Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2792: Sun family's mental retardation

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However, at this time, when Sun Xiuwu started to destroy all the powerful men of the Imperial Palace, suddenly, the record heard a roaring sound, in the Imperial Palace, above their heads, infinite arrays. The lines are flowing, and there is a sword that instantly condenses, with a powerful Jianwei, and instantly goes to Sun Xiuwu.

"The array method has been activated on its own initiative, but can it block the deity with this small array?" Xianzun Sun Xiuwu, who is in the world of Da Luo’s eight heavens, sneered a little and looked at the one from the top of his head. Jianqi, flexing a finger, a sword gas also whistling out, squatting down the sword, greeted.


However, Sun Xiuwu is obviously a small sword that condenses this method, or it should be said that it is the sword of the Xiangyang control method.

This sword whistling out and bursting out with Sun Xiuwu’s sword. As if it were like a broken bamboo, Sun Xiuwu’s sword was blown away in an instant, and then a huge roar came out. The sword was still smashing toward Sun Xiuwu, and with an invincible breath, Sun Senwu finally changed his face.

"this is..."

Sun Xiuwu and other big Luo Xianzun all changed their faces. They sensed that this sword has a very horrible power. It is a group of kendo ideas that they can't deal with. It seems that this sword is truly invincible. They can't afford to be the same as the other side's sword.

Only after Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu met, while the heart was shocked, it was a surprise and awkward color on their faces. They had already guessed that Xiangyang had returned.

"Block me."

Sun Xiuwu screamed in anger, and a big knife appeared in his hand, slamming into the sword.


However, it still doesn't work. Although this big knife is the best grade of the fairy, but in the face of this invincible sword, it was instantly blasted out, leaving only this sword still continues to come to Sun Xiuwu. Among them, the invincible sword and the killing, make Sun Xiuwu's face very ugly.

"Who is this? This method cannot have such a strong power. It must be someone who controls the formation to deal with me, who is it, and gives me out."

Sun Xiuwu’s face was covered with sweat. He was nervous and angry and shouted. “If it doesn’t come out, Laozi will kill everyone in the Imperial Palace.”


However, at the same time that his voice fell, the sword was shocked and slammed on him. Sun Xiuwu had a strong defense force and rose up. It was the power of defense magic, although it blocked some swords, but Sun Xiuwu The whole person was instantly smashed out and slammed into the distance on the ground. At the same time, he had a sword wound on his body. From the eyebrows to his stomach, blood was flowing, and even the internal organs and bones were clearly visible.


"Repair, you are fine?"

"How can this sword be so strong, is there anyone in control of it?"

"God, what the **** is going on?"


The other sages of the Sun family all changed their faces. They watched Sun Xiuwu, the master of the big heaven and the heavens, and they were instantly blasted out. When there was a kind of murder, they were all one by one. While the fierce **** is shaking, he even wants to turn around and flee.

They are very clear that since the other party can hurt Sun Xiuwu, the singer of the sacred world, it is absolutely possible to deal with them easily.

Although they are all Da Luo Xianzun, but the strongest is Sun Xiuwu, the fascinating fairy goddess of the great world of the eight heavens, Sun Jia, after all, it is impossible to send the sacred statues of the Da Luo Jiu Tiantian to the Imperial Palace. .

The strongest ones were almost killed, not to mention other people.

"You come out."

Sun Xiuwu is constantly squirting blood in his mouth, but he is roaring. He is not reconciled. According to such observations for several hours, he has already determined that the strongest of the imperial palaces is only the small bald head of the big Luo seven heavens. Xianzun, however, he has already found an excuse to let Xiaoguangtou leave the Imperial Palace to do other things. In the Imperial Palace, there is absolutely no other strong person.

However, there is no other strong, why is that sword so powerful?

Sun Xiuwu’s heart trembled at the same time, knowing that there must be a strong person to come to the emperor’s palace, and that the other party is still the person of Xiangyang.

"This is a matter inside my imperial palace. Please also ask the predecessors not to intervene. In the future, my grandson will definitely thank the predecessors." At this time, Sun Xiuwu did not forget to scream at the tiger skin.

After Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu of the side listened to Sun Xiuwu’s words, they could not help but show the strange color on their faces. Those who don’t know will really think that Sun Xiuwu’s reaction ability is really fast. He knows that this thing is a matter inside the Imperial Palace. And then move out of the Sun family, even if it is the master of the big Luo Jiu Tiantian, but also to give the Sun family a face, will not kill Sun Xiuwu and others, or even directly ignore this matter.

However, the person who came here is Xiang Yang. Is the practice of Sun Xiuwu the real master of the Imperial Palace useful?

In the eccentric eyes of Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu, Sun Xiuwu screamed and heard that the other party did not move. He thought that the other party was really shocked by the name of Sun’s family and did not dare to move. After the healing of the medicinal herbs, I thought that when the injury resumed, I quickly ran the Emperor Palace and ran.

However, the next thing made him feel shocked. The healing medicine he swallowed was the real healing of Shengdan. According to the truth, he could instantly kill human bones and bones. Of course, it also worked, his sword wound. It recovered in an instant, but, immediately, when he heard the sound of '嗤', his wound broke again.

It seems that there is a sword that will open his wounds from the inside out.

Sun Xiuwu stayed and couldn't help but tremble. "Is this sword that is left in my body, and it still has such power?"

"I don't believe it."

He hurts his teeth, but he bites his teeth and swallows several healing pills again. He wants to recover the physical injuries. At the same time, he runs the exercises to drive out the sword, but the next scene It is the real fear of Sun Xiuwu.


Along with the sound of a cracking sound, every time, Sun Xiuwu’s body just healed, and a sword gas came out from the inside out, and the wound of Sun Xiuwu was torn again in an instant, making him feel huge. At the same time as the pain, the heart is even more flustered.

"Whose sword is this? It is so strong, it is impossible, even if the power of my fairy can not be expelled, impossible, who is it? Is it a sacred strong, no..."

At the same time he was hurried, he was trying to drive out the sword in the flesh at the fastest speed, but it was useless. Even he could obviously feel that the other sword had absorbed his own strength. Growing fast, in the blink of an eye, as if there is a sword in his body is slowly generated, just waiting for the generation of the sword, it will instantly kill, cut his whole person into two.

"Who is that, who are you?"

"Predecessors are forgiving, forgive, I dare not, no longer dare."

"This is a matter inside my imperial palace. It is a matter of my grandson's family. Please also ignore the predecessors. Please ask the seniors to take back this sword. My grandson will be grateful."

Sun Xiuwu is no longer as aggressive as he used to be, but he is constantly asking for mercy. He knows that the other party must have not left yet. Maybe he is hiding in the dark and watching his own misery. While seeking for mercy, it is not Forget the name of Sun's family to suppress each other.

"The thing in the Imperial Palace is something inside your grandson's house? Why don't I know that this is the case?"

Finally, it seems that Sun Xiuwu’s words touched the other side. The other party finally responded. Only a light laughter came out. On the lobby, there were two figures appearing out of thin air. It was Xiang Yang and Mei Aoxue.

At this moment, Xiang Yang took the small hand of Mei Aoxue, with a cold face on his face, glanced at Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu, who were suppressed, and said faintly, "The truth of a palace is the internal affairs of the Sun family. In less than a day, Sun’s family will be able to turn the Imperial Palace into yours. It’s really amazing.”

After Sun Chunyu and Yan Yuxiu listened, they changed their faces, especially Sun Chunyu. Although they were suppressed, they have resumed their actions at this moment. He is busy with Xiang Yang. "Master, I am wrong, I am The Sun family should not be allowed to guard the imperial palace, so that these people actually gave birth to the imperial palace."

"Oh... a good grandson, you are very good."

Xiang Yang smiled coldly, and his heart was filled with killing. This time, he really wanted to kill, especially, he only left the imperial palace less than a day, and he still believed Sun Chunyu, and gave the Emperor’s order. Sun Chunyu, this kid actually came from the Sun family and wanted to swallow the entire imperial palace. This kind of thing is simply too much.

"Master... I am wrong, I am wrong, ask the teacher to forgive."


Sun Chunyu's face turned white, and he continued to beg for the Xiangyang hoe, and his head collided with the ground and made a squeaking sound.

Xiang Yang did not pay attention to Sun Chunyu, but extended his hand and directly recalled the Emperor of Heaven who stayed in Sun Chunyu. Fortunately, Sun Chunyu did not directly give the Emperor’s order to Sun’s family. Otherwise, Even if Xiang Yang wants to take back the Emperor's Order from Sun Jia, it will take a little effort.

Of course, the owner of the Sun family personally saw the Emperor of the East, Xu Wei, who gave the Emperor's order to Xiangyang. Even if he gave him 100 courage, he would not dare to occupy the Emperor's Order.

Xiang Yang did not pay attention to Sun Chunyu, who was constantly screaming at her head. Instead, she looked at Sun Xiuwu with a cold face on her face. "The grandfather's fairy deity, a great prestige, a strong ability."

"who are you?"

When Sun Xiuwu saw Xiang Yang, he frowned and said coldly, "No matter who you are, I will not let you go."

While speaking, he continued to shout at the void. "Predecessors, please also ask the seniors to show up, ask the formers to forgive, and my grandson will be grateful. My grandfather's ancest is also a holy place. Those, predecessors must be no strangers, if the predecessors let go of the next, and no longer care about the palace, my grandson's ancestors will be very happy..."

The words shouted out, while Sun Chunyu still squatted, but his heart was very weird, sighing, how could he find such a mentally handicapped guy to guard the imperial palace, no wonder the other party dared to give birth to occupy the imperial palace. The idea would be to turn to the face of Emperor Palace for a bottle of Jindan.

Sun Yuxiu squinted and sighed and said, "Xiang Yang, this person is an elder of my grandson's family. I can't replace my grandson. No matter what you want, just feel free. Today, I will tell the owner truthfully. of."

"Is there a copy of your speech here?"

Sun Yuxiu originally wanted to tell Xiang Yang that Sun Xiuwu’s work was that Sun Xiuwu’s own stupidity had nothing to do with Sun’s family. She also felt that Xiang Yang would know this thing clearly. Therefore, she would open her mouth so that Xiang Yang could handle Sun Xiuwu at will. She will tell Sun Jia’s family truthfully, the Sun Jia’s family will not blame Xiang Yang.

However, what she didn't expect was that Xiang Yang looked at her coldly and looked at her. After a cold drink, she directly looked at Sun Xiuwu and sneered. "Sun Jia is really a Central Xiancheng Emperor." The great man, there will be such a good fairy."


After Sun Yuxiu was sighed by Xiang Yang, she only felt that the whole person was mad. She glared at Xiangyang. However, because she was suppressed by the grandson’s Xianzun, she was only able to resume her actions at the moment. If you don't fully recover, you can only look at Xiangyang.

Sun Xiuwu’s injury has been restored, because he found that the sword is no longer damaging his injury, but he is constantly warming up in his body, and a sword with a sword full of condensation is in his body. Generated, the breath that broke out on the sword is more and more powerful.

He was so scared in his heart that this sword was as rooted in his body, and he was growing up with his strength. He wanted to refine his sword with his own oven, but the oven The force, but helped to increase the growth of the sword, he used all means to annihilate that sword, but still has no effect, the sword is still growing in his body, change It is getting stronger and stronger.

He knew that only the master of the sword could pull out the sword in his body, but the other party still did not appear. At this moment, his heart trembled and the whole person was frightened.

Seeing that Xiang Yang and Mei Aoxue were holding hands and standing in front of each other, when a kind of loving and harmonious look, Sun Xiuwu was furious and couldn’t help but screamed. "A pair of monks are not going to roll, otherwise Laozi first Killed you."

Although Mei Aoxue is the fairy **** of Da Luo’s eight heavens, the things she usually likes to do are also the self-cultivation of convergence. Together with the strength of Sun Xiuwu, she is trying to suppress the sword in her body. In the middle, he really can't see the difference of Mei Aoxue. He also thinks that Xiang Yang and Mei Ao Xue are both weak. Because he has the cultivation of the great world of the world, he can Easily suppress two people. .


Xiang Yang shook his head with a cold smile, and he was really surprised that the mental retardation of Sun Xiuwu could also be cultivated by Da Luo.

Sun Chunyu still faces Xiangyang's gimmicks, and Sun Yuxiu originally wanted to attack. However, after hearing Sun Xiuwu's words, she couldn't help but squint and groaned. "Sun's family is really down, how? Will there be such a mentally retarded person?"

"You still don't roll, then don't leave. Today, the deity will let the seniors see what it is like to offend my grandson."

At this time, Sun Xiuwu was screaming with anger. His eyes full of killing looked at Xiang Yang and Mei Aoxue, and he intended to kill the chicken and monkeys by killing Xiang Yang and Mei Ao Xue. 'Look at it, so that the other side can recover the sword that stays in him.

"Well, I also want to see what kind of end will happen." Xiang Yang looked at Sun Xiuwu with a smile, and the eyes were cold.

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