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Everything was settled, and these sacred sacred people woke up, remembering that they had offended the pro-disciples of the sages of the Emperor, and the disciples of Xiangyang, one of them was full of repentance.

They know that it is useless to regret now. The first thing they have to face is how the Emperor should dispose of them.

Of course, it also includes the ancestors of the nine-tailed fox.

Because the person who came to order, is the ancestor of the nine-tailed fox.

At this moment, the ancestors of the nine-tailed fox fox sighed with relief when they saw that they were coming in time. If he came one step later, maybe something big would happen.

Moreover, when he arrived, he clearly felt the smoldering atmosphere that erupted from Xiangyang.

"This kid is really going crazy. If I come one step later, it is estimated that the chaos will be destroyed by him. Sure enough, anyone who offends can not offend this kid."

At this moment, the old guy touched the sweat of his forehead. He was really afraid that Xiangyang would destroy all the heavens and the world. The breath of immortality contained in the breath made him think a lot.

The ancestors of the nine-tailed fox ancestors were the people of the Imperial Palace. He has followed the existence of the Emperor from ancient times. He knows a lot of things and knows clearly. If he came late, he will have a breathing time, maybe the days. It is possible that the world has ceased to exist.

"What's special, you guys, this group of bastards, you are still Yasheng, I see you are rubbish, the fighters in the garbage, dare to deal with the descendants of Laozi, are you trying to find death?"

The ancestors of the Jiuwei Tianhu Yi thought that these Yasheng not only had to deal with their own descendants, but when they almost let Xiangyang collapse all the worlds, he was very angry and smashed the red hydrangea. When all the saints were sacred, his figure flashed, and the whole man was divided into thousands. He instantly reached the front of all the holy saints, and ruthlessly slammed in the past.


At this moment, hundreds of Yasheng strongmen were slapped at the same time, and this slap was so loud that they could not resist even if they wanted to resist. They all widened their eyes and looked at the incredible color. The ancestors of the tail fox, "This old guy, how dare..."

"Old fox, are you dare?"


At this moment, this group of Ya Sheng is glaring at the ancestors of the nine-tailed fox.

After the ancestors of the nine-tailed fox slap all the sacred slaps, they returned to their original positions. The top of the head was suspended with the magic weapon of the emperor, and the vast sacred commemoration broke out. After the eyes of these guys, he snorted. "Do you have any opinions?"


At the same time, the red hydrangea on his head broke out with a more terrible sacred sacredness. Even as long as the old guy was willing, he could completely destroy all the sacred priests by virtue of this magic weapon.


At the moment, these Yasheng are full of angry killings, but when they face the red hydrangea floating on the head of this old guy, they dare not move, only can look angry at the nine-tailed fox The ancestors of the pulse, dare to anger and dare not speak.


Although they dare not speak, but Xiang Yang dare, Xiang Yang ha ha smiled and volleyed to the front of the ancestors of the nine-tailed fox, and yelled at each other, "have seen the predecessors."

"Good, no more."

The ancestors of Jiuwei Tianhu are very appreciative of Xiangyang. Although Xiangyang almost destroyed all the worlds, he knows that Xiangyang’s crown is angry and destroys the heavens. Mei Aoxue.

He smiled and said to Xiang Yang, "The boy is good, my family is not wrong with you."

"The original predecessor was the ancestor of Tianhu."

Until now, Xiang Yang really knows that this old guy is the ancestor of Jiuwei Tianhu, and he is relieved. Since it is the ancestors of Mei Xiaoniu, then there is no need to worry about everything.

Legend has it that the ancestors of the nine-tailed fox are the guards of the emperor, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Xiang Yang sighed in the heart, this old guy is probably not only as simple as the guardian of the Emperor, or else, how can he let the Emperor accept?

After all, it is not a small matter for the saints to accept the apprentices. The fox ancestors can say that the sages of the emperor’s sages have taken a lot of effort, and even the reason why the other party is late is precisely because they are preparing. this matter.

"Fortunately, this ancestor of Mei Xiaoniu has had a foresight. Otherwise, I will lose this genius today."

Xiang Yang breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was furious at the time, even if he destroyed the heavens, he still did not hesitate to go back. But at this moment, he was still a little confused, thinking in his heart, and he must not be so impulsive in the future.

What if the gods are really destroyed, what about the women in the universe of comprehension? Maybe also the parents in the fairyland, as well as Lu Xinran and other women in the Central Tianyu?

"However, it should be fine. My strength is not enough to really make the entire fairy world collapse."

Xiang Yang’s heart comforted himself. At the same time, he remembered the horrible atmosphere of the annihilation of the catastrophe. He was a little excited. “I’m so powerful, the screams are loud, the days are sinking, oh, just wait. I cultivated into the realm of saints. At that time, I can really exert the power of the tens of thousands of robbers. Who would be my opponent when I wanted to make a few rings?

At the same time, he could not help but reveal a beautiful expression.

After seeing Xiang Yang's appearance, the ancestors of the nine-tailed fox squad were silent for a while. He stared at Xiang Yang for a long time and found that Xiang Yang's expression transformation was really wonderful. He was shocked for a while, for a while. Then I was scared, then I was so beautiful, I seemed to be dreaming, and it was a very fast look.

"This kid is still a child."

When the ancestors of Jiuwei Tianhu remembered the true age of Xiangyang, they couldn’t help but sigh. Yes, in the world of ordinary people, Xiangyang has been nearly fifty in his forties. Age can be said to be a half-old 'old man'. However, in the practice world, even in the realm of comprehension, in the face of those who are thousands of years old, the age of Xiang Yang is too negligible. Not to mention the fact that in the fairy world, in the face of these sacred strongmen who have existed since ancient times, the age of Xiangyang, for these holy people, perhaps they just passed a nap.

However, Xiang Yang almost destroyed all these holy people, and almost broke the fairy world.

The ancestors of Jiuwei Tianhu looked at Xiangyang. I only thought that the more I saw Xiangyang, the more I appreciated Xiangyang. Hehe smiled and said to Xiangyang, "Boy, you and my family are proud of the snow, the old man promised."

"Hey, don't you promise to be useful?" Xiang Yang asked with a deep sigh.

"This one..."

After the old guy listened, he stayed, and then he was furious. This kid was so arrogant that he couldn’t manage their young people.

No, today the ancestors must let this kid understand that although they have freedom, as long as the ancestors do not agree, things between them will definitely not be achieved.

The ancestors of Jiuwei Tianhu’s ancestors made up their minds. When they had to teach Xiangyang a good meal, suddenly, Mei Aoxue, who was closing his eyes and digesting the infinite air, opened his eyes.

"Old ancestors, what happened?"

"How are so many people?"

When Mei Aoxue discovered that there were so many people suddenly, she was embarrassed. She stared at Xiangyang and Tianhu ancestors, and did not know what happened.

"You haven't even known what happened since now?" Xiang Yang and Jiuwei Tianhu's ancestors all looked at Mei Aoxue with a strange color on his face.

Sure enough, Mei Ao Xue is the happiest person in the world.

Just now, in order to compete for her, All Saints had already turned upside down. Xiang Yang almost sacrificed the annihilation of the annihilation and destroyed the celestial world. If it was not the ancestors of the nine-tailed fox, carrying the magic weapon of the Emperor, Estimating the consequences is absolutely unimaginable.

However, as a party, Mei Aoxue did not even know.

This is simply too happy.

Rao is the settled sanctuary and sighs in his heart. He feels that Mei Ao Xue is a woman who has gathered the fate of Wanzhou. This kind of luck is really good.

"There was a little bit of things happening, but now it has all been solved."

Xiang Yang chuckled and walked to the side of Mei Aoxue, gently pulling up her hand and whispering, "Is absorbed so much power, what is the feeling of discomfort?"

"I feel very good. It seems that Tiandao is at your fingertips. As long as I am willing, I even feel that I can instantly understand the infinite avenues and become a holy thing." Mei Aoxue whispered.

She looked at Xiang Yang's eyes full of tenderness.

"so smart?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he was stunned. He never knew that Mei Ao Xue had gathered a lot of places after Wanzhou air transportation. At this moment, he really understood that Mei Aoxue had reached the peak after his luck. It turned out to be such a horror.

Heaven is at your fingertips, and even can become Yasheng in an instant. What a terrible existence?

"For me, the existence of Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak is just a blink of an eye. I don't believe you." Mei Aoxue is like a child in front of Xiangyang, while proudly speaking, The breath on her body changed, and after she saw the original rules of the Eight Da Luo, there was a more horrible rule of the Da Luo surrounding her.

This is the ninth Da Luo rule. At this moment, Mei Ao Xue has become the strongest of Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng.

Moreover, it is not just because I have just grasped the ninth Dalu rule, and her body has a vast expanse of breath that bursts out. This breath is not even better than the practice of Xiangyang, who cultivated the law of nine births and nine evils. With the beginning of the devil is weak.


Xiang Yang stared at Mei Aoxue and felt that his careful liver had been severely hit. His own demon cultivating to the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak suffered from endless suffering, and Mei Xiaoniu, It's easy and easy, and you don't have to do anything at all. It's such a moment that you become the strongest in the world of Daluo Jiuzhong Tianfeng. Even the breath is not weaker than yourself.

"How is the gap between people so big?" Xiang Yang stared at Mei Aoxue, especially when he noticed that the ninth Da Luo rule of Mei Aoxue contained a very strange atmosphere, which seemed to be amiable. When Xiang Zhili was concerned, Xiang Yang was even more shocked.

This Da Luo rule seems to have endless magical effects.

"Ha ha ha, well, this is the skill of the descendants of my nine-tailed fox, and it is the only pro-disciple of the saint."

The ancestors of Jiuwei Tianhu are laughing and laughing.


Mei Aoxue still doesn't know that he has become a pro-disciple of the sage of the Emperor. After hearing the words of the ancestors of the nine-tailed fox, her face is an incomprehensible look at the fox ancestor.

"Xiao Xueer, congratulations, from today, you are already a true disciple of the saints. If you clean up, just follow me into the depths of chaos and go to the palace to apprentice."

The ancestors of the nine-tailed fox screamed haha ​​and said to Mei Aoxue.

"娲 Palace, the sage is a pro-disciple, I..."

Rao is Mei Aoxue. When she heard that she was a pro-disciple of the saint, she was also stunned. She stared at the ancestors of the nine-tailed fox, and looked at Xiangyang again, then looked at it. The settled Asian sages, inexplicably asked, "What happened to this predecessor?"

"They actually didn't care for you. I was settled with the Emperor Lingbao, but you can rest assured that my ancestors saved them. If it wasn't for me, your little lover had broken the fairy world and destroyed them. Guy."

Jiuwei Tianhu Yi bought the ancestors, he said with a smile.

While talking, he blinked at Xiang Yang and said, "Small son, ancestors are loyal, and will tell you about your affairs, and she will definitely be touched by tears." Don't forget to thank Lao Zuha."

"Thank you ancestors."

Xiang Yang said directly.


After listening to the ancestors of the nine-tailed fox, I felt that something was wrong. He used the voice to talk to Xiang Yang. However, Xiang Yang suddenly thanked himself. This is not to expose his own voice. ?

He looked at Mei Aoxue. Fortunately, Mei Aoxue did not care about Xiang Yang. He thanked him for his words. Mei Ao Xue was looking at Xiang Yang with a stunned color on his face. "Xiang Yang, what happened in the end, can you pass everything to me?"

"it is good."

Xiang Yang did not reject Mei Aoxue, but he thought about it and directly passed all the things he had experienced to Mei Aoxue from beginning to end.

At this moment, Mei Aoxue is like watching a movie. She shows everything all over again. The more she sees the back, when she sees that Xiang Yang is actually planning to burn jade, even if it is to destroy the heavens, they will destroy these holy people. When she saved her, she was deeply shocked.


"Xiang Yang..."

Then, Mei Aoxue suddenly hugged Xiang Yang, and she whispered, "Xiang Yang, thank you for loving me so much."

Although she did not know what kind of method Xiang Yang used to explode such horrible fluctuations, she also broke the fairy world, destroyed the heavens, and destroyed the hundreds of Yasheng strong people, but she knew that she wanted to make The cost of this kind of thing beyond its own strength must be very large.

Xiang Yang whispered softly, "Why do you have to say something thank you between me and me?"

Yes, both of them regard each other as the closest person to each other. What more gratitude is needed to say something, thank you, just for strangers.

Mei Ao Xueyu nodded. "I understand, I will never say thank you again."

While talking, she looked up and kissed Xiang Yang’s face, and then, like the frightened deer, quickly lowered her head.

Xiang Yang felt the lingering fragrance on his face, could not help but reveal a gentle smile, holding Mei Le Xue tightly and not let go.

The two hearts, at this moment, have been completely integrated.

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