Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2737: Come out, the guard of order

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"The kid, pleading for mercy, or the destruction of the imperial palace, you must also be taken down by the imperial guardian of the temple, depending on which one you choose."

The twelve emperors shouldered their hands and looked at the emperor Wei behind them. The heart was proud of the color, as if the entire eastern Tianyu was his most powerful.

He looked at Xiang Yang with his eyes obliquely. This made Xiang Yang make a choice, and he also controlled Xiang Yang’s life and death in his hands, making him feel awesome.

At this moment, he even hopes that the Emperor of the East can watch this scene.

"If the father of the emperor sees this scene, he will certainly be very happy. I feel that I am very good." The twelve emperors were thinking about it, and the heart became more and more proud.

"Is it safe?"

Xiang Yang whispered softly.

"The Emperor's Guardian represents the face of the Emperor, they want to kill you, do you dare to resist?" The twelve emperors became more proud, sneer and said, "You don't need the master to do it yourself, you are dead, in the eyes of this Highness." You are just an ordinary ordinary person who can't be ordinary."

"Even if you are the fairy **** of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, it is the ants that are not sanctified. Of course, this is for the sake of your dispersal. The Emperor will be sanctified sooner or later, not what you can compare. ”

While talking, he glanced at everyone around him, especially the fire family and the Sun family. When they saw that the two families did not move, they only felt refreshed.

However, when he saw that the eyes of Donghuang Yuxi had been staring at Xiangyang tightly, it seemed that when he was hungry with the color of care, the twelve emperors were angry. "Well, you are a king, you are enamored by you." You are not enough. I dare to care about other people. Do you want to let your book teach you a good meal?"

"The Emperor Wei..."

At this time, Xiang Yangkou still recited the name of Huang Ziwei. In the eyes of all people, suddenly, Xiang Yang looked up and looked at the five thousand emperors behind the twelve emperors. Whisper, "You have your prince, I have my order, and today, it is time to take your twelve princes and blood to sacrifice my order."

"What the hell?"

After listening to the twelve emperors and the people around them, they all felt inexplicable and did not know what Xiangyang was saying.

"Come out, my order is guarded."


However, when they were shocked, they heard Xiang Yang screaming. Suddenly, they saw a fascinating portal behind Xiangyang, and a chilling outbreak broke out.


"My life is the guard of order, born to guard the order, the glory of my Lord, that is, our life."

"Dare to commit the Lord, kill."

"kill and kill."

Suddenly, an earth-shattering scream came out of the portal with a majestic atmosphere, and then everyone saw a black trend emerging from the portal, one by one wearing black armor, hand-held The black armor of the sword.


After this black trend emerged from the portal in an orderly manner, one by one respectfully stood behind Xiangyang, and their bodies burned with a blazing flame, although each breath was just just To reach the Da Luo situation, even a fairy king does not, but they are very numerous.

"So many people, this kid has carried so many people under his body. What is the situation?"

"What order of defense, I have never heard of it."

"However, this kid is also very deep in hiding. Carrying so many strong people with him, each one is a master of Da Luo's realm. The strength of this team is very strong, comparable to that of the major families. Private guard."


When the onlookers saw this dense black figure emerge from the portal, each one showed a shocking color. Although the individual strength of the order is not very strong, the number is really too much, when everyone appears In front of everyone, the huge portal behind Xiang Yang was closed, and the mighty black figure was standing behind him, with hundreds of thousands of people.

"I have seen my master."

Hundreds of thousands of order guards are all respectfully confronted with Xiang Yang on one knee, and for a time, the momentum is soaring, and a shocking weather broke out.

"this is..."

"The breath and power of hundreds of thousands of great powers are all combined. This power can be overturned."

"God, how did the guy's men train, and they can achieve this level."


When hundreds of thousands of order guards are all facing Xiangyang’s knees, all the power, even all the gods, all the souls of life are merged together, turning into a horrible Breath, this breath, transcends everything, as if a Supreme Saint is facing the Xiangyang ritual, making everyone's face change.

At this time, everyone really realized the horror of the strength of these men in Xiangyang. Although the individual strength is just in the realm of Da Luo, when hundreds of thousands of people are merged together, the real momentum has surpassed the emperor. There are too many guards.

Xiang Yang turned his hands and turned around. His eyes looked at the hundreds of thousands of black guards, and his face showed a satisfactory color. Although some of the hundreds of thousands of people were **** emperors, there were Some are human races, but they are all guardians of their own order, they have been perfectly integrated, and they have also erupted the strongest.

Nowadays, they have just become the realm of Da Luo. After the completion of the refining of the tower, they can let all the guards of the order enter into it. At that time, when the guard of order came out of the tower of physical repair, The true order of the order of the Da Luo Jiu Jiu Tian Feng Feng, the order of the guard at that time is the most terrible.

However, although the current order guard is not strong enough, it is enough to deal with the Emperor.

"The guard of order is the first time in the world, and you need to use blood to sacrifice the sword of order in your hands." Xiang Yang's voice was low.

"The sword of the blood sacrifice order! The sword of the blood sacrifice order! The sword of the blood sacrifice order!"

With the voice of Xiang Yang falling, the guards of these orders all screamed out loudly, accompanied by the murderous murderousness of their bodies. This murder was really earth-shattering, as if from hell. A horrible magic soldier that has just been released.


After Xiang Yang met, he felt a little bit of a toothache. He always kept the order guard in the Promise, and let them practice with the fastest time. Among them, Xiao Ling and Lao Wan also ran from time to time to point out these guys. Even, all the equipment on these guys is made by Xiaoling. However, Xiangyang has never paid attention to it. What he did not expect is that the guard of order was trained to be like this, and he yelled at it. Although the momentum is indeed a very peak state, it makes Xiang Yang a little headache.

A little routine, brother.

He really wants to talk to the guard of order, we are not so polite, but after seeing the guard of the order screaming out, all the breaths of the body are condensed together, and the explosive power surpasses the big Luo Jiuzhongtian. At the peak of the peak, he suddenly felt that this was not bad.

If you say that a few screams can enhance such a horrible atmosphere, Xiang Yang really wants to make the order guard a few more...

"Which **** order guard, although there are hundreds of thousands of people, but even a fairy king does not, and the emperor's emperor's Guardian is a master, such as the cloud, most of them are immortals, countless countless, easy to destroy. You are the so-called guard of order." The twelve emperors opposite Xiangyang were shocked by the strong momentum of Xiangyang at first, but when they saw that these so-called order guards did not have a fairy kingdom, he It showed a sneer of disdain.

"The prince of the prince, kill them."

The twelve emperors no longer talk nonsense, but waved between them, and ordered the five thousand emperors behind him. "Today, the emperor wants to face the entire central fairy city, so that everyone in the world can understand the offense." How do you offend the emperor, rebel, and kill."


Five thousand princes and wise replies aloud, but their momentum is obviously no way to compare with the order of the guard, but in the eyes of everyone, these 5,000 princes are enough to destroy the order of the guard, because the order of the guard is It is too weak, and there is not even a real Da Luo Xian Wang.


At this time, I heard the guard of the order screaming, like a stone-shattering, the captain of each squad all condensed the array, and screamed with anger. "The formation is open, borrowing, killing."


Along with the huge roaring sounds, hundreds of thousands of order guards all showed a huge array of images, which scrolled around, making the atmosphere of hundreds of thousands of Da Luo strong people unrestricted. The compression is released.


Hundreds of thousands of powerful people act like one. When the sword of order in their hands is lifted up, a horrible murderous murder is accompanied by a sword, and the atmosphere of guarding the order directly erupts. In the past, suddenly, the earth-shattering atmosphere broke out, and a sword of tens of millions of feet of order broke out instantly, turning into the power of being able to open up the sky, and directly defending the five thousand princes in front.


At this moment, when the sword of the order of tens of millions of feet really broke out, whether it was the opposite 5,000 princes or the twelve princes, or the people around them, their faces all changed. .

Because of this moment, they have truly discovered the horror of the guard of order. This sword can truly open up the earth and transcend the power of Da Luo’s nine heavens, and can be compared with the sacred power.

"Oh, no, I am the emperor, it is invincible, kill me."

Five thousand emperors and grandsons screamed, and the leader of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak was the most powerful force. Similarly, every strong man behind him broke out his strongest power, but they There is also a matching array of exercises in the exercise, but because on weekdays, the Emperor Weiben lacks any opponents. The so-called practice method is just a paper paste. There is no way to cultivate the system to the extent of the unity of mind and spirit. At this critical moment, some of them used this set of formations, while others used another set of formations. For a while, they were all indiscriminate.

In the end, the leader of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak, even one by one gave up the array of methods, but all of them rose up in this moment, intending to fight separately, to open this number with their own strength. The sword of order that is long.

"This war, I hope not to let me down."

At the rear, when Xiang Yang looked at the first battle of the order of the guard, although there was nothing on the surface, but the heart was very nervous, even the fists were tightly gripped, and even now, he is ready. After the hand, the demon battle blade has shrunk in his palm. If the sword of order is broken by these emperors, it is equal to the full force of the order guard can not block these emperors. At that time, it is him. It’s time to shoot.

He can't make any damage to his order's guards, because the hundreds of thousands of people in the order of defense are still too short compared to the so-called princes. If they have not grown up, if there is a loss, then What a pity.

"Boss, don't be nervous, the spirit of the order is all smelt into one. The maps under their feet are the battlefields that I and Laowan smelt according to the ancient war gods. They can make their strengths Infinitely improved, although each of them is only able to reach the Da Luo situation, but hundreds of thousands of people are integrated into the map of the **** of war, the power of the explosion is enough to destroy everything, the five thousand princes are dead."

At this time, the voice of Xiaoling came out. The little guy saw this through the Promise Immortal, and he was very confident in the guard of order.

"Do you really think that the guard of order can destroy this so-called prince?"

Xiang Yang’s face could not help but reveal a strange color.

"Of course, the guards of order have been trained for so long, not to mention that their entire set of equipment was created by this little spirit, and they have been practicing for them for countless years. Their spirits have reached their peak and are a true The invincible team is enough to fight against any strong, and the tower of the body repair is about to be refining, and then let them enter the tower of the body repair in the future. At that time, it is the real ability to kill God and meet the gods. When killing saints."

Xiaoling came out with a proud voice. Obviously, all of this is in his control.

"And, even if there is damage, it will be fine. I refine the soul of the soul for every order of the guard. Their true spirits are placed in the soul lamp. Even if someone has an accident, they can rely on the soul of the soul. Rebirth." Xiaoling said again.

"So I am relieved."

Xiang Yang nodded, there are the existence of Xiaoling and Laowan, two innate chaos to the treasure, and many things are enough to help him achieve perfection.


Just at this time, I heard a roar of the earth, and the five thousand flying ups of the Emperor Wei finally got on the sword with the order. In a flash, the sky was broken, the universe changed, and the chaos changed.

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