Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2824: Shengzong New Neighborhood

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"In the fairy world, a huge force is about to rise in the Black Forest." The sect of the Holy See silently looked at the Black Forest and sighed.

At this time, there is no need to open the saints, and everyone has already understood that the pattern of the Black Forest has changed since then. In the future, the Black Forest will no longer be a Jedi in the central Tianyu, but will become The holy land of this huge warship.

"The Sovereign, the woman is a fallen Suzaku woman, she will not be the devil's people?" At this time, there is a sub-Sacred strong man with a puzzled face, whispered.

"You, please go to see this new neighbor with this sect."

The Holy Emperor’s eyebrows picked one and did not answer the elder’s words, but whispered, and first flew forward with a strong man.

"The Sovereign has an order, dare not make orders?"

After the strong people listened, they all responded loudly, and then the golden points followed the saints and flew toward the Black Forest.

At the moment, among the Black Forest, Suzaku has already passed that sacred power to the Black King, which makes the Black King’s heart excited. He couldn’t help but burst into tears and shouted loudly. “Thank you for your master’s swearing to obey the master. Order, swear to follow the master."


When the sages and other lords flew over, they heard the oath of the Black King, and they all changed their faces one by one. They could all hear it. The words of the Black King are true, not the kind that was forced to suppress. Expressed, but the mood is full of excitement, excited from the heart to surrender to each other.

And the black king is such a chaotic World of Warcraft, it would be so terrible to surrender to the other side.

The means of the other side is really extraordinary.


Seeing the strong sects of the sacred patriarchs flying over, the black king screamed loudly, and his body rushed directly to the front of the women, facing the sage of the sage, and yelled loudly. "Stop, do you want to violate the agreement?" Without the consent of the king, I dare to enter the Black Forest privately, and you are simply tired."

"The black king is not angry. I don't want to enter the Black Forest in violation of the agreement. I just want to see our new neighbor."

The sage of the sages stopped with a strong man. He arched his hand and then looked at the Suzaku woman to the rear. He whispered, "I have seen a friend in the next sect of the sage."

"Guang Chengzi, the disciple of the original saint."

After the Suzaku woman heard the other party’s name, her face suddenly changed. “In ancient times, the Taoist temple had three veins, which were divided into a pulse, a primitive vein and a Tongtian vein. They were three religions, Taoism, teaching, and interception. Teach, and there are twelve true disciples under the original saints of the sage, which are officially headed by Guangchengzi."

"God, the legendary sage, is said to be the master of the Emperor Xuanyuan, and we can't think of today's real people."

"The sage is widely grown."


After seeing this scene, the girls in the rear all exclaimed. The myths and legends among the source stars are the most widely spread. It is the legend of Guangchengzi. The ladies are no strangers to this legendary sage. The legend of Cheng Zi.

No one expected that today, this legendary figure would be met.

Even the Suzaku woman has changed her face. The interpretation of the Guangchengzi is the first person under the legendary saint. The strength is earth-shattering. There are too many legends about him in the world.

However, the Suzaku woman is also the strongest in the world of Yasheng Peak, and she can sense that the high-ranking Taoist person opposite has achieved an incredible degree, but it is not stronger than herself.

Moreover, although there are more than a dozen Asian sages on the opposite side, the Suzaku female has the chaotic behemoth of the Black King, and its strength is also very strong.

At this moment, Suzaku’s face looked calmly at the sacred patriarch, and said faintly, “I have seen a friend.”

"Dare to ask the Taoist friends from the Devil?" The sect of the Holy Family, Guangchengzi, did not have any nonsense, but asked directly.

It’s very straightforward to do what they do, no matter what they do, they don’t bother to use any tricks. Since they want to ask if the Suzaku woman is from the devil world, he can’t just turn around and ask questions. .


The Suzaku woman shook her head. "We are from the realm of cultivation."


This is only a sigh of relief after the sages and the strong men behind them, although the opposite Suzaku woman is a fallen Suzaku, but as long as it is not from the Devil.

After all, among the heavens and the worlds, the fallen Suzaku is not a creature representing the devil world. They only changed from the sacred Suzaku to the fallen Suzaku because of an accident. At the same time, to a certain extent, they are also members of the Suzaku family. Of course, the Suzaku family admits that the fallen Suzaku is a member of the Suzaku.

The sect of the saints, Guangcheng, looked at Suzaku with a smile on his face. "Since the Taoist friends are not from the devil world, I will be relieved. I think the friends should be the first to come to the fairy world. It is not very clear about the situation around them. Cheng Zi here has some of the most basic information of the Central Tianyu, and may have a certain effect on Taoist friends."

While speaking, he took out a jade slip and directly recorded some of the basic information he knew about the fairy world, and then handed the jade slip to the Suzaku woman.

"Thank you."

Suzaku nodded and knew that such a strong person could not use any intrigues and tricks on her own. Moreover, the other party’s approach was obviously good, and Suzaku women would not refuse to be widely used. After all, the Qingxue universe group wanted to If there is development in the fairy world, you can't easily offend some powerful forces. Especially the pro-disciples of the original saints in the legend of Guangchengzi can't easily offend.

After the Suzaku’s gods explored it and grasped all the information in the jade, she nodded her thanks to Guangchengzi. She already understood the situation of the fairyland and knew that Guangchengzi was the true of the saints. The chaos created by the chaos saints, the ancestral hall dedicated to the cultivation of saints by Guang Chengzi as the lord, or should be said that the school is their new neighbor.

Since the new neighbor has already shown good, Suzaku woman will not turn her face, but said to the sage of the saints, "I am waiting for the emptiness of the real world to come to the fairy world. It is an accident in the Black Forest. However, we have a clear snow universe. The group's space warship is too large, and only the Black Forest can be put down. Since the Black King has surrendered, since then, the base of my Qingxue Space Group is in the Black Forest, but it will not affect the Shengzong disciple entering the Black Forest. Experienced, and even the equipment used by some of my Qing Xue universe groups can be loaned to the Shengzong disciples."

"So very good."

After listening to the sect of the sect of the saints, the sigh of relief was a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, the fallen Suzaku woman was still very good at speaking. As a result, the sage was just a new neighbor. The pattern does not have much impact.

As for the equipment that the Suzaku woman said can be used by the disciples of the saints, Guangchengzi did not hear the general, jokes, and the saints were a sect created by the chaos of the heavens. Nothing is missing in the door. Not to mention the cultivation equipment, how can you need this so-called Qingxue universe group?

Now Guangchengzi and other Yasheng strong people will not understand what the appearance of Qingxue Universe Group means for the whole fairyland.

At this moment, they are very proud to think that the saints are the sects created by the saints. They have the same strength. They are definitely not comparable to the average person. The resources of various spiritual practices are definitely the first in the world.

What they don't understand anyway is that the equipment used for the practice of the Qingxue Space Group is definitely not what they can imagine.

"Dare to ask the Taoist friends who are the descendants of the Suzaku family?"

At this time, the Yasheng strongman of the Suzaku family around Guangchengzi stood up and looked at the Suzaku woman with an incomprehensible color.

"I am not a member of the Suzaku family." When I heard the other person asking the Suzaku woman to be a descendant of the Suzaku family, the Suzaku woman who had a light smile on her face directly snorted and looked at it. I don’t look at the strong man of Suzaku’s pulse, and faintly said to the sage of the sage of the sect of the sage, “Guangchengzidaoyou, my Qingxue universe group first came to see it, and it’s not to be entertained, so the Qingxue Universe Group will base After it is built, it will naturally send people to the Holy Family to discuss other things."

"Okay, if that's the case, we won't bother."

The sect of the sanctuary, Guangcheng, nodded, bowed to the Suzaku female first, and then turned away from the sacred one of the Suzaku.

At this moment, the sage of Suzaku’s veins frowned at Suzaku, and she heard the dissatisfaction of Suzaku’s Suzaku’s pulse from Suzaku’s voice. She was very puzzled because she had been from ancient times to now. There is no such thing as a fallen Suzaku in the veins, but the degenerate Suzaku from the strength to the very unparalleled level comes from.

"The ancient times of the fall of the Suzaku was also extinct. It is impossible to be a descendant of the fallen Suzaku. However, from ancient times to the present, there has not been a strong one of the Suzaku's veins becoming a fallen Suzaku. ,Who is she?"

The strong man of the Yasheng Peak of the Suzaku was brought back to the Holy Family by Guang Chengzi, and immediately he contacted the Suzaku family and passed on the encounter with the Suzaku woman.

"In ancient times, all the members of the blood of the Suzaku family were registered in the genealogy. It is impossible for anyone to turn into a fallen Suzaku, unless, unless the devil entered the Suzaku in the same year, he took a child. Is she the child?"

"This... this is the only possibility."

"But the devil has also been destroyed, how she can survive, and she has such a strong strength."


At the moment, among the Suzaku, countless elders are gathering together, they all have a shocking color. At this moment, they have almost confirmed the identity of the Suzaku woman, but the heart is even more shocking.

"In that year, she was taken away by the demon lord. We have tried our best, but we have not rescued her. Now, she has become the strongest of the Yasheng Peak. Even the Guangchengzi is self-satisfied. Will it come to revenge our Suzaku family? ?"

The elders of the Suzaku family meditated.

"I believe that if she is really the child of that year, she will not retaliate."

"And, even if she is coming to retaliate, what about our Suzaku family, who has been afraid of it since the beginning of the world?"

"I don't know if I want to do this."


In the end, the Suzaku's strongmen did not take any action against the Suzaku woman. On the one hand, they were afraid to take the initiative to approach the Suzaku woman, which may cause the Suzaku woman's dissatisfaction, and the Suzaku woman showed the strength, although the Suzaku family Not afraid of a sub-saint, but they do not want to make extra-budgets.

On the other hand, the things of the year, for the Suzaku family, are really awkward, they dare not bother Suzaku.

All this, Suzaku did not know, she did not bother to know that at this moment she has already regarded Qingxue Space Group as her own home. She is a person of Qingxue Cosmos Group, and she only wants to follow the women together to clear the snow universe. The group is doing well.

When the strong man of the saints left, the females such as Suzaku and the other women entered a space warship and held a conference. After explaining the most basic situation, they began to create the base of the Qingxue Universe Group in the fairyland.

The scope of the Black Forest is too broad, comparable to the size of Baizhou, and it can be said that it is the best territory of the Qingxue Universe Group.

The next step is to create a base in full swing. There are many kinds of treasures and minerals in the Black Forest. It is just suitable for the mining and utilization of the Qingxue Cosmos Group. Not long after, the Qingxue Space Group will use that spaceship as the spaceship. Center, to create a city that does not destroy. It is the true core of the Clear Snow Universe Group.

At the same time, what happened in the Black Forest was spread in the Central Tianyu. The Black King’s hegemony, the Black King, was surrendered. After the spread of the mountain’s beasts, it became the central Tianyu. Everyone talks and shocks things.

All of this, Xiang Yang did not know, because at this moment, Xiang Yang was undergoing an earth-shattering transformation in the Promise.

Among the Promise of Immortality, Xiangyang’s first demon avatar is standing with Xiaoling and Laowan. In front of them, it is a huge tower of physical repair.

At this moment, among the towers of the body repair, the winds and clouds change, the air of chaos turns, and the powerful and unmatched breath erupts. The space from the first floor to the ground floor is all shining with various colors, especially the front three layers of light. Like the little stars in the night, the more the layers are up, the fewer the little spots.

Especially on the ninth floor, there is only one small spot.

These small spots are not the other, it is everyone who enters the tower of the body repair.

The little light spot on the ninth floor is the deity of Xiang Yang.

Although Xiang Yang’s deity is not the first to enter the tower of physical repair, but he is a latecomer, all the way to the past, the layer of hardening of the physical breakthrough, and then directly broke through to the ninth level .

At this moment, Xiang Yang's deity has already carried out the final quenching in the tower of this body repair. When he breaks out of the ninth floor, he will have the body of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak.

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