Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2813: Do not use flying knives?

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"I surrender."

The young man looked up and looked at the three sacred referees, and screamed with anger and anger. Then he turned his head and looked at Xiang Yang. Hehe smiled and said, "Brother, I admit defeat, don't move." Knife, I am afraid of death..."

"Nothing is okay, as long as you have a way to admit defeat, then I will not do it." Xiang Yang most appreciates the kind of person who is doing things neatly, since the other party concedes defeat, naturally there is no need to kill the other side.

"You can definitely admit defeat."

The young man’s face was full of self-confidence. However, after a while, he felt that something was wrong. He had already yelled at him and admitted that he had not sent himself away from the ring.

"This one..."

When the young man thought of a possibility, he suddenly got a breath and sweated his forehead. He looked up and looked at the three holy people above him. He found that the three strong men were sitting in danger and didn’t look at themselves. He Suddenly I felt a little bit wrong, and shouted again, "Three seniors, I admit defeat."

"Call and shout, we are just sitting here to prevent some unfair phenomena. There is no way to decide whether you will win or lose this battle. It is useless to tell us that it is not good." The old man looked at the young man with pity.

After listening to the youth, his face suddenly changed. His face was covered with sweat. The whole person was almost dumbfounded. He turned his head and looked at Xiangyang. He barely smiled. "Brother... this, this squat do?"

"What do you say?" Xiang Yang asked with a smile.

"I, I don't know." The youth almost cried. He really didn't think that he couldn't admit defeat. Could it be said that he could only be killed after he was killed?

Moreover, at this moment, he obviously found that Xiang Yang had taken out the cucurbit gourd. Although Zhu Xianfei did not make any substantive action on him, he felt that he had already been locked. A heart suddenly trembled, sweating all over, and quickly shouted, "Brother, don't rush, I, I don't want to do it with you."

"I don't want to, I just took out my gourd and took a look." Xiang Yang held the scented gourd in one hand and said with a smile.


The young man almost screamed, what's special, your magic weapon, don't you see enough? I have to take it out and take a look at it.

However, he did not dare to say that Xiangyang was not, but his head was running constantly, his forehead was covered with sweat, and even his body was soaked with sweat.

He knows that time is life. If you don't find a solution that can admit defeat, maybe the next moment is when the knives fly on your neck and kill yourself.

He really has no defensive magic weapon at the level of the treasure, there is no way to block the sacred gourd at the level of the treasure.

"Hey, I have recently lost some treasures. If someone can send me some treasures, I feel that no matter what the problem is, it is very good to discuss."

At this time, I saw Xiang Yang while studying the scent of gourd in his hand while talking to himself.

After listening to this young man, he immediately understood that Xiang Yang said it to himself. Although he was saddened, he bit his teeth and took a storage ring from his storage magic weapon and carefully sent it. In front of Xiang Yang, "Brother, there are some treasures in it, this is my honor for you."

"Hey, how do you feel so good."

Although Xiang Yang said that he was embarrassed, his speed was faster than anyone else. He took the youth’s storage ring in the blink of an eye, and the gods explored it and found that the things inside were actually some. When the treasures of the refiner and the alchemy were very extraordinary, he suddenly laughed and said to the young man, "Haha, good brother, I know that you are a clear person at first glance. If so, let us down this stage." Fight, just end the draw."

"No, I admit defeat, brother, everything to you, including the fate of the fate of the woman, I admit defeat." The youth breathed a sigh of relief, but said quickly.

He really didn't want to go on any more. He knew that this time the battle of Wan Tian's destiny was too dangerous. For him, who has no treasures and is not the most advanced, it is very difficult to save his life. It is better to take this opportunity to get out and leave.

As for whether or not he can leave this question, he always feels that there is Xiang Yang, and it should not be a problem.

"This way, okay."

Xiang Yang smiled and waved at the stone of the **** of gas, "I said Shi Brother, this brother has conceded defeat, let him admit defeat, have to spare people and spare people, we will not hurt his life. Haha."


Then the scene that made people feel shocked appeared. When the young yelled and yelled to admit defeat, there was no effect at all, and Xiang Yang just said casually to the **** of gas, and the real thing on the stone was really A ray of light emerged, and the youth was sent away directly. At the same time, there was a floating fairy island. There was a woman who was destined to scream, and all the power of the whole body was gone away from her. Her whole face was pale. On the ground, my eyes are not reconciled, but I am also lucky.

Since then, she is an ordinary person, no longer a **** of destiny, although she failed, but she is like the young people, at least, they can save their lives at the same time.

"Qinger, are you okay?" The young man quickly returned to Xiandao, lifting the woman up, with a sly color on his face.

"Nothing, Yunlang, we can be carefree together in the future, no longer need to be limited by the identity of the goddess of nature, thank you, Yunlang."

The woman thought very open and hugged the youth tightly.

"Well, let's go to all the worlds and be a true fairy monk." The young man is excited on his face, and he is lucky to be the daughter of the destiny. .

They went hand in hand, and Xiang Yang went back to the broken moon boat. I saw that Mei Ao Xue had just accepted the strength of the other party's air force. The body was full of breath, and the whole person reached the peak. There is one that cannot be said. Dao Yun is flowing around Mei Aoxue.

"The more power of air transport, the better it seems to Mei Xiaoniu. It seems that I should not wait for the round, waiting for the final battle. Anyway, I have nothing to do, but I can often go to war for Mei Xiaoniu. Accumulate the power of air transport."

Xiang Yang said to himself in his heart, suddenly felt that if he had been in the air, it was not a good thing. So, he waved his hand at the stone of the air, saying, "Wait for me to go on stage, I am too bored."


After the people around him heard the words of Xiang Yang, they all looked at Xiang Yang like a fool. Although everyone knows that Xiang Yang is the descendant of the very hot pulse recently, but in this ring, You can publicly defeat Xiang Yang, and even let yourself be famous, everyone is still very happy.

Of course, there are only a small number of people who have the defensive magic weapon who can confidently block Xiangyang’s Zhu Xianfei knife. Others are praying in their hearts, hoping that they will not encounter Xiangyang.

"This guy is definitely sick. Does he really think that the stone will listen to him? Although he just said that the other party will admit defeat, the gas **** stone really let the other party admit defeat, but I think it is just an accident, air transport. The **** stone is the symbol of heaven. It is absolutely the most dangerous and fair. It is impossible to listen to him."

"Is it really thought that he is the singer of that pulse, can you be mad at heaven?"

"Oh, I said that this guy is a descendant of that pulse, but it is actually a guy with better luck. If I am a descendant of the legendary vein, I have already become a supreme sage. It is."


Those who participated in the war all sneered, and some even whispered, one of them said the loudest, and even sneered, "If you let this guy go down with me, as long as he does not use Zhu Xianfei Knife, I can definitely beat him."

"is it?"

His voice was a bit big, and he was also heard by Xiang Yang.

Just listening to a faint voice came over, and then he suddenly felt that something was wrong. He had a traction on his body. He had just been sent down from the ring, and he was once again transferred to the downfall, and his opponent...

"No... how could it be you?" When the guy looked at his opponent, he was dumbfounded, because his opponent was not someone else, just Xiang Yang who just sneered.

At this moment, Xiang Yang is looking at this guy with a smile. Just when the guy said his bad words very loudly, Xiang Yang could hear it clearly. Therefore, Xiang Yang made a small wish to the gas god. As a result, the air transport **** stone really sent itself up.

At this moment, Xiang Yang’s heart is a bit skeptical. Does this qi sacred stone really have produced an instrumental spirit, or that the qi sacred stone is actually man-made, otherwise it may be so skillful. So that this gas **** stone really listens to its own words?

When Xiang Yang’s heart was suspicious, his opponent, the buddy who said that Xiangyang’s bad words had been more suspicious of life at the moment, he looked at Xiang Yang in a dull manner and looked up to see the gas of the top of the head. Suddenly screaming, "It’s not fair, he cheated... three seniors, he must be cheating, or else why?"

"Do you doubt the eyes of our three sacred masters?" Above, the hearts of the three sacred sects are a bit puzzled why Xiangyang can say anything, this qiyunshishi listens, but, at this moment, listened to this After the guy's words, the three men looked at the guy with a cold face.

The suppression of the power of the Holy Land made the guy's face change, the whole person trembled, and almost did not fall directly on the ground.

He said quickly, "No, no, the younger generation can't doubt the three seniors, but, but this is not quite right."

The more he thinks, the more he feels that this thing is too strange. Everyone is also coming to participate in the Women’s War of Wanzhou’s destiny. What do you think about Xiangyang’s thoughts, and others will not do it?

"Do you feel very suspicious of life? Do you think that I am like hanging up?" Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the young man.

"What the way did you use it?" The guy stared at Xiangyang.

"I just made a wish for the gas **** stone. As a result, it really promised. You said, is this very magical?" Xiang Yang looked up and looked at the gas **** stone, sighed and said, "Life is So wonderful, when you think you are already suffering, in fact, because you have not seen the gap between you and others, when you really see the gap between you and me, you will understand, actually you It’s more tragic than you think.”


This guy feels a little doubtful about life. Are you comforting me? Still hit me, why do I think that you are gloating?

He regretted his death in his heart. He knew that he should not laugh at Xiangyang. Now it is good, and he is self-sufficient. He really sent it to Xiangyang.

However, he is quite arrogant, because he feels that the gap between him and Xiangyang is very small, as long as Xiangyang does not use the 斩 葫 葫, he is absolutely qualified to fight with Xiangyang.

"If you have a kind, don't use the 斩仙飞刀, and I will have a fair confrontation with me." This guy bit his teeth and look at Xiangyang. Although he knows that he said this, it is a bit of a brain, and it must be in the ring. Who will agree with the opponent's words, and not use his strongest magic weapon.

However, at this time, he can only try it, and hope that Xiang Yang can really be attacked by himself.

"What do you mean is that I don't use the 斩仙飞刀, you can use other magic weapons to make a fair confrontation with you, otherwise, you are not willing to die if you die?" Xiang Yang's face looked at this with a quirky color. Guy.

"Yes, as long as you don't use the 飞仙飞刀, and I am fair to the showdown, I will lose if I lose it."

This guy saw that Xiang Yang seemed to be hooked. He suddenly relaxed his mood. As long as Xiang Yang did not use the Zhu Xian Fei knife, with his strength, he did not have to worry about Xiang Yang. Maybe he could After a rise in adversity, after Xiangyang was destroyed, he obtained all the treasures of Xiangyang, including the 葫 葫 。.

At that time, as the self of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, holding the 斩仙飞刀, who is his opponent?

I will definitely be able to win the first place in this Wanzhou Destiny Women's War.

Thinking of this, this guy only felt that his heart beat faster, but he was afraid that Xiang Yang would see the thoughts in his heart and quickly pretend to be calm.

Everything is ready, just wait for Xiang Yang to go down and promise.

This young man looks at Xiang Yang with the color of hope, can he embark on the peak of life, can he let his woman become the first woman of Wanzhou’s destiny, just see if Xiangyang is stupid. Promised down.

As long as Xiang Yang looses his mouth, he will win.

He felt that he was too witty. This time, although it was full of crisis for himself, at the same time, it also contained a glimmer of life. He had already seized it. If he was lucky, he might be able to name it. The achievement is eternal.

"I agree."

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