does Xiangyang want to do? The pulse has been indifferent since ancient times. In particular, the pulse has always been the only one. Now, Xiangyang is the one. If a disciple wants to be an emperor, then no one can stop it?"

"Emperor Palace, Emperor Palace... Xiangyang, what do you want to do?"

At the same time, Donghuang Yuxi thought about it, and his face shook his head.

"What happened to the East Emperor? But when I saw that Xiang Yang was so mad, I felt dissatisfied?"

At this time, there was a second emperor around the emperor's jade, and after seeing the expression of the emperor's emperor, he had a strange color on his face. He quickly asked, "If the young master sees him unhappy, I will go to the lesson." He has a meal."

While talking, his face was cold. "Although he is the descendant of that pulse, but I am waiting for the orthodoxy of heaven and earth, but he will not be able to intervene. He dared to open a palace of emperors. It’s just too much.”

Although I saw that Xiangyang’s strength is very strong, this young man, as the son of the Emperor of the East, has also reached the level of Dalu’s nine-day peak, and with his own treasures, he is confident that he can easily Song to deal with Xiang Yang.

"Twelve brothers, I think this is not good."

When the voice of this young man fell, he saw a woman with a tall figure and a beautiful and noble body. "The father of the emperor has a word that cannot be difficult. If you go to Xiangyang trouble, it is equivalent to publicly rebelling against the father." This is not good."

"Fiveteen sisters, are you looking at Xiangyang?" After the young man listened, he frowned and looked at the woman.

"I don't know Xiangyang, I just remind the twelve brothers, don't do anything to make the father's anger." The woman is the fifteenth child of the Eastern Emperor, although it is a woman, but her cultivation is Very powerful, burning with the flames of horror, the fire of some avenues jumped around, and a strong emperor broke out, making her appear special among the children of the Eastern Emperor.

However, she herself consciously controls the breath of her body, making her look not very conspicuous, but the empathy and breath of her body also make her a brother and sister.

There is no family relationship in the emperor family. The Eastern Emperor Xu Wei is very clear about the position of this emperor. However, his children are different. His children have inherited his talents. There are many who are enthusiastic about the position of the Emperor. Although Xu Wei did not say that he wants to abdicate the inheritance, these children have already competed with each other in the dark.

"This is the fifteenth woman of the Eastern Emperor, Xu Qing."

The eyes of Donghuang Yuxi looked at the fifteenth daughter of the Emperor of the East, with a shallow smile on his face, but his thoughts were rolling. "There are countless children in the East, and among them, almost all of them are ranked in the realm of immortality. Among the top 20, and among these people, seven or eight of them have reached the peak of Xianzun, but the most dazzling is not the son, but the fifteenth daughter Xu Qing, it is Very extraordinary."

"A woman, who can have such a terrible momentum, plus a strong emperor, is not weaker than me. It can be seen that Xu Qing has amazing talents, and at the same time, her cultivation is also earth-shattering."

"This kind of woman is really a rival. The ridiculous sons of the Eastern Emperor, all of them are thinking about winning a name, but they don't know that their biggest competitors have already abandoned them in all aspects."

At the same time, Donghuang Yuxi thought about it, the sons of the Emperor of the East were even more active. They all looked at the seven heroes of Xiangyang War with their emotions and curiosity on their faces, although the final battle They are hidden by chaos, making them unable to see clearly, but the pictures they can see also make them frown, and Xiang Yang is a hard scorpion.

"The so-called Imperial Palace should be the name of my Tiangong, and should not be controlled by an ordinary person like Xiangyang." At this time, the twelve emperors stood up and had a cold color on their faces.

"Twelve brothers, can not be impulsive, but the father has said that it can not be difficult for the imperial palace, nor can it be difficult to Xiangyang." Ten emperors stood up and said.

"Yeah, the twelve brothers, first of all, do not say the orders of the father, Xiangyang's strength is so strong, you are not an opponent, you still can't be impulsive, an impulse will be a mistake."

"Don't blame us for not reminding you, but I have heard that Xiang Yang seems to be the entry-level husband of the Emperor of the East, is it the East Emperor?"


The emperors of the Eastern Emperor all deliberately dissuaded the twelve emperors, but one by one was irritating to him, especially the last sentence, which angered the twelve emperors. His eyes were full of love. Donghuang Yuxi, whispered, "I believe that everything is just a rumor, the East Emperor is so good, such a perfect woman, how could it be like a man like Xiang Yang?"

"Do you say yes? Little master?" At the same time, his face looked nervously at the emperor's jade, and he was really afraid that Donghuang Yuxi suddenly told him that Xiangyang was the son-in-law of Donghuangshi, then he But it really hurts to die.

"It is indeed a rumor."

These emperors of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor are guilty of guilt, and they want to kill the twelve emperors Xu Wei. It is not a strange thing for Donghuang Yuxi. She was born in the Eastern Emperor’s family and is very aware of the children of the Emperor Royal Family. And, for the Donghuang Yuxi, who has a great ambition and wants to restore the glory of the ancient emperor of the East Emperor, if these sons of the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei can kill each other and kill all of them, that is her. More fun things.

Donghuang Yuxi is very aware of the love of the twelve emperors. Of course, she also knows that these emperors are more or less ambitious to themselves, and they are the only heirs of the emperor, the future of the demon The demon Lord has the blood of the ancient Emperor.

Only the performance of these twelve emperors is the most obvious.

Moreover, the twelve emperors knew that they were the stupidest of the many children of the Eastern Emperor, and they planned to go to Xiangyang’s troubles. Isn’t this obviously looking for death?

Donghuang Yuxi thought about it, but there was no expression on the surface.

"Haha, I said it must be a rumor. It must be that the kid loves the Lord and deliberately lets people release the wind. So, the Emperor has to teach the kid a lesson."

After the twelve emperors heard the words of Donghuang Yuxi, the whole person was excited. When he laughed, his body shape disappeared and disappeared.

"Hey, twelve brothers, don't get into trouble."

"The twelve brothers are really impulsive. He just rushed over to find Xiangyang trouble. Isn't this a mess?"

"Oh, this is really bad."

"Twelve brothers, twelve brothers..."


The emperor’s eyes saw the twelve emperors leave, and they only shook their heads and sighed one by one. The face was pretending to be a gesture of helplessness, but the heart was very happy, and it felt like a stupid hat.

For the battle between these emperors, both the East Emperor Yuxi and the fifteen princesses all shook their heads helplessly, and then the 15th princess looked at the East Emperor Yuxi, "East Emperor, not as good as we go See how?"

"Well, I am trying to find the old item of Xiangyang." Donghuang Yuxi nodded. She also felt that it was not interesting to stay here to see the sons of the Emperor of the East. It would be better to go to Xiangyang to discuss the cup of tea.


The fifteen princess whispered softly, ignoring the eyes of those princes who were not good, and left with the emperor.

"Damn, the fifteen sisters are eating and drinking. Even the Emperor of the East has taken it away. We must know that we have paid a lot of money to invite the Emperor and the Emperor to the Heavenly Palace."

After the two left, there was a prince who shouted.

"Yeah, the Emperor of the East Emperor himself did not like to come to the Temple of Heaven, and the 15th sister actually gave her an excuse to take her away. It is really not to put our brothers in the eye."

"The fifteen sisters have always been like this, it is too much."


These children of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor were talking about the fifteen princesses at the same time. At the same time, the 15th princess Xu Qing left the Tiangong with the Emperor Yuxi, and slowly flew all the way.

The fifteenth princess Xu Qing said with a soft voice, "My brothers are definitely swearing at me now."

Donghuang Yuxi asked for a stupid question, "Why would you marry a fifteen princess? I think the relationship between the emperor and the princess is good."

"Donghuang sister is not honest." The fifteenth princess smiled and smiled at the East Emperor Yuxi Road. "The Emperor of the East Emperor is the only descendant of the demon, and it is the only descendant of Wanxu Tianzhou. The ambitions of the ancient Emperor, you and I are all the same kind of people, why bother hiding in each other on these things."

At the same time, the 15th princess Xu Qing’s face was with a proud color. The body burst into a strong emperor and whispered. “My brothers and sisters have been repaired as extraordinary, but they are acting rashly. A lot of things don't understand, and, if you don't understand the situation of the fairy world and the heavens, you only want to fight for fame and fortune. They are not suitable for the next Emperor."

"In the legend, the 15th Princess Xu Qing grew up in a small world among the heavens and the world. Without relying on the resources of the Heavenly Palace, he cultivated himself into the realm of Da Luo, and then returned to the Heavenly Palace. After that, it was a leaps and bounds, and it was directly practiced in the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. Even, the cultivation of the Shaozhu Master should have already stepped into the holy place half a step."

Donghuang Yuxi stopped and looked at the 15th princess with a deep and shocking color on his face.

The daughter of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor is the strongest of the women I saw in the East Emperor Yuxi. The age of the other is not small, but for the practitioners, unless it is under the age of 10,000 years, Otherwise, as long as the age exceeds 10,000 years, it can be said that it is a long-lived existence. For them, age has no meaning.

The life of this fifteen princess Xu Qing can be said to be a legendary story. If she is a man, she may have lived in the emperor of the Eastern Emperor and become the heir to the top.

There are even more rumors that the reason why the Emperor of the East has not yet established an heir is precisely because of the existence of the daughter of the nineteen princess Xu Qing, which made him feel very embarrassed and did not establish heirs.

In any case, this Xu Qing is definitely the best of all the children of Emperor Xuan of the East, and even the legendary one is not comparable.

Although the Donghuang Yuxi has not reached a high degree, she is the descendant of the East Emperor, and she is the only heir to Wanxue Tianzhou. She knows the Five Emperors, but the five parties. Among the descendants of the Emperor of Heaven, there is not much that can make her look at her eyes. This Xu Qing is a person who can really make her feel shocked.

"Sister is very clear about my sister's investigation." Xu Qing chuckled, she did not care about what Donghuang Yuxi said, because these things are things she is willing to let others know, if she does not want people No one knows what is known, even if it is her biological father, the Emperor of the East, Xu Wei!

"Sister is the real male talent." Donghuang Yuxi could not help but admire.

"You and I are the same kind of people." At the same time, the fifteenth princess Xu Qing smiled and grasped the hand of Donghuang Yuxi.


After seeing it, Donghuang Yuxi stunned and then laughed. "We will worship the sisters."

"Well, huh."

The 15th Princess Xu Qing had thought about making a relationship with Donghuang Yuxi. Otherwise, she would not take the initiative to help Donghuang Yuxi take away the emperor Yuxi in the complaints of many emperors, because in her opinion, Dong Huang Yuxi is a female hero like herself. She has the same ambitions and has the same ideals.

The road to life is long, especially the descendants of their emperors, who are very lonely. It is too difficult to meet a like-minded person and appreciate each other.

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