Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2828: Please honor the horse

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At this moment, the fifteenth princess really showed up in the face of Xiang Yang as the emperor of the heavenly emperor. With her a drop in the guest, there were two strong men who had the big Luo Jiu Jiu Tianfeng immediately outside the door. Come in, say to Xiang Yang, "Please..."

"Don't worry, I have something to discuss with you."

Xiang Yanghe smiled and glanced at the guards of the two big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, and at the same time, shook the Emperor’s hand in his hand. Suddenly, the two never dared to speak more, nor dared to look at it with a tough attitude. Xiang Yang, but head down.

After the 15th princess Xu Qing met, she suddenly felt helpless. She knew that Xiangyang had the Emperor’s hand in hand and could really come and go for Tiangong.

"What do you want to do?" Xu Qing looked helpless at Xiangyang. It is really nothing to take Xiangyang.

"I want you to join the Imperial Palace." Xiang Yang said with a smile, "I am going to go to the central Tianyu, although the time will not be very long, but I am afraid that the Imperial Palace will be within the time I left. Something happened, so I want you to join the Imperial Palace and become a shareholder of the Imperial Palace."

"In this case, I can help you protect the Imperial Palace. Can the Imperial Palace declare that it is the industry of the Emperor?" Xiang Yang’s words just finished, he heard Xu Qing sneer.

"No, it is our industry, not the industry of the Emperor." Xiang Yang said with a smile, "The ambition of His Royal Highness is not small, the Emperor of Heaven has not yet abdicated, you are thinking about making yourself a Heavenly Emperor." ”


After the fifteenth princess listened, his face changed greatly and he screamed with anger. "Xiang Yang, what do you say nonsense? Although you have the Emperor's hand in hand, if you dare to destroy this princess, this princess will also be rude to you."

"I just said that you want to join the Imperial Palace, but when you come to your mouth, you say that the Imperial Palace will become the industry of the Emperor in the future. Hey, is it that I got it wrong?" Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"You..." Xu Qing was helpless. She didn't expect that she would have been caught by Xiang Yang after she had made a mistake. She looked at the guards of the two big Luo Jiu Jiu Tian Feng, the two men. His face changed greatly, and he quickly said, "His Royal Highness, the seat of the Emperor, represents the Emperor of Heaven."

After Xu Qing listened, his face showed a satisfactory color, and his eyes looked at Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang said with a smile, "I think it's right, but other emperors may not think so."


Xu Qing is going crazy, Xiang Yang is this guy who deliberately came to Tiangong to find his own troubles?

She looked at Xiang Yang with anger. "What do you want?"

"Join the Imperial Palace and help me see the Imperial Palace." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

At the same time, he directly took out Wan Jian’s umbrella and handed it to Xu Qing. “This Wan Jian Umbrella is the treasure that Shen Yang’s Yang Wanjian became after the Yasheng, and at the same time he was able to release millions of tokens. The sword of the Tao, although not an opponent to the Shangya Shengqiang, but below the holy world, is absolutely invincible, this is your reward."

While talking, he looked at the 15th princess, as if he could see the inside and outside of the other side, and said with a smile, "If you have a treasure to defend yourself, I believe that your treasure is not comparable to the Wan Jian umbrella. ”

"Do you really want to use the Wan Jian umbrella as a reward, let me help you guard the Imperial Palace?"

When the 15th princess saw Xiangyang’s moment of taking out the Wanjian Umbrella, he suddenly felt the heart. This is Wanjian Umbrella. The sword saint Yang Wanjian refines the supreme treasure, holding this treasure, even if it is facing the great emperor, the fifteen princess does not. Will definitely suffer.

Of course, the 15th princess is the big prince who pushes this position. It is absolutely impossible for her to be a big prince. However, as the strongest person in the dynasty, she is just a big prince in the heart. If she is Holding the Wanjian Umbrella, you can definitely become the strongest among all the emperors and princesses, second only to the great emperor.

However, such a treasure, it is only let her join the Imperial Palace, let her help Xiang Yang guard the Imperial Palace, which makes the 15 Princess feel a bit unbelievable.

You must know that this is a treasure, even if the 15th Princess replaces the Emperor Xu Wei in charge of the position of the Emperor, it is not easy to get the treasure.

"Of course." Xiang Yang said with a smile, "I will never be jealous of my friends. What's more, if you are willing to join the Imperial Palace and help me keep the Imperial Palace, what is the area of ​​Wan Jian, what if you have other in the future? The demand, I can promise you a condition."

"it is good."

With the voice of Xiang Yang falling, the fifteen princess eyes lit up and directly agreed.

Although Wan Jian Umbrella made her heart move, but still can not let her make a decision at a glance, what really let her directly agree to it is because Xiang Yang said, to promise her a condition.

Xiang Yang is the descendant of that pulse, recognized as the existence of sanctification in the future. For a future chaotic saint, he can let the other side help himself to do something in the future. Such a good thing is as long as fifteen princess Xu Qing is not stupid. I will immediately agree to it, even if the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei is afraid, it will be heart-warming. .

"You promised so refreshing, should there be any conspiracy?" Xiang Yang could not help but say to the 15th Princess.

"You can rest assured that since I promised you, I will not let the Imperial Palace appear any danger. Moreover, I will let my five thousand Princesses enter the Imperial Palace and guard everything in the Imperial Palace. However, I will not participate in the Imperial Palace. Other things, so you don't have to worry that I will control the Imperial Palace in my hands."

The fifteen princess looked at Xiang Yang with a certain color on her face. She was very clear. The reason why Xiang Yang turned his face with Sun’s family was precisely because some of the strongmen sent by the Sun family to the Imperial Palace wanted to control the imperial palace. Since she promised Xiangyang, it is impossible for Xiangyang to have any worries.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang took a deep look at the fifteen princess. This woman is worthy of being the future female emperor. Many things are very transparent. I understand what I am worried about and know what she should do.

Because of this, Xiang Yang was assured that he would give her protection to the Imperial Palace.

"Remember, you still owe me a request, no matter what level of your training, as long as I ask for it, you must help me." Xu Qing, the fifteenth princess, reminded.

"Reassured, since I promised, I can't repent." Xiang Yang nodded, condensing a **** rune with his own blood and true spirit, and then branding this rune in a jade In the middle of the fifteen princess, "If you are looking for me, directly crush this jade slip, no matter where I am in the future, I will feel it."

"it is good."

The fifteen princess happily took over the jade, and with this jade, it means that she can get the support of a saint in the future.

No matter how much time Xiang Yang needs to use to become a chaotic saint, at least, Xiang Yang is a descendant of that vein. In the future, there is definitely hope for sanctification. Moreover, the 15th princess is in charge of the position of the Emperor, very clear, strong in the Holy Land. In the circle of the people, Xiang Yang is even a candidate for the future chaotic saint.

She held this jade slip and waited for a hope after the Xiangyang Chengsheng.

"I feel as if I have suffered."

When Xiang Yang looked at the excitement of the face of the fifteen princess, he couldn’t help but snorted. He always felt that he had given the penguin umbrella to the fifteen princess. It was a bit of a loss, and he wanted to get it back. However, I can't pull my face down, I can only feel depressed, thinking that I can't be so impulsive in the future.

He naturally understands that the reason why the 15th princess can agree so refreshed is not the reason for the Wan Jian Umbrella, but the reason why he promised to help the other party to do something.

"The loss is big."

When Xiang Yang sighed again and again, the 15th princess smiled and looked at Xiang Yang. "Xiang Yang, you can rest assured that the princess promises you will do it."


However, her smile just fell, and suddenly it solidified, because a mouth was directly imprinted on her mouth, she only felt that a man's breath directly rushed in, making her heart tremble without any preparation, big The eyes were incredulously looking at the abruptness appearing in front of her, and she was betting on her lips with her lips.

After Xiang Yang tasted it, he immediately retreated. Haha laughed and said, "This is the agreement between us. Her Royal Highness, I will leave."

While talking, he directly displayed the magical powers that passed through his numerous improvements, and the whole person disappeared into the hall instantly.



Shortly after Xiang Yang left the Heavenly Palace, he heard the voice of the fifteen princess Xu Qing’s fury coming from the Heavenly Palace.

"Hey, my Royal Highness is now mad."

Xiang Yang bears the emptiness of his hands. When he thinks that the 15th princess Xu Qing is definitely angry, but he has no way to take his own, his heart is very proud.

This woman is very smart, but after all, I can't compare with myself.


However, what Xiang Yang did not like was that his pride had not yet fallen, and he heard a huge roar coming from behind him. A horrible power wave broke out. The 15th Princess Xu Qing actually chased from the Heavenly Palace. Out.

"I rely on, this girl is crazy? Isn't it just secretly kissing her? Is she so excited?"

Xiang Yang screamed, and the broken moon boat appeared at his feet, breaking away from the void directly, making the 15th Princess slow down and there was no way to catch up with him.

"This bastard, don't let me meet you again."

The fifteen princess Xu Qing’s face was red and standing in the void. Her breath was short, and she was screaming in the direction of Xiangyang’s departure. Then she smiled. “There is no thief in the thief’s heart. Since you dare to do it, then Why do you want to run? And, do you think you are running?"

While talking to herself, she gently touched her red lips and couldn't help but smile.

All this, Xiang Yang did not know, because he has already arrived in the Jiu Di Mountain of Daomen.

"Kid, what are you doing for us?"

"I rely on it, isn't it right, your body's physical repair has already reached this level?"

"How long has it been, the body of your deity is so terrible, is this the level of the big Luo Jiuzhong?"


After the appearance of the Nine Avenues, when he saw Xiang Yang, he suddenly realized the incomparable power contained in Xiang Yang’s body, which made them suddenly shocked.

They all know that Xiangyang’s first demon avatar is powerful and unparalleled, and can even kill the magical deities of the same realm of the realm of their own realm. However, they also know that Xiangyang’s deity is only a true immortal. At the time of Yang’s deity, although Xiang Yang’s deity was very strong, he had not reached the level that would shock them.

However, this is how long it takes, Xiang Yang's deity is like a dragon, like the chaos of a chaotic behemoth, their eyes are almost falling.

This feeling is still the breath that they have seen in the two or three physical sanctified strongmen they saw in ancient times. Now, Xiang Yang has reappeared like this.

"Do you really open up a new way to break through the realm of Da Luo?"

The first face was dignified and looked at Xiang Yang. Before that, everyone said that Xiang Yang’s body is only a fake big Luo, even the nine avenues feel that this is the case, and this time, they really realized that Xiang Yang It is not the so-called physique pseudo-Daluo, but the real body repair of Luo, and has been cultivated to the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak.

"What do you say?"

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at the Nine Avenues. He felt a little proud of the strange eyes of the nine old guys. If they practiced according to normal conditions, they have already stood at the peak of the Holy Land. People join hands and it is estimated that they can reach the invincible hands of Yasheng. However, they are willing to give up these invincible strengths. They have been ignorant of the years of the Taoist road, just to be able to become true saints, and to show their talents and perseverance. It is absolutely terrible.

At the same time, Jiu Dao Zun has experienced countless times since ancient times. He has seen countless real arrogances. How can ordinary people make them so shocked?

Xiang Yang said with a proud look at Jiu Dao Zun, said with a smile, "Nine predecessors, I came here this time, there is mainly a request, I hope that Jiu Avenue can help me to look after the palace."

The imperial palace has the guardianship of the fifteen princesses. It can be said that it is basically worry-free. Of course, the fifteen princess can only block the strong under the saints. If you want to block the real sub-saint, you must have the nine avenues. It is.

Although Jiu Daozun is only a master of the realm of martial arts, the status of the nine of them is too old. Together with the prestige of the Daomen, the general sacred strongmen will not dare to touch them, even those who dare to do it. Hands-on, with the strength of their nine people can also completely block each other.

"Kid, do you want us to help you guard the Imperial Palace?"

After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, Jiu Dao Zun did not immediately agree to it, nor did he immediately refuse, but he looked down at Xiang Yang.

"Exactly, the 15th Princess has promised me to help me guard the Imperial Palace. However, I am afraid that she can't protect the Imperial Palace. Therefore, I hope that the nine predecessors can usually take care of me one or two." Xiang Yang said.

"Where are you going? And, what about our baby?" The fifth dowry looked at Xiangyang with a bad color on his face. He remembered Sun Qingya and Monica of the lower bounds for so long. No news yet. Avenue Zun has some thoughts about them.

"Hey, I don't know when they will come back. They may be playing in the lower bounds." Xiang Yang sighed, he was very clear that Sun Qingya and Monica two gimmicks must have forgotten to play back in the Qing Xue universe group. However, even if the two women are coming back now, he has no time to accompany the two women to play. They have Suzaku women in the lower bounds and do not have to worry about danger, but they are also very good choices.

"If there is a sacred place to deal with your imperial palace, I can wait to help, but you have too many offended people, we dare not say that we can protect the emperor's palace." The first honor is Shen Shensheng Said.

"Well, thank you for your predecessors. As long as a few seniors have tried their best, I believe that there are still no sacred strongmen in the heavens and the world who dare to face the nine avenues."

Xiang Yang is overjoyed.

"There is still some of the oldest beings that don't care about the door." Nine Avenues shook his head.

After all, their nine strongmen are only the realm of the Tao. Although they can resist any Yasheng strongman, among the heavens, such as the Gorefiend ancestors, some Yasheng are too old, how is it possible? Will they give them a face?

"No problem, nine predecessors have the heart, this kind of love, Xiang Yang remembered."

Xiang Yang solemnly saluted, and then chatted with Jiu Avenue for a while, then left the Jiu Di Mountain.

Although Nine Avenues did not make any request, Xiangyang and Jiu Avenue were very clear. They did not have any requirements to promise Xiangyang. For Xiangyang, please ask nine Taoist people to help protect the Imperial Palace. This is the biggest. The price is even greater than the cost of letting the 15th Princess guard the Imperial Palace.

However, Xiang Yang first created the Imperial Palace. He really wanted the Emperor Palace to stand on the heels in the fairyland and even the heavens. The nine avenues are very good to be shot. What they owe today will naturally be returned in the future. they.

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