Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2759: The purpose of the devil

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"This kid looks very smart, how can he even answer the ancestors' words?" The Gorefiend ancestors are waiting for Xiangyang's answer, thinking that if Xiangyang is the seed of his own veins left in the fairy world. If he had to bring Xiang Yang back, he didn't expect that Xiang Yang just smiled at himself and then blinked, and then there was nothing else. After he met, he was a little angry.

What the Gorefiend ancestors didn't know was that Xiang Yang was a bit tangled. He originally wanted to play a **** ancestor, but remembered that this guy could pass his blood and force with himself. Sound, even the Dragon of the Temple has not noticed, this kind of skill seems a bit scary, if you accidentally provoke this guy, this guy directly annihilated himself, it would be too bad, not as good as Speak well.

In order to stop and talk, he spent a lot of effort, knowing that playing a **** ancestor is a very exciting thing. He really wants to try it, but he is afraid of his own avatar. Will be ruined by the Gorefiend ancestors.

However, although the Gorefiend ancestors were a little angry in their hearts, they did not care more about a junior in Xiangyang. Instead, they looked at the strong side of the fairy side, and sighed coldly. "Let Xu Wei come out, this matter. You can't be the master."

"Sure enough."

Mr. Wen and others listened with a sigh of relief. They felt that Xiang Yang was really smart. He actually told Xiang Yang that he was right. This time, the devil world attacked the fairyland so much, not to invade the fairy world, but to have another Other purposes.

"The Emperor of Heaven has a lot of opportunities, but no one can see it." Mr. Wen smiled and looked at the Gorefiend. "Although you are the hegemon of the Devil, you are not in charge of the Devil, you want to see the Emperor." It is not that easy."

"What do you mean, my ancestor is not qualified to see Xu Wei?"

After the **** ancestors listened, they suddenly became angry, surrounded by boundless blood, and the waves were turbulent and bloody, as if they were about to explode at any time.

He yelled, "Xu Wei, if you still can't come out, don't blame the ancestors for ruining your heavenly palace and see if you will regret it."

"You don't have to shout, the Emperor of Heaven can't be scared by you, and, do you have the ability to ruin the Heavenly Palace?" Mr. Wen said with a smile.

"You... are you really daring to kill you?" The Gorefiend ancestors were even more angry. His eyes looked at Mr. Wen, with a cold color. "If you don't call the people of the Tiangong main event, This ancestor will kill a few people first."

While talking, he looked at the big prince and Xiang Yang, thinking about it, Xiang Yang may be the 'self" of the demon world after all, he still gave up to deal with Xiang Yang, but his eyes with a cold color Looking at the big prince, I want to destroy the other party to give a lesson to the powerful of the fairy world.

"The Gorefiend, the Emperor of Heaven will hand over the Heavenly Palace to me. Many things, you can tell me." After Mr. Wen saw his face, his face changed slightly, but when he looked at the Gorefiend, he was sneer with a look. At the same time, he stood up in one step and directly blocked the front of Xiangyang and the Great Emperor, for fear that the Gorefiend shot and attacked the two.

Among the people present, although only Mr. Wen and the ancestors of the fire are masters of the sacred class, the nine avenues are too old, and they are horrible characters that existed in ancient times. If they do not want to be Yasheng, Jiu Avenue Respect has already become the most peak of the Yasheng, even if they are only masters of the realm of the realm, they can completely block the attack of Gorefiend.

Although the Great Emperor is also the strongest person in the realm of the Tao, but in the face of the strong man like the Gorefiend, there is really no power to fight back. As for Xiang Yang, in the heart of Mr. Wen, the strength of Xiang Yang is definitely better than Not the big prince, let alone the ability to resist the Gorefiend, this is obviously impossible.

"The ancestors don't want to waste time with you anymore, or they can start a battle, wait until the ancestors break your temple and let Xu Wei come out, or find someone who can make some decisions on behalf of Xu Wei, otherwise The ancestors are welcome."

The Gorefiend ancestors snorted coldly, and as his voice fell, he saw a roar of the nine-headed bird, and the sound of a horrible force that burst into the heart broke out.


When this voice came out, although Mr. Wen and the ancestors of the fire quickly stopped to block, Xiang Yang and the great prince still felt dizzy, and there were stars shining in front of them, even if it was not Xiang Yang’s soul power. In essence, if it is the soul of the Holy Land, I am afraid that he feels that his soul will be directly shattered.


At this time, the big prince next to Xiang Yang was spit out blood in his mouth, his face pale, and the whole person was crumbling, apparently not hurt.

Although the Great Emperor is the supreme power of the Taoist world, he has no opportunity for Xiangyang. He cannot have the power of the horrible soul like Xiangyang. He is directly under the guise of this nine-headed bird. It hurts the origin of the soul. If it is not practiced for hundreds of years, it will not be able to return to normal.


After Mr. Wen saw it, his face changed greatly. He looked angry at the Gorefiend ancestors and angered. "Do you really want to fight with me?"


As his voice fell, he heard a sound of a dragon screaming, and the Tiangong Dragon's pulse burst into a strong breath, and it was necessary to cull the past.

"No, the ancestors just want to give you a warning. If you really want to go straight to war, do you think that the two juniors behind you can still live well? They have already been killed directly by their ancestors. It is."

The Gorefiend ancestors stood proudly on the boundless sea of ​​blood. His face still looked at Mr. Wen with a smile. Although he wanted to let the Emperor of the East come forward, Mr. Wen refused to call the Emperor Xu of the East. This made him feel very uncomfortable.

Mr. Wen also knows that the other party is telling the truth. The strength of the nine-headed bird monster is too strong. If you really want to kill the big prince and Xiangyang, even if Mr. Wen is in front, he will not be able to stop it. .

Wait, it’s okay for Xiang Xiang.

At this time, Mr. Wen realized that Xiang Yang was still standing behind him with a smile, and he did not have anything at all, which made him a bit stunned. He did not know that the strength of Xiang Xiangyang was weaker than that of the great emperor. People, there is nothing at all, and the great emperor of this great realm has been hurt by the soul.

"Maybe it's a peculiar place."

Mr. Wen whispered in his heart, unconsciously attributed all the strange places of Xiang Yang to the body of ‘that pulse’.

At this moment, the Gorefiend ancestors are also a bit strange. If he is a pro-hand, he will naturally avoid Xiangyang, but the nine-headed bird is a refining scorpion. Under the hands, he did not avoid Xiangyang, but that A loud snoring, but did not cause any damage to Xiang Yang, which made him feel a little shocked.

"It is the outstanding seed that the devil world has left in the fairy world." The bloodsucker ancestors squatted, and all this was attributed to Xiang Yang's possession of the devil's blood.

Xiang Yang didn't know that he had just blocked the loud noise of the nine-headed bird monster, and he got so many guesses.

At this moment, both Mr. Wen and the Gorefiend are very puzzled. Of course, the most wondering person is the great prince. He feels that he is left to deliver food. The demon side wants to stand up and directly smashes himself. The most uncomfortable thing is that Xiang Yang’s repair is lower than his own.

The great emperor looked at Xiang Yang, his eyes were faint, and he did not know what kind of skills Xiang Yang had in the end. It was so easy to block the loud noise of the nine-headed bird.

"Heroes, say your purpose, don't delay each other's time, you should know that the longer you delay here, the more unfavorable it is for you."

Mr. Wen looked at the Gorefiend ancestors and said with a smile. "This is the fairyland. After a while, there will be a group of holy powers coming to you to chat and talk about the old. Do you believe it or not?"

"Do you threaten me?" The Gorefiend ancestors looked at Mr. Wen in anger, although he also knew that it was very unfavorable for him to regard the fairy world as his home, but he hated this feeling of being threatened.

"The Gorefiend has been gone for a long time."

With the angry voice of the Gorefiend ancestors falling, there is no sound, no one in the void, it is a sacred master of the fairy world, the other is an old man with a gentle smile on his face. Looking at the Gorefiend ancestors, "Remember that the last time I met was endless years ago. I didn't expect the infinite years to pass, and you haven't made much progress."

"You are not the same?" The Gorefiend ancestors sneered at the old man. "Old guy, you haven't died yet. It's too much unexpected."

"Of course I will not die before you." The old man smiled and looked at the Gorefiend.

"You have to participate in it?" The Gorefiend ancestors looked coldly at the old man, and his heart was very angry. The other party was his old rival. He was like him in ancient times. Now he appears again, let him I feel very uncomfortable in my heart.

This is the main battlefield of the immortal world. After the sacred place of the immortal world is sensing the outbreak of magical power, more and more strong people will appear, and the **** demon side will have a nine-headed bird. It is not invincible, and it is impossible to stop the countless masters of the sacred world.

"What do you say?" The old man was carrying his hands and smiling at the Gorefiend. "I am very curious. You spent so much money to open the fairy channel. What are you going to do?"


The Gorefiend ancestors snorted and didn't want to say it. After all, as the **** ancestor, the demon of the demon world, the most annoying thing is that he is coerced.

Originally, the Gorefiend ancestors wanted to say their own purposes, but this time they became the threat of the Yasheng strongman on the side of the celestial world. He did not want to say it.

"The Gorefiend, there is something to say, otherwise it will be done, not endless."

However, this time it was not over yet, and I heard a sneer coming over. There was a strong man who carried the Excalibur and smashed the void and looked at the Gorefiend with a sneer.

The other party is not only a strong saint, but also a martial artist. The kendo has reached a very terrible level. Even if the Gorefiend ancestors saw it, they felt a tremor. I did not expect this guy to be provoked.

"If you don't say it, then let's do it directly. You, this monster will be handed over to me, and the other will be handed over to you. After the quick battle, after killing the Gorefiend, enter the Devil World and kill one."

The strong man who carried the Excalibur sneered, and there was a horrible murderousness on his body, which made the Gorefiend of the Devil and the strong man who burned the Flames change their faces.

"There is only one purpose for the ancestors to come to the fairy world today, that is, to lead me to the devil's darling to participate in the fairyland's million continents."

The Gorefiend ancestors saw the other side's hands soon, and his heart was scared. The number of the sacred strongmen in the fairyland is too much. It has thoroughly crushed the masters of the demon world. He was so afraid that if he persisted, he would move his hand directly. At that time, he would really be finished.

"What do you say?"

After the Gorefiend ancestors said his purpose, everyone was shocked. This turned out to be the real purpose of the Gorefiend ancestors. If you didn’t hear the Gorefiend ancestors say it, this time you opened the fairy magic with great fanfare. The passage between the two worlds is to let the Tianjiao of the real world of the demon world participate in the battle of the Immortal World of Immortals. Even Xiangyang cannot believe it.

However, since the Gorefiend ancestors have already said it, there will never be a holiday.

"This time, there is something special about the Battle of the Immortals in the Million Island. Even the Devils have to participate in it?" Xiang Yang frowned at the **** ancestors and looked at the big buddies of the fairy side. I found that these big cockroaches were frowning, but it didn't seem to be an accident.

"The fairyland of the Immortal World is a saint's remark. It is a battle between all the continents of the immortal world. Your devil is not within the scope of the immortal world. You must not participate in the Battle of the Immortals."

After a while, Mr. Wen slowly said.

"Everyone knows what this first place in the Million Chau Immortal World can get. Who can only participate in the fairy world, my devil world is also part of the world, and it is also a part of the Pangu world. Super big world, how can you realize that all the fairyland can do it alone?” The bloodsucking ancestor said with a sneer, “If the matter does not agree with the fairy world, then the demon world will fully invade the fairy world. When the time comes, the life is smeared, it depends on you. How to choose the fairy world."

"It seems that this million-dollar real fairy warfare has the special treatment of the first place." Xiang Yang was stunned in his heart, he was too curious, and did not understand what is unique about this million-day real fairy war, Even the devil world is so attached.

At this time, the side of the fairy world, whether it is Mr. Wen or the nine avenues and other people are all in a state of contemplation, especially Mr. Wen, he found that the Gorefiend ancestors said yes, this thing, really only the Emperor Xu Wei can To make a decision, although he was entrusted by the Emperor of Heaven to protect the Heavenly Palace, he did not dare to make such an important decision.

"But it, let Xu Wei go to the headache himself."

At the same time as Mr. Wen thought about it, he took the initiative to contact Xu Tian, ​​the Emperor of the East.


At this time, in the void meeting, there was a figure appearing out of thin air, with an unmatched breath appearing in front of everyone.

The author Meng Yu said: The body is too uncomfortable, it is really impossible to sit still can not write, today these four chapters, sorry.

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