Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2826: Go to the Temple of Heaven

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In the Imperial Palace, Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu are dealing with some things. They have already thoroughly started to deal with some things in the Imperial Palace. All kinds of things can be solved quickly by them as soon as they reach their hands.

At this time, Xiang Yang's figure was suddenly appeared in the Imperial Palace. He swept the Emperor's Palace and found that everything in the Imperial Palace had already worked, and his face was smiling.


Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu stood up at the same time, and looked at Xiangyang with an excited color on his face.

"You are doing very well."

Xiang Yang smiled and nodded. Today's Imperial Palace can be said to be completely rooted in this Eastern Tianyu. After all, Emperor Palace has the Emperor's hand in hand, plus his own battle in Wanzhou. The prestige of killing makes no one dare to make it difficult.

"However, after I left, if there is no other guarantee, it is not enough."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself. His original idea was to open the imperial palace throughout the celestial world and even the heavens. At that time, his idea was to let the order of the guards enter the palace of the emperor. At that time, any A place has the existence of a guard of order, and you can monitor the world yourself. At the same time, if you need it, you can always call the guard of order anywhere, but now it seems a bit difficult.

"Boss, what are you talking about? Are you leaving?"

After hearing Xiangyang’s words, both Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu’s face changed at the same time. They originally saw Xiangyang coming back, thinking that Xiangyang was preparing to follow them and lead them to carry forward the imperial palace. As a result, who I think that the purpose of Xiang Yang is actually to leave.

"Boss, wait for me, wait for me to clean up."

The little bald head did not say anything. He turned and left, rushed into the place where he lived, and then appeared in front of Xiangyang. During the whole process, he used less than ten breathing hours and packed up the neat items. In front of Yang, "Boss is good, when can we go?"


After Xiang Yang met, he was embarrassed. He really didn't think about going to the Central Tianyu with a small bald head. However, watching the little bald head swear to follow his own appearance, he was a little hesitant.

Look at Sun Chunyu on the side, this guy's face is also with a certain face just to follow his own expression, it seems that if he does not let him follow, he will cry on the spot, Xiang Yang feels a headache.

"It seems a bit of a hassle."

Xiang Yang is stunned.

If both Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu must follow their own departure, the Emperor Palace seems to have no one to take care of. As a result, the Imperial Palace, which he has finally made up, may be abolished.

"You can only go to the fifteen princess and the Donghuang Yuxi."

Then, Xiang Yang’s eyes are condensed. If he wants to let the imperial palace last forever, or even let the emperor’s palace really unfold in this eastern Tianyu, he must cooperate with the fifteen princess and the emperor Yuxi, but this Both women are ambitions of the big ambitions. If they cooperate with them, they must be careful not to let the emperor be swallowed by them.

"I will wait a little longer, and I will be leaving after my people break through the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng."

"But before that, let's talk to the 15th Princess and the Eastern Emperor."

After Xiang Yang made a decision, he said to Xiao Guangtou and Sun Chunyu. "I have something to do this time. You should not leave with me. I will give you some things. You will help me look at the Imperial Palace. I am practicing some of the things that I have given you. I hope that when I come back, you can meet my requirements."

At the same time, he passed the two exercises to each other. Among them, the small bald head's method is to devour the magic power. Through this door to engulf the magic power, all the energy in his body can be accommodated as one. At that time, there is no danger that the small bald head will explode because of the collision of various energies.

Sun Chunyu is a sword idiot. Xiang Yang passed on to him a supreme sword. After the expansion, he had a strong power, which was much stronger than Sun Chunyu’s Sancai Shenjian.

Then, Xiang Yang looked at Sun Chunyu again and found that this guy even had no treasures at the level of the treasure. He took out two pieces of treasure, which was exactly what happened during this time. Of course, Sun Chunyu was A sword, while the small bald head is more casual, Xiang Yang gave a small bald head a knife.

"These two treasures, as well as the exercises are for you. You have to help me guard the Imperial Palace. After a while, I will naturally come back."

Xiang Yang said quietly.

"Boss... I can't ask for your treasure, I have my own soldiers."

The little bald head frowned at Xiangyang Road. "And, my master told me to follow you, instead of letting me look at the Imperial Palace for you."

At the same time, he is very embarrassed, his master, the old monk is to let him follow Xiang Yang is not wrong, but mainly let him follow Xiang Yang, to solve the problem of conflicting energy in the body, It can also make him grow up.

However, Xiang Yang actually planned to leave him here to help guard the imperial palace, which made him feel very painful.

The little bald head is a person who has seen the world. His identity itself is very extraordinary in the Western Tianyu. If he is given him a treasure, he can still bear it. However, he only gives him a treasure, he thinks this is not He can afford it, of course, it’s okay to swallow the magic.

Sun Chunyu also looked at Xiang Yang with unwillingness. "Boss, I just want to follow you."

"Okay, it is so decided. If you still recognize me as your boss, then show me this emperor's palace. I intend to find the fifteen princess and the emperor of the emperor to join the emperor's palace. At that time, the emperor's palace. There should be no big problems in the development of this Eastern Tianyu. However, working with them is a bit like trying to hide with the tiger. In a few days, I will leave some strong people to help you."

Xiang Yang said directly.

When he left this time, he went to the Eastern Tianyu to find the women. He didn’t go to play, and when he was traveling, he was accompanied by a pretty little maid, and he traveled with a little bald head. What does a big man mean?

Xiang Yang feels that unless it is a problem for himself, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to bring these two guys to the central Tianyu. No matter how and how the two guys beg themselves, it is impossible to bring the two guys to the center. Tianyu.

"Boss, although letting the 15th Princess and the Emperor of the East Emperor join the Imperial Palace is an opportunity for the Imperial Palace to develop rapidly, but it is also possible that the Imperial Palace will be under their control." Sun Chunyu said quietly.

"The two of you look at the Imperial Palace, is there a way to make the Imperial Palace grow up?"

Xiang Yang looked at the two men.

"I, I want to be with you." Xiaoguangtou said with a sigh. "Leave to see where the emperor palace is fun to play with you, I will not stay."

"You think too much, this time, I am going to the Central Tianyu, it is absolutely impossible to bring you with you." Xiang Yang shook his head and said.

"In this case, boss, I can only say that I try my best to help you to see the Imperial Palace. As for the extent to which the Imperial Palace can develop, I can't guarantee it." When Sun Chunyu got the sword from Xiang Yang, he I already know that I am afraid I can't leave with Xiang Yang. In this case, he can only stay to help Xiang Yang look at the Imperial Palace.

After all, Emperor Palace is the imperial palace of Xiangyang. At the same time, for Sun Chunyu, this time has always been something that he and Xiaoguangtou helped to deal with the Imperial Palace. He also liked this feeling in his heart.

"I don't care, anyway, I am going to follow you. If you don't let me follow, I will go by myself." The little bald head is rogue looking at Xiang Yang, while he is also giving Xiang Yang to him. The sword of the highest level was handed back to Xiang Yang.


Xiang Yangyi felt trouble when he saw the little bald head. However, he has already determined that this time it is absolutely impossible for anyone to follow, so he directly sighs. "If you don't help me look at the Imperial Palace, then I don’t know you as a person."


Xiang Yang’s trick was really useful. After listening to the little bald head, his face suddenly changed. He quickly said, “Boss, don’t, I will stay.”

"it is good."

Xiang Yang nodded and said with a smile, "It is your own promise, and I will practice the exercises I have given you. I hope that after I come back, you will all become super strong."

"Ah, boss, have you been leaving for a long time?" Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu both opened their eyes and looked at Xiangyang.

"Don't care, I didn't think about leaving for a long time, but do you think that you will be slower to improve?"

Xiang Yang was frowning at the two people and found that the physical repair of the small bald head was indeed very good, but it did not really reach the Da Luo situation, and Sun Chunyu did not need to say, although it was a sword repair. The power of the sword body is no less than the physical repair of the state of Da Luo, but it also does not really break through the realm of Da Luo.

In this regard, Xiang Yang could not help but sigh and said, "Your physical strength is too weak, I will give you some quenching body fluids, you have to refine and refine, and practice the body to the state of Da Luo."

At the same time, he directly gave the two men about ten drops of quenching spirit liquid.

The physical strength of the two is actually very strong, but they have not officially stepped into the realm of the body, and the quenching spirit is just an introduction, which can make their physical breakthrough become the introduction of the Da Luo situation.

"The state of the body?"

The two men blinked and remembered that Xiang Yang was the first person to practice the body of the body, and they were a little excited. They quickly went to the retreat of the Imperial Palace to start practicing, and Xiang Yang took it. Go to the Emperor's Order and go all the way to the Heavenly Palace.


Xiang Yang just stepped onto Tiangong and heard a scream. He looked up and found that it was the seventh emperor. At this moment, the seventh emperor was dressed neatly in the armor, followed by five thousand emperors. It seems that it is ready to go out, so that Xiang Yang has been a little bit stunned after seeing it.

"This guy, as the seventh emperor, is neatly equipped at this time, and it is very likely that he will deal with the imperial palace." Xiang Yang saw the neat appearance of the seventh emperor, and he suddenly understood that this guy is not I was waiting for myself outside the gate of this palace, but I just happened to follow myself.

"It's a bit interesting."

Xiang Yang whispered a smile, on the surface, he said to the Seven Emperors, "Is the Seven Emperors coming to worship me?"

"Bastard, I am the seventh emperor of the Heavenly Palace. You dare to ask me to bow down. Are you trying to find death?"

After the Seven Emperors heard the words of Xiang Yang, they changed their faces and shouted.

And, as his anger slammed down, he saw the 5,000 princes behind him and a powerful murderous weapon that locked Xiangyang. As long as the seven emperors ordered it, the five thousand princes would face the scene. Yang killed.

"You are the Seven Emperors, why can't I let you bow down?"

Xiang Yang smiled leisurely. When the seven emperors were angry and prepared to let the five thousand emperors defend their hands against Xiangyang, he directly took the Emperor’s decree in his hand and sighed and said, “The Emperor, the Emperor, you are not telling me this. Is it the emperor's order that represents your identity? How come to your son has no effect."


His voice just fell, and he saw that the five thousand emperors were squatting at him at the same time. Only the seventh emperor’s face stood in a burst of blue and red, and he refused to bow down.

"His Royal Highness of the Seven Emperors, do you want to rebel?" Xiang Yang asked happily.


The seventh emperor was furious, and there was a fairy sword in his hand. He was shaking and wanted to rush to come up with Xiangyang. However, when he looked at the Emperor’s hand in Xiangyang’s hand, he could only hold back.


In the end, the Seven Emperors also bite their teeth toward Xiangyang, and their hearts are very wrong.

"This is right."

Xiang Yang smirked and patted the shoulders of the seven emperors, then walked straight ahead, and said to the seven emperors, "Don’t think about playing the idea of ​​the emperor’s palace, if you just think that the little bald grabs you. If you want to deal with him, you can solve personal grievances with him alone. However, if you use these grievances to avenge the palace, I will let you know that this is the most regrettable thing you have done in your life."

Xiang Yang has always had a very strong confidence in Xiaoguangtou. It is very clear that even in the face of the Seven Emperors, Xiaoguangtou has enough strength to deal with each other.

Therefore, he did not mind the Seven Emperors to deal with the small bald head, but did not want the seven emperors to suppress the imperial palace as the emperor.


The face of the seven emperors lying on the ground with an unwilling look, his eyes looked at Xiang Yang, I wanted to scream and drink Xiang Yang, but found that Xiang Yang simply ignored him and had already entered the Temple of Heaven. At that time, he was helpless and could only stand up and sigh.

"Is the emperor, have you gone to the emperor's palace?"

A group of emperors are looking at the seven emperors.

"Don't go, think of a way to destroy the little monk."

The seven emperors waved their hands, and when they were weak, they turned and left, leaving only his five thousand emperors to face each other. At this moment, they suddenly felt that the seven emperors who followed from childhood were even more than ordinary people who were not emperors. It’s going to be weaker.

Not to mention the performance of these Emperor and the Seven Emperors, Xiang Yang at this moment has already been deeply involved in the Heavenly Palace, and after directly taking out the Emperor's Order, let the people of Tiangong find themselves with the 15th Princess.

When Xiang Yang found the fifteen princesses, it was in the main hall of the Temple of Heaven. At this moment, the fifteen princess was sitting on the throne in the center of the main hall and was reading some documents. On both sides, there was a group of maids. Standing still.

At the moment, the fifteen princess wears a crown, and a capital robes make her whole person look noble and elegant, with the spirit of the emperor, so that she has already appeared in the face of her peerless look to add a touching light.

After Xiang Yang met, he couldn’t help but take a breath. "This chick, with such momentum, can really become the female emperor of the Eastern Tianyu."

The majesty of the emperor in the fifteenth princess, as she stayed in the main hall of the Temple of Heaven, began to deal with the things of the Temple of Heaven and increased a little bit. Even, even the great emperor had been in power for many years, and could not compare with the fifteen princesses. It is imaginable how terrible the talent of the fifteen princess is.

"It is no wonder that Emperor Xu Wei will agree that the Great Emperor will give the Emperor of Heaven a 15th princess and let the 15th Princess hold the Heavenly Palace."

Xiang Yang sighed, watching the fifteen princess quietly correcting the appearance of the instrument, could not help but rise the desire to conquer, and even had the idea of ​​rushing to hold the fifteen princess in his arms.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but feel a little bit stunned.

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