Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2764: The sorrow of the Gorefiend ancestors (five more flowers)

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"How, can you fix it?"

Among the Promise of Immortality, Xiang Yang’s deity is very nervous standing in front of the 'Qinkun Chenghua Ding'. In front of him, 'Qunkun Chenghua Ding' is infinitely large, bursting out from the terrible momentum, and is suppressing the nine products. Blood lotus.

"Boss, rest assured, if it is the 36th chaotic Qinglian, I naturally can't change the other side, but this is only the nine blood lotus, although it has reached the level of the day after tomorrow, but there is not much skill, refining It is not a light and easy thing." Xiaoling said with a smile to Xiangyang.

While talking, his old man made a look. "You can remove the battlefield of the fairy."

"Well." Since this time, Laojiao has been trained very respectfully, knowing how to be a good young man. After listening to Xiaoling’s words, he is busy making the battlefield of Xiande from Qiankun. The mouth of the furnace was removed.

Then, Xiaoling waved another hand and directly let the Promise Excalibur fly, and the Devil's Blade also evacuated. This is a sigh of relief, but when facing Xiangyang, the little guy is carrying A faint smile, a look of pride. "Isn't it the refining of the nine blood lotuses? It's too simple."

“It’s really simple.”

Xiang Yang saw this scene, could not help but nod, especially, if there is not the magic battlefield and the Promise Excalibur, or even the three pieces of treasures of the Devil War Blade, I am afraid that Xiaoling really can not suppress the nine blood lotus.

When the little guy saw Xiang Yang’s eyes, he didn’t dare to say anything more, but he concentrated on refining the nine bloods of blood, and using the power of “Qingkun to make Ding”, it’s not enough time to really put nine. Everything about the **** ancestors in the blood lotus is refining.

Xiang Yang’s deity is in front of the ‘乾坤造化鼎’, with an excited color on his face, and he feels very excited when he thinks of the Gorefiend ancestors.

Not to mention the juniors like Da Luo’s nine heavens, even the Yasheng strong, even if the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei is one of the Five Emperors in the fairy world, there is no way to make the Gorefiend almost cry out. But, but I did it. When I think of it, Xiang Yang only feels filled with a sense of pride.

"Boss, separate your soul to control the nine blood lotus, the nine blood lotus is completely refining with you, and, must be integrated with your blood, completely eroding the nine blood lotus, otherwise, This nine blood lotus is the half-life treasure of the Gorefiend ancestors, as long as you are not careful, you may be taken away by the other side." At this time, Xiao Ling's face was serious and open.

"it is good."

In terms of refining equipment, Xiaoling is definitely an expert. Xiang Yang naturally believes what he said. After hearing Xiaoling’s words, he directly agreed to split the huge soul consciousness directly from his own spiritual sea. Incorporating into the 'Qinkun Chenghua Ding', completely control all the things of Jiu Pin Xue Lian. At the same time, his hand stretched out and cut his wrist, and the blood poured into the '乾坤造化鼎' as if he didn't want money.

Xiaoling is a serious color on his face, constantly exerting various methods to determine the nine blood lotus.

Although it is simple on the surface, it is a treasure of the level of the treasures of the day after tomorrow, and it is still a treasure of the chaotic treasure of the thirty-sixth chaotic Qinglian. It is necessary to completely refine it. It's not that easy, even Xiaoling is also doing his best.

However, Xiang Yang is not in a hurry. He believes that Xiaoling can completely make the nine blood lotuses become their own treasures. From then on, the records are considered to be the **** ancestors standing in front of themselves, even if they will be nine blood. When the lotus was exhibited, the Gorefiend ancestors could not take it away.

"The Gorefiend ancestors, really a good person."

Xiang Yang sighed in his heart, only felt that he had been in the fairyland for so long, burned and robbed, coughed, no, it was so many years of robbing the rich and poor, or the first time he met such a good person as the Gorefiend ancestors, let him When the magic weapon is delivered to the door, the other party will give it to himself. I really hope that there will be more than one such great person in the world.

As everyone knows, at this moment, the great man of the **** demon in Xiangyang’s heart is almost crazy.

The Gorefiend ancestors already know that it is impossible to find the nine blood lotuses with their own skills. If the true chaos saints take it away, he can only recognize it.

However, how could he be willing to lose his supreme treasure that he has been with for countless years?

"No matter who it is, even if it is a chaotic saint, the moment when the ancestors are sanctified is the time when the ancestors took everything back." The **** ancestor roared in his heart, he never craved like this today. .

"I must be sanctified, and my ancestors must be sanctified."

The **** ancestors screamed in their hearts, and the whole body was full of blood and sea, as if they were going to break out, so that the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei was a little nervous. To be honest, if the **** ancestors really broke out, even the Eastern Emperor Xu You may not really be able to suppress each other.

After all, the Gorefiend ancestors were congenital creatures, and they were born from the blood of the legendary open-minded saints. Seeing the power between the heavens and the earth, more than half of them were born after the fall of the sages of the year. The strong, they are not really earth-shattering, they are the worst to deal with.

These congenital spirits have too many broken hands, even if the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei as the Emperor of Heaven, there is no grasp that such innate gods can be killed.

"Old Yang, you have to be careful, don't let the Gorefiend ancestors jump into the wall." Xu Tian of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor said to the sword saint who was carrying the Excalibur around him.

He is very clear that among the people, if you want to talk about real combat power, only this kendo is the strongest of the saints.

Even if Xu Wei holds the Emperor's bell, he can't compare with Juggernaut in terms of combat power.

This is the advantage of sword repair, a sword can break the law, claiming the existence of a sword invincible.

"No matter, I am afraid that he will not do it. If he does, we will not be able to kill him. Let him go back to rest for hundreds of years."

That Juggernaut is a light-hearted, very confident opening, but at the same time, his one of the Excaliburs is flying around him, and a horrible sword is erupting. Prepare to deal with the Gorefiend ancestors.

"Sure enough, it is the practice of the "Sword Mystery Code". This sword saint is definitely the most suitable master of Xiaobai." After Xiang Yang felt the practice of this sword saint strongman, he couldn't help but sigh. If you have time, you must explore the tone of this Juggernaut. If the character of the Juggernaut is good enough, you can recommend Bai Yu to enter under his door. Presumably, if there is a good disciple. This Juggernaut will also be very happy.

Of course, Xiang Yang’s expression on the surface is very uncomfortable. He is still groaning. “It’s a pity that the nine blood lotuses can’t even touch it. This is the legendary treasure. ""

On the one hand, the big prince looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes and he always felt weird. He always felt that Xiang Yang’s behavior was a bit of a holiday. Jiu Pinxue Lian is the blood of the Gorefiend ancestors, and it’s not the day after tomorrow’s treasure. There is nothing that can make Xiang Yang to comprehend, and Xiangyang has something to be excited about.

There are some treasures, which contain some avenue rules. If the practitioners get it and understand the rules of the road above, it may be that there are many gains, and it is possible to create a supreme saint.

Although the nine blood lotus is also born, but it is the half-life treasure of the blood devil ancestors, even if it contains some imperfections, it is not visible on the surface.

Moreover, it is not the big prince who looks down on Xiangyang. In his view, Xiangyang is only the realm of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. It has not yet reached the level that can understand the rules of the supreme treasure, even if it is the nine blood necklace. To Xiang Yang, Xiang Yang could not get anything on it.

"Bloody man, look at the opening." At this time, the ancestors of the fire day felt that they were idle and bored, and looked at the **** ancestors who were going to die. They couldn’t help but say, "All are killed." Ah, although the nine blood lotus is your half life treasure, but lost today, it is not necessarily a bad thing for you, maybe you can get rid of the limitations of blood lotus, break through your innate, And what about chaos saints?"


If the average person really wants to let the ancestors of the fire swindle, but the strength of the Gorefiend ancestors is earth-shattering, it is definitely not comparable to the average person. After listening to the words of the ancestors, he can’t help it. Angrily shouted, "You bastard, you know what ghosts, these nine blood lotus is the ancestors' half-life treasure, but also defense invincible, unless the hand is innate, but who can open the defense of the nine blood lotus, especially what In the end, which shameless **** has stolen the ancestors' ancestors, and the ancestors must have finished with him."

"You are pitiful."

After listening to the fire ancestor, I couldn’t help but watch the Gorefiend ancestors with a compassionate look.

"You are pitiful, your family is pitiful."

The Gorefiend ancestors were so angry that they were trembled, and the fire ancestor was a fireman. He dared to look at himself with such a pitiful look. He was looking for death.

"Oh, don't know people's hearts. What do you think is wrong when you say something, you mourn what you are there, and there is a kind of rush to the nine-day sacred place, and confront those chaos saints to see if it is Someone has robbed your treasure. If you don't have the courage, there is something to do quickly. Don't be jealous here."

The fire was originally just a feeling of fun and couldn't help but spur the **** ancestors. At this moment, after listening to the words of the Gorefiend ancestors, he couldn't help it. He said with sneer, "The Gorefiend, don't think that you are very pitiful, all the heavens." There are more people in the world than you are poor, and, isn’t it just a lost nine-blooded blood lotus? If you lose it, you will lose it. If you have a species, you will take back the nine-blooded blood lotus. Without that power. Don't go crazy here."

"Fire days, do you want to fight against your ancestors?" The **** ancestors looked at the fire in the face of the fire, and the power of the blood and sea continued to burst out, and a horrible atmosphere was permeating.

"Don't, I am not so busy, I have nothing to do with you, and your nine blood lotuses are lost. I will beat you up later, and you still think that I am taking advantage of you, I don't want to do this." ”

The fire ancestor said that it was said, but it was impossible to really confront the **** ancestors. At this moment, he quickly swayed his hand and jumped to the rear of the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei. He smiled and said to Xiang Yang. "Kid, this thing really has nothing to do with you? I am so curious, if you have lost his nine blood lotus, how to get it, teach me about it."

"Do you think I have that skill?"

Xiang Yang looked at the fire ancestor with his eyes. He felt that this **** must have been burned by the flames when he was practicing. He still blocked the face of the Gorefiend ancestors and asked if he would own the nine products of the Gorefiend ancestors. Blood lotus is gone, isn't it necessary to harm yourself?

"Accordingly, you should have no such ability, but I can't figure out who will be robbing this guy's treasure at this time."

On the face of the fire ancestor, he looked at Xiang Yang with a doubtful color. Although he also felt that Xiang Yang could not have such a skill, he could silently and in the face of a strong group of people, the blood of the Gorefiend ancestors. Lian gave it a rob, but he just stood next to Xiang Yang. He clearly sensed that a terrible wave of volatility erupted from Xiang Yang. Then, the nine blood lotuses disappeared. This makes him really doubt whether it is a ghost of Xiang Yang.

"I said that you are looking at me, I want to kill people by knife." Xiang Yang looked at the fire ancestor with a black face, especially when he sensed that the Gorefiend ancest also looked at himself with incredible eyes. He even wants to slap a slap in the face.

This fire ancestor is really too unreliable, and even so unwilling, Xiang Yang almost could not help but turn his face.

"You misunderstood me, I am encouraging you." The face of the fire ancestor looked at Xiang Yang with a positive color. "Don't say anything, if you really have the ability to put the blood of the Gorefiend ancestors." If the lotus is taken away, your skill is absolutely invincible. No matter what kind of war happens in the future, as long as you send it out, you will first lose the other's magic weapon. Then, that war will win half. ”

"shut up."

Xiang Yang looked at the fire ancestor with a black face. He felt that this is really too unreliable. It is clearly a strong sacred place. Even if you doubt yourself, you can't talk about it at this time.

Xiang Yang clearly saw that the Gorefiend ancestors looked at their own eyes and doubted it. He had a headache and couldn’t help but scream. "Fire ancestor, you are too much, I don’t want to marry your fire family. Is the little princess a wife? You are so framing me, so that after I was chased by the **** ancestors, I had to ask you for help, and I had to promise you to marry the little princess of the fire family and enter your fire family. ...I tell you, I would rather die than to die, even if you are falling into me, I can't smash your fire little princess under your pressure."

"Oh, I am going, how do you know what I think?"

However, what Xiang Yang did not expect was that his voice had just fallen, and the ancestors of the fire looked at himself with a shocked look and whispered, "You don't really know how to read mind, or how can you know?" What do you think in my heart?"

"What do I want to kill?" Xiang Yang.

Author Meng Yu said: Today, the cold is better, the head will not hurt very much, continue to five, until the end of the month, the little brothers and sisters have flowers, it is time to empty, thank you...

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