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"How do I feel that the passer of that one is a bit weird."

"Hey, young people, it’s normal to be more romantic. The destiny of every continent is the most outstanding woman in a continent. It is normal to be seen by him."

"However, he has seen thousands of people at once, is it necessary to be these maids?"

"Haha, it's a bit interesting, I really want to see him."


At this moment, the three sacred strongmen sitting above the ring are all talking, with a smile on their faces. In their eyes, all this is a bit interesting, but it has not yet reached the kind that can cause them. The degree of vibration.

Moreover, they just feel fun, no matter what Xiangyang wants to do, it seems to be normal. After all, Xiang Yang is the descendant of that pulse, as long as he is willing, no matter how many women he wants, there will be The powerful forces of all parties took the initiative to send it to the door.

At this time, the girls who had been gifted by 'Xiangyang' and gave gifts to their children suddenly found out that they were not right. They looked at other people one by one and opened their mouths. It was incredible. .

"You, are you also the people who are being seen by Xiangyang Shengwei?"

"Yeah, you are too, so good."


This group of goddess of life really didn't know what to say. They thought they were unique. Because they were too good, they would be seen by 'Xiangyang' and gave themselves various treasures to make themselves The body has cast a brand of Xiangyang and become a Taoist of the future sage. However, at this time, they discovered that all of this is false, although it may be true that they have received the care of Xiangyang, but It’s not just that I’ve got the care of Xiang Yang alone.

"Ah, haha, this is really an awkward scene."

Xiang Yang was equally stunned. He suddenly wondered who the other party was. He had such a big ambition, borrowed his own name and wanted to get the thousands of fateful women, and also made the first battle of the goddess of destiny. What is the meaning of the name promise to these people?

In order to get these thousands of beautiful women?

This is clearly a nonsense, although every woman of the destiny is a **** of care, beautiful and enchanting, but the other party is really a big local tyrant, the treasures sent between the waves, you can see, It’s just too easy for the other party to get a woman. Why do you have to make such a big joke so much?

Mei Aoxue also looked at Xiang Yang with an incomprehensible color. "Do you have other strong people in that vein?"

"I don't know." Xiang Yang had a depressed color on his face. "In addition to my brother Yunfei Yang, I have never seen anyone in our veins. Moreover, my master also told me that I It is his only true disciple. How do I know how my fame is suddenly so hot, and I have been stolen."

He was very embarrassed. When he saw that these fatal women were a little uncomfortable, he stood up and couldn’t help but say, "You, since you said that these things are all given to you, then, now I Repent, please come back."


"What did he say? He gave it to us, is he Xiangyang?"

"How could it be him, impossible?"

"What is going on here? I think I need to be quiet..."

These destiny women felt that they could not calm down. They looked at Xiangyang one by one, although they suspected that Xiangyang was a fake, but after thinking about it, they felt that Xiangyang could not be fake. After all, Counterfeiting Xiangyang in the eyes of the public is tantamount to finding death.

However, no matter what they think, they always feel that today's thing is not quite right.

"This guy..."

"He is really Xiangyang. It is really a descendant of that pulse. Xu Wei has specially sent us a message before us, so if we find that this guy is in danger, I will help him."

"So, these things are not actually sent by this kid?"

“Interesting and interesting, what are these juniors messing around?”

The three sacred masters above were equally stunned. However, after carefully watching Xiangyang, they immediately understood the identity of Xiangyang.

"Impossible, you are just a man around Xiangyang. You can't be Xiangyang. If you say that you are Xiangyang, what evidence do you have to prove your identity?"

Feng Changxiu stood on Xianfu, not far from Xiangyang. She first looked at Xiangyang with an incredible color. She really didn't believe that Xiangyang was the legendary person.

Originally, she always felt that she was alone in the love of Xiangyang, and Mei Aoxue, while being followed by a person, was only a man of Xiangyang. Whoever thought, even changed, her so-called love became Thousands of people have it, and the so-called Xiang Yang, who looks very inconspicuous with Mei Aoxue, is the real Xiangyang person. This is incredible.

"I am me, do you still need proof? What do the three seniors think?" Xiang Yanghehe smiled at the same time, and he gave a ceremony to the three holy people in the ring.

"Don't dare, little friends don't have to be polite."

At this moment, after seeing Xiangyang’s salute, the three sacred sects on the ring stage stood up and saluted. Although they are strong sacred people, they are facing the disciple of Xiangyang. People, they really can’t dare to support them.

"You and see, the three predecessors have already proved my identity. Since you said that many things were given to you before, then I don't want to give it to you now, please give it back to me."

Xiang Yang Lehe looked at the thousands of goddess of fate, and thought that if he could get all these things back, it would also be a windfall.

As for the gifts of the other party who pretend to be their own names, is it not easy to know? After all, some of the fateful women are still carrying their own ‘self’, and they want to help each other get the first place.

"This is impossible, it is fake, everything is fake, why is it like this, it is impossible..."

At this moment, the thousands of goddess of destiny are all shocked at the same time, but they are shaking their heads and do not want to believe that this is true.

They are very clear that if the person in front of him is Xiang Yang, then maybe the things they are getting will become fake. They and others originally thought that they were nobler than other goddess of destiny. It has been seen by the descendants of the legendary pulse, and is the destined lady of the future.

However, all of this is now a fake, what should I do next?

They almost went crazy, and they were all bruised and bruised. They looked at their own gifts that were given by ‘Xiangyang’ and suddenly they were very hot.

Xiang Yang laughed, although these women did not give things to themselves, but he did not feel guilty, because these things are not their own, he is just for fun.

Seeing that these destiny women all had their eyes wide open with incredible colors, he felt very interesting and couldn’t help but smile and said, "Don’t lie, give me back my things, hurry. Don't waste my time, and ah, the words that I told you before are actually my jokes. Don't be serious."

These women are shocked. Some of them have even lived for hundreds of thousands of years. When they have been hundreds of thousands of years old, they have never encountered such a situation. I really don’t know how to deal with it.

On the contrary, the strong men who were sent by ‘Xiangyang’ to help those women win the first place in the women’s battle of Wanzhou’s destiny, their eyes flashed, their eyes gazing around, apparently preparing to escape.

"Hey, what do you do, don't run, yes, as my men, after seeing the master, I didn't come over to salute, but just turned around and ran away. Do you think this is appropriate?" Xiang Yang saw those strong If they want to escape, they shouted loudly.


After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, the original guys were just watching around, thinking about the guys who wanted to escape. At this moment, they were very quick to tear the void and escape.

"If you let go, how can I find the person who pretends to be me?"

Xiang Yanghehe smiled, his hands clasped the law, and a mysterious atmosphere broke out. He whispered, "The mountains and rivers are shocking, and I am suppressing the void, no one wants to run."


As Xiangyang’s voice fell, he saw an invisible ray of light spreading in an instant, making the voids that had been torn apart instantly solidified, even those who were ready to escape. There is a strong force in the body, and it is impossible to rush into the void at this time.

At this time, Xiang Yang's figure was in front of one of them, sneer and grab a hand.

"Give me over."

Xiang Yang smiled coldly and looked at the other side. This is a strong man in the world of Da Luo, and he has a feeling of familiarity with Xiang Yang, which makes Xiang Yang very confused and does not know which force the other party belongs to. Can actually make this familiar feeling.

"You and I don't make water in the well. I don't want to do it with you. Let me leave. Today, you will know it naturally." The strong man is a young man. At this moment, seeing Xiangyang's shot to deal with himself, his heart secretly complains. However, there was no action on Xiangyang, but the body shape quickly retreated toward the rear, trying to follow other people to escape by flying.

"It’s not so much to let me know in the future. It’s better to tell me everything today.” Xiang Yang snorted and his right hand burst into a strong breath, and he yelled, “Give me over.”


At this moment, Xiang Yang’s energy in his hands turned into a dragon claw, and he directly grabbed it toward the other side. The void was sealed by him at this moment, even the young man who was quickly retreating from the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. I also feel that the power of imprisonment is acting on my own body, making him feel like he is in a quagmire. It is very difficult to retreat.

In desperation, he could only take a deep look at Xiangyang and whispered. "I am not malicious. I will know all the arrangements in the future, and leave."


At the same time, there was a **** sword in the youth, and the whole person exploded in an instant. The blood fog condensed into a three-foot-long blood sword. Open, and then, this blood sword directly disappeared into the void and disappeared.

Although the dragon claws of Xiangyang's energy are condensed, the power is endless. However, at this moment, when the other side is forced to display the bleeding sword, he already understands the identity of the other party. He does not continue to explore the void to capture each other. Instead, he took back his hand and stood in the void, watching the strong men disappear and disappeared, and he was frowning and thinking.

"The bloodsword of killing the human race, what are they going to do? It costs so much to pretend to be me, kill the sword, kill the sword, kill the way, are you the master of the teacher?"

The young man directly blew himself into a **** sword. It is obviously the secret technique of killing the human life. He can get rid of everything, burst out the strongest force and leave the void to leave. There will be something behind it that Xiangyang is too lazy to ask for it, but he really What’s striking is that killing the way has nothing to do with yourself. Even, it’s a bit of a hatred. If they want to find their own troubles, they should send people to kill themselves instead of doing this, because Fucking, there is no benefit to killing.

"It's really troublesome."

For the first time, Xiang Yang understood that being a ‘celebrity’ was not a good thing. He sighed helplessly.

"What's wrong, know who pretend to be yours?" At this time, Mei Ao Xue came to Xiang Yang's side, looking at Xiang Yang with a color of concern on his face.

"It’s a killer." Xiang Yang said, "I am not familiar with the killing, and there is even a little hatred. They pretend to be me. I don't know what it is. Is it killing? Was it passed down by my teacher? But this is unlikely."

"However, the emergence of killing the road, it gave me a wake up, reminds me of an organization." At the same time, Xiang Yang eyes flashed a slap in the eye.

"What organization?" Mei Aoxue's face with a strange color, this is the first time she saw Xiang Yang mentioning an organization, it will show murderous.

"Black Iron Auction."

Xiang Yang whispered, "I was determined to destroy the black iron auction. It was only after many things happened that I forgot what I wanted to do. However, this time the killings appeared. Instead, it reminded me to let me know what I should do. After this time, the battle of Wanzhou’s destiny is over. The thing I have to do is to find the organization of the Black Iron Auction and completely destroy this organization. ”

"It is this notorious auction. It is the next branch of the killing road. If you destroy the black iron auction, I am afraid that it will directly match the killing." Mei Ao Xue could not help but say.

"No problem, the opposite is right, and at that time, my order's order of defense is almost out of the customs. At that time, if there is any opinion on killing the road, it will be destroyed."

Xiang Yang looks, of course, although the killing path is strong, but after his hundreds of thousands of order guards are all dispatched, it is okay to destroy most of the people who kill this way. Of course, the holy place in the killing path It is the most difficult to deal with, but he is not afraid.

Mei Aoxue nodded lightly, clenching Xiang Yang’s hand, whispering, “I will stay with you no matter what you want to do.”

"it is good."

Xiang Yang smiled softly. He was very uncomfortable because of the impersonation of the person who was killed. At this moment, he felt that all the discomforts were dissipated. On the road of practice, there was a companion, and it was enough.

Of course, Xiang Yang’s intimate people are a little more...

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