Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2767: Any condition

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"The father, the children have called everyone."

When Yang Wanjian was very excited to tear the void away, it was just when the big prince came back with a group of people.

Xiang Yang looked at these people, but he did not know a few. Only the Tao Lin is his younger brother. The three brothers and sisters of Sun Caixian and Sun Yuxiu are also among them. Only the land of Xianzun and Zhenxian, he It’s true that one doesn’t know it. Anyway, there are ten in each level.

"See the Emperor."

Thirty people also gave a ceremony to the Emperor Xu Wei at the same time, even if the Taoist Lin Xian also had to salute the Emperor Xu Wei.

"You don't have to be polite."

Xu Wei personally helped everyone. At the same time, when he looked at these people and saw the realm of the fairy king, he saw a sigh of relief when he saw the Tao Lin and the three talented angels Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu’s brothers and sisters. However, when he saw a group of fairy and true immortals, his face suddenly darkened.

These true immortals and immortals, although in their respective forces, can be regarded as the arrogant forces that are not weak in their power. Even in the eastern Tianyu, they are not weak, but they can see at a glance. Come out, these true immortals and immortals, simply can not compare with those who are called out by the Gorefiend ancestors.

Even Xu Wei’s other children are better than nothing.

"What about your brothers and sisters?" Xu Wei looked at the big prince with a black face, apparently very dissatisfied with the masters the big princes found.

Moreover, the great emperor knew that other emperors had the strength to surpass these people, and they did not let them take shots. This made Xu Wei even more dissatisfied.

"The fifteenth sister was granted the emperor's order by me. I was dealing with government affairs and could not get away. She always wanted to come, but I did not let her play. As for others, they were more or less injured in the previous battle. It is not appropriate. Going out," the great prince whispered.

"Oh, shouldn't you play again?"

After Xu Wei listened, his face was black, and he said coldly. "Is it happening to other people in the small twelve? My children don't have a climate, they are all people." All called, except for the fifteen sisters, let her study and handle government affairs."

At the same time, he did exclude the 15th princess and even let the other party learn how to deal with government affairs. Obviously, he had special care for the 15th Princess.

At this moment, Xu Wei, in the face of so many people, let the 15th princess learn to handle government affairs, showing his special care for the 15th Princess, so that the people present there have different thoughts after listening to them, but they all understand, maybe The fifteen princess is the future emperor.


The great emperor was ordered to leave. This time, he purposefully left, very fast, and returned again in the blink of an eye. He followed behind twenty princess princesses, and even the fifteen princesses were among them.

"See the Father."

A group of emperors and princesses all bowed to Xu Wei.

"Get up." Xu Yan looked at each other one by one. From the smallest beginning, each one shook his head. When he saw the fifteen princesses, he frowned, and then the gentle look asked, " Fifteen sisters, how come you? Isn’t it for you to study and handle government affairs in the palace?”

"Learning government affairs, you can always, but the things involved in the war can not be delayed."

After the fifteenth princess was facing Xu Wei’s incident, she was nervous, but she said very refreshingly. “Besides my older brother, I believe that no brother or sister can surpass me. In this battle, I should have a quota. ”

"Well, this is my daughter Xu Wei."

After Xu Wei listened, it was a happy color on his face, and he shouted, showing his mood at the moment.

" Count you one."

After Xu Wei finished speaking, he continued to look at other emperors and princesses. When he saw the eighth emperor, he said, "Old eight, you count one."


The Eighth Emperor had always kept his head down. For fear of being named, he did not expect to be called out. He had a sudden heart, but he did not dare to refuse on the surface, but replied with a respectful and respectful manner, and then stood aside.

Xu Wei continued to look at other emperors and princesses, but found that no other princess princess could play, and they could only hate the iron and not give them a look. "Look at you, what have you done all day?"

He sneered, looking at his own children, with disappointment on his face.

After Xu Wei’s children listened, they all bowed their heads and did not dare to speak. Even when they faced the great emperor, they were very afraid, not to mention Xu Wei’s Emperor. For them, Seeing the sky is like a mouse seeing a cat. I dare not say anything more.

"Well, next, the Emperor arranged for people to participate in the war."

Next, when I saw that the agreed time was almost over, and the face of the Gorefiend had already revealed a disdainful smile, Xu Wei was the one who started to name the war.

Because with the addition of the fifteen princesses and the eight emperors, it is natural that the original Daluo’s nine heavens will be excluded from the two. Xu Wei’s eyes look at the past and one can see who is stronger and directly Exclude two, then let the fifteen princess and eight emperors enter.

However, the next scene is to let everyone all show the fear of fear, only to see the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei actually prayed to all those who are ready to participate in the war, "The next battle, related to our Eastern Tianyu Fame, but also related to the interests of the fairy world, this battle, for you is a battle of life and death, but also very important to the Emperor, this matter, please you."

"I will definitely go all out."

Everyone is very heavy in their hearts. This feeling of being given a heavy burden is not so good for them. They know that there is a great chance that this war will die, but they have to fight, even, originally. Because some people who were forced to call, at this moment, after accepting the shackles of Emperor Xuan of the East, all the dissatisfaction in the heart disappeared, and they were ironed, even if they died, they must fight hard.

Ever since, these powerful people have also turned their attention to the **** demon, the eyes with the murderous murderous, and the unsuccessful will become the momentum of the benevolence.

"Heroes..." Xu Wei’s eyes also looked at the Gorefiend ancestors, ready to begin.

"Hey, don't worry, wait a minute."

However, the words of the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei have not been finished, they were interrupted by the fire ancestor, this old guy is now looking at Xiang Yang with a sly thief, with a smile of no good intentions, said to Xu Wei, "You don't worry, time hasn't arrived yet, so eager to decide what to do? There is still one ultimate player not selected by you."


After the words of the ancestors of the fire family fell, everyone had an incomprehensible color on their faces. The Eastern Emperor Xu Wei had already determined the candidates, but the ancestors of the fire had felt unsuitable. This is not obvious to the Emperor. Do you do it?

"Ah ha ha..."

The fire ancestor laughed a few times and pointed out that Xiang Yang, who was chatting with the Taoist Lin Xian in the distance, said, "I think, let the king of the realm of the king make it on the line. As for the true fairy and the fairy, let This kid can replace the fireman's shot, right, you may not know the relationship between this kid and my fire family. He is the female son of my fire family, the gentleman of the daughter of the current fire family. ”

At the same time, his face showed a pleasing color and said to everyone. "The strength of this kid is very extraordinary. It is definitely the first place in the millions of immortals. Even in the ancient times, the same immortal birth is the same. Moreover, the strength in Xianzun is not to mention, just this guy has killed a strong person in the realm of the situation, ask the presenters who are present, who can grasp the strong people who can kill the road? ?"

At the same time, he looked at the ten immortals who participated in the war. After listening to the ten people, they all kept shaking their heads. Even the 15th princess, who felt that his own strength was already very strong, also felt I don't have this skill.

After all, the strength of the fifteen princesses can only be said to be relatively enchanting in the Da Luo Jiuzhongtian, but it is too far worse than the strong ones like Xiangyang who can kill the realm of the Tao. It is.

"He is already in the state of Xianzun." The great prince whispered.

"Fart, don't you know that this is just his avatar? His deity is only a real fairy." The fire ancestor sneered, and said to Xiang Yang, "Boy, it is time for you, you Don't hide it. If you hurry up, you can propose conditions to Xu Wei. If you kill all 20 people of Gorefiend in the realm of immortality and immortality, no matter what requirements you have, Xu Wei will promise you."

"Is that kind of person?"

Xiang Yang was very dissatisfied with the fire ancestor who pulled himself into it. However, when he heard that he could make a request to the Emperor at any time, Xiang Yang suddenly accelerated his heartbeat. He did so many things and specially Is it necessary to go to the Million Island Real Immortal War, is it not to let the Eastern Heavenly Emperor Xu Wei help himself find other women?

Now the opportunity is coming.

At the same time, Xiang Yang said that he abandoned the Taoist Lin Xian and walked directly toward the Emperor Xu and the fire in the East. At the same time, he gave a look to the fire angel. On the surface, he said, "The old man, you, This is yelling at me."

"I am jealous of you?" When the fire ancestor saw Xiang Yang's eyes, he suddenly understood what Xiang Yang wanted to do. He smiled in his heart and screamed on the surface. "The kid, this time is important. If you don't participate, you have to participate. Although you can't take it, I believe that you will definitely make an exception, and Xu Wei will give you some rewards. Do you say yes?"

While talking, he looked at the Emperor Xu Wei.

At this moment, Emperor Xu Wei is also truly surprised. He even forgot that Xiang Yang can also be shot. Although he does not know the extent to which Xiang Yang’s strength has reached, Xiang Yang is the one. The pro-disciples of the position, the strength is certainly unmatched, and, Xiang Yang also said, killing a strong person who has a good path, showing that Xiang Yang can at least win in the field of Xianzun.

At this moment, after listening to the words of the ancestors of the fire, Xu Wei was laughing and looking at Xiang Yangdao. "No matter what requirements you ask, even if you want my throne, I will give you as long as you can let the blood The thirty people brought by the devil all died here, as long as I can do it, I will do everything I can to do it for you."


After listening to the words of Emperor Xu Wei, all the people present at the scene took a breath of cold. Then they seemed to see that Xiang Yang really made a profit this time. The Eastern Emperor actually gave him such a big promise. It’s a big pie, even the Emperor’s throne can give Xiang Yang, what else can’t you give Xiang Yang?


At this moment, all the emperors and princesses, including the Great Emperor and the 15th Princess, all changed their faces. They shouted a voice of the Emperor of the East. They were really afraid that Xiangyang said that he wanted to play in the position of the Emperor for a few days. If this is the case, I am afraid that Emperor Xu Wei will really agree to it. So, are these princes and princesses considered to be princes and princesses?

"Interesting, interesting, Xu Wei, this time you really opened up." Fire ancestor is haha ​​and said with a smile.

He naturally does not worry about what Xiangyang will want to be a god. It is obviously impossible. However, Xu can make other demands, and Xu Wei’s promise also shows a heavenly emperor. Pay attention to it.

Of course, no matter what Xiangyang wants, it has nothing to do with the fire. In fact, Xiang Yang is the person of his fire family and the representative of his fire family. Although the fire of the fire family can not be shot, but there is Xiang Yang. It is enough to bring great glory to the five great tribes of the fire family.

"There is a Xiangyang Xiaoyou coming out, this battle can be fixed." Even Jiu Avenue Zun also said with a smile on his face.

Seeing the performance of several people, the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei was calm in his heart, and his face also showed a smile. He waved his hand to the emperor and the princess, then looked at Xiang Yang and smiled and asked, "How does Xiaoyou think?"

"Yes, I am willing to participate in the war." Xiang Yang nodded and said.

"what would you like?"

Xu Wei directly asked, anyway, he had already said that as long as Xiang Yang is willing to play, he can give Xiang Yang anything, even if it is the throne of the Emperor, he can also give Xiang Yang, and naturally he has to raise it again.

"I always wanted to ask the Emperor of Heaven to help me a lot. Now I have the opportunity to get in touch with the Emperor of Heaven and ask the Emperor of Heaven to take the shot." Xiang Yang sighed, his face with a sigh of color.

He did not hesitate to participate in the Battle of the Immortals in the Million Island. He has been suppressing the cultivation of the deity and dare not break through. It is because he wants to get the first place in the World of Immortals, so please ask Xu Wei to help the women. Now, the purpose is reached. He was amazed in his heart.

"Whatever the matter, please say no, the Emperor will definitely try his best." Xu Wei said quietly.

"I want you to help me find a few people in other days." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

At the same time, he saw the appearance of the women and why they came to the fairyland to the Emperor Xuan of the East.

"I can't think of a friend who is so sympathetic." Xu Wei looked at it and then stunned. I didn't expect Xiang Yang's request to be just like this. Just to let him find a few people in other Tianyu, this is simply too Simple.

However, he remembered what Xiang Yang said, and always wanted to ask him for help, but it made his face with a strange color. He did not expect that Xiang Yang looked so free and easy, he would want him to help find a few women. I always wanted to see him.

"Hey, it’s too hard for you to help this Emperor. I originally thought that I would wait for me to participate in the first place in the Million Island, I can see the Emperor, please ask the Emperor to help find someone, I did not expect There is a chance now, it is too happy." Xiang Yang said with a pretense.

"Haha, sorry, sorry, I usually retreat in chaos, rarely appear in Tiangong, so you can't see me, this token is for you. No matter what you have in the future, you can order anyone in Tiangong to go for you." Finished, if they can't do it, you can contact me through this token." Emperor Xu Hao ha ha ha smiled and handed a token to Xiang Yang, it was the Emperor.

"This is the Emperor's Order, so I gave it to an outsider."

When the people around him saw it, they all showed the shocking color. Especially the children of the Emperor of Heaven, but their faces changed greatly. Xiangyang had the Emperor’s Order. That is to say, in the future, they could definitely give orders to any of them through the Emperor’s Order. Can't help but do it.

“Thank you.” Xiang Yang’s face was grateful and he took the token.

Although it seems to her that after I have found the women and received the women, I can no longer have anything to do with Xu Wei’s help. However, the good intentions of the Emperor, he naturally cannot.

"Ha ha ha..."

After Emperor Xuan met, he was happy to laugh out loud.

Xiang Yang can take over the Emperor's Order, and it is a great surprise for him.


At this time, with a ringing of the bell, the originally set time was finally arrived, and the Gorefiend ancestors flew out and sneered, "Xu Wei, time is up."

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