Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2831: Touch of the soul seven seven

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When the dozen or so soul-locking chains were **** in the physical repair of more than a dozen Da Luo, when they saw that they would tie up the physical repairs of more than a dozen Da Luo, they heard a scream. Then, there is a chain of the same lock soul appearing in the void, blocking the dozens of lock chains.

"Hey, is someone blocking him?"

Xiang Yang, who had already prepared to take the shot, saw this scene, but his face was a strange color. His eyes looked to the rear. When he saw the shots of the rescuers, he was carrying an unexpected color. she was."

At this moment, only in the eyes of Xiang Yang, there was a woman flying with a figure of an old man. In the blink of an eye, it was already in front of the masters of more than a dozen Da Luo’s realms. They stood like this. There, there is a confrontation with the soul youth of the fairyland.

"The soul, they are the people of this princess, you can't move them."

The woman looked at the fairy goddess of the soul family indifferently and said with a sneer.

"It turned out to be the seven princesses." The soul of the soul named Xian Zun looked at the soul with an unexpected color, sneered and said, "Seven Princesses have forgotten the rules of my soul, who caught Who is the property of the person, I, the soul, is the lord of the soul family, although the status is not comparable to the seven princesses, but the seven princesses should know that the deity is already a soul, except for the soul saints, Who can manage me? Are you a soul emperor?"

While talking, the young man sneered at the soul seventy-seven, with a sly color.

Yes, this woman who saved the rescue is the soul of the seven souls of the soul of the seven souls who left Xiangyang some time ago. Even if Xiang Yang did not think of it anyway, it would be the soul of seven or seven to save people.

At this moment, the soul of the seven seven is obviously called by the soul of the soul, she is blue and face, cold channel, "They are the princess, you dare to grab?"

"His Royal Highness, you are unreasonable." The soul of the soul named Sighs sighed and said, "All said that the Seven Princesses of the Souls like to be unreasonable, and they are well-deserved. Although you are the Seven Princesses of the Soul, this is The Soul, the same, is also in the practice world, we must pay attention to one truth, that is, the strong is respected, how powerful you are only a soul king, and Angan dare to grab the man with the king?"

While talking, he looked at the old man next to the soul seven or seven, and smiled. "Do you think that you can block this king with your old slave? You are wrong, although he is also a soul, but it is better than I am weak, if you let him do it, the king does not mind swallowing him."

"The soul of the prince, you dare to talk to the seven princesses, isn't it afraid of the blame of the Emperor of the Emperor?" The old man was angry and sullen, and also screamed.

"Is the soul emperor?"

The soul sighed and smiled, then, the eyes became cold, cold channel, "Don't take the king to know, the old guy has entered the chaos for thousands of years has not come out, it is estimated that he has died in the depths of chaos."

"Not yet in the millennium."

The soul seventy-seven anger shouted, "Soul, you don't think that my father will enter the depths of chaos, I will tell you, one day in the millennium, my father's day is the soul of the soul, and this princess is still The soul of the princess, even if you are the king of the soul, you can not ignore the princess."

"Yeah, if I remember correctly, tomorrow is the last day of the millennium. Oh, the soul of the Soul is still not moving at all. It seems that the Emperor is too late, and after tomorrow, the Soul will Will choose a new soul emperor from me and other kings, and this king is already fully prepared to make this king a new soul emperor. At that time, are you still the seven princesses of the soul family?"

The soul sneered at the soul seventy-seven, looking at the old man next to the soul seven or seven, coldly said, "Sin slave, if you dare to speak again, this king will refine you, see you can say nonsense? ”

"Do you dare? The soul, the Emperor of the Emperor valued you so much, and cultivated you with one heart and one mind. You actually want to seek the position of the Emperor of the Soul when the Old Emperor did not return. The Old Emperor Wrong is wrong."

The old slave yelled.

"Since you are looking for death, then the king will be yours."

The soul shook his head. He did not argue with the old slave. He slammed a bullet, and a chain of souls with a million feet long was tied directly to the old slave with a horrible breath.

"you dare."

The old slave was furious and angry, but at the same time, he used his own chain of soul locks to fight against it. However, this old slave is just a big heaven and a heaven, how can he fight against the soul, in the blink of an eye, he The chain of locks is swallowed up by the chain of soul locks, and the soul chain of the soul is the past, and the old slave is **** in an instant.


On the chain of soul locks, a black soul fire emerged, and the old slave was directly refining. The latter screamed with anger. "The soul, you dare to betray the old soul, you must die, you have to go to hell." ”

"Looking for death." The soul snorted and the flame on the chain of soul locks was stronger.

"The soul, since you are looking for death, then the princess will fulfill you."

After the soul seventy-seven met, the heart was very angry, and directly took out the best fairy-level cucurbit gourd that Xiang Yang gave to her. The mind was moved, and the lid of the sinus gourd opened, and a knife light disappeared instantly.

"Oh..." The next moment, the unprepared soul's head was instantly smashed by the scorpion gourd. His head was falling down, and his face still had a shocking color. He didn't believe in the soul. Seven actually have such a treasure of the 斩仙飞刀.

"The soul, you are looking for death."

The soul seventy-seven sneer, and put the knives and knives together, look at the men brought to the soul, eyes cold, cold channel, "the soul dare to betray the soul, has been killed by the princess, Who of you dare not to accept?"


Her voice just fell, and she heard a hoarse voice coming from all directions. Then, only the soul's head and body burned into ashes, but there was an invisible force flying from this flame. Re-aggregate into a soul.

The soul of the moment seems to be illusory, the whole person seems to be illusory, but the soul seven and the old slave is a big change, they know, this is the real soul.

The soul of the soul is killed, but his soul is free from the physical imprisonment, the true possession of the characteristics of the body of the soul, no trace, no shadow, invisible, the general magic weapon can not hurt him.

Although the realm of the soul has not improved, the strength has not become stronger, but the soul at the moment has become very difficult to produce, and his state has become very strange, which is the characteristics of the soul family.

"Zhu Xianfei knife, can't even marry his soul? The princess does not believe, and then hey."

The soul seventy-seven is a decisive person. After seeing the sacred knives killing the soul of the soul, it will make the soul of the soul escape from the physical imprisonment. It can be said that it is an indirect help to the soul. Determined to change to become a real soul.

She knew that the soul at the moment was the most terrible. She snorted and the scorpion gourd in her hand spurted again.


The next moment, the 斩仙飞刀 also appeared around the neck of the soul, but it seems to be in the void, and can not cause any harm to the soul.

"How could this be?"

The face of the soul seventy-seven has changed. The original 斩 葫 葫 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该Can't kill the soul.

The soul seventy-seven is only the soul king of the six heavens in the big Luo. The reason why she has the strength to fight against the soul is precisely because the Xiangxian gourd given to her by Xiang Yang has the ability to show the strength of Da Luo Xianzun, however, she Unexpectedly, the 斩仙飞刀 could not kill the soul of the soul.

The face of the old slave who had escaped danger from the soul seventy-seven also changed. He quickly said to the soul seventy-seven, "Seven princesses, you are going, I block them."

"Block the king? Oh, do you think you can stop the king?"

At this moment, the soul has completely completed the transformation. He sneered at the soul and the old slave. He said, "Seven princesses, I didn't expect you to get a legendary 葫仙葫芦 in your hand. You are really extraordinary. If you give time, you may really grow up, unlike your waste brothers, but unfortunately, you are too young, your age limits your strength, and you have no Opportunity, today, you dare to use the 斩仙飞刀 to smash the body of the king, then, use everything else to compensate the king."


At the same time, the soul is afraid that the soul will be able to deal with him again in the hands of the seventy-seven hands, and he will directly deal with it. A chain of soul locks is directly tied to the soul seventy-seven and the old slave.

"If you don't kill you, this king is hard to be safe."

The reason why the soul is so anxious to deal with the soul seventy-seven, is really frightened by the soul of the seventy-seven 飞 飞 flying knife, in fact, it is not that the 斩仙飞刀 can not deal with the soul of the soul, but the soul got up early and got a piece The secret treasure is hidden in his soul to help him block the crisis of death.

Of course, in the process of his complete transformation of the soul, the reason why the 斩仙飞刀 could not deal with him was because he was between illusory and reality, so the 飞仙飞刀 failed, but at the moment he was thoroughly The transformation was successful. If the soul seventy-seven reacted and then used the 斩仙飞刀 to deal with him, I am afraid he would be directly killed.

The soul of the seven seven thought that the 斩仙飞刀 can not deal with the soul, disheartened, seeing the soul directly to the soul chain to catch themselves, the face changed greatly, the two crazy back toward the rear, but no Use, at this moment, the soul in order to quickly destroy the soul seventy-seven, he broke out a horrible soul of the soul of the sage of the power of the soul to the seventy-seven and the old slave suppression, making the soul seven seven and the old The slaves couldn't move even with the move. They could only watch the chain of locks that they were tied to them. If they were tied, their only end would be refining.

"I don't think I will die here. I know that I will not come back."

The main reason why she was anxious to come back was to see if her soul emperor came back from chaos.

Before, she sent a letter to the soul emperor several times, but did not get any response. I already knew that this was very bad. I didn’t expect that after the soul returned, she found that the result was really true. Her father was actually true. It is not returned from the depths of the chaotic void. Tomorrow is the final deadline. The soul emperor who has not returned for a thousand years has fallen into the chaotic void. This is the rule of the soul family since ancient times, and after tomorrow The Soul will create a new soul emperor.

At that time, the character of the seven princesses of the Soul Seven Seven will no longer be the princess of the soul family. Even the new soul emperor will destroy all the relatives and subordinates of the original Soul Emperor in order to consolidate his position.

However, at the moment when she faced the soul, she had no power to resist and could not wait until tomorrow.

"That's good, at least I don't have to wait until the last moment of tomorrow." The soul seven seven closed his eyes and whispered to himself. "Father, I hope you can come back, as long as you can come back from the chaos, the soul family All the jumper clowns inside have no meaning."


With the roar of the roar, the chain of soul locks toward the soul seventy-seven bundles, she can already sense the cold death of the soul chain, suddenly heard a roar, lock the soul chain and Did not fall on the body of the soul seven, and she found a shadow suddenly appeared in front of her, helping her block the soul chain.

"who is it?"

The soul seventy-seven and the soul are also sent out with a strange voice.

The soul is very angry, and the soul seventy-seven is the face with an incomprehensible color, but the soul of seven seven is just a moment of confusion, when she carefully looked at this back, suddenly lost the voice, "Xiang Yang !"

"Small seven seven, I am very touched when I see you." Xiang Yang smiled and turned his head and looked at the soul seventy-seven, his hand still grasping the chain of lock soul, let the lock soul chain as a muddy There is no way to break away from the writhing.

"You, how come you?"

The soul looked at Xiang Yang seventy-seven, and when she said it, her eyes couldn't help but red, and she even fell into tears in her eyes.

When the soul began to recognize Xiangyang at 7:71, the two were still antagonistic. Even, the soul of the seventy-seventh shot was to destroy Xiangyang, but they were all blocked by Xiangyang. As a result, she became Xiangyang. 'Capture' can only follow Xiangyang, but in the process, Xiang Yang did not regard her as a prisoner, but treated her as her own.

Last time, she left Xiangyang, Xiang Yang gave her directly to her. The soul of the seven seven is very clear that Xiang Yang’s love for various treasures has reached an unparalleled level. However, Xiang Yang is willing to Giving her a sacred gourd to her made her heart touched. At that time, she thought about it, as long as she returned to the soul family and saw her father returning, she went to Xiangyang again.

Who ever thought, when I saw you, Xiang Yang actually saved her again.

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