Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2769: One person is enough (five more flowers)

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"The war has begun."

When the guy who claimed to be Aroye in the Gorefiend came out, everyone was quiet, and even the eternal ancestors who stopped the fire and invincible stopped.

Everyone knows that this battle to determine the face of the Eastern Tianyu is about to begin. There are thirty disciples on the Gorefiend side, each of which has reached its peak in the realm of their own realm, and the side of the fairy world, However, only Xiang Yang himself is a person, which makes all the people in the fairy world face a sly color.

Especially the homeowners and other people of all major forces, after seeing this scene, are very uncomfortable in their hearts. Under their power, no one can play.

"He wants to challenge each other thirty people? Is this a joke?"

At this time, the fire invincible in the crit of the fire-fighting ancestors saw this scene is wide open and the eyes are incredible.

"This is impossible. It is not wrong that Xiang Yang’s strength is invincible in the real fairyland. Even if I am in the real fairyland, it is definitely not his opponent, but he can’t beat it. Xian Wang? These ten kings are the top kings, even if I want to deal with them is not simple, how can a Xiangyang a true fairy can deal with these ten kings? And, there are ten Da Luo The fairy goddess of the Nine Heavens Peak, my God, this guy is crazy, a fairy respects against these great Luo Jiu Jiu Tian Feng Feng Xian Zun, is he not wanting to live or your head has a problem?"

The fire was invincible and stared at Xiang Yang. He only felt that this scene had subverted his imagination. He seized the Sun Caiyu, the three talents around him. Before Sun Chunyu did not respond, he directly went to the front. Then ask, "Are you hurting?"

"Rely, fire is invincible, you dare to hit me, are you trying to find death?"

Suddenly, Sun Chunyu was slap in the face of fire and invincibility. He only felt dizzy. The whole person almost blew up. What's special, he was slap in the face of fire and invincible. What is the situation?

Although it was not an invincible opponent before, let alone the invincible fire has broken through to the status of Xianzun, Sun Chunyu believes that he is certainly not invincible, but this **** can not bully this person, white I gave myself a slap for no reason, so how can I be seen when I am going out?

"It hurts, then I am not dreaming, I can't help myself, brother, I just want to see if it hurts, I am not dreaming." Fire invincible admittance is very good, and quickly apologize, so Sun Chunyu wants If you continue to squat, it will be stuck in your throat.

"You, you are deliberate, you want to see if you are dreaming, you can do it yourself, what are you doing?" After Sun Chunyu squatted for a while, he glared at the invincible fire.

"Oh, brothers, don't care so much, hit me and hit you the same."

Before the fire was invincible, the relationship with Sun Chunyu was good. After all, everyone was the second ancestor in the Central Fairy City. There was no less dealings on weekdays. At this moment, he laughed and said, then turned his head and said hello to Sun Yuxiu. "Yu Xiu's sister is really getting better and better."

Sun Yuxiu snorted and looked at the invincible face of the fire. It was not good-looking. However, when she heard that the other person said that she was getting better and better, she was embarrassed to rebut the fire and invincible. She turned her head and looked at Xiangyang. There is a curious color in it.

"This guy is too weird, but it is too bold. One person will challenge these 30 strong people. Even if the fire is invincible, the **** is not daring."

Sun Yuxiu unconsciously compares Xiangyang with the invincible fire, and finds that the invincible fairy king who used to admire himself before, seems to be nothing in front of Xiangyang, she feels that Xiangyang is too powerful, her The heart is involuntarily trembling gently.

The fire invincible saw him boring, and did not continue to talk to other people, but looked at Xiangyang with a curious color on his face. "This guy will not really be a step into the sky, become a super invincible. Is it right? Or else you dare to challenge the demon of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak with the real fairyland?"

You must know that even if it is invincible, he does not dare to say that he is going to challenge the demon statues. However, Xiang Yang is so confident that he must use the power of one person to deal with the true devil and the demon king of the demon world. It’s incredible that the three deities of the three deities are strong.

"Aroya, you can't, I don't want to kill people at random, or change one up." Xiang Yang stood with his hands in the same place, looking at the Aroye, gently shook his head and said.

"Do you dare to look down on me?" After listening to Aroye, he did not immediately get angry, but said with a faint smile. "Human beings are so sinister, you are too arrogant. You must know that the power of my **** demon is definitely not you. I can imagine that even if I don't change my body, I can kill you, not to mention that after I am transformed, I can definitely crush you. It is you, I think you are very pleasing. Don't want to kill you, you still admit defeat."

"You are such a gentleman."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but admire.

"That is of course." After Aroye heard the praise of Xiang Yang, his face showed a proud color, and he took the opportunity to say, "All the worlds think that my devil is a place full of darkness and killing. In fact, in the devil world, everywhere is the place to know the book, there is a gladiator in each of our magic cities. Any dispute will be solved in the battlefield. In normal times, everyone is drinking small wine, savoring life, and feeling the way."

"Really?" Xiang Yang was really shocked after listening. In his imagination, the devil should be a land full of blood and dark, killing everywhere, everywhere is everywhere. The grotesque demon haunts, and it is the way to grab a little devil's life.

However, after hearing the words of Aroye, Xiang Yang felt as if he had returned to the life of the Western world in the secular world. At the time, the Western world was also like this. On the surface, everyone’s life was very leisurely, drinking. Coffee and red wine, real life is real, but the underground world is full of killing and darkness everywhere.

Can it be said that the Western world was a microcosm of the devil?

"Of course it is true."

Aroye said with a smile. "In the devil world, everything is free. Everything is the most comfortable. Although we are devils, they are free and easy. Unlike the immortals, you are like the fairy gods. It sounds sacred, but it’s too savage to be murderous, it’s too rude.”


Xiang Yang felt that Aroye’s words subverted his knowledge of the devil world. He couldn’t help but remember the life of the devil in the words of Aroye. He sighed in the heart, if the devil really is as Aroye said. It seems to be quite interesting too.

"Let's do it, you also join me in the devil world, to the devil's attention to you, if you enter the demon world, you can definitely become a high-ranking royal family. By then, your days will pass hundreds of times better than the fairy world. Ten thousand times.” Aroye continued to lure Xiang Yang.

"You said so much, just to make me become a demon person, right?" Xiang Yang sighed and said.

"No, I am telling the truth. If you don't believe it, when you wait for you to enter the devil world, you will see a different demon world. You will know that what I said is definitely not wrong. "Aroye said with a gentle smile on his face."

"Hey, you don't want to be like this. You are so quietly chatting with me, which has caused me a good impression. I am reluctant to kill you. What should I do? You still admit defeat."

Xiang Yang’s face looked at Aroye with an angry color. This guy must have been deliberate. He deliberately chatted with himself in such a gentle tone, so that he could see a different devil world, so that he could not bear to start. Killed each other.

"No, no, you are wrong, you are not my opponent, I am the royal family of the devil world, in the moment you open with me, in fact, you are already dead." Aroye still smiled and looked at Xiang Yang said .


Xiang Yang looked at Aroye and asked inexplicably.

"Because you are dead now."

Aroye sighed, his right hand stretched out, gently flicking, a strange energy bursting out along his hand, spreading directly toward Xiangyang's body, it was necessary to invade Xiangyang body, and, direct access In the spirit of Yang’s knowledge of the sea, in the spiritual world of Xiangyang, he constructed a world of the devil that he just said.

"Hey, you said so much, just to construct a world in my spiritual sea, so that you can start my soul." After Xiang Yang met, his face could not help. Showing a weird look at Aroye.

He thinks that this guy must have forgotten to look at the Huang Li. If he uses other methods to play against himself, with the strength of this guy, as long as he is not bent on trying to kill the other party, this guy can barely support it. However, this guy actually suddenly invaded his soul consciousness at this time and wanted to deal with himself. This is not a self-destructive way.

"Yeah, the devil world is really good. Now, I will bring your soul into the devil world." Aroye still has a smile on his face, but there is a small black bell in his hand, smirk Said, "This is the soul of the clock, the seed has been planted in your spiritual sea. Next, I will pick up your soul and come out, come on, there will be no pain, Let me take you to the devil world."


Then, Aroye swayed the spirit clock in his hand, and a strange energy spread to Xiang Yang's body, making Xiang Yang's figure stunned on the spot.

"It's too simple. I thought that the fairy side would pin all hope on you. You are really very good." After Aroye saw it, he showed a sneer of disdain. He originally thought that the Emperor of the East, etc. The man actually planned to let Xiang Yang shoot himself alone, which made him feel that Xiang Yang was definitely invincible in the world, so he came up with a very gentle look when he came up, and he was very natural with a **** demon. The shape of the body, even after Xiang Yang met, also gave a good impression on the heart of this guy.

However, this guy can never understand the extent to which Xiang Yang’s soul power has reached. Even if he uses powerful skills, it is absolutely impossible to have any influence on Xiang Yang.

Aroye’s face showed a happy smile. He was not in a hurry, but gently swayed the soul clock in his hand. Xiang Yang arrested Xiang Yang’s soul from Xiang Yang’s body.

"Xiang Yangzhong recruited, that is the soul of the clock, what should I do next?"

"His practice time is too short, and the true spirit should be his biggest flaw. This Aroye is worthy of being a genius under the **** ancestors' ancestors. He can see the weakness of Xiangyang and directly attack the target. ""

"I don't know if Xiang Yang can stop it. If he doesn't have any magic weapon to protect the true spirit, then this time it is really finished."

"If you start, you will lose. The face of my Eastern Tianyu is even bigger."


After the scenes of the immortals who are watching the battle, many people shook their heads helplessly. They felt that Xiang Yang’s move on the stage was too shameful. Not only was Xiangyang’s face stunned, but even the strongest of them. It is equally shameful.

"Is Xiang Yang really recruited?" At this moment, even the face of Emperor Xu Wei’s face showed a nervous color.

Although Xu Wei was very confident in Xiang Yang, when he saw that Xiang Yang was in a state of sluggishness when he was shaking the soul clock, he felt that Xiang Yang might be a trick.

"This is a bit of a hassle."

Mr. Wen sighed. "We ignored the time of his practice is too short. Although his combat power is unmatched, the true spirit is indeed his shortcoming. Even if we practiced for so many years, the soul The power is also a little stronger with the accumulation of time. We are not the soul family, and there is no such thing as the soul family, and Xiang Yang is indeed dangerous."

"I don't think this kid is likely to be recruited at once." The ancestors of the fire are with a skeptical color on his face.

"Crap, of course, it is impossible to recruit. In the midst of all the worlds, he is the most embarrassed. Even if you are recruited, Xiangyang can't be recruited."

The invincible fire on one side is a rebuttal.

"How to say?"

This time, the ancestors of the fire day did not do anything invincible with the fire, but looked at the fire with incomparable color on the face.

"With my understanding of Xiangyang, he is absolutely impossible to have any danger, you will watch it." Fire invincible face with a confident color, he swears that Xiang Yang is definitely the most embarrassing person he has ever seen. Anyone can put themselves in a dangerous state, but Xiangyang is impossible.

Ever since, everyone can only watch the battle in the field quietly. They are very curious and want to know what will happen next.


Aroye's face with a faint smile, slowly swaying the soul clock, wanting to grab the soul of Xiang Yang a little bit, but what makes him wonder is that Xiang Yang has always been motionless. It made him feel a little bit wrong.

"Is this guy's soul power more powerful, can't even detain him in a short time?" Aroye's face with a strange color, can only shake the clock in his hands at a faster speed. The bell that accompanied the '咚咚' kept ringing, but Xiang Yang still didn't move, and the look on his face suddenly seemed a little unstoppable.

"Since you can't pull out your soul, first destroy your body and then slap your soul." Then Aroye's face was cold.

He threw the soul clock into the air, while still changing, while he was transformed into a light and instantly smashed toward Xiangyang.

"Destroy your body, and then detain your soul." Seeing that his attack had already reached Xiang Yang's body, his face was full of excitement.

He is not the most powerful in the ten arrogance of the true realm. Even, it can only be said to be the most common. Otherwise, it is not his first shot.

However, he wants to let everyone see that his first shot is a person who can win the devil's side and be able to beat the face of the fairy side.


However, just as his attack was about to fall on Xiang Yang, he saw Xiang Yang opened his eyes and his eyes returned to agile.

"not good."

Author Meng Yu said: Today more than 20,000 words are completed, ask for flowers...

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