Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2745: You are dead (five more flowers)

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"The body of the Magic Road is the strongest body. In the same realm, it is definitely the first in the body of the Devil. It can be played with Mo Dao. Only the body repairer, Xiang Yang wants to become the body of the Gorefiend." The twelve emperors are fighting for the flesh, and he is looking for a dead end."

"No, no, people are not looking for a dead end. It is not the legend that he is the originator of the modern celestial body. Is the first master who broke through to the world of Da Luo? Maybe his physical strength is very strong. ""

"The so-called modern body repair is the first person. It is actually fake. I used to say that he was mainly because he was just a fairy. But, you think that someone can directly break through from the real fairy in such a short time. Is it the imperial peak? This is all that he hides his own cultivation. It is actually the body of Xianzun, but let others think that he is the first person to be physically fit."

"It makes sense. Sure enough, these strong players are a bit odd."


The onlookers saw that Xiang Yang actually agreed and incarnated into the body of the 12 demons of the Gorefiend, and all of them showed a shocking color on their faces.

Most people are laughing at the fact that Xiang Yang is not self-sufficient. After all, the body of Magic Road is stronger than the practitioners of Xiandao. It is not just a little bit, but the real strength of the same strength beyond the fairy tales. If it is just a separate match. In the words, the sect of the immortal sect will be instantly smashed by the masters of the same realm.

At the same time, Xiang Yang’s name as the first person in modern physical repair was also excavated, and all of them were suddenly realized. It was finally understood why Xiang Yang could directly break through to the body in the case of others who could not break through the body. The situation, originally, all this is because Xiangyang is Xianzun.

Yes, it is a superb fairy, even if he does not practice the flesh, nourish the flesh with the power of the immortal, it can also make the flesh very terrible.

In addition to the practitioners of the Soul and the Ghost Road, what kind of power does the sacred body of the sacred sacred sect of the sacred sect of the sacred world?

Ever since, everyone is not optimistic about Xiang Yang, the twelve emperors face with a sly color, his blood demon is really like the blood family, so Xiang Yang almost thought he saw the blood ancestor Reborn.

At the same time as he sighed, the twelve emperors finally made a move, only to see that his hands were pinching his fists, and a **** sea broke out. However, the **** sea flashed away and instantly merged into his body. In the middle, it makes his physical strength more powerful and terrifying.


Then, the twelve emperors broke out and directly attacked Xiangyang with a punch. The fists were shocked, and the blood was surrounded by them. The blood dragon was turned to the sides of his fists, and the void was instantly smashed, as if This punch can really destroy the fairy world.

"A strong punch."

Seeing this scene, the onlookers all changed their faces again, especially the brothers of the twelve emperors, one by one with an unparalleled shocking color on their faces, exclaimed, "Twelve brothers (12 brothers) It’s too strong. It’s no wonder that he has to take the initiative to abandon the status of the honorable emperor and go to the devil to become a Gorefiend. The power of this boxing is even impossible for the ordinary Dalu’s seven heavens. It’s just his flesh.”

"Xiang Yang is dead, and the legend of that vein will eventually become a past."

"Ha ha ha, in the fairy world, when we are headed by our Oriental Emperor Xu family, as for that pulse, it will always be just a legend. Now, the twelfth son of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor turned into a Gorefiend, ending the legend of that vein. Although the twelve emperors will also be taken out of the ranks of the emperor after being deported, and deprived of everything and entered the Xianji, but the legend of that vein is finally ended on us."


The emperors of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor were very excited. They felt that although the twelve emperors became gorefiends, at this last moment, they still left something for the Emperor Xu of the East. At least in the future legend, it was the Emperor of the East. Zi Yan ended the legend of that pulse, and the blood of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor will be infinitely exaggerated and become a publicity.

The people around them are also lamenting. Some people who have a good impression on Xiangyang are helplessly sighing. They feel that the Xiangyang generation is about to die, and they feel very uncomfortable.


With the bombardment of the Twelve Emperor's Gorefiend, a huge roar broke out, the horrible atmosphere of the horror flowed, the mighty energy burst, the void broke, and it directly evolved into a black hole. The power is no less than the power of the twelve emperors throwing out the thunder.

In the blink of an eye, this punch directly hit the front of Xiang Yang, and at this time, Xiang Yang was slow to reach out and smiled at the blood of the twelve emperors. "Follow me, you are finished."

"This punch, smash you, everything you have is this demon."

The twelve emperors roared. From now on, after he killed Xiangyang, he will go to the devil world. When she is the invincible demon of the demon world, she is no longer a twelve emperor, but he does not regret, he kills. Xiangyang, who got the ancient magical battle blade and other treasures, even if it is to the devil world, it is also one of the heroes, one of the overlords, will definitely be more handsome than in this fairy world.


In the excitement of the twelve emperors, he immediately slammed into the fist of Xiang Yang’s sudden fist. In an instant, the horrible atmosphere of the horror filled the place where the two fists intersected, as if they were frozen in an instant. The same, only two fists collided at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then it was so deadlocked.

"Do not..."

However, very quickly, this frozen picture was broken in an instant, only to hear the screams of despair and incredulousness from the mouth of the Twelve Emperor's Gorefiend, and then he collided with Xiangyang. The fists together exploded instantly and turned into infinite blood fog. Not only that, but his entire arm and his shoulders all exploded, and the explosion continued to his half, making him half full. Cracks, almost the whole person must be broken.

"I rely on, too hard, sorry, sorry, I don't know that the name of your Gorefiend is so imaginary. I thought you were so confident that you want to punch me. It must be invincible. Who can think of it?" You are so weak, but fortunately I recovered seven or eight points at the crucial time."

Xiang Yang screamed and complained, "You are too much. Although you are already a 12-year-old sorcerer, your prince’s identity has not been deprived by the Emperor. You must have deliberately used the pretense. The method is to let me kill you, and then I can put on a crime of killing the emperor. At that time, the Emperor of Heaven will pursue it, I will be in trouble. Fortunately, I am smarter and I have a little strength in the beginning. ""

While talking, his figure is quickly retreating toward the rear.

The twelve emperors' **** devils had an incredible color on their faces. He had to collapse all over the place. He really didn't think that Xiang Yang's physical strength would be stronger than his own blood-soul body. You must know that His own physical body has already made a real breakthrough to the level of Da Luo Xianzun, that is the real can not use any energy, with any of the big seven heavens in the heavens of the immortal fight, and even can kill each other by the force of the flesh .

"You deliberately pit me?"

The blood mist that exploded on the 12th Emperor's body was swiftly back, and the flesh quickly recovered. At the same time, he looked at Xiangyang with anger.

At this moment, he finally understood, Xiang Yang must be deliberate, Xiang Yang's body is more terrible than he imagined, but deliberately did not say, just to let himself set.

When I think of myself as a twelve-prince, it’s not Xiangyang’s opponent. Even after I became a Gorefiend, my strength was earth-shattering, and it’s more than ten times more than before. It’s not Xiangyang’s opponent, and the twelve emperors are almost Going crazy.

"Where I have pitted you, you really don't know what to do, you obviously want to hang me, give me a crime to kill the prince, and even say that I am really shameless, not playing with you."

Xiang Yang took a look at the twelve emperors, and his body retreated to the 15th princess and the two emperors of Donghuang Yuxi. He looked up and looked at the little bald head that was facing the seven emperors, but found that the small bald head used the one to cut wood. After the knife, even the powerlessness, a knife out, as if to become eternal, instantly cut off the hands of the seven emperors, and then use his string of beads to cover the world magic phantom of the hundred and eight heavens, Pulling it straight and running, it’s so rushing into the imperial palace and hiding it.

This time, Xiang Yang was very cooperative and let Xiaoguangtou enter the Imperial Palace directly. My heart was sighing. The small bald head was really a monk. I almost hacked a prince, but I also robbed the other party. Very ferocious.

Look at myself again, and once again confronted the twelve emperors, even if no treasures were obtained, Xiang Yang felt that he was a bit miserable, so he asked the twelve emperors, "That, the twelve emperors Do you have any treasures?"


At the moment, the twelve emperors have recovered their injuries. After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, they made a roar and rushed toward Xiangyang. At the same time, his body shape changed from the previous Gorefiend. The body directly turns into a four-footed monster. This monster is not like any one that everyone knows. However, it is a **** flame, and it is like a flame. It seems to destroy the heavens and the earth. Stepping out, I immediately went to Xiangyang. No, it should be said that it was in front of Xiangyang’s Donghuang Yuxi. He knew that Xiangyang’s strength was too strong, even if he manifested the bleeding of Warcraft, it was definitely not Xiang Yang’s opponent, therefore, did not delay the time, but thought about taking the East Emperor Yuxi to leave.

"Hey, you are mine, follow me to the devil world as the supreme."

Bloody Warcraft mouth made an exhalation of loud noise, and then, a burst of **** halo burst out of it, ready to take the East Emperor jade.

"Small nephew, what do you think you can do with what you want to do? You are not even an opponent, but you dare to catch our little ancestors. You are looking for a dead end."

However, the face of the East Emperor Yuxi was dull, the two old men stepped out at the same time, the old man on the right waved his hand at random, and a horrible force broke out, as if the sky was cracking, the **** aperture that broke out on Blood World of Warcraft was like this. Broken, and the old man on the left is directly pulling the East Emperor Yuxi back to Xiang Yang.

"Hey, just because you dare to block this demon statue? Just give the devil a swallow to add blood."

The twelve emperors screamed with anger, although the **** aperture was broken, but he did not think that the strength of the old man would be stronger than it, but directly opened his mouth to swallow the old man.

"I rely on this guy not to deal with Xiangyang, but to swallow my old man, no, my old man has an old bone, can't play with him."

The old man on the right was very strong at first, but he saw another old man pulling the East Emperor Yuyu directly behind the Xiangyang. He suddenly turned his eyes and he was also squatting. The whole person jumped directly. Hid it after Xiang Yang.

"What are you doing behind me?"

Xiang Yang feels that several of his current appearances are like the kind of eagle catching chickens that he played when he was a child. He is the hen who guards his children at the forefront. The Gorefiend is the eagle. , what is a hen, he is himself.

He was a little annoyed at the same time, the Gorefiend 12 emperor was dumbfounded, he did not want to go up with Xiang Yang, but at this moment, the East Huang Yu was actually dragged by the two shameless old man behind Xiang Yang. This made him a bit unaware of whether he should continue to deal with Xiangyang.

If you continue to shoot, I am afraid that I have to entangle with Xiangyang again. Moreover, my strength is not necessarily Xiangyang’s opponent. Instead, I may put myself in, but if I don’t, I’m not willing to do so. Let the East Emperor Yuxi run away.

The reason why he will be willing to become a Gorefiend is that his consciousness is influenced by the consciousness of the Gorefiend, and on the other hand, because he knows that he is not useful in staying in the Heavenly Palace, to him. The strength of the first, not to mention the inability to deal with other princes, even if he dealt with these ordinary princes, there is a stronger big prince waiting, the big prince usually lived in a simple way, that is the strongest son of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor The presence.

"You let go, I don't deal with you." Blood Warrior looked angry at Xiang Yang's anger, "Xiang Yang, from now on I went to the devil world, you are in the fairy world, we are two evils, if you let go, I will No more shots for you."

"You really are not very sick."

Xiang Yang reluctantly sighed, "If I were you, I would choose to leave at this time and rush to the devil to hide, instead of thinking about catching the emperor chick, because you catch the emperor chick, don't say I will stop you, and these two shameless old men, you really think that they are not your opponents, they are just too lazy to move, if they both shot, even if all of your princes are not necessarily theirs Opponent, let alone your little devil."

"You don't let it go, then don't force me to cast a ban. At that time, you will die." Blood Warcraft roared.

"I will not die, I don't know, but you are sure to die."

When Xiang Yang said it, he pointed to the position of the Tiangong. "You see, there are people who are 100 times stronger than you, and you are finished."


Sure enough, as Xiang Yang’s voice fell, he felt an earth-shattering atmosphere burst out. The breath was filled with the mighty Diwei. It seems that the entire Central Xiancheng’s Diwei was mobilized by him, a horrible The pressure has come down, so that the people present, even the strongest of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak, feel an unparalleled pressure.


Author Meng Yu said: Five more than 20,000 words are finished, ask for flowers...

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