Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2757: Holy power

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"It’s finally over."

"This war has come suddenly, and the end is also very unexpected. Fortunately, the loss of the fairy world is not very large."

"This kind of war, if it is possible, I hope I will not come again in the future."


Seeing the strong people on the demon side, except for those who are still outside the channel, and the rest of the demon powers have all entered the channel, the countless Da Luo of this side of the fairy world Xianzun all sighed.

It’s not that they are afraid of the big battle, but that this time the war came too suddenly, and many people broke out without any preparation, making them rushed to shoot.

Although it is finally the retreat of the devil, the fairy world is a win, but in fact, it is unclear who is winning who wins.

If you want to say that the fairy world has won, there is nothing wrong with it, because the fairy world has repelled the invasion of the demon world, and there has not been much loss. Even a handsome guy who is not reliable has killed the other person’s sect. And the robber's glove is being prepared for auction.

However, if you change the other way, the devil wants to invade and invade. When you don't want to invade, you will directly retreat. The loss is not big. Who wins?

It is hard to say who wins or loses. It depends on which angle to discuss the issue of winning or losing.

At this moment, as many of the strong people of the Devil world have disappeared into the Devil's Channel, the strongmen of the Fairyland are all inexplicable. However, the Confucianists at the level of the Supreme Master are still staring at the Devil. The more than a dozen of the sages of one side.

They are very clear that this time, the most powerful force in the invasion of the fairy world is the sages of these realms. As long as the sects of these martial arts have not left, it is still very dangerous.

At this moment, the sages of the demon world who are in a dozen or so strategists are calmly watching the masters of the celestial world, especially Xiang Yang is instead focused on them.

"It won't take long for the fairy world to become a realm of the devil world. You, these immortals will also become slaves of the devil world, wait, hahaha."


One of the sages of the realm of the martial arts said with a sneer, the figure will rush into the channel.

However, at this time, suddenly, a huge roar broke out in the passage, followed by a powerful and unparalleled sacred eruption.

"It is the Lord of the Devil."

"See the Lord of the Devil."

"The devil of the devil has actually shot himself. God, this time the fairyland must be framed."

"Haha, I have seen the Lord of the Devil."


The magical powerhouses who are preparing to retreat into the channel of these martial arts are all excited after seeing them. Their faces are with an incomparable excitement, and all respectfully bow down.

"The Holy One of the Devil is coming?"

"It's a bit of a hassle."


This side of the fairy world, whether it is the nine avenues or the big princes all frowned, and the people who can make the martial arts strong so respectful, there is only one possibility, that is, they are the sacred strong.

And in this big battle, if the war of the great powers is opened, the problem can be big.

"There is a master of the holy class, it should be Yasheng, but I don't know what level of Yasheng has reached." Xiang Yang groaned, and looked at the entrance to the fairy channel with curious colors.

Even if he can clearly feel that there is a supreme strongman at the entrance, the other party is obviously brewing, and does not immediately rush out.

"The sacred master enters the fairy world, isn't he afraid of being hunted?"

Xiang Yang is very clear that the Central Fairy City is the capital of the Eastern World of the Immortal World. There are definitely strong people of the sub-Sacred level, and there is a high probability that there will be more than one, and even more than one hand is possible.

If the strongest of the sub-sacred ranks of the devil world enters the fairy world, this is not a tyrannical crossing of the river, but a powerful point of Mianyang entering the tiger's nest. This is the act of finding death.


Sure enough, with the fall of Xiang Yang’s thoughts, I heard a roar, and then there were two holy powers out of thin air, one of which was the ancestral fire of the fire family that Xiang Yang knew. The other one, although Xiang Yang did not know, but the great emperor was a respectful salute. "Xu Mu met Mr.."

"The big prince is welcome."

The other party was a middle-aged man who was sultry. At the moment, he had a smile on his face. He waved his hand at the big prince, and then smiled at the fire. "The old man is really fast." ”

"I can't compare with you any more soon, you are in this palace, I have to come from the fire family." Fire said with a smile.

This time, everyone finally understood that this middle-aged man in the holy world turned out to be the strong guardian in the Heavenly Palace. The strength of the other side was earth-shattering, and he even lived in the Heavenly Palace. Even if it was a fairy war, he did not. I shot, until I realized that the Yasheng strongman on the demon side appeared, and this came out together.


At this time, the sub-sacred strong man on the demon side actually came out of the passage after seeing the emergence of the two great masters, and everyone's eyes were seen.


However, what shocked everyone is that among the many strong people in the field, even the masters of the big Luo Jiu Tiantian, when they saw each other, all felt like they were under strong attacks, and their eyes flowed out of blood. The heart is splitting, as if the whole person is going to explode from the inside out.

"Don't look at it, the Holy Power is not what you can see, or you will explode if you look at it."

The first priest among the nine avenues drank and said.


However, the reminder of the first prince is late, and some masters who have not even reached the celestial world that Dalu has never reached the ninth day have exploded at this moment, and the number is still quite large. At the same time, even There are thousands of masters who directly explode.


Xiang Yang’s gaze also looked at the other side. He also felt that there was a terrible pressure on the other side. However, he did not encounter any trouble. He did not say that his strength really reached the level of earth-shattering, although it could not be positive. Fight against the Holy Power, but with his strength, let alone look at the Holy Spirit, even if you are confronted with the Holy Power, you can still support it.

"The Gorefiend ancestors?"

When Xiang Yang saw the other person's appearance, he couldn't help but feel a tremor, because the other side had a powerful atmosphere. At the same time, Xiang Yang's gaze seemed to mean that there was boundless blood flowing around the other side. Obviously, the other party had May be the demon of the Devils.

At this moment, all the strong people around him have a grim color on their faces, especially the scenes of the nine avenues and the great princes. After seeing the powerful ones in the celestial world, the face is not very good-looking.

"Since the Gorefiend brother has appeared, why bother with the junior?"

At this time, the celestial ancestors laughed and looked at the Yasheng of the demon world. With a wave of hand, there was an invisible force spreading out, blocking the strange energy contained in the other side.

The saints on the demon side are the two holy masters who watched the fire and the Tiangong side with a gloomy color on their faces. They sneered and said, "You two are already hiding aside, ready to ambush your ancestors?"

"Don't, don't take the heart of a gentleman's heart, do we both have to deal with you and ambush you?" Fire said, "Don't talk about it, we can't leave this black pot."

Having said that, his body shape does not know when it has disappeared.


Then, I heard a roaring sound, and the body shape of the fire ancestor suddenly appeared in front of the Gorefiend ancestors of the Devil. The ancestors of the fire were wrapped in flames and directly palmed toward the ancestors of the Gorefiend. Take the past.

After the two confronted each other, no one between the two sides had the upper hand. When the ancestors saw that they could not sneak into the other side, they also turned back to their original position.

"It’s a pity that you can’t hurt your old devil.” Although he sneaked on each other, the ancestors of the fire were not ashamed, but sighed, feeling very guilty that they did not hurt the Gorefiend ancestors. regret.

"The endless years have passed, you are still shameless." The Gorefiend ancestors did not feel strange, but looked ugly and looked at the celestial ancestors, cold voice, "However, you feel that the deity comes to the fairy world, will let you Is there a chance to attack?"

"Do you still have someone?"

The words of the Gorefiend ancestors fell, making the fire ancestor and the strong man of the Temple of Heaven change their faces.

"No, the deity is enough." The Gorefiend ancestors whispered softly, and then, among the huge passages behind him, there was boundless blood.

Among these **** seas, there are infinite sorrows and ghosts, who are squatting, as if they are going to rush into the smog of the sea, but the **** seas shackle them, making them unable to rush out.

These **** seas seem to be rushed out of boundlessness. They did not spread out on time, but instead flowed directly around the Gorefiend ancestors, making him look like the only king in the boundless blood.

"Be careful, the fairy world belongs, everyone is back."

At this time, the sacred powerhouse of the Tiangong opened his mouth. At the same time as he sipped, his body shape went out at the same time as the ancestors of the fire, and in the blink of an eye he came to the front of the Gorefiend ancestors.

Then, when they looked at the Gorefiend ancestors, their eyes were sharply colored, and the ancestors of the fire ran through the flames. There was a burning sword in the top of the head. The Holy Power is still carrying his hands, but his breath is not weaker than anyone.

"Bloody Devil, if you don't stop, don't blame me for waiting."

At this time, Jiu Dao Zun also stood up. Although they are still the strongest in the realm of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, but at this moment, their behind the void bursts open, there is infinite energy from nothing. Infused into their bodies, their breath is rising, as if to break through the peak of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianhua Road, and break into the holy place.

"It turns out that you are nine old guys. You have been inbearing for a long time in the infinite years. It is to break through the path of becoming a chaotic saint. Is this really a dare to give up this practice for countless years for your ancestors?"

The Gorefiend ancestors smiled and looked at the Nine Avenues. Although he was very jealous of the Nine Avenues, he was very clear that as long as the Nine Avenues did not break through to the Asian Holy Land, it would not be enough.

Of course, if the Nine Avenues are really willing to give up this countless years of practice and break through to become the sub-sacred strong, the nine people are absolutely the most supreme in this sub-sacred realm, even if the Gorefiend is not sure. Ability to deal with nine people.

However, he is gambling on the nine avenues and can't really give up the penance of countless years.

"Kill you, no need to break through." The first lord said coldly.

At this moment, the atmosphere of the Nine Avenues is still getting stronger and stronger. Although they have not broken through to become masters of the Holy Land, their strengths seem to be endlessly growing.

After the Gorefiend ancestors met, they couldn’t help but look at the nine avenues, but the next moment he laughed. "Do you really think this time only the ancestors came?"



When everyone was shocked, only a loud roar sounded, and then there was a horrible energy flow, and a powerful and unmatched breath broke out from the passage.


There was a dull voice coming out of the passage, and then I saw it in the passage, and there was a giant with a size of a million feet tall. The other side was burning with a horrible magical flame, as if the heavens and the earth in the fairy world were burning.

"It is another sacred master."

Everyone's face has changed. This strong man burns a black magical flame, as if to burn the heavens. At first glance, he knows that it is a sly character. Today, there are two holy powers on the side of the fairy world, and the demon world There are also two in the same way, and it seems that they have formed a close-knit waking.

"I don't know this guy?" At this moment, the ancestor of the fire is the strong man who frowned at the Temple of Heaven.

That person also shook his head. "It should be a new master of the sacred class. These years have been closed for a long time. No one knows how many Yashengs appear in the devil world, and there is such a strange sacred place." It is also normal."

"Then you can make them move?" Fire ancestors asked immediately.

"If I can't say what you want to do?" The strong man in Tiangong asked.

"If you can't move, run, what is the meaning of staying here to die?" Fire ancestor looked at the sacred master who came out of the Heavenly Palace and sneered, "Since you can't beat it, stay What is the role of sending death?"


The sacred powerhouse in the Temple of Heaven was silent after listening to it. After a long time, he said, "You seem to have a little bit of truth."

"How can it be unreasonable?"

At the same time as the ancestors of the fire screamed, they were ready to turn and leave.

"Wait, where are you going?" The one in the Heavenly Palace saw that the ancestors had to leave. He was anxious and quickly pulled the other side.

"I can't get rid of each other, don't hurry to run?"

"I didn't say that I couldn't beat it." The sacred strong man in the Heavenly Palace sighed and looked at the fire ancestor with a look. He didn't know if he left the fire ancestor useful. After all, he followed him at any time. Allies who are going to run away seem to have no effect on how they look.

"You said earlier, since you can make the other side, then go on." After the fire ancestor listened, he laughed.

"It is time to end. It is a bit too much to make trouble in the central city of Xiandu in the eastern Tianyu. Xu Wei gave me the guardian of the Heavenly Palace. I naturally can't let him down." The Holy Spirit in the Heavenly Palace The person nodded and said.

"Come here, I have heard that Mr. Wen is unparalleled in strength and very mysterious. Today, I can finally see you, and you first let me see how your strength is." Fire ancestor.


Mr. Wen is the name of the sacred powerhouse of Tiangong. No one knows what his name is. Everyone only knows that he is called Mr. Wen, even if it is the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei.

In normal times, Mr. Wen is gentle and looks like a scholar who is reading poetry. However, after listening to the words of the ancestors of the fire, his forehead has blue veins, and he almost couldn’t help but want one. The palm of the hand shoots a dead fire.

However, at this moment, facing the invasion of the strong devil, even Mr. Wen can only endure the uncomfortable feelings of the fire ancestor, and intends to force the Gorefiend ancestors and the demon of the demon world to return to the devil world. .

When he stepped out, he was ready to do it.


However, at this time, the change has started again.

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